Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 422: Tolerance Tower. Martial Evolution

Chapter 11: Tower of Tolerance. Martial Evolution

At this moment, Li Xing moved, and his right palm turned upside down, slamming out, with chaotic will and supreme fierce power.

In the loud noise, the seven heavy gods were directly vomited by Zhenfei, and the other gods roared and besieged. But at this moment, Li Xing's body suddenly disappeared, he performed invisible killing, lurking.

"Not good! This person's lurking technique is very clever, everyone is careful!" Poisonous spider said sharply, she did not understand why Li Xing was not controlled by ancient poison.

After Li Xing was lurking, he secretly called for good danger. If he hadn't practiced the Tiandu desperate spell, he would have to be controlled by poison and suffer a big loss. Fortunately, the spell was devouring poisonous power. This time he not only lost money, but also got a cheap price, which improved the power of the spell.

The Heavenly Poison Spell is one of the seventy-two voodoo spells recorded in the Eight Spells of the Great Mang. Its power is extraordinary. Now it is being cast by Li Xing.

Lost the trail of Li Xing, all the gods and men were shocked. They were all experts in assassinations, and at first glance, Li Xing's hidden method was very subtle.

"Five Elements God!"

In succession, there were several gods and men who also performed puppetry and played hide-and-seek with Li Xing. Once these people are reclusive, they are also silent. The Five Elements Deity is also a great divine magic, and its power is extraordinary.

Everyone was in a state of horror, for fear that Li Xing would take a shot, but he didn't know that he had already left the scene and rushed into the tower. This tower was the forbidden area of ​​the ancient Ninja tribe. After entering, although Li Xing had performed martial arts, once he entered it, the ban was immediately triggered.


The fire in the tower burst into flames, and Li Xing entered an extremely dark space, cold and chilly, damp and sullen, wondering where he was.

The gods and men outside were shocked and shouted, "That man entered the Tower of Tolerance!"

"Huh! The Tower of Tolerance is a magic weapon made by the ancestors in the past. It is used to test the realm of forbearance of future generations. It is very dangerous. This person, who knows nothing about life and death, breaks in, and must be banned and killed in the tower!"

"Yes, our patriarch only reached the fifth tower, and the sixth one did not dare to enter. This person entered, and at most he reached the third, and he didn't know how to come out. He was naturally dead."

The poisonous spider glanced at the Tower of Tolerance, with awe in its eyes, and said, "To be able to pass the Tower of Tolerance Tower first is to stand up. The first three floors of the tower are forbearance and the middle three floors are forbearance. The last three layers of the state are too much forbearance. Under the ancestors, the descendants of the past generations can only reach the sixth level of law and tolerance, and cannot break through to the too much tolerance. "

"Anyway, this person is dead, let's get rid of it." The unity of humanity, everyone really dispersed, no one cares about Li Xing.

As soon as he entered the tower, Li Xing knew it was not good.

There was darkness all around, no sound, no light, only hidden murderous power.

"Master, what is this space?" Li Xing asked.

Emperor Tianxie: "You have been drawn into the ban. If you want to go out, you must break the ban. Just now I remembered for the teacher. Before me, there was a man who had too much tolerance for making a law. The device, named Tai Ni Tower, is about this thing. "

"How is the tolerance of Master too much Master?" Li Xing asked.

"He is nothing but Fatian Liuzhong, how to compare with the teacher." Tianxie disdainfully said, "If he saw me then, he must kneel and scratch his head."

Li Xing smiled "Hey," and said, "Few Masters are naturally within reach."

"Let's shoot the horse less. In this tower of forbearance, there seem to be three realms of Shangren, Tianren and Tolerance. Depending on your cultivation, you can impact Tianren and just use it to enhance your strength."

Li Xing: "Master, how do you go out in the end?"

"Easy, if you practice too much tolerance, you can go out immediately." Tianxiedao said, "This tower is too bearable. The value is the realm. As long as your realm is reached, you can control it."

"Too much tolerance, what is the realm?" Li Xing had no idea, and continued to ask.

"You'll know when that happens." Tianxie Emperor closed his mouth and stopped speaking.

Li Xing had to bite his head and try to fly forward. It ’s okay not to fly. As soon as he moved, countless forces hit him. It seemed that darkness had condensed into a warrior and kept attacking him.

As a great master of martial arts, Li saw the tricks, and was very skillful. After hitting more than 3,000 moves, I heard a loud "bang" in my ears. More people hit them, and the tricks were more subtle.

Li Xing had to perform his instant fist to fight fast, but still didn't feel strenuous.

"This is the second place for Tai Ni Tower," said Tian Xie, "you are already a junior Shang Ni."

Li Xing devoted himself to tearing down the move, unknowingly, and it was more than 3,000.


More mysterious moves were sent around, and each one was tricky, weird, dangerous, murderous, and shot from an impossible angle, appearing in unexpected ways.

As a result, Li Xing, a martial arts master, was also struggling, his fists and feet were a little busy, but he was able to persist. Around it, there seemed to be 10,000 punches and 10,000 legs, constantly fighting.

After a while, Li Xing's magical fist, and when the sky collapsed, he exerted all his strengths, barely supported, and shouted, "Master, it seems that this is not easy to endure! Is it even harder to endure that day?"

"The meaning of upper forbearance is for the upper tolerance, which can be done by others, although it is difficult, it is easy. Tian Ren is using the power of heaven and earth and the power of all things for its use. Overriding the laws of heaven and earth is a very realm. "Tian Xie explained to Li Xing.

Finally, more than three thousand strokes were made, and then a sound came out, and there was a bright light in front of him. Ten big mountains appeared around Li Xing and surrounded him. These mountains, all thousands of meters high, are plugged straight into the sky and are imposing.

"This should be the fourth floor of the Tower of Tolerance. What kind of fame is it?" Li Xing laughed.

As soon as he spoke, the ten peaks suddenly released infinite power and suppressed it severely. The strength of the ten mountains, even the weak mages, were to be suppressed. Li Xing couldn't move immediately, and was surprised.

"The power of the ten mountains has suppressed you. If you want to break away, you must know how to use external forces."

Li Xing exerted his magical powers and inspired the power of the mountains to restrain each other. He will use the great divine magic that leads to the evolution of magical powers to return to the ancestors to the extreme. Hearing only the loud sound of "Boom Boom", ten mountain forces collided with each other, and Li Xing jumped out of it.

"La Rumble!"

The ten mountains suddenly grew taller, and the power they gave out had a weird flavor, uncertain and heavy, and they were suppressed towards Li Xing.

In this way, Li Xing's universal flow of ancestral divine magic could not contain these forces. He was crushed to "giggle" and seemed to be crushed into meat at any time.

"This is the fifth point of the Tower of Tolerance." Tianxiedao, "After this level, you are intermediate Tianren."

Under the tremendous pressure, Li Xing fully supported and sensed the momentum of the mountain. The position, angle, and strength information of these forces were captured by Zhenwu Shen Zhen, and then calculated and operated with Armillary Sphere.

All this was synchronized with Li Xing's movements, and he yelled, "Everything will not touch you!"

Immediately afterwards, all the repressive forces collided with each other, offsetting him, and he escaped twice. Zhen Wu Shen Zhen and Armillary Sphere calculated the magnitude and orientation of the force field, which immediately allowed Li Xing to accurately grasp these weird and erratic forces to control the force.

There was another loud noise, and the ten mountains once again grew taller, and their power was strengthened thousands of times. This time, the ten giant peaks were directly suppressed, and the attacks launched were simple and rude. It is the so-called one to drop ten sessions, which seems to be unbreakable.

Li Xing finally felt the danger. This attack, even the mage, would be shot dead, and he would never take it!

At the moment of life and death, his state of mind is extremely clear, Zhenwu Shen Zhen and Armillary Sphere constantly calculate.

"Void is invisible!"

At the moment of great strength and body, Li Xing was running Void Martial Arts, and the whole person was illusory, protected from external forces. The immense power of the ten mountains hit the air, and Li Xing was unscathed.

Infinite strength, the Quartet suppresses, the space is constantly squeezed, and black cracks appear.

During this period, Li Xing had a thorough understanding of force. The essence of world operation is power! Ordinary people have brute power, strong men have blood power, national men have real power, divine people have divine power, and mages also have mana!

Even in the midst of it, there was the power of heaven descending. Force is the essence of everything.

At this moment, Li Xing tried to use his own power to contact, guide, and control this terror force.


As soon as he touched, he was spit out of blood and became numb. However, he did not give up, contacted and guided again and again. The power from the ten mountains, like ten dragons, galloping freely and uncontrollably.

Gradually, Li Xing entered a realm. In his eyes, there is a strong connection between everything in the world. What he has to do now is to control these forces and become the master of all forces!

I don't know how long it has passed, Li Xing has been able to draw some of its power for its use. This power was introduced into his body and injected into the array of gods. In an instant, the power was transformed, and Shen Zhen and Armillary Sphere went crazy, letting him understand the power ~ www.readwn.com ~ and deepen.

In this way, more and more power was introduced into the array of God, and he also controlled more and more of my power. He didn't know that this kind of power for controlling the heavens and the earth, which was used for it, was simply a means of mages.

Finally, when the power was strong enough, Zhen Wu Shen Zhen burst into a blast, and Hun Tianyi insisted for a while, and then exploded. The two mysterious breaths were finally fused together under the blessing of external forces.

Strands of mysterious mystery, condensed into larger stars, like a brilliant starry sky. These stars represent the inanimate martial arts, the instant martial arts, the torn martial arts, the sky collapse martial arts, the void martial arts, the extinct martial arts, and the solidified martial arts, respectively.

Each martial art condenses a star. Around the star, there is a brilliance, just like asteroids. They represent the great divinity, witchcraft, and power training practiced by Li Xing.

Zhen Wu Shen Zhen, turned into a starry sky, at the core position, there is a chaotic nebula, extremely mysterious, it represents Li Xing's core martial arts, chaotic martial arts! It is like a king who rules everything.

Emperor Tianxie "haha" laughed: "Okay! Very good! Your true martial arts finally improved, and it is your true martial arts array!"

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