Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 425: Hate the King

Chapter 14: Hate Heavenly Poison King

Finally arrived at the poisonous pool, the poisonous pool, a radius of ten miles, the pool water is five-colored, covered with a layer of colorful poisonous smoke, as if solidified, motionless. The land around the pond has turned gray-black and pungent.

"So strong poisonous gas!" In shock, Li Xing immediately urged witchcraft and swept the sky. Suddenly, with him as the center, within ten miles of the circle, all the poison was attracted.

Including the poisonous pool, a large number of colorful lights were thrown in one after another. The rolling black light was getting thicker and thicker, and the heavenly poison spell was shining.

Among the poisonous ponds, all poisonous fish, poisonous frogs, and poisonous snakes rolled over, forcibly extracted their poison, and then died of anger.

The virulence was hauled and absorbed in large quantities. The master of the poison pool was immediately shocked, and with a roar, it was uploaded from an island in the middle of the pool. The island is ten acres square, several houses have been built, and numerous poisonous grasses and poisonous fruits have been planted.

The poisonous weeds and poisonous fruits are also extracted for their virulence, and quickly wither and ash.

A strong light of God rushed out of the room into the sky and turned into a long-faced man, forty years old, wearing a five-colored down jacket. This feather coat, which is also highly toxic, is composed of five kinds of innocent agglomerates.

The man with a long face was the hater of the King of Heavenly Poison. He stared at Li Xing angrily and yelled, "Bold rats, dare to steal my poison!"

Li Xing continued to urge witchcraft, devouring madly, and laughed: "I hate the King of Poison, I am here to catch you. Do you choose to commit it obediently, or do you choose to be killed?"

The poison king was furious: "Good breath, you think that if you learn this way to reduce poison, you can threaten me? Ignorance!" With a big wave of his hand, a dragon yin came from the poisonous pool.

I saw the lake tumbling violently, emitting a strange light of five colors from it. That strange light condenses into a poisonous dragon in the air. This poisonous dragon was originally a true dragon, which was later collected by the King of Hate, and turned into a poisonous dragon with amazing power.

As soon as the poisonous dragon emerged, he rushed towards Li Xing, but before he arrived, a blast of poisonous gas came first. The poisonous gas appeared in five colors and swept across the sky.

Li Xing gave a cold hum and urged witchcraft, and the black light of Heavenly Poison greeted with a cry, instantly swallowing Wu Ran's poisonous gas to strengthen his power. Immediately, he was wrapped in a poisonous dragon.

The poisonous dragon seemed to meet the nemesis, roaring again and again, and the poisonous gas on his body was continuously stripped out, becoming the nourishment of the poisonous light of heaven, making this poisonous light more powerful.

The King of Venom is finally surprised. He is a poisonous man. He is unique in his ability to poison and refine poisons, and even when he does poison, he also suffers. However, the man in front of me, who did not know what magical techniques he had performed, could devour his poison.

The poisonous dragon was made after he had been raised for a hundred years. He spit out a poisonous gas and could easily poison the top ten gods, but he was controlled at once.

The poisonous dragon screamed three times, and all the poisonous power in the body was extracted by Li Xing, becoming the power to strengthen the light of heavenly poison. In the poisonous light, all runes became clearer.

"Who the **** are you?" The King of Venom asked angrily, and he felt that the situation was not good today.

"Kill yours," Li Xing said, "immediately surrender, or die."

Hate Tiandu Wang Yangtian laughed loudly: "I don't know the kid who is high in the earth, and you are a quadruple god, even if you don't use poison, I can kill you!"

Practicing God is ninefold and condensing the true form. His blow is extraordinary. A colorful brilliance hit the mountain and destroyed it.

Li Xing protected the body of the light of the poison of the sky, and then waved his fist to greet him, chanting: "Chaos God Fist, burst!"

The power of this punch was indescribable, and a shocking force came out. Hate the true form of the King of Heavenly Poisons, was directly dissipated, and gave a muffled hum. When he was repulsed, he raised his hand and shot a poisonous light.

When the poisonous light came into contact with the poisonous light of heaven, it did not flinch, and the poisonous light of light could not absorb him.

Li Xing was shocked. How could this poisonous light be so powerful? Immediately disappeared, the next moment, appearing behind the King of Venom, Yuan Shen wrapped it directly and strangled it with all his strength.

Hate the King of Heavenly Drugs, startled, roared loudly, resisted with all his strength, and shocked Li Xingyuan. Unfortunately, he still couldn't escape the fate of refining, and was finally restrained tightly.

The light of Heavenly Poison, in cooperation with God Li Xingyuan, controlled the King of Hateful Heavenly Poison, he yelled, "Poison King, leave your self-cultivation!"

Under the operation of Zhenwu Heavenly Array, the magical techniques, exercises, and original forces in the King of Heavenly Poisonous King were continuously extracted and turned into the power of Zhenwu Heavenly Array.

The venomous King of Heavenly Poison is screaming again and again, continuously releasing poisonous magical arts and playing boxing and martial arts, but they can't help Li Xing. Finally, his strength gradually weakened, his internal strength was emptied, and his virulence was evacuated by the light of heavenly poison, leaving only one body.

Finally, his body exploded, and an ancient text floated out, which was a "poisonous" character. After that, after collecting a space weapon on his body, the remaining impurities of the refining, together with a touch of the spirits who hated the King of Heavenly Poison, were thrown out like garbage.

"No wonder his poisonous technique is so amazing that he got the word" poison "." Li Xing was surprised.

After killing the poison king, Li Xing immediately returned. He was facing Yun Hanshan head-on. He watched the two men fight from a distance. Seeing Li Xing's three or five moves, he killed the poison king.

"Master Lord is infinitely powerful!" He couldn't help but praise and worshiped.

Li Xingdao: "In the Hui nationality, I want to practice a magic skill."

Hate the King of Heavenly Poison. He is a figure practicing nine gods. The poison of his body was absorbed by Li Xing. Now he can practice that great divinity and great poison. Moreover, with the ancient word "poison", the power is multiplied.

After Li Xing returned triumphantly, the Manchus congratulated and ran to tell each other. People were even more impressed by the Ninja Lord. Some people who were not convinced also became convinced.

After choosing a quiet courtyard, Li Xing practiced with peace of mind. The divine seed that was made with the poisonous womb was taken out by him and placed in the Zhenwu sky array.

The sky array relies on the power it has just drawn to run frantically and infer various changes. The word "poison" in ancient times, the seed of divine magic, and the scourge of heavenly poison, were deduced together.

Three days later, a Heavenly Order of Gong exercises was introduced, and then a powerful magical technique, the Great Poisonous Technique, was derived. The great poisonous technique turned into a very bright brilliance, wrapped in a word of "poison", running between the martial arts.

At this point, Li Xing has learned a great magic.

He hated the King of Sky Poison. He originally practiced eight kinds of poisonous great divine magic and more than twenty kinds of poisonous small divine magic. As a result, Li Xing was integrated into this great poisonous technique. This great poisonous technique is a trivial matter. It integrates the heads of various families and is extremely poisonous.

In particular, there is the poisonous word with blessing power. Once the show is displayed, even the mage can poison it. Of course, the premise is that the mage does not run away, and there is no counterattack. Otherwise, Li Xing cannot be a mage opponent.

The big poisonous poison is not only powerful, but also possesses the characteristics of the Tiandu desperate curse. It can absorb the poison and strengthen itself. Therefore, this big poisonous technique can be said that it is a variant thing like King Kong's not bad magic, and it is extremely powerful.

When the big poisonous technique was 10%, Li Xing screamed, his spirits were flying, and he immediately went to find the second enemy, Heifengling Lord.

Heifeng Ridge is a mountain that is several kilometers high. There are numerous caves built on the mountain. The master of Heifengmen is the master of Heifengling.

Heifengmen has eight hundred disciples, all of whom are cultivators above the state level. Among them, there are six gods and men who are the disciples of Heifengling. Among the six gods, one was trained in the eighth order, and the rest were in the order of one to five.

Li Xing led Yunhan Mountain to Heifeng Ridge, and in two words, he directly performed the newly developed great poisonous technique. Suddenly, the poisonous light tumbled and landed all over the sky, covering the entire mountain.

Lord Heifengling, riding on a woman who had just come from afar, the woman was tortured into a coma, and after a moment she lost her breath. Heifengling called out, and was about to send someone to catch a woman for fun.

Suddenly, a scream came from outside, and then a large poisonous mist of poisonous light rushed into the cave. He was taken aback, screamed, the power of the madness drove the poisonous light, and it rose into the sky.

The rest of the disciples have been ravaged, one by one being poisoned instantly, none of them have been spared. Even the six god-men were desperately resisting, and could not move without being able to move.

The Lord of Heifengling, soaring into the sky, saw Li Xing who was performing the magic at a glance, and said angrily, "Who are you? Stop me!" He raised his hand and shot a white light, extremely sharp, and beheaded Li Xing.

Li Xing knew early on that he had a desperate flying knife, so he put on a self-defense clothing in advance to defend himself.

That white light was a desperate flying knife. Once this knife came out, there was an immediate killing, locking Li Xing. The flying light was so fast, the flash of thought came, and "Ding" ran into Li Xing. However, Daoguang was bounced away by the **** light from the not bad Tianyi.

The master of Heishanling was taken aback. His desperate flying sword was a sacred object, and he never missed it. How could he not kill this person? What is the weapon on his body?

This is not bad, and Li Xing has broken through six nodes ~ www.readwn.com ~ the defense force is extremely powerful. However, even so, he still felt a shock in his body.

"This flying knife is powerful! If he is constantly beheaded and killed, Tianyi may not be able to stop it, kill this person first and then say!" Li Xing stepped out and grabbed his hands.

The master of Heishanling is the strongest man who practiced God. Seeing Li Xing grabbed it, he snorted coldly and shook him in the palm of his hand. The forces of the two sides collided together. In the loud noise, Li Xing remained motionless, while the host of Heishanling stepped back and forth in shock.

"Desperate flying sword, serial beheading!" He roared, urged with all his strength, and Baiguang "Sisi" blasted over and kept strangling Li Xing.

It ’s not bad, it emits a strong light, resists with all its strength, and Li Xing is shaken with pain. He stared at him and yelled, "This flying knife, you won't show it at all, just give it to me!"

The palms of the hand moved towards the air, and the poisonous light of the sky shrank into a spear of poisonous light, which was as thick as an arm, and stabbed with a stab.

The master of Heifengling knows that he is terrible. He shook his body and turned into a phosgene. At this moment, the poison spear suddenly turned into a huge net of light, all of a sudden came over and wrapped the Lord of Heifengling in it.

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