Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 426: Slay the Black Wind.

Chapter 15: Kill Black Wind. Loot Origin

Lord Heifengling, urged Daoguang, severely chopped, and shouted, "Just because you want to catch me? Broken!"

With a bang, the light net was cut by Daoguang into a big opening, and Heifengling broke out. Although this great poisonous technique is powerful, it cannot easily break through the body gas of the tenfold gods.

Seeing that he couldn't help each other, Li Xing suddenly put away the big poison, and the world suddenly refreshed. He sneered: "It's not difficult to catch you alive!" The extermination knife was in his hand, and he did not use the magic to directly kill the past .

His divine power is close to one hundred thousand Beijing, and he has all the power to destroy the mountains and rivers. This sword is cut out, and the ghost calls the god. Moreover, the cultivation in the Tower of Tolerance allowed him to understand the essence of power and to complete the Zhenwu Heavenly Array. This sword contains chaos and true power, which is extremely powerful.


The knife light is extremely fast, even one point faster than the perfect flying sword; the power is also great, and it can cut off the mountains. The power in the knife is unpredictable, without phase, without trace, and difficult to escape.

Lord Heifengling, who has fought with people countless times in his life, has never been more boring than today. Li Xing's strength, martial arts, and magic were all superior to him, holding him down. The desperate flying knife, which was originally regarded as a dependency, was also restrained by not bad clothes.

At this time, he had no advantage and was chased by Li Xing.

"Flying Sword Guard!"

This sword containing chaotic will, the Lord of Heifengling could not avoid it, roared and called the flying sword to protect himself. I saw a flash of knife light, and this ray of knife light collided with Li Xing's extinct knife.

The two are sacred objects, sharp and sharp; the first is the ancient sword, which is murderous. When the two meet, they will meet good talents, and it is difficult to win. Daoguang strangled one place, inextricably linked.

Below, the six gods and men also recovered their freedom after the big poisonous art dissipated, and they had to step forward to help out. However, after seeing Li Xing's bravery, he was shocked, knowing that even if he rushed up, he was stunned.

"Exercising God is tenfold and free, even if there is no desperate flying sword, it is not easy to cut and kill this person, but he can only take it intelligently." Tianxie Emperor stood by and looked at the score, said at this time.

Li Xing said: "This flying knife is so powerful, it can only be used for dangerous moves!" His thoughts flew, and he suddenly shook the good clothing. Suddenly, the clothing turned into a mass of light net that day, enveloped it, and wrapped it all at once. Life flying knife.

Both are holy relics, extraordinary, and they can't hold on to each other, turning into a miracle of light, constantly tumbling and changing, regardless of victory or defeat.

In this way, neither the bad clothes nor the desperate flying sword can be separated. Neither Li Xing nor Heifengling was dependent.

Heifengling's eyes brightened, and his heart said that the kid was dying! Without the clothes to protect you, seeing me punch you and you! He was overjoyed, Li Xiao screamed, his whole body changed, condensed into a flying knife, only three inches long, and he uttered a slap and slashed to Li Xing.

Practicing God is ninefold, condensing the true form, being able to gather to form, and scattered to form qi, which is very wonderful. The training of the gods is tenfold, the true form is complete, condensing all the divine power into the divine forbidden, so that the magical changes can be light, fog, no fire, water, swords, halberds, omnipotence.

The so-called divine forbiddenness is the most fundamental power of the god-man, also called the god-man source. Before the tenfold god-man, mankind could not reveal the origin, only after the tenfold god-man had this ability.

As soon as the origin comes out, the strength soars, and can further understand the laws of heaven and earth.

Therefore, the tenfold god-man is qualified to be called "deified" and is a true god-man. The meaning of the god-man refers to the person who is capable of magical change; the origin of the word deified in the deified meridian is also here.

At this moment, the true form of Lord Heifengling was transformed into a flying knife, and the tenfold god-man finally showed an extraordinary thing.

The flying knife came out of the air and was so murderous that Li Xing didn't dare to touch it. He fluttered and disappeared. Wuyingyushu, the mystery is very, suddenly get rid of the lock of the main **** of Heifengling.

The sword flashed and was set in the air, searching for Li Xing.

"Come out to die!" Heifengling roared, and Li Xing poisoned all of his disciples with that venomous trick. This was the strength he had saved for hundreds of years, and it was wiped out.

"I'm here, look up!" Li Xing's voice rang above.

The flying knife suddenly turned around and beheaded. However, I don't know when it will appear above. As soon as this tower came out, the infinite might suppressed it, and the flying knife that beheaded and killed immediately solidified.

"Tower of Tolerance, suppress me!" Li Xing Li stood on top of the tower and sang loudly.

Heifengling was shocked and screamed, "Impossible! How can you have magic weapon? Burning true form, full force!" He knew that at the moment of life and death, if he did not escape in time, he would be killed here.

Therefore, he did not hesitate to burn his true form, unlocked his full potential, and tried to escape from this place.


Unfortunately, the power of the magic weapon is not something that the god-man can resist. Without giving him a chance to erupt, he suppressed it instantly. Where the towering force shrouded, everything was imprisoned.

"I don't agree! You have received the magic weapon, we will fight again!"

The Lord of Heifengling recovered his human form and continued to struggle, but to no avail, he was locked dead, then his body was pulled into a thin line, pulled into the tower, and suppressed.

"Master Heifengling, you kill my ancient Ninja **** man, and you should die for it. I will give you to the tribe to deal with it!" Li Xing called him, yelled at him, and ignored it. Yi together with the desperate flying knife was included in the bag.

At the same time, the six god-men who watched from afar watched the doorkeeper and were about to run away. While they were flying in the light of God, Yun Hanshan suddenly appeared. He was also a tenfold **** man. With all his efforts, the divine power directly covered six people, and none could escape.

At first sight, Li Xing raised the extermination knife and rushed into it. How are these gods and men their opponents? Three or two times, he was beheaded and killed, and a large number of magical powers and exercises were all absorbed by Li Xingzhen Wutian array.

"It's all golden-level magic, it's useless to keep it, it's better to use it to run the sky array." Li Xing trembled.

There are eighteen types of small magic in the six gods and humans, three of which are jade-step small magic, which were collected by Li Xing. The remaining fifteen types of divine magic were transformed into fifteen glorious glories, shattered by the chaotic power, and then shattered into pure source power, which was used as the driving force for calculation.

Almost in a blink of an eye, three types of jade-step magical arts, together with their original techniques, were performed by Li Xing.

"Well, it's no wonder that these gods and men are inferior, they only have two or three little magic skills, and they are still gold-ranked. They are completely vulnerable." Li Xing shook his head. Little magic? "

Divine people at the same level are also divided into three, six, and nine. This is the same reason that ordinary people have a distinction between rich and poor. Among ordinary people, there are people with wealth, slaves in groups, and others who are too poor to eat and starve to the street. This is the gap.

For example, Li Xing, although practicing the quadruple of the gods, can kill other quadruples, and is not afraid of the field even against the ten-fold gods.

After catching the black wind and beheading the other gods and men, Yun Hanshan admired him very much, thinking that he had made the right decision to let Li Xing take the lead.

Triumph twice, everyone was happy. Li Xing knew that at this time it was a good opportunity to buy people's hearts, so he convened the clan and released the tower of wind too forbearance in front of everyone. I saw a cone-shaped brilliance emitted from the bottom of the tower. Among the brilliance, the master of the Heishan Ridge curled up and kept cursing.

"Let me go, you little beast! I want to break you to pieces!"

Li Xing yelled, "Master Heifengling, dare to offend my ancient Ninja tribe. Sin should be dead, you die!"

Suddenly, Taguang continued to hang, the Lord of Heifengling made a scream, the real body, the divine cohesion formed by hard work, was stripped off one by one, and then separated into the source of power. Every time a real shape is drawn, it is as painful and unbearable as cutting a heart.

When all the forbidden spirits were drawn clean, the Lord of the Black Wind Ridge would also die.

After more than a dozen breaths, the **** forbidden in the true form has been drawn nearly half, and the Lord of Heifengling was finally scared and shouted, "Do n’t kill me, I want to be a slave, don't kill me! I am training two One hundred years, it ’s not easy to practice, forgive me! "

He asked for forgiveness, and the ancient Ninjas were happy and screamed, "Master Lord, don't be soft-hearted, kill this gangster, and avenge blood and hate for my people!"

"Yes, kill him! Then Lord Lord will absorb his original power and become stronger!"

With a wave of Li Xing, everyone was quiet. He said coldly: "Master of the Black Wind Ridge, there is no revenge against the gentleman. You have the cause for the past, and you will get the results today. Don't hate anyone!"

After that, the Tower of Tolerance more quickly extracted his source of God-Man, Heifeng Soul fluttered, roared again and again, began begging for mercy, and then cursed viciously, but Li Xing remained indifferent.

Finally ~ www.readwn.com ~ In a scream, the true form of the Lord of the Black Wind Ridge turned into blue smoke, disappeared from this world, only a touch of the spirits escaped, and the reincarnation was gone.

The black wind was dying with the Tower of Tolerance, and the tribe cheered endlessly. Li Xing grabbed his hands and collected the origin of the god-man in the tower, and he rejoiced in his heart: "The tenfold god-man is really amazing! Seven gods are forbidden, and each of them is equivalent to ten gods! "

Ten gods were banned, and they were quickly put into Zhenwu Tianzhen and deduced quickly. The seven kinds of **** forbidden are changed from seven kinds of jade-step small gods, respectively. Li Xing wants to restore them.

The next time, Li Xing still went back to practice, preparing to sort out the harvest of these two battles. Both the Lord of Heifengling and the Poison King hid things and placed them in the magic weapon.

Li Xing didn't take much notice of the poison king's artifact. It is this master of Heifengling who has lived a long time and has accumulated a lot. Among the artifacts he left, there were eight magic elixirs, and the rest of the Heavenly Order medicine was nine, some magic symbols, and a dozen magic instruments.

These things, in addition to the elixir, Li Xing also looked down on. Only the desperate flying sword, after losing the master's breath, also stopped the fight with the unbreakable sky suit, calmed down, and suspended in Baiyang Jingtian.

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