Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 428: Taiyin Shenzhu

Chapter 17: Taiyin Divine Pearl

Tianfang Pavilion is similar to Beichenji's Zhaoxian Pavilion. It is also an institution that recruits talents from all over the world. The difference is that the Tianfang Pavilion of Shenhou Zuozun is relatively easy to join.

Li Xing now appears as a quadruple deity, and it would be more appropriate to enter the Tianfang Pavilion. There are many people talking in the Tianfang Pavilion. It is more convenient to ask about some things here.

However, what he never expected was that the moment he entered the Tianfang Pavilion, he saw the Ximen Duxiu. Of course, Ximen Duxiu also recognized Li Xing. The two met each other by surprise.

Simon Duxiu looked angry and murderous. He is already a dual player and has some strength. However, before he had time to say anything, Li Xing yelled, "Junker, you are here!"

Under the astounding attention of everyone in the Tianfang Pavilion, Li Xing came forward with a slap. This palm contains the mystery of martial arts, how can Ximen alone show off, "snap" was drawn into the face.

He was so angry that he opened his mouth and scolded him, and then Li Xing punched him in the head and fainted completely.

At this moment, a host of Tianfang Pavilion came and frowned and asked, "How can you fight here?"

Li Xingdao: "This man is a servant of my family. He stole my things and fled here. He didn't want to be met by me, so he taught him."

The servant betrayed his master, and the world was not ashamed. When he heard it, he didn't ask much and said, "You are here to join the Tianfang Pavilion."

"Naturally yes, now that there is no place to stand, I heard that the princes are generous and admit the Magi, so come to try your luck." Li Xingdao.

The man saw Li Xing's extraordinary shot, and he was practicing the quadruple, and laughed: "Hou Ye appreciates the talent most, and you will definitely not regret coming here." Immediately, he took Li Xing's name record, divided a room, and lived temporarily. .

Of course, Li Xing also dragged Ximen Duxiu into the room. Outsiders thought that the master must teach the betrayed slave well. In fact, as soon as Li Xing closed the door, Ximen held the meridians around the body, and then threw it into Baiyang Jingtian. The inspiration demon repeatedly attacked him, and he became a medicine boy.

It was also Ximen's unlucky show. For a different place and time, Li Xing didn't even bother to care. He happened to meet in Taihe City. In order to avoid his identity being revealed, Li Xing had to stun him and catch him. Simon's solo show, considered a personal talent, is now reduced to a puppet.

I stayed here for one night, and the next day, someone came to the newspaper, saying that Xiaohouye would choose some intimates and asked Li Xing to try his luck.

In a large square, there were actually three or fifty god-men standing there. However, most of these god-men were practicing the gods one or two, and they were just as weak as Simon.

A young man, striding forward, is exactly the left tiger. Zuo Hu's gaze glanced at many gods, and finally fell on Li Xing and another quadruple god, saying, "Follow me."

This little Houye is so proud that he doesn't even take the rest of the gods in his eyes, because he is practicing the God of God.

Li Xing and the man followed behind Zuo Hu and walked forward with a stuffy head. When he left the Tianfang Pavilion, Zuo Hu said, "Several guards around me have been sent to help my father, and there is no messenger around me. You two, do things by my heart, and Ben Xiaohou will not treat you badly. of."

"Thank you Xiaohouye!" The god-man rejoiced, thanking him immediately.

Li Xing said lightly: "Xie Xiaohouhou."

Zuo Hu didn't care, and took the two straight into Hou's house, letting them arrange a place for them, and advance some elixir for their cultivation. The god-man chosen with him, named He Bili, was in the same room with Li Xing at this time, with a very excited look. From time to time, Li Xing ignored him.

"That's great! Zuo Zun is one of the three princes. Following Xiao Houye, he will have the opportunity to play in front of the prince, and the future will be bright!" Zuo Hu said.

Although there are few gods and men, they are nothing to big men like Shenhou. Those gods and men who have no sectarian foundation and are single-minded are difficult to cultivate. In order to obtain more resources for cultivation, they often rely on some forces.

Why do you talk to yourself for a while, then feel boring, close your mouth and sit aside to meditate. Li Xing was quiet, thinking about what to do next.

In the evening, why should I suddenly feel sleepy and sleepily. The god-man is not difficult for ten years, nor will he be drowsy. This is naturally Li Xingshi's hands and feet, which influenced him with the demon head of inspiration.

Immediately, his figure disappeared. Tonight, Li Xing is going to investigate Hou's house and inquire about the news.

Hou's house is very big, but for Li Xing, he walked around for a dozen breaths. In the end, he dived into a quiet room. In this quiet room, the left tiger is devouring the Taiyin Shenzhu and practicing the magic.

Li Xing watched it for a while, and the Emperor of Heavenly Evil said, "This is the Taiyin God Bead, which is very rare. When you leave, you **** this thing."

"Master thinks it's a good thing, it must be a good thing, naturally it must be grabbed." Li Xing laughed, then left the quiet room and continued to inspect, Zuo Hu knew nothing about it.

After a while, he went to Zuo Zun's room. At this time, Zuo Zun was talking to a nine-strong god-man, who was full of magic.

"The meaning of the elder, I have already brought it. Cold Spring will never return, presumably fierce and bad. Elder elder is very angry, let you start early, kill Zhen Wuhou, so that you can easily enter the thunder mountain. God ’s next cultivation, you must In the thunder mountain, "said the ninefold god.

Zuo Zunwei only promised, "Elder Hai, how long can Lord Mozun be able to restore his full strength? Is it OK to hit Thunder Mountain?"

"Master Mozun reborn and reborn, he must build up his strength from scratch. Even after entering Thunder Mountain, it will take three years at the earliest for Master Mozun to restore his strength at the heyday. However, Master Mozun is rebuilt in this life and is ready to condense the mysterious stages God child. "

"Xuanjie Divine Infant?" Zuo Zun was startled. "From ancient times to today, not many people have united Xuanjie Divine Infant!"

"There are not many natures. This requires high qualifications and requires a lot of rare resources. It would not have been possible to succeed. However, there are several treasures in Lord God's hands that can help him succeed. Step **** baby. "

"At that time, the deity will cross the world and revitalize the magic gate!" The elder Hai flashed with excitement in his eyes.

Zuo Zun laughed: "Okay! Give me a month. After one month, I will destroy Zhenwuhou with a thunderbolt."

Elder Hai nodded with satisfaction: "Today the elders and others have no time to be separated, and they are all assisting in the practice of the deities. These things are up to you. I hope you will not let us down."

"Elder Hai rest assured." Zuo Zun immediately said, "I must succeed!"

The conversation between the two was exactly what Li Xing wanted to hear. He secretly was shocked: "After one month, I started, and it looks like I need to prepare as soon as possible!"

When he was thinking, Elder Hai left and left. From the memory of Cang Lanji, Li Xing learned that a major event had occurred in the Demon Gate and was associated with the reincarnation of Demon. He knew this elder Hai, knew more than Cang Lan silently, immediately followed up, ready to catch each other, and pressed hard.

Unfortunately, after the elder Hai flew into the sky, he immediately fell into a white light and disappeared instantly. That white light seemed to be a magic weapon, which surprised Li Xing. This elder of the sea must have a very high status in the magic gate, otherwise he will not bring a magic weapon with him.

The magic weapon is a very precious thing, like the big school with a mage sitting like a mad sword gate, it may not be able to have it, not to mention he is a ninefold god.

Seeing the other party slip away, Li Xing couldn't catch up, and landed resentfully: "The left tiger has Taiyin Shenzhu, listen to the master's tone, this thing is extraordinary, grab it and talk about it."

However, Li Xing didn't rush into it. He could feel that in Hou's house, there were more than one person who practiced God. In case these people are alarmed, there will be trouble.

So he returned to the room and waited until the next day, preparing to follow Li Hu once he went out and start halfway.

Why sleep for a night, wake up full of energy, and laughed: "It was really fun to sleep last night."

The servant brought it early, and the two ate a little, then they were called by the left tiger. Li Hu has changed into a new costume, his spirits are refreshing, and he said to the duo: "Today, I will meet an old man, and you will go with me. When you get there, don't talk nonsense, and don't fight with others easily, so as not to lose your favor face."

"Yes." The two responded.

Along the way, only Li Xing and He Bili accompanied him. On the way, there were no one around. Li Xing was preparing to start, and deal with He Bili first, and then kill the left tiger. Unexpectedly, why bother laughing suddenly disappeared, suddenly became extremely cold.

In his hand, a true sign with twenty-four bans appeared, and he raised his hand to hit it. Suddenly, the sky was sharp and sharp, killing Li Xing and Zuo Hu. At the same time, a force of terror pushed down from the air.

Li Xing sighed, and suddenly he stopped in front of the scared left tiger, sending out a ray of light and resisting with all his strength. The true meaning of the twenty-four heavy ban is very powerful, and Li Xing felt that the extremely heavy force pushed him down, shocking him to retreat.

Had it not been for the protection of Baoyi, he would have been seriously injured.

Zuo Hu saw Li Xing block the true attack at once, his eyes lit up and he said, "Kill him!"

The power of true charms is constant, so why bother with a grudge ~ www.readwn.com ~ Li said: "Why are you newcomers desperate for this little beast? I have a hatred against Zuo Zun, you Don't block! "

Li Xingdan said indifferently: "It is difficult to obey, I urge you to stop."

Why bother angry: "Then you die!" He suddenly spit out blood and joined the spell, instantly making Jian Guang sharper and strangled madly.

At this juncture, there was a sudden thunderous sound above the sky, and a muffled voice said, "What a courage, even my disciples dare to move."

Li Xing saw that a large hand with mana condensing landed in the air, and above it was flashing an immense amount of runes, containing supreme power, controlling rules, and releasing unmatched power.


The true charm supported for a moment and exploded directly. The physical body of He Lili was also directly destroyed, and it was wiped out.

Zuo Hu laughed: "Master, I am here in good time!"

"The master of Zuo Hu is actually a mage!" Li Xing was very surprised, and his mood suddenly became heavy.

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