Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 427: Family relocation

Chapter 16: Family Relocation

Within the sky, Li Xing held the desperate flying knife in his hand, and the flying knife did not resist, let it be played. He input a spirit, and found that, similar to the unbreakable sky clothing, there are many nodes in this flying knife, but none of them get through.

Li Xing gave a snoring sound and couldn't help asking: "Master, your elders have a long history, can you know the origin of these nodes?"

"These nodes are similar to the weather on the human body. After they are connected, the power can run without stagnation. According to rumors, most holy relics have fallen from heaven to heaven and lost their power. These nodes, It is equivalent to one by one restraining, restraining the power of the relic itself. "

Li Xing smiled bitterly: "The master of Heifengling, has never been able to get through the nodes on this flying knife. It seems that it is very difficult to get through this thing!"

"That is nature. It is rumored that if you want to control the heavenly holy things correctly, you must have heavenly power." Quite difficult. "

"If your good clothes are not bad, you can't get through the six nodes if you don't rely on the cultivation of King Kong's good skills." Tianxie said.

Shaking his head, Li Xing put away the desperate flying knife. He has no time to deal with this thing yet, but he put it temporarily. In fact, not only the desperate flying sword, but he also had the **** coffin and the Tianwu figure on hand, which could not be opened at present, and could only be stored until he was able to use that day.

After some reorganization, Li Xing took Yun Hanshan the next day to find the third enemy of the ancient Ninja tribe, the three-eyed demon.

The three-eyed demon lived in a canyon. When the two arrived, they found that the cliff caves on both sides of the canyon had long been gone. I saw the following line carved on the stone wall: "Ancient Ninja, you are ruthless, and you actually killed the poison king and Lingzhu! The gods and heroes don't eat the immediate loss, take a step first, let's calculate the account in the future!"

Seeing this, Yun Hanshan laughed and said, "The Lord Lord is so famous, the three-eyed demon has been scared away!"

There was no smile on Li Xing's face. He knew that the more capable and able-bodied generation, the more difficult it was to deal with it, and sighed, "It's a pity." I wonder if it was a pity that ran away, or it was a pity that he had lost the source of plunder Opportunity.

It turned out that the three-eyed demon knew nothing about the end of Heifengling Lord and the Poison King. He is clear about the strengths of the two above, and is never under him. Both of them were beheaded and killed, and he might not escape justice, so he slipped away and wrote the passage.

At this point, the three major enemies, two died and fled, the ancient Ninja is worth nothing to delay, ready to move the family. In the past few days, they have been preparing for the relocation. They put all the items they used in the space weapon, brought the old and the young, and prepared for the big migration.

The next day, Li Xing ordered sixty-nine gods and men to carry the tribe in batches and move to the fiefdom. These gods and men can carry more than a thousand people on one flight, and sixty-nine people can carry more than 70,000 people on one flight. The relocation can be completed within a few days.

At this point, Li Xing took a step forward, returned to the fiefdom, deployed manpower, and was ready to cope. Flying all the way, less than half a day, flew to the fiefdom of Xin'an County.

Within the Qi Yun faction, there was peace and quiet, and the disciples worked hard to improve their strength, arrange troops and train regularly, and increase their combat effectiveness. Due to the large amount of elixir and sufficient spiritual springs, Qiyun faction has made rapid progress and is constantly strengthening its strength.

As soon as people arrived, Li Xing immediately followed Murong Jiaojiao and Yu Yuxu to prepare for the Gu Ren family. As soon as the two heard, Li Xing actually conquered such a powerful family, both shocked and happy, knowing that since then, Qi Yunpai has finally become stronger and can stand up to the big ones!

The two set out immediately, freeing up their place of residence and welcoming them.

Two days later, the first thousands of ancient Ninjas arrived, Qi Yun sent hundreds of thousands of disciples, all greeted, and lined up in a square array on the square. This battle surprised the newly arrived ancient Ninjas.

Had Li Xing been there to reassure them, I'd be afraid to turn around and leave.

You Yuxu lowered her palm to teach the shelf, politely greeted them, and asked them to enter the prepared place to rest, register, and make appropriate arrangements.

The remaining tribe arrived one after another, and it took seven days for all the ancient Ninjas to arrive at Qiyun. These people were all arranged in the area of ​​five hundred miles to the west of Hou House.

Li Xing sent a large number of artisans, rushed to work day and night, built houses, diversions and wells, paved roads and bridges, and so on.

Everything is proceeding in an orderly way. In this process, Li Xing selected 15 people from 69 ancient Ninja gods and prepared to train them into killer members.

The fifteen gods, seven and eight gods, three each; nine gods and eight six gods. The strength of these fifteen people, with only a little training, is definitely above the **** guard.

You know, all of these fifteen people are Shang Ren, and the ancestral killing methods are professional killers and intelligence personnel.

After selecting fifteen people, Li Xing was not in a hurry to see Bei Chenji. In fact, he did not set up this killer organization for the sake of Bei Chenji. The establishment of a killer organization is also conducive to the future development of the Qi Yun faction.

The ancient Ninja people have been assigned tasks one after another to make them old and supportive. The joining of sixty-nine gods and men suddenly made Qi Yunpai's momentum soaring.

On this day, Li Xing, You Yuxu and others, after discussing the invasion of the prince Zuo Zun, Zhuo Xiaowan came to visit. This woman, who hasn't been seen for more than half a year, has the same style and is more calm.

At this moment, she is already practicing dualism and progressing rapidly.

The old man met again, and Li Xing laughed, "Zhuo Xiaowan, can you adapt here?"

"I'm fine. I am very kind to everyone, and I am very kind to everyone. Thank you for your support." She thanked her sincerely.

Li Xingdao: "You and I have a lot of fate, so it should be to help you. If you need anything in the future, please tell me."

"Yes, Xiaowan thanks a lot." She thought for a moment, and suddenly said, "Vice-taught teacher, Xiaowan has something to ask for."

"You said." Li Xingyu was mild.

"The day before yesterday I got the news that the South China Sea Sword School had been occupied by the Mad Swordsmen. From the top, to the disciples, they have all become slaves. However, some disciples have escaped and wandered. Xiaowan hopes, the deputy teacher You can keep them. "

"Oh? There is such a thing? Crazy Sword Gate is really arrogant. This is also the South China Sword Sect. It is too unwise. I knew that there were wolves beside me, but I didn't plan to wait for him to be enslaved. With a sound, I thought about it and said, "You can lead them to worship the Qiyun faction. If they come, they will never be mistreated."

Zhuo Xiaowan was overjoyed: "Thanks to the deputy director, Xiaowan will contact you now." She left joyfully, but Li Xing was lost in thought.

"This world is getting more and more chaotic, but the more chaotic the better, the chaos, my Qi Yun faction can develop well. The prince Zuo Zun, has ambitions, I must be fully prepared to go, I will go to explore in a few days Check it out! "

After everything stopped, Li Xing quietly sneaked into the fiefdom of Hou Zuozun. At the same time, he revised a book and sent it to Bei Chenji.

The prince Zuo Zun, one of the three princes of the former Tianchen Kingdom, has a high status and has millions of soldiers. However, during the civil strife, the prince did not send soldiers to help, but took the opportunity to annex many surrounding vassals.

At that time, if it was not for Li Xing's fiefdom, which was owned by Tianchen Royal, he would have been engulfed by him. Today, the land is returned to Zhen Wuhou Li Xing, and it seems that the fate of annexation cannot be avoided.

Zuo Zun, a tenth-strength practitioner, has a land area of ​​20,000 miles, four times the size of Li Xing's land, a population of one billion, and a vast land.

There are fifty-one counties in Zuo Zun's land. One of the most prosperous counties, Taihe County, is the most prosperous city in Taihe County. Taihe City, with a population of tens of millions, lives here.

In a huge garden, there are countless high-rise buildings, here is Shenhou Mansion.

In Hou's house, every night sang songs and the lights did not go out.

This night, in a quiet room, a teenager sits on the platform, looks up at the moon, spit out a thin white light from his mouth, and rushes towards the moon. On that white light, a bead was held, round and shiny.

After the beads rose, they fell again and returned to the young man's belly. He went back and forth ninety-nine times before he recovered the beads. Suddenly, a white light flashed on the teenager's face, and he smiled and said to himself: "With the Taiyin God Beads, within six months, I can break through, step into the top ten of practicing God, and condense God's forbidden power!"

Suddenly, the prince Zuo Zun walked into the quiet room, and with a smile on his face, he said, "Huer, what about this peony?"

Zuo Hu is the only son of Zuo Zun. He smiled, "Father, this is really a baby. My cultivation is within three months, and the connection has broken through the double! It is incredible!"

"This thing is a heavy treasure! Unfortunately, you have already practiced the seventh of the gods. If you happened to be training the fifth of the gods and refining when you opened the yin and yang meridians, you could consolidate the supreme yin body and get more benefits."

Zuo Hu laughed: "This is the Yinyin God Pearl ~ www.readwn.com ~ Where did my father get it from, and why didn't he take it out for Huer before?"

Zuo Zun narrowed his eyes: "Speaking of which, it was an accident. Six months ago, I was on a private tour for the father and met a seriously injured ten-man god. Would such a good time be missed for my father? Kill him immediately, Plunder his divine origin. "

"Unexpectedly, I actually got this Taiyin **** bead from him. As far as my father knows, this Taiyin **** bead is a million-year **** mussel that absorbs moonlight every night and is condensed. It is extremely precious. Its value is simply impossible. Measure, not under magic. "

Zuo Hu was startled: "Is it so precious?"

Zuo Zun nodded: "Practice God five, open up the yin and yang meridians, learn about the changes in yin and yang, and then you can condense the fetus. But that fetus is also different. The better the fetus is, the greater the future achievements. Some big men prefer to disintegrate the soldiers and reincarnate and rebuild them to condense high-quality fetuses. With the Taiyin Divine Pearl, high-quality fetuses can be condensed. Do you say it is precious?

Just as Zuo's father and son were talking, Li Xing also turned into an ordinary person, arrived at Taihe City, and met an old acquaintance, Ximen Duxiu, at the Tianfang Pavilion set up in the Shenhou Mansion.

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