Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 430: Fortune Wang Ding

Chapter 19: Fortune Wang Ding

"Master, rest assured, the disciples must go all out!" Li Xingdao, this sentence is not deceiving, after entering the eight pole tower in the future, he can get a lot of benefits, of course, he will do his best to fight for treasure.

Master Shiraishi nodded and said, "I'm going out today. I wanted to try my luck. I went to an old friend to borrow a sample baby to shape the left tiger. However, since I met you, I have a new idea for the teacher."

Li Xing blinked: "What is Master's method? Who is that old friend?"

"My old friend is called Master Taiping. In his hand, there is a sacred object called Wang Ding, the King of Ding, who uses magical powers to reshape the body and temper the body. The master's method is to apply This tripod steals and uses it to help you practice. "

Li Xing is very strange: "Since Master Taiping is an old friend of Master, it is borrowed, why should he steal it?"

"Huh! The Master Taiping was so tight-minded that he didn't necessarily use it. What's more, he was also one of the five Masters of the Covenant. How could he borrow it to train his apprentices?"

"The King of Creations is a sacred thing. The Taiping Master must be carefully treasured, and carry it with him. It may be difficult to steal it." Li Xing shook his head. "Master does not have to take risks. Four other rivals. "

Master Shiraishi sighed: "The same person, but his heart is very different. If he is a left tiger, he must look forward to doing so for the teacher. You have a good heart, but you still don't know what my method is. The meaning of being a teacher makes you intentionally Appeared near the Taipingmen. I see your eyesight as a person with this qualification, and so is Taiping. As soon as he sees you, he will cultivate in secret and make second-hand preparations. "

Li Xing deliberately looked surprised: "But Master, disciples have worshiped you as a teacher, how can you worship others?"

Master Shiba smiled "Hehe" and said: "This is also no way out. The created Wang Ding in Master Taiping's hands has superb effect. With it, you can increase your strength and make breakthroughs all the way."

Between words, as soon as Master Shira pointed out, there was a law ban that fell into Li Xing's body and settled down in Yuanshen. Li Xing's heart moved, and he secretly said, "This Shiraishi doesn't believe me at all, but he still leaves the law."

Emperor Tianxie sneered: "There is nothing wrong with the law. At that time, the teacher will pass on your means to break this ban. You promise first, then steal the good luck Wang Ding and slip away!"

Li Xing sighed, "The disciples are really not kind in doing this."

"Huh! This Shiraishi, I do n’t think it ’s a good kind. If you did n’t promise to worship him as a teacher before, he would kill you immediately, so as not to be found by other mages, and be a disciple. You can do what you want, and you do n’t have to do much. Think. "Heaven evil.

Li Xing knew this too, and he nodded: "The disciple understands how to do it." The mage Shiraishi, however, was only using it for him. After it is done, maybe Gongzang Zangang will cook it and get rid of him.

There were thousands of threads in his heart, but Li Xing did not show it, and seemed to disagree with Master Baishi's imprisonment. The mage rejoiced in his heart, and said, "This man is of good quality and so well-behaved. It is really good. If he has always behaved this way and successfully won the eight pole tower, I have to think about whether I really want to make him into me. Of a Dharma body. "

"However, my" big seizure technique "can completely occupy a person's body, occupy the opponent's gods, and wipe out the consciousness. It is very subtle. This son condenses martial arts will, as if it were still the body of Bai Yang, with many advantages in one If you can occupy this body, you can speed up the cultivation of a Dharma body. At that time, even if my true body falls, I can use it to cultivate. "

Master Shiraishi thought in his heart, but his face was full of smiles, saying, "Apprentice, you can do it with confidence, and then you will create a chance for the teacher to escape."

Li Xing immediately said: "The disciples are willing to give it a try."

Master Shiraishi was overjoyed, and he told Li Xing how to do it in detail. This Shiraishi is a very motivated person. He has analyzed all the possible situations and let Li Xing be careful.

Looking at the night, Shiraishi said: "It is not too late, and I will take you there as a teacher. The law in your body can save your life in a critical moment, and you must not touch it."

Li Xing sneered secretly, naturally knowing that the ban was to control him. Once he dared to fight against the water, the law was immediately launched, leaving him at his mercy.

However, on the surface, he was still very respectful: "The disciples understand."

"Okay, let's go." As soon as Shiraishi waved his sleeves, Li Xing felt the cloud gusting in front of him, and dozens of breathing times before and after, reached the mountains.

"If you walk 800 miles forward, you will enter Master Taiping's territory. This suspicious nature of life will surely arrest you for questioning, and then see that you are of very good qualifications, and you will surely have the idea of ​​accepting people. The next thing , You can adapt to your own circumstances. "Master Shiraishi waved." Go. "

Li Xing nodded, his body flickered, and he flew away.

Seeing Li Xing's tactics, implied phaselessness and momentary mood, Master Shiraishi's expression turned out to be jealous: "He continues to grow, the future is boundless! Be sure to occupy this body. By then, I will break through Hope! "

Soon after Fei Ling, there was a domineering breath in front of him, searching towards him. According to the plan, Li Xing turned away intentionally, and it really caught the attention of the other party.


Suddenly, a great force of terror seemed to descend from the void and locked Li Xing. He suddenly became immobile and was very surprised. He knew for the first time the power of the mage.

A middle-aged man with a jade crown on his head and wearing a white robe appeared in front of Li Xing. He had a cold look, but when he saw Li Xing, his eyes flashed and he looked carefully.

"Well! Are you Bai Yang?"

With a look of fear, Li Xing said, "Seniors, juniors pass by unintentionally, without offense."

"Answer my question." Master Taiping's face sank.

"Yes, the junior is the body of Bai Yang." Li Xing could only answer.

Master Taiping observed for a while, with a startled expression, and asked, "Do you have martial arts breath, do you also martial arts will?"

"The junior did consolidate the will of martial arts." Li Xing smiled bitterly, "please ask my predecessor to spare my life and be a newspaper reporter in the future."

Master Taiping "haha" smiled and said, "Why should I kill you? I ask you, do you have a teacher?"

"The juniors didn't have teachers and teachers, but they only had adventures before they can practice today." Li Xing replied "honestly".

"Good! Then worship me as a teacher, how?"

Li Xing deliberately said, "Why do seniors take me as a disciple?"

"You don't need to ask more, just say yes or no. If you do, there will be endless benefits in the future. If you don't, I will kill you immediately, so as not to be encountered by your opponent."

This Taiping mage, it is straightforward, one said one, fierce and overbearing.

Li Xing smiled bitterly: "Which person wants to die? Since the predecessor forcibly accepted the apprentice, the junior had to agree."

"You don't want to escape if you have a chance in the future." He patted him with a big hand, and put a law restraint into Li Xing's body. "As long as I know you betrayed, immediately open the law restraint, let you have a dilemma!"

"How dare the disciples!" Li Xing hurriedly.

Sure enough, as Shiraishi expected, the Taiping Master accepted him as an apprentice. When Taiping saw Li Xing promised, he nodded and saw the situation surging. For a moment, the two entered a huge Dan room.

In the Dan room, there are three young people who are practicing, all of whom have extraordinary qualifications. Now they are all practicing God.

Taiping pointed at them and said to Li Xing, "Seeing that, three years ago, they still practiced God first, and now they have practiced God nine. As long as you are obedient and loyal to the teacher, I will not treat you badly."

Li Xing repeatedly claimed that the three young men opened their eyes at this time and looked at them with a hostile look.

Master Taiping yelled, "Three of you, give me the hard work and practice, and compete with him one year later. If you lose, you don't have to live."

All three fought chills and closed their eyes and continued to practice. Taiping turned his attention to Li Xing and said, "Did you hear that? Within a year, you must defeat these three brothers, or it will be a dead end."

Li Xing was astonished that this Taiping Master was really cruel! He nodded again and again: "The disciples must practice with all their strength and strive to defeat them."

"Very well, this is worthy of the Master to be accepted as a disciple." He took Li Xing, entered another Dan room, and then took out a golden little tripod from his sleeve, there was a sense of kingliness.

"This tripod, called the Fortune Wangding, is a sacred object that can melt all things and has all kinds of wonderful uses. Regardless of the elixir, magic weapon, and magic symbol, as long as you invest in it, you can transform the aura for your cultivation ~ www .readwn.com ~ Using this tripod to practice, you can quickly become supreme body, and the practice is also advancing by leaps and bounds. Within a year, you can step into the training of God.

With that said, he threw Xiao Ding to the ground, and this Wang Ding immediately “hummed” and became louder. It was as high as three meters, and he was extraordinary.

Master Taiping took out a third-order instrument from his sleeve and threw it into the tripod at will. Suddenly, Wang Dingzhong's phosgene tumbled, and after a while, a plethora of mana permeated.

Master Taiping reached out and grabbed these mana, and patted him over Li Xing's head.

Suddenly, Li Xing felt that a large amount of mana was poured into his body and washed his body. A flash of electric light suddenly flashed in his heart: "If I get this tripod, I can immediately begin to practice the Vajrayana's magical power, which is heavenly help!"

"I'll give you three days to use this tripod proficiently. This tripod can't be sacrificed as a teacher. You can only use its power to improve your cultivation." After Master Taiping left, he left directly, no longer Ask Li Xing.

In fact, he knew in his mind that as long as a person like Li Xing provided enough resources for cultivation, he could quickly improve his strength without having to ask. On the contrary, if it is affected by the room, it is not beautiful.

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