Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 433: 杀 杀 世

Chapter 22: Skyscraper is born. Star Force enters the body

Tianxingmen, the three mages and the star master Beichen Changqing were discussing how to design a trap to deal with the killer, and then heard Li Xing's roaring voice and conveyed it. Bei Chenhao's face changed aside, sneer: "This little animal is looking for death!"

One of the three mages said: "This son is courageous. Well, it can be used as a bait to attract the destiny killer. I, the three of them, removed it together."

The host of Beichen Changqing nodded with a smile: "This son is named Li Xing, who is of extraordinary qualifications. When he practiced his qi, I knew that he had achieved so much. So he deliberately drew it, and it was as expected, he has grown up today. "

Bei Chenhao dismissed it and said scornfully: "This so-called promising man cannot live today, and the dignity of his destiny cannot be provoked, and he will never be let go. This poor little beast, he may not know the origin of his destiny."

Beichen Changqing was silent for a moment, and suddenly said, "When the fate is missed, does the proud sword of that year also survive?"

"He can compare with Ao Jian?" Bei Chenhao laughed out loud.

However, Beichen Changqing did not smile, but just slowly said, "I see, Aojian is not as good as him."

Bei Chenhao suddenly froze.

However, after saying that Li Xing challenged the destiny organization, he drove the **** light and flew towards the east hill of the city. Just below the challenge he had just spoken, there was a private house. In the courtyard, Bei Shibing looked at the distant figure stunned, and sighed, "He is really strong! I really underestimated him!"

Behind her, Beishi Qingqing laughed and said, "Why, little girl Chunxin is sprouting? But it's normal. A strange man like him is rare in the world."

Bei Shibing blushed, hummed a few times, and raised his head and said, "I am so tempted! I feel that he is more prestigious than his uncle. I said that if we were to marry someone, we would marry an uncle-like man. "

Bei Shiqing Qing pouted with a smile: "Is that it? I heard that this Li Xing really wants to marry you."

Bei Shibing's heart was pounding for a while, Li Xing challenged Bei Chenhao and replaced him to marry him. She had already heard about it. She was a clever girl, and instantly understood Li Xing's intentions. She must be afraid that she would be in a difficult position to marry or not, so she stepped forward and offended the powerful and helped her once.

Bei Chenhao is a force to be reckoned with in the Beichen family. Sinning this person is extremely detrimental to Li Xing's future growth. But in order to help his friends, he still looked back, which greatly moved Bei Shibing. Although she is a woman, she still admires Li Xing for her kindness.

She calmed down and laughed, "That's just rumor. Besides, even if it's true, it's nothing. Instead, I saved the middle process and I followed him directly!"

Bei Shiqing Qing scratched her own pink cheeks and laughed at her: "You don't feel ashamed! How could an older girl speak like this? Let your elder brother know. I must hit you with a board to clean up the family style."

Bei Shibing blinked: "My aunt was daring to love and hate. I, as a niece, couldn't leave."

"Well, what's so good about this kid!" Suddenly, proudly Xue stepped out of the room. His injury has been recovered, but Li Xing is still upset in his heart. Although Li Xing spared his life, his heart was unsettled.

Bei Shibing smiled brightly: "Aunt, do you still hate him?"

"If you lose, you will lose. Why hate it? He didn't mean to kill me at that time, otherwise I was dead." Ao Jianxue's tone was a bit desolate. "He is a rising star, but I am old and can only be This person's lame. "

Bei Shiqing Qing's heart was sour and softly said: "See Xue, why are you so depressed? You have never been easy to whom to soften, I believe you, the future achievements must not be under Li Xing."

Pride seeing snow, but shook his head: "I'm not subduing, but seeking truth from facts. People can have confidence, but they can't be arrogant. There is a heaven outside, you see no, just now Li Xing's body exudes at least thirty kinds of divine magic God! Thirty different types of magic, I have never heard of anyone who can practice so much! "

"What? Thirty divine spells? How is this possible?" Bei Shi Qingqing was also shocked, but she knew that Ao Xue, as the first wizard of departure, practiced seven divine spells, including only one. Great divine art covers the sky.

And this Li Xing has actually cultivated thirty kinds of Kaiwai, he is simply the incarnation of evildoers, otherwise how can he achieve this?

There are two ways for a man of God to practice divinity. First, practice exercises and deduction. This method is extremely slow, even if you practice for a lifetime, you may not be able to practice to thirty.

The second type is to plunder the origins of gods and humans, to refine the seeds of divine magic, and to quickly cultivate. However, this method not only has a shallow foundation, but also a man who is careless and unable to sort out the origin of a foreign god-man may explode.

Either way, there is a limitation, and that is the human body. The human body is like a container with limited capacity, and it is impossible to hold too many divine magic. There is too much magic, so you can't hold it.

Even if Ao Jianxue, such as a talented person abroad, opened him to practice, regardless of time limit, he could practice up to five major divine skills or thirty minor divine skills.

"His martial will is also very horrible. With so many great divine magic, it is even more incredible." Ao Jianxue thought with a look, "Can you imagine? How strong is such a person?"

Bei Shibing's eyes are blurred. How strong is he? This was a question she was thinking about. In her eyes, Li Xing gradually became a tall mountain range, which could not be defeated.

Li Xing didn't know anyone was talking about him. At this moment, he was sitting on a mountain peak and sat down to practice with peace of mind. It seemed that he was not afraid of assassination. In his body, there are still six jade-level little divine seeds that have not been deduced, so he slowly runs the Zhenwu Tian array to calculate.

Above him, thirty-five types of divine light are constantly flashing, representing thirty-five types of divine magic, including fifteen types of great divine magic and twenty types of jade-step small divine magic. Each divine light is a force that is completely integrated into his body and becomes part of his divine power.

The more divine skills you practice, the stronger you become. Now, with one punch, thirty-five kinds of divine powers work together and are overwhelming.

It was getting dark soon, the stars were shining, and the night sky was beautiful.

Li Xing's Zhenwu sky array runs, echoing the stars on that day. In the array of heavens, there are eight bright stars, each representing eight martial arts, which revolve around the chaotic martial arts.

In ancient legends, each star represents a god, and each **** has a special power. Therefore, there were those who were shocked and brilliant, drew the power of the stars, obtained the supreme power, and practiced the Supreme Star.

However, the power of the stars is ethereal and misty, and it is not easy for the mage to feel it. Even if it is sensed, it cannot draw the power of the stars. Because the power of the stars does not belong to this world.

Today and now, Li Xing actually feels the power of the stars. Although it is extremely weak, it does exist. In that distant place, which spans infinite time and space, there is a star that contains the way of killing.

This kind of opportunity can be met but not wanted, just like breaking into the sky at once. If Li Xing seeks attentively and senses the power of the stars, perhaps he will never find it in his life. But now he felt it!

Who is Li Xing? Whenever you have a chance, grab it immediately and never let go!

He tightly locked the faint power of the stars, the overbearing divine thoughts, rushed up, laid down the net of Tenjin, gathered up that little star power, and then carefully pulled into the body.

This wave of star power contains a killing force. It seems that all the killing intentions between heaven and earth are deeply hidden on it. It represents a variety of meanings, such as killing, majesty, power, and robberies.

"North of Tianbei is north of the center. There is one star.

A word from the Tianyuan Star Code was imprinted in his mind, and he immediately understood that this wave of star power originated from the Northern Star, Tiansha Star!

"Heavenly Slayer! Heavenly Sword Technique!" Between Li Xing's thoughts, blessing to the soul, and in the chaotic nebula of the Zhenwu Heavenly Array, the thirty-two runes representing the Heavenly Sword Technique suddenly vibrate and rotate. The ancient word "kill" also began to rotate in sync.

In this way, every rotation of the killing word for a week can draw a part of the killing force. The word "kill" is also getting brighter and brighter, it seems to have a spiritual generality. Thirty-two runes also spin faster and faster, and then infiltrate a mysterious power into Li Xing's body and merge into the physical gods.

"Mysterious! The above ancient" killing "word is used as a medium, and the heavenly sword is used as a container to draw the star power of the heavenly sword! Li Xing, your heavenly sword is bound to reach the 12th level and be exhibited. Kill a knife that day! Far more than a teacher! "

At this moment, Li Xing's mind has another meaning, that is, "Heaven is going to kill you". This is God, killing the sky, killing everything! The power of heavenly killing is the power of heavenly punishment, killing everything, killing everything!

With this opportunity, there is a sign of the star power in the sky array, and it will be much easier when the star power is sensed in the future.

By chance, the power of the stars was sensed and successfully learned. But Li Xing didn't give up his vigilance and always pay attention to the surrounding changes. At this moment, a widower, carrying a firewood axe on his shoulder, holding a firewood axe, came down from the mountain.

At night, how could a coward come up the mountain? And looking at this person's temperament, there is a hidden killer; the mountain road is difficult, but he is as flat as the ground.

This person must be a killer!

The woodcutter finally climbed the mountain peak ~ www.readwn.com ~ Li Xing still sat still, watching the people coming.

"Is it you?" Li Xing asked.

"It's me." The coward put down Chai Dan, facing Li Xing, standing still.

This coward, thirty years old, has large bones, a weakened face, and his eyebrows flying obliquely, giving a simple and solid feeling. The fascination of God and man, looming, is just like an ordinary person.

However, Li Xing knew that he was definitely not an ordinary person, but a powerful opponent, who practiced the ten perfect gods and knew martial arts.

"It is no wonder that destiny has succeeded many times. How can they survive with a master like you? If you are an illegal teacher, you will never be able to restrain you." Li Xingdao, "Your martial arts, simple and thick, is like the suppression of thousands of mountains, it is amazing.

"Do you understand?" The coward looked at Li Xing, and then answered, "You do understand, because you have the will to martial arts."

Li Xing stood up, he stood together, as if the whole mountain, and then stood up, blessing his temperament to him. Taking it one step further, the whole world seemed to tremble slightly. This is the illusion of absolute power.

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