Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 421: Soul Evil

Chapter 10: Ancient Soul Evil

Li Xing had long known that there were people hiding nearby. He searched with divine spirit and immediately knew the identity of the other party. She was just a little girl and was very frightened.

A "Sosso" sounded in the bushes, and a seven- or eight-year-old girl emerged from it. The girl's appearance should be very beautiful, but because the little face was covered with dirt, her hair was messy like weeds, her clothes were tattered and dirty, and she was free from a little beggar.

The little girl's eyes were full of vigilance. However, when she glanced at the beast eating on the ground, she could not help but swallow.

Seeing that she wasn't talking, Li Xing wouldn't ask. He smiled mildly and tore off a boar's hind leg, handed it to her, and said, "Eat."

The little girl looked at Li Xing for a long time and seemed to be sure that there was no danger. Then she carefully walked over, grabbed the barbecue, and turned and ran.

Li Xing shook his head and sat down to eat slowly. The dagger in his hand cut the meat into pieces and put them in his mouth. However, his speed of eating meat was obviously not as fast as that little beast. After a while, the small things had eaten the barbecue, and Li Xing was stunned.

Looking at its cute and ridiculous look, Li Xing rolled his eyes: "Beasts can't be so greedy. Do you know how much that pig leg is worth? At least ten dollars, want to eat, take the money first!"

The beast jumped to the left, to the right, and screamed "", turning Li Xing. After the little guy had teased enough, he "haha" smiled, and threw half the roasted meat and gave it all to eat.

The beast almost fainted with happiness, plunged into the pile of meat, and ate it beautifully.

Li Xing just ate a little bit, and to the point where he could wait, he could not eat or drink anymore. He usually only took the elixir to absorb the heaven and earth reiki. Roasted pork today is nothing more than a tussle.

The little beast was almost eating, his belly was swollen, but he kept talking.

At this time, the other party suddenly came to three teenagers. These teenagers, all of whom are only eleven or twelve years old, wear sackcloth, have sharp eyes, and look cold, but they are not like simple teenagers at all.

They immediately saw Li Xing, and they all piled up smiling faces. A young boy asked, "Brother, how do you run into the mountains, where are you from?"

Li Xing laughed: "Little brother, how did you come here? I'm a mountain dweller nearby. I'm here to gather ginseng in the mountains."

Before entering the Eternal Mountains, he had changed into a linen dress, and after converging, he looked like a villager.

The teenagers looked at each other and sat around Li Xing intimately. You questioned me sentence by sentence. In the meantime, he asked if he had seen a little girl. At the age of seven or eight, Li Xing said he didn't know.

When the three teenagers were about to leave, it seemed that Li Xing accidentally dropped the dagger in his arms. This dagger is a third-order weapon, made of black gold, and has sharp edges.

The eyes of the three teenagers flashed, and one person said, "Brother, your dagger is so beautiful. Can you play with me?"

Li Xingdao: "Of course you can." I handed it over.

"Brother, where did you buy this dagger?" The boy asked while playing.

"Oh, I picked it up when I was a kid, and use it to cut meat, which is very easy to use." Li Xing said with a smile.

The three teenagers winked at each other, and the dagger smiled and said, "Big brother is very lucky, he picked such a good thing." He came over and seemed to pass the dagger to Li Xing.

Just when Li Xing reached out his hand, the dagger suddenly accelerated, piercing his neck straight away, at an extremely fast speed.


The sharp dagger stabbed Li Xing's neck, but a string of Mars emerged, the young man's arms trembled, and his bottom fell to the ground. The three teenagers were taken aback. The other two teenagers were shocked first, and then rushed towards Li Xing at the same time.

Li Xing was sitting, and when he was still, he saw the two boys kicking three legs and punching three fists, and at the same time stabbed a poisonous needle and a dagger at him.

Of course, these attacks did not cause any harm to him at all, and at most one spark was splattered.


In the end, the three teenagers were all numb with shock and fell to the ground. Looking at Li Xing, they were all stupid. How could he not kill him? You know, since they were four years old, they have been trained to kill, and all of them are experts in killing.

Li Xing's face sank, and he said coldly, "Young, hard-hearted, who are you?" Suddenly, a terrifying breath was released from him, like a mountain and a sea, heavy and boundless.

The teenagers were so scared that their faces were pale, knowing that they met the legendary master.

At this moment, in the bush, the little girl came out. She stared at the three teenagers with eyes full of hatred, and said to Li Xing, "Big brother, they are all ancient Ninja people. They came to kill me."

The little girl observed that Li Xing didn't even hurt the lowest raccoon in the forest, so her vigilance decreased. Just now, I saw him incompetent again, and immediately knew his power, so he came out.

Li Xing was so glad he asked, "Little sister, why are they killing you?"

"My father was killed by accident in a mission. The father of these three people killed my mother and snatched all the property. At the time of the incident, my mother hid me and escaped. However, these No one will let me go, these three people are here to kill me. "

Li Xing nodded and looked at the three boys, coldly: "You killed me just now, did you get greedy after seeing the dagger? Huh, surely his father must have his son!" He waved his hand, and suddenly, A warm current flows through the three teenagers.

All three teenagers suddenly felt drunk and soft. Their meridians had been destroyed by Li Xing, and they could not cultivate in this life.

Frightened and terrified, they pointed at the little girl and called, "She's not ..."

The little girl suddenly stepped forward and kicked a few kicks, all kicked on the heads of these people. The three teenagers immediately passed out and fainted. She hated and said, "Of course I am not dead!" ,thank you."

Li Xing smiled and took the opportunity to ask the little girl about the ancient Ninja. The little girl knows a lot and has to answer questions.

The little girl's name is Xiao Ling. Xiao Ling is obviously a clever child. She knows everything, so that Li Xing knows more about the ancient Ninja.

After asking, Li Xing thought to himself, "According to Xiaoling, there are not many masters in the ancient Ninja clan. I will go and explore tonight." Thinking of this, he said to Xiaoling, "Tonight, I will take you How about a trip among the Hui people? "

Xiao Ling nodded and blinked and asked, "Okay, what is your brother going to do? Revenge Xiao Ling?"

Li Xing smiled: "Look at it."

It looked dark when the sky looked, Li Xing picked up Xiao Ling and rushed to the ancient Ninja. Soon after he left, the three unconscious boys suddenly banged and turned into pieces of flesh.

Thirty miles away, the body of a seven- or eight-year-old girl was being torn by a wolf pack, and soon even her bones were eaten, leaving only a pool of blood.

The place where the ancient Ninjas lived was not on the ground, but on the ground, which was very secretive. Without Xiaoling, Li Xing would not have found it. This is a huge cave in the belly of the mountain. After a hundred meters of depth, a stone road appears and goes down.

The stone road is very long, and there are people coming and going there. These people are mostly practicing qi, and occasionally there are gods. However, Li Xing exerted no shadow tricks, these people could not see him at all.

At the end of the road, there is an archway. The torii is carved from black jade, with two savage gods carved on it. After the archway, an underground city appeared.

This city is a hundred miles away, and there are all kinds of buildings everywhere, similar in form to the cities on the ground. The stone wall, a hundred meters high, was inlaid with many bright beads, like small suns, shining below the day-like ground.

"Xiao Ling, what morning does your clan live in?" Li Xing asked. If he wanted to subdue the ancient Ninja clan, he must first find the clan leader.

"The patriarch lives on the tallest tower." Xiao Ling pointed forward, and sure enough, there was a nine-story tower with a bright pearl on the top, which radiated light.

Li Xing nodded, and walked near the tower, ready to enter. Suddenly, he felt a numbness in his chest, and at the same time a strong and violent charge rushed into his body. At the same time, Wan Daoguang exploded in his arms and stabbed him .

"Ding Ding Ding!"

Mars splattered, and actually broke Li Xing's body suffocation and cut the skin. It was Xiao Ling who shot it, and when he shot it, he retreated and flew into the air.

At the same time, Xiaoling screamed and stunned the whole city. There were dozens of rayes of light rushing around and surrounding Li Xing. Li Xing looked and found that among these, there were five **** babies, a true master.

"Poison spider, is such a small figure worthy of shocking all of us?" The Nine Divine Man was dissatisfied with authenticity and looked at Li Xing with disdain.

Xiaoling has become a poison spider, she "giggled" with a smile ~ www.readwn.com ~ Laughter: "This person is different from others. He has practiced a great skill and is inaccessible. Therefore, I deliberately set up a plan Before approaching him. "

Ichiren laughed: "Poison spiders, when others look at you at the age of seven or eight, how do you know that you have lived for more than a hundred years? Naturally, you will not be wary, no wonder you succeed every time."

The poisonous spider was proud, and said, "This person has been asking about my clan secrets, he must have made a plan, and hand him over to the clan head."

Li Xing was sitting on the ground at this moment, resisting the powerful poison in his body. The poisonous spider posing as Xiaoling put "Soul-Eating Ancient Poison" on him. This kind of poison is very powerful even if the mage touches it.

Suddenly, he chanted the mantra, and the heavenly poison spell in his body shook, and all the poison was poured into it. The addition of Soul Evil and Ancient Poison makes this charm even more brilliant.

At the same time, Chiyang Reiki quickly repaired the wound on his body. In just a few moments, Li Xing resumed as before. However, he still pretended to be poisoned, sitting on the floor with a pained expression.

"Okay, I'll take him to see the patriarch." A seven-man **** man reached out and grabbed a great divine skill, which was suppressed by infinite power and kept shaking, and Li Xing was wounded.

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