Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 437: Eye of God

Chapter 26: Eye of Heaven

A long sword with a true shape, about ten miles in length, flew over hundreds of miles in an instant and beheaded Li Xing. Li Xingfei stood up and extinct the top six styles of the top ten styles. He performed them in a series, with the same huge sword strength, straddling ten miles, beating and killing, the momentum was not weak at all.

"Ding Ding Ding Ding!"

In one instant, the sword and the long sword collided tens of thousands of times. Li Xing backed down again and again, the long sword was set in the air, and the shock continued.

"Don't move God!" Suddenly, Li Xing gave a cold drink and turned to the Heavenly Sword Technique, which contained the immovable will. This knife seems to be able to cut through the sky!

Jian Xingtian, suddenly turned into a thin sword wire, flying up and down, strangling towards Li Xing. Incarnation into silk, this form of deification has reached its extreme. Each piece of sword wire is extremely tough and extremely sharp, and can cut everything.

Once launched, the "kill" character in the battle array immediately released a star-killing power into the sword style. This day's star-killing power is not like any kind of human power, regardless of its divine power and mana power. It is a power that overrides all beings.

In the heart of Li Xing's eyebrow, a light gap was faintly opened, about **** long, and in the light gap, there seemed to be an indifferent eye, looking down at the world and observing sentient beings. However, it is the star power of the heavenly killing, which acts on the body, and the effect produced, in the eyebrows, condenses the eyes of the heavenly killing!

Although this eye of God is not completely condensed, it is just childish, but it is already very powerful. This eye, shot on the sword wire, the sword wire exploded and turned into phosgene.

At the same time, the attack of the Heavenly Sword was also issued. The simple and simple sword is also a powerful sword. Above the blade, a layer of star-killing power is attached, killing everything.


The heavenly sword wire broke immediately.

Sword silk retreated sharply, changed instantly, and condensed into the appearance of Jian Xingtian. There was a trace of blood on the corner of his mouth, and his warfare was stronger in his eyes: "Xian Xinggong is not afraid of the sky!"

On him, there is an unyielding will, fighting to the end, never shrinking, this is the mystery of Xingtian's magic.

The Emperor of Heaven, who watched the battle in Jingtian, could not help but sigh: "Xian Tian's magical powers are well-deserved, fighting against Tianqi's power, and never shrinking. Li Xing, this son does not die today, and his achievements in the future will be no small matter."

Li Xingdao: "No matter what his achievements are, if he comes here today, he can't leave alive!" He stunned and shot again. This time, instead of using a knife, he used his palm.

His primordial spirit rushed out of his body, transformed into a rune with aura of tenacity, and evolved into ten martial arts. The ten kinds of martial arts will be chaotic, and they will be transformed into a large array called the chaotic martial arts.

Billions of runes emerged, releasing terror, weaving into a large hand, suppressing it.


The sword tortured fearlessly, and sternly said, "I am not immortal, I am willing to torture!" Suddenly, he exudes a sharp murderous spirit all through his body, straight into the sky, which makes Li Xing's big hand tremble slightly.

"The praying arm blocked the car!" Li Xing sneered, his big hand cracked down fiercely, and he wrapped the real shape of Jian Xingtian directly.

Sword punishment day, turned into a sharp light, stabbed around, want to break out. Unfortunately, Li Xing is the most powerful move, ten martial arts to suppress, the chaotic martial arts central host.

Thirty-five kinds of magical power, the power of King Kong's magical power, the power of fighting body, the power of white body, all kinds are used to suppress, making the sword penalty sky difficult to fly.

Jian Xingtian has never been so desperate as today. Li Xing's instant burst of power is beyond imagination, and he can no longer escape.


Suddenly, there was a drink in the distant space and time. Li Xing's Yuanshen suddenly collapsed, turned into a spirit, and returned to the body. Jian Xuntian had this opportunity, and immediately went to the sky, disappeared instantly, leaving a sentence: "come to Japan again!"

"Who is it?" Li Xing was shocked, and his strength was unpredictable.

"Let him go." Tianxie emperor thought deeply, "Someone is protecting him."

"What kind of master?" Li Xing asked after searching for nothing.

"At least he is a six-character figure of Fa Tian, ​​but the other party doesn't want to hurt you, or you are dead." Tian Xiedao said, "If the sword punishes Tian Tian, ​​if you have a chance, you can surrender it for your use."

Li Xing nodded, drove the Shenguang, and continued to kill incoming enemies.

At this moment, in a distant and mysterious space, a ghost image sits in it and sighs: "There are such figures in the world, and if he kills the child in the future, I may not be able to protect it."


The extinct knife, the knife and the knife drank blood, and the killer was 50,000. The army of fifty thousand was swept away by Li Xing for less than half a day, and the spirit of blood was taken into the knife. Eighty-one asterisks are lit up again.

After beheading and killing thirteen gods and men, Li Xing never encountered anyone at the Mad Sword Gate. Apparently, when Jian Xingtian evacuated, a message was sent and these people had fled. At this point, Li Xing, with his own strength, spent less than half a day on the enemy in the future to drive out as many as possible.

When Li Xing returned to the county town, the people in the city cheered, and worshippers screamed and were grateful. Zhen Wuhou, this is the second time that they have repelled the enemy.

Li Xing felt in his heart that the demands of these people were actually not high. They just wanted to live a peaceful life without death from war. He came to the county to guard Tengqing Mountain, and said, "The people have all suffered losses and injuries, all of them are recorded, the children are nurtured, the elderly are supported, and the wounded are taken care of. The house is destroyed and it helps to rebuild; the livestock are lost, and they must be made up. In addition, Beiyue County will not pay taxes or serve for a period of ten years. "

Li Xing's voice came out from afar. The people heard it really, and they were delighted one by one. Beiyue County was blessed by disaster this time!

Sure enough, after that, the people of Beiyue County became safe and happy, and gradually became a wealthy place, and all households worshiped the temple of Li Xingli, paid regular visits, and begged for blessing.

When Li Xing killed the enemy in the north, the battle on the eastern front had also entered the receiving and sending stage. Zuo Zun's 600,000 army has an advantage in number. Unfortunately, his hundred and fifty gods are far less capable than Li Xing.

On that day alone, the defender can almost sweep the battlefield, not to mention the Gu Ren family.

His Majesty Zuo Zun, who was seriously injured and injured, had lost 30% of his meal time. Although he was frightened, he was not hesitant and ordered the soldiers to consolidate their fighting spirit and advance steadily.

Unfortunately, Jiu Lixiong's combat experience is definitely above Zuo Zun. He sent three thousand kingdoms and also formed a battle array, one by one, killing forward, strangling forward, and immediately disintegrating Zuo Zun's offensive.

Qi Yunjun, like a sharp knife, pierced the enemy's center. However, Zuo Zun's army collapsed instantly, and its combat effectiveness was greatly reduced. In a moment, it turned into a one-sided situation.


Seeing that Zuo Zun was about to lose, suddenly, a cloud dragon in the air was as thick as a mountain, reaching hundreds of miles. Heiwuwu's lightning flashed inside, but Cheng Ye arrived and cast a spell.

The huge Yunlong is about to sprint over the army. Suddenly, another white cloud dragon appeared in the air and stopped the black cloud dragon all at once.

The person who shot was naturally the mage who sat in town, Beichen Chong. Bei Chenchong has not moved, hiding in the army, waiting for Cheng Yi to arrive, sure enough, Cheng Yi can not help but shot.

"Beichen Chong!" Cheng Yan appeared.

"Cheng Ye, didn't kill you back then, how dare you come out?" Beichen dashed coldly.

"Let's stop talking nonsense, whoever stops me today will die!" Cheng Yanyang hit his Tao spells, two mages, fighting together.

Below, Jiuli Xiongxiong saw that the two mages had the same strength. He shouted on Tiens: "Children! Let Zuo Zun see, we are not afraid of any enemies, and they will kill me!

Suddenly, tens of thousands of patriots gathered and killed, and at the same time cut a sword in the sky. One knife after another, the sensation of the sword's qi, connecting one piece with one another, is so cohesive. They eventually converged into a huge scabbard, killing them in the air.

Cheng Zheng was releasing the spell, and when he saw a blade of light and beheaded, he was taken aback first, and after seeing it clearly, he was furious. This group of ants, who dare to move towards the mage, did not know how to die!

While dealing with Bei Chenchong, he played a spell, a thick thunderbolt emerged out of thin air, and bombarded it fiercely.

Unexpectedly, Lei Guang was slashed by Dao Guang at once, and the slash was undiminished, and it was directly cut to his body.


Cheng Yan roared, his clothes shattered, and he spit out blood. Elephants look down on ants, but more ants can kill elephants. Tens of thousands of soldiers, combined to strike, the power is incredible, Cheng Ye can not afford.

"Haha! Cheng Ye, what does that knife taste like?" Bei Chen laughed.

Cheng Ye knew that the situation had gone, and then stayed. If he could not lose his life, he groaned, flashed twice, and disappeared.

Bei Chenchong did not dare to care, and guarded Jiulixiong, for fear that he would suddenly come out and kill General Qi Yun. But fortunately, Cheng Ye did retreat. Qi Yunjun killed and killed all the way. Regardless of the gods and men, the blockers will kill.

Zuo Zun saw that the soldier was defeated, and sighed. He took tens of thousands of soldiers and dozens of gods and quickly escaped. The remaining soldiers were not so lucky, and were harvested by the army of Jiulixiong.

In the end, 600,000 troops ~ www.readwn.com ~ 200,000 were beheaded, 350,000 surrendered and taken captive, and the remaining 50,000 fled.

According to the plan, Jiuliong commanded the army, detained the captives, and withdrew.

Therefore, when Li Xing returned, the crowd had already taken prisoners back to the camp, and Li Xing won the battle!

In the military account, Jiuliong and other generals were present. Jiulixiong said: "Hou Ye, how should these captives be handled?" Although he and Li Xing are brothers, they are different from each other in the barracks, so they must also be called Lord Li Xinghou.

Li Xingdao: "Thirty-five thousand captives can be temporarily detained until they take over the land of Zuo Zun, and then let them go back. These people will be the main force behind Zuo Zun's land."

Jiuliong thought so, nodded: "A few days after the reorganization of the army, you can wave the east of the army and occupy the 20,000-square-meter site. There is also Pingjiang Hou, this prince who knows nothing about heights and heights. he!"

Talking, there is a small school outside to report: "Houye! Master! Pingjiang Hou sent messengers to make peace!"

Li Xing and Jiuli Xiong looked at each other with funny expressions. Li Xing said, "Pass!"

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