Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 436: Fighting Sword

Chapter 25: Fighting Sword Execution Day

"Master Dezun, do you adjust the time flow rate in the Temple of Heavenly Demon, so that you can practice successfully soon?" Cheng asked.

"No, although the Temple of Heaven can adjust the time, there are disadvantages to this move. Impacting the Xuanjie Divine Infant is the most important moment, and the deity must practice outside the temple."

"Master Mozun, it is not easy to defend outside the hall. What if someone comes to plan, then what should be good?" Cheng Zheng was surprised.

"It's okay, as long as those old immortals can't shoot, no one dares to touch me. Moreover, if there is something bad, the deity will immediately enter the Temple of Heaven."

Cheng Zheng nodded: "It seems that it is necessary to let Zuo Zun operate earlier. Only heavy soldiers can guard it to strike Thunder Mountain." He immediately ordered, "Come, send a letter to Zuo Zun! Let him win within one month. manor!"

Eighteen Tianwei, plus a mage, entered Li Hou's house with Li Xing that day. The eighteen Tianweis are all masters of the infant child, and they are the gods of training! This is the core strength of Beichen Evergreen.

The mage was one of the three ancestors of the Beichen family, named Beichen Chong, and Fatian was heavy. Rushing with Beichen, Li Xing can always feel the terrible mana on him.

Mana is a higher level of power than divine power. It controls the rules of heaven and earth.

As soon as Beichen Chong entered Houfu, he felt the presence of another mage. He was about to ask, Nanshan Weng came out. When he saw Beichen Chong, he laughed: "Old friend, I have been missing for many years!"

Beichen's eyes widened: "Nanshan! Why are you here?"

Nanshan Weng smiled: "Li Xiaoyou, my friend, why can't I be here?"

Beichen glanced at Li Xing, and seemed to be saying, boy, you are not too young, even Nanshan Weng was invited.

Li Xing smiled slightly and invited everyone to sit down.

In the hall, Bei Chenchong expressed his attitude and said, "Li Xing, you are the coach. Both Tianwei and I listen to your command. How do you say this battle?"

"I've been to Zuo Zun's enclave. The prince Zuo Zun has 600,000 soldiers. Among the 600,000 army, there are 150,000 nationals and 150 gods and men. Among the gods and men, most of them are one to five. Because there are only 13 people of six or more gods. "

"Without the intervention of gods and mages, this 600,000 army, General Jiulixiong would be able to deal with it. Therefore, the mage's mage will be given to Beichen and Nanshan seniors."

Nanshan Weng laughed: "I and Beichen Chong joined forces, Cheng Cheng only has a disadvantage."

Li Xing nodded and continued: "As for the masters of the other gods and men, Tianwei intercepted them, and the rest of the gods and men were confronted by Qiyun factions."

The Celestial nods one after another: "Observe!"

"And I was mainly responsible for assassinating Zuo Zun. Once Zuo Zun died, the other army's heart broke up, and he could not persist for too long." Li Xing finally said.

After agreeing on the battle plan, Li Xing called Jiuliong, You Yuxu, Murong Jiaojiao and others together, and held a meeting to formulate a detailed and detailed strategy.

As a result, the entire fiefdom began preparations.

Seven days later, Bianguan emergency reported that a large army appeared outside the East, and the people were frightened to flee in the direction of Hou's government.

Li Xing was well prepared, and the 250,000 army was immediately on the front line. Tianwei followed this trip, and Bei Chenchong was among them. At the same time, there are also Nanshan Weng in Qiyun faction.

Li Xing released riches, riding on the back of Tiens, murderous, heroic and heroic, talking and laughing, showing the true nature of the hero. The soldiers behind saw the momentum of Li Xing, and all of them were surging.

These soldiers usually practice and become soldiers in wartime. Relying on the raids at the mad sword gate, everyone grew up fast, all of them strong and powerful. At this moment, it is finally time to build a career and everyone will move forward bravely and never shrink back.

In fact, this momentum was also cultivated by Li Xing. At that time, how powerful was he to pull out the enemy by himself and destroy 200,000 enemies in one fell swoop? So everyone admired him, without fear in his heart, with the determination to fight to the end.

On the same day, the army reached the border and was stationed.

A thousand miles away, Zuo Zun's 600,000 troops were stationed in the plains. At this moment, Zuo Zun is listening to the military report.

"Zhenwuhou's army has camped in front, with about 200,000 horses!"

"Huh? Actually there was precaution, did the news leak?" Zuo Zhuang frowned, he took a few steps in place, and said, "Explore again!"

The scout retreated, and a general said: "Bad commander, the enemy is well prepared, and this battle is not good."

Zuo Zun sighed: "There is no choice this time, we must quickly make a decision." He came out and said, "Unfortunately Huer is missing, or it can help me."

The general had no choice but to say, "I hope that Pingjiang Hou will be able to start early, so that he can restrain the opposing force."

"Pingjiang Hou has no climate, but the mad sword gate behind him is the South China Sea faction, which should not be underestimated. During this trip, the mad sword gate dispatched fifty gods, a master named Jian Xingtian and the mad sword gate "Brother led." Zuo Zun said, "If they can kill Zhen Wuhou, our campaign will be successful."

When the words fall, there is a light of God landing off the account, and at the same time, the voice said: "Crazy sword gate Zhou Yu, come to worship the prince."

Zuo Zun immediately greeted the account, and saw a man standing there, Yushu facing the wind, extraordinary appearance, but his expression was extremely cold and arrogant.

"Your Excellency is Zhou Yu? Fortunately." Zuo Zun was very kind.

Zhou Yudao: "The Pingjiang Hou has launched an attack, there is no doubt what Zhenwu Hou will die. I am here to declare that if I occupy Zhenwu Hou's land, my mad sword gate must be divided in half."

"Natural," Zuo Zun said, "this is a condition that has been said for a long time."

"Very good, Shen Hou is best to do it immediately." Zhou Yu finished, leaving Shenguang.

"Ready to attack!" Zuo Zun's expression calmed and he ordered.

After encamping, Li Xing ordered Tianwei to be a striker. The fifteen gods of the ancient Ninja tribe were left and the other gods were right.

After waiting for a long time, finally, there were nearly a hundred magical lights flying ahead, and the light was shining, strangling towards the army. Tian Wei yelled, and when he first came into the sky, he killed the enemy.

Gods and men on both sides hanged in the air. Zuo Zun dispatched a hundred god-men as forwards. Every ten of them formed a **** array. They were strong enough to resist the attacks of the nine-man god-man.

Jian Guang flew across the sky, and the magical artillery bombarded the sky. Li Xing had an advantage.

The Celestial Guardians are all Yae gods, and their strength is so strong that they are crushed by the opponent. The fifteen gods and men of the ancient Ninja tribe all knew the way of assassination and played with Yin. This detoxification, the cold-attack attack, prevailed.

The native Qiyun monk was not very outstanding, but he was able to fight steadily without falling into the wind.

Seeing that the situation was stable, Li Xing was preparing to kill Zuo Zun, and suddenly saw a light from behind. The person who came was Shuiyue. She anxiously said, "Xing brother, it's not good, there is an urgent report. Pingjiang Hou led the 50,000 army and many gods and attacked Beiyue County from the north!"

Immediately, Li Xing looked through his murderous power, and the murderousness of his whole body shocked the people around him.

"Pingjiang Hou even dared to send troops?" Li Xing opened his eyes in angrily and shouted to Jiuliong. "Brother, you give it your full command, I will go north!"

Jiuliong was taken aback: "Are you going alone?"

Li Xing sneered: "I will teach them to come back or not!" I didn't say much, leaving Tiens to be a horse rider of Jiulixiong, and then rose into the air.

In Beiyue County in the north of the fiefdom, the people cried loudly. They had experienced a tragedy and did not want the sword to rise again. An army of fifty thousand, burning and plundering everywhere, is inhuman.

Beiyue County guarded Tengqing Mountain and was the first soldier to lead the soldiers to resist it. However, when he met the mad sword gate god, he was not an opponent. At this moment, he was holding on to the gate of the Falling Star City and was in danger.

Inside the city gate, there are tens of millions of people avoiding disasters. Although he knows that they are not invincible, he cannot retreat.

In the sky above the Star City in Beiyue County, the six gods who practiced heavy swordsmen were staring coldly at Tengqing Mountain.

"Quickly surrender, spare your life, otherwise you won't regret it!" Everyone said coldly.

There were many sword injuries on Teng Qingshan's body. He was openly fearless and sternly said, "The city is here, the city is dead, and I am fighting with you today!" Burning Divine Power.

He understands that the opponent has six enemies and one is not weaker than him. There is no chance of winning at all, he can only fight one to earn one!

"It's a city with people, Teng Qingshan, I read you right."

Suddenly, a voice sounded at a high altitude. Everyone looked at it and saw a ray of divine light descending. The power was immense and the momentum was magnificent.

"Houye! Houye is here!"

When the people in the city saw this scene, they shouted with joy, worshiped in the sky, and shed tears in their eyes.

Teng Qingshan breathed a sigh of relief and hurried forward to pay homage.

Li Xingwei nodded, turning to the six gods and asking, "Are you all madmen?"

"Yes!" Said one proudly, "Are you Zhenwu Hou? Surrender quickly to avoid death!"

Li Xingshi was talking nonsense with these arrogant idiots. He drew his sword in his hand, and said lightly, "All those who are crazy swordmen today will die!"


Suddenly, Li Xing's figure turned into six, beheading and killing six gods. He performs great divine magic, and he kills the six gods in one fell swoop!

The Liushen people only feel ~ www.readwn.com ~ They are shocking, they must resist with all their strength, but it is too slow. The sword was too fast, and the six Guanghua flashed past, and six heads landed. The six gods and men didn't even get past one move, they were beheaded by Li Xing!

Immediately he rolled a volume of the Yuanshen, extracting as much as possible the source of the gods and humans in these human bodies, for later use.

"You hold on to the city!" Li Xing hurriedly ordered Teng Qingshan, soaring into the sky, his powerful thoughts shot at him, searching for the enemy.

Wherever there were enemy forces, he immediately descended and killed with a sword. How are these soldiers his opponents? Even if there was a man of God in it, he was instantly killed.

Thirteen thirteen people have been killed. Li Xing's merciless and merciless shots, the source of the gods and human beings in these people, and the items they carried were also collected by him, making a small profit.

When he beheaded and killed the thirteenth man of God, there was a sudden horror and he locked it down. No need to look, he knew that it was Jian Xingtian, the wizard of the mad sword gate.

Li Xing had no fear, Qingdao was in his hand, and shouted, "Sword torture heaven, you will die here today and surrender the power of torture heaven!"

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