Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 432: Fighting True Dragons

Chapter 21: Fighting True Dragons

When I heard about the magic gate, Nanshan Weng groaned: "As far as I know, there are two mages in the magic gate. One can't retreat all the year round. He is the triple character of Fatian. The other elder of the magic gate is Fa. The sky is heavy, and he manages the events of the magic gate. The mage you are talking about is the latter. This person is called Cheng Yan, and he acts ruthlessly, and I have one side with it. "

"If this person hits your fiefdom idea, it will be unexpected and won it in one fell swoop. No matter, I have nothing to do with lately, so I will stay with him for a while." Nanshan Weng thought and agreed.

Li Xing was overjoyed: "With the help of my predecessors, I am not afraid of the prince Zuo Zun, I want to teach him to come back!"

Feng Wang Sun said: "You are a vassal vassal of Tianxingmen. You can let Tianxingmen send troops to help. Presumably, they will not sit idly by."

"I have sent someone to deliver the letter, but there is no reply yet," Li Xing said. "In a few days, I will personally take a trip and bring some reinforcements."

In this way, Nanshan Weng stayed, Feng Wangsun himself had some personal affairs to deal with, and left the same day.

For several days, Li Xing dealt with some of the things at hand. That evening, he was discussing the government affairs of the Hou government with Murong Jiaojiao. In the middle of Baiyangjing, the little Zhenlong suddenly struck up with the rich.

This little real dragon was named Xiao Jin, and he did n’t have a full name. Since the dragon turtle was killed that day, and he was left alone with Li Xing, he has stayed in the realm of the sky, devouring Baiyang aura, and growing very fast.

On the same day, Dragon Turtle left Li Xing with a weapon. Li Xing hasn't moved yet, and he gave it to Xiaojin for safekeeping.

Xiaojin has been in Jingtian for a year, but it is very proud, rarely arranging ingots and wealth, and even Li Xing's woman, it does not like to approach, and only cares about the white sun on the trunk of the tree, practicing quietly.

On this day, the rich and precious were idle, and suddenly came over to talk to Xiao Jin. After asking for three sentences, Xiaolong didn't hesitate at all. Rich and wealthy had a bad temper and suddenly became furious. He stepped forward and patted it with a hand, and grabbed the space weapon in his possession by the way.

This time can annoy Xiao Jin, Zhenlong is angry, the situation changes color. Hugh seeing it is young, but quite a bit of strength, a dragon drags his tail and draws to riches. The rich roared, and the lion's claws patted lightly.

After all, it is a small dragon, with small strength and weak strength, and was shot by the rich and wealthy. However, it did not change its arrogance, and in the last outbreak, it was entangled in the neck of the rich, and the two of them could not argue.

The rich and the clever are very clever. It knows that it really hurts Xiao Jin. Li Xing must not peel it, so he just shot a lesson and didn't really hurt it. However, Xiao Jin moved a real, a desperate stand.

Li Xing rolled his eyes and turned back! Immediately entered Jingtian, kicked away riches first, and then raised Xiaojin. The fierce little Jin, at the sight of Li Xing, suddenly obediently conglomerate and looked at its owner with a grievance.

Riches were angry, paws pointed and pointed, ready to sue. However, when he was glared at Li Xing, he immediately lowered his head and muffled.

"What's the trouble?" Li Xing reprimanded, "I think you're all itchy and ill clean!"

He took out the majesty of being a parent, and suddenly made them dare not come out. He stole his eyes, fearing that the master's old fist would fall.

"Xiao Jin, you have been training here for more than a year, what have you made?" Li Xing asked.

Xiaojin bowed his head in shame. For nearly a year, although he devoured a lot of aura, he didn't make much progress. It was almost the same as before. He felt very uncomfortable with his master.

Li Xing sighed and said, "True Dragon is a beast of God, it's quite difficult to repair." He thought for a while, and suddenly took the fighting amulet from his body and patted it into Xiaojin's body.

This treasure rune has been restored to the Ninefold Law. However, Li Xing successfully cultivated the body of the Nine-Battle Fighting. This symbol is not needed for the time being, but it is better to take it out and let Xiao Jin cultivate.

Xiao Jin only felt that a treasure rune appeared in the Primordial Spirit, constantly releasing his tenacity, carrying the will to fight, and tempering the dragon body. It rose into the air, kept rolling and rolling, and made a sound of dragon groan, which seemed to get great benefits.

Li Xing smiled and said, "Give me a good practice. Within a year, you must reach the body of the Nine Fighting."

In his heart, he was looking forward to it. What would happen if Zhenlong cultivated into a fighting body? It must surprise everyone, right?

Fugui looked very hot, and it was not stupid. He immediately ran to Li Xing with a charming face, took his head against his clothes, and hummed, like a spring.

Li Xing rolled his eyes and said, "What are you in a hurry? It ’s your turn when Xiao Jin runs out. You are such a big lion to bully a little dragon. Do n’t you want to kill me?"

The rich man blinked and seemed to be saying something wrong.

Li Xing hit a stick, gave it a piece of candy, took out a panacea, and threw it into the lion's mouth. Shen Dan enters the abdomen, and the rich roars loudly.

This panacea, named Jinguang Lianxing Dan, is a special product in the Lianxing Lingtan, which is one of the three gods presented by Nanshan Weng.

On the rich man's body, a golden light kept washing its flesh, expelling impurities out of the body, while strengthening its strength. This time, wealth and wealth got huge benefits, and they immediately cultivated.

Li Xing smiled, and beckoned to Yuan Yuan, who was so dazzling.

This ingot was a king of thousands of years, and Li Xing did not bleed it out when he tried to make alchemy, so he also had to work hard.

Yuanbao ran over, staring at Li Xing, like a child begging for sugar.

Li Xing was happy, and he found a Baiyang Shendan and gave it, saying: "You are an elf body. Finally, taking Baiyangdan, you may condense the body of Baiyang."

Yuanbao was overjoyed, bowed his hands and worshiped for three weeks, took it and swallowed it, and cultivated in place.

All three guys were practicing, Li Xing thought of Xiao Xue again, and sighed in his heart, "I don't know what happened to Xiao Xue now?" He knew that Xiao Xue's identity was extraordinary, otherwise it would not have been possible to send him Xuan Jie Yuan Yuan.

To settle this trivial matter, he prepared for one day, and the next day he took fifteen ancient Ninja gods and men to see Bei Chenji.

All the way, I arrived at Tiancheng City before dark. After entering the city, Li Xing found that the entire city of Tiancheng was in a tense atmosphere. He moved in his heart and went directly to Beichenji.

Sure enough, in Beichenjifu, the guards were very strict, and the Bloody Guards and the Star Guards inspected back and forth.

When entering Defu, I saw Bei Chenji, who seemed full of heart.

At the sight of Li Xing's return, Beichen Ji's face was full of anxiety, and finally a smile broke out, shouting: "Li Xing! You did not disappoint me, and returned safely!"

Li Xingdao: "The Lord of Shaomen, the ancient Ninja tribe has been attached. I will bring the 15 gods out of them and let the Lord of Shao see it." He said, and greeted the 15 gods outside.

Although these gods and men are very proud, they still met Bei Chenji according to Li Xing's meaning.

"That's great! Li Xing, I'm in short supply. You are really my timely rain!" Bei Chenji laughed and raised the gods one by one.

Li Xing couldn't help but ask: "Young master, what happened, the entire city of Tiancheng seems to be invincible, and it seems that the enemy is now."

Bei Chenji hated: "It's not the **** 'Destiny', he sent out killers one after another to assassinate the Starmen. Even the three ancestors were alarmed, but they still couldn't stop the development of the situation. What's more hateful is that every time they killed one , Leaving the words 'Destiny'. "

"Is it bad? How many people have been lost?" Li Xing asked.

"Thirteen Starmen have been killed in Tianxingmen! Father launched the anti-assassination network urgently, but unfortunately still could not curb the assassination incident. Just last night, another godman was cut off. In the end, in desperation, Tianxingmen had to destroy all God-man gathers to avoid any further loss. "

Li Xing was so shocked that even the three mages couldn't turn things around. This "Destiny" organization was really powerful!

"You bring fifteen gods at once, which greatly increases the defensive strength around me. This is very good." Beichen Jidao, what he thought, first was his own security, and then others.

Li Xing nodded: "Jiangmen rest assured that his subordinates will stay in Houfu to protect the safety of the host."

"No need, I'm alone." A dark voice sounded, and without looking, I knew that the person who spoke was Yousha, former leader of the Bloody Guards, and now leader of the Star Guards.

Li Xingdao: "The commander said so, then I will go outside and look for clues to see if I can find anything."

Bei Chenji said in shock: "Li Xing, it's dangerous outside, you still stay in Hou's house, the killer cannot lurk forever, there will always be a day to retreat."

"The master of Shaomen rest assured that on the potential assassination, as long as the other party is not a mage, his subordinates have no fear." Li Xingdan said indifferently.

Yousha's face changed and she breathed a lot. So he was stronger than himself?

Ignoring the wicked reaction, Li Xing said again: "The young master, so intimidated, it is not a way to make outsiders despise my Star Gate. Let my subordinates go out and fight with them ~ www.mtlnovel. com ~ Even if you ca n’t win, you can retreat. ”

He is so confident, not arrogant. Even now, even if he is against the tenfold god, he will be chased by him. Moreover, he practiced kung fu all the time, he was not at home, and he was not afraid of secret calculations.

Seeing that Li Xing was so persistent, Bei Chenji no longer advised, "Well, you are careful, what's the matter, come back immediately and report it, we will discuss the countermeasures together."

"Yes!" Li Xing ordered fifteen ancient Ninja gods and men to stand by, then left alone.

On the streets of Tiancheng City, there were almost no pedestrians, empty. Obviously, it is the measures taken by Tianxingmen to restrict going around.

Li Xing drove Shenguang and patrolled around in Tiancheng City, but found nothing and did not encounter the killer.

"It seems that those who want destiny to come out need to use some strategies." Li Xing thought.

He flew to the sky suddenly, and a thunderous voice conveyed rumblingly, "Heavenly man, listen, since you are killers, come and kill me. For one day, if you can kill me, count me as a scholar Not fine! If you can't kill me, get me out of Tiancheng City immediately! "

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