Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 435: High-profile shot. Capture the full moon scimitar

Chapter 24: High-profile shots. Capture the full moon scimitar

In charge of torture? This seat is of special importance and high status. How can Beichen Changqing easily hand over such an important position to himself? Li Xingman was puzzled, but this was exactly in his arms.

During the month, Zuo Zun will use his fiefdom, if he does not have the power, how can he mobilize the assistance of soldiers and horses? Therefore, his mind moved and he said, "My subordinates are willing!"

"Very good." Beichen Changqing smiled. "The torture of the elders can mobilize the two guards of heaven and earth to be responsible for betraying the traitors. The responsibility is great, and the power is like heaven. I hope you do it with your heart."

"Yes! His subordinates will not disappoint the doorkeeper, and dedicate himself to his duties!" Li Xing cried loudly.

"I see that you often travel abroad and like to be at ease. Therefore, the elders here do not restrict your freedom. If there is something, just do it. The heaven and earth guards are in charge of them." Beichen Changqing is actually very Li Xing considered, even this layer also thought of.

Although Li Xing knew that the other party was interested in attracting people, he was unavoidably grateful. He thanked him repeatedly. He was not afraid of people's calculations in his life, but was also afraid of people's gratitude.

In the hall, Beichenhao's face was iron-blue. He was obviously extremely dissatisfied with Beichen's evergreen arrangement. What is this Li Xing? Although he is not weak, he is young and has no foundation. How can he be responsible for torture?

He stepped out and exclaimed: "Master! Subordinates!"

Beichen Changqing seemed to have expected that he would oppose it, and said lightly: "I have decided and don't need to discuss it again."

Bei Chenhao had to retreat with resentment, he turned to stare at Li Xing. Li Xing squeezed his eyes at him, and seemed to be saying, "Old things, see how you look at me!" Bei Chenhao was so angry that his nostrils rose a circle.

"Good boy! You're waiting, I won't do it, someone will clean up you!" Bei Chenhao roared in his heart.

"Master, there is a report for the subordinates." Immediately after, Li Xing said about Zuo Zun's imminent attack on the land.

Beichen Changqing nodded: "Zuo Zun coveted that place long ago. At the beginning, I gave you the land for the purpose of restraining Zuo Zun. Unexpectedly, he started to do so soon."

An upper elder stood up and said, "The master of the gate, Zuo Zunfeng has a circle of 20,000 miles and is powerful. If he destroys it, he can strengthen the power of the Star Gate. The old man would like to lead a hundred gods and kill this cricket!"

The elder, Fei An, was Bei Chenhao's dead party. At this moment, he stood out and wondered.

"Oh? Elder Fei, what do you do?" Beichen Changqing asked.

"My subordinates heard that Zhen Wuhou had 250,000 troops and dozens of gods and men. These forces, combined with the hundreds of gods and men brought to them, are powerful and can be calmed down. His subordinates are willing to lead the army and lead soldiers. Resist the enemy! "

As soon as Li Xing rolled his eyes, this old thing actually wanted to seize its power. He said coldly: "I think the elders are ill, I'm afraid I can't get on the battlefield, I'll go home and take care of myself."

When Fei An heard it, he vomited blood and pointed at Li Xing: "What? You actually said I was old!"

Li Xing stepped forward suddenly, and there was a huge potential to drive it past, extremely heavy. Fei An felt his body sinking and slammed into it. He couldn't resist it. He "stepped back" three steps and almost sat on the ground with his buttocks. He is practicing Seventh God, but compared with Li Xing, it is far worse.

"You don't want to be old when you are old. You see, even standing is not stable." Li Xing shook his head, with a pity on his face.

The rest of the elders who were concerned about it, laughed out loud when they saw this scene.

At this moment, Fei An couldn't bear it anymore, and roared, "Li Xing, you are too bullying!" He burst out of a divine light above his head, and actually wanted to release Divine Baby and Li Xing desperately.

However, Li Xing came to him in one step and pressed down with his big hand. Thirty-five circles of light flashed on the palm, which contained immense power. Just listening to the "pounce", Fein's baby was pressed back into his body, and could not be released.

Fei An's face flushed, and his face was gradually scared. He knew that in order to suppress the infantile so easily, the opponent must have ten times his power. How powerful is this Li Xing?

Around, the mocking elders closed their mouths and looked dignified one by one. They finally realized how strong Li Xing was.

Li Xing forcedly held his baby, then patted him on the shoulder, and said lightly: "As you get older, you should rest well, what can you do when you come out?"

Fei An didn't dare to speak any more, and remained silent. He knew that as long as he dared to go back to the top, Li Xing would definitely give him more ugliness and make him more ugly.

Now that Li Xing is strong and powerful, it can be said that he is not afraid of any god-man, so it is no longer necessary for him to keep a low profile. It is time to show his teeth.

Everyone saw that Fei An was "bullyed" by Li Xing like a child. He was both surprised and worried. He said that this guy would ride on himself in the future?

Beichen's evergreen face was expressionless. He waited for Fei An to be honest, and then said lightly: "Li Xing, in your opinion, what should I do?"

Li Xing bowed his hand, this is the only way to say: "Subordinates thought that Zuo Zun wolf ambition, once annexed and hit the land east of Thunder Mountain, they will try more and threaten the safety of my star gate! Therefore, we must destroy these enemies as soon as possible!"

"Subordinates also know that Zuo Zun belongs to the magic gate and has close contact with the magic gate. This shows that the magic gate also has a conspiracy, and the star gate has to be guarded."

"What good policy do you have?" Beichen Changqing asked.

"First, a mage must come forward and go to the town of Houfu. Second, please your Majesty transfer Tianwei to the front line, so that his subordinates have a 90% chance to wipe out Zuo Zun!"

"I object!"

Bei Chenhao stood up.

Li Xing stared at him immediately, and said lightly, "Why? I heard that you Bei Chenhao also has a personal guard. How about lending that guard to me without borrowing the guard?"

"What are you ..." Bei Chenhao scolded ...


Suddenly, Li Xing came across and slap it over.

Bei Chenhao felt a strong shroud of terror and couldn't avoid it at all, and he got a loud slap.

Taking a slap at him, Li Xing coldly said: "Beijing Hao, I have long heard that you have always been against the master. You do n’t let Tian Wei work, so you want Zuo Zun to swallow my fief, so Does it threaten the Star Gate after it has grown? "

Bei Chenhao was dozed off by this slap, and then, with intense humiliation and anger, rising from the bottom of his heart, he roared, Guanghua flashed in his hand, and a machete appeared. This machete releases the meaning of perfection, like a full moon, like a flood of autumn water, which is extraordinary at a glance.

The knife is a good knife, it seems to be a sacred object. He had heard that Bei Chenhao had an adventure in his early years, and it was true!

"Do you dare to do it!" Li Xing sighed and suddenly moved.

In the mansion, there were all phantoms. Li Xing was too fast. He had already been snatched by the machete before it came out of the sheath. Although the relic is good, it is a pity that Bei Chenhao failed to sacrifice it. This is not his thing.

As soon as he felt empty, Bei Chenhao discovered that the machete was in Li Xing's hand.

Li Xing continued to sneer: "You want to kill me with this broken knife?" In the expression of Bei Chenhao's vomiting blood, he put away the machete, and then Dayi pointed at the other side and continued to drink and scold, "Bei Chenhao, my Li Xing's actions today are to annihilate Zuo Zun and remove the confidant for the Star Gate. If you dare to stop me, you are unfaithful to the Star Gate and a traitor!

This hat was too big, and Bei Chenhao was startled. He pointed at Li Xing: "You ... you ..." Anger could not speak.

"All right." Beichen Changqing finally spoke. "Li Xing, Bei Chenhao is also an elder. You must not be too rude."

Li Xing immediately lowered his head: "Yes, his subordinate is guilty."

His tame attitude made Beichen Changqing very happy. In fact, from the beginning to the end, Beichen Changqing's means of attracting Li Xing was never majesty, but kindness. It is actually more gracious to promote and promote what Li Xing wants and what kind of grace.

Moreover, he has seen for a long time that Li Xing is a man of disposition, and human nature is greater than rationality. In the future, even if he grows up, he will be a reliable friend of the Star Gate and will never betray him.

"Just as you said, let an old ancestor go with Tianwei, but there are any requirements, even if asked." Beichen Changqing Road.

"That's enough." Li Xing said, "The subordinate must slay Zuo Zun."

Below, Bei Chenhao stomped and left resentfully. Not only did he lose face today, he also snatched the holy relic full moon scimitar. The full moon scimitar is very precious and must not be lost. After he was ready to go back, he invited a powerful figure out of the mountain, killed Li Xing, and regained the full moon scimitar!

At this point, Li Xing's purpose of this trip has been successfully achieved, and he also committed to kill the elders. Just when he took Tianwei, and a mage from Tianxingmen ~ www.readwn.com ~ flew to Zhenwu Hou to seal the land, the thunder mountain on the east side of the land gathered and the demons gathered.

More than half of the characters of the magic gate are gathered here. In the middle of the mountain, stands a palace, Baoguanghuanghuang, this temple, the Temple of Heavenly Demon. The Temple of Heaven and Magic Gate is a magic weapon of time and space that can adjust the speed of time passing.

One day outside the temple, the temple can last for one year or even longer.

In the Heaven Demon Hall, hundreds of god-men were present, from the first to the tenth level of training, each level has. These people are all around a teenager, with a very respectful look.

The teenager looks only thirteen or fourteen years old, handsome in appearance, skeletal and handsome, Gu Panshengwei, extraordinary momentum, he is actually a five-fold cultivation of God. Beside the boy, a mage was sitting on the side. It was Cheng Mo, the elder of the magic gate.

Cheng Ye's old face was filled with a smile, and said, "Master Mozun! The next step is to gather the Xuanjie Divine Infant. Once successful, even his subordinates are not opponents."

The young man hummed: "Unfortunately, that mysterious step is infinitely proverbial. I do n’t know which master has taken it first, otherwise the deity has a greater chance of success! At the moment, although there is eternal light, immortal flame, glory God, the deity has only a 50% chance! "

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