Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 439: Level killer

Chapter 28: Level Killer

In the lobby of the Star Gate, many core characters were present.

Bei Chenchong, a mage who spent some time with Li Xing, first spoke: "I can see that Tianchen Kingdom no longer exists, and Tianxingmen was born. Moreover, Liu family, Tianbo family, Gu family, etc. are all ready to move and prepare to establish themselves Country, it ’s time for us to get started. "

Beichen Changqing Road: "The so-called country is just a name, and my star gate is the true ruler. All nations must obey their own gate."

"The question is, how to build a nation?" Said an elder.

"My opinion, let Zhen Wuhou try it first, and let the rest of the princes observe it, how about it?" Bei Chenchong suggested.

"I oppose it," Bei Chenhao immediately said, "Zhen Wuhou's fiefdom is the largest of all princes, second only to the proud sword, and it is not appropriate to establish a nation."

Li Xing heard for a moment, he did not expect that Bei Chenchong actually let his fiefdom establish the country first. After analyzing the pros and cons, he thought suddenly and said, "I have a suggestion for my subordinates."

Today, Li Xing has outstanding military achievements and super strength. People attach great importance to him. When he heard him, he immediately came over.

"In the former Tianchen Kingdom, the state was the core and the princes held power. Now, if the country is to be established, the star gate will be the core and the country will serve the martial arts. Disputes. Therefore, the subordinates suggested that the name of the country could be abandoned and replaced by the name of the state. At that time, no matter how many state lands are established, they can be united and known as the Federation.

"The federal agency will be the highest administrative agency, controlled by the Star Gate. In this way, not only can the Star Gate control the place, but it will not cause other forces to fear it."

Li Xing's so-called proposal is actually borrowing the administrative methods of the federal countries known in previous lives. It is not unusual. However, these words sounded fresh to everyone's ears.

Beichen Changqing thought about it and said, "This method is very good. Let's discuss it."

The meeting lasted for three days, and it was finally decided that all the 72 vassal states under the control of the Star Gate would be nation states. Li Xing's fiefdom was called Zhenwu State. Among the various states, a joint administrative organization is formed, which is managed by Tianxingmen.

Although the general direction has been determined, this matter requires long-term planning, at least half a year.

After the meeting, Li Xing was called to the East Palace by Bei Chenji, who was attending the meeting together, and said that there were important matters to discuss.

When he arrived at the museum, Beichenji laughed and said, "Li Xing, I'll tell you the good news."

"What good news?" Li Xing asked strangely.

"Aren't you going to marry Bei Shibing? Bei Shi's family already has the news, just three days later." Beichen Jidao said, "You can see your sweetheart right away."

This is too fast! Li Xing was a bit surprised and settled down, saying, "Thank you, Master, for helping each other."

"Ah! You are my person, who will I not help you with?" Bei Chenji continued. "The North Teachers heard that Bei Chenhao became a true martial artist. At first, they disagreed and thought you were just a small prince. , Look down. "

"Later, I told them about your achievements. This North Teacher's House was shocked by heaven and immediately agreed. Hmm, this North Teacher's Head is very slippery and I see that you have a bright future."

Li Xingdao: "Then the next thing will be arranged by the master of labor." Although he is an elder, he has no foundation in Tiancheng City. He has no one, no money, no money. If he wants a wedding, he must It is impossible to rely on Bei Chenji's strength.

"Oh, you can rest assured that everything is ready. Originally, I was worried that you could not arrive in time because of the fighting. Now you can marry the bride in person."

Outside Tiancheng City, I don't know when to station a team of people, as many as thousands. Tents are set up, and in a large account in the center, Bei Shibing and Bei Shi Qing Qing, as well as a dozen other men and women from the Bei Shi family, sit together to discuss matters.

"Ice girl, isn't it Beichenhao, one of the six generals of Tianchen? How did it become a real martial arts?" A man from the Northern Teacher's House resentfully said, "Little princes, how can you marry you?"

Bei Shibing glared at the speaker and said, "You only know that he is Hou Ye, but you don't know that he is the elder of the Star Gate."

"What about the elders? Isn't Beichenhao also the elders?" The man retorted. "And on the basis, Zhen Wuhou couldn't compare with it."

Bei Shiqing Qing shook his head: "Little Five, you only look at things on the surface. That Li Xing is not an ordinary prince. He is very strong. If he is not a mage, no one can defeat him. Such a person has a bright future. , Much stronger than that elder Bei Chenhao. "

The person called Xiao Wu, named Bei Shihao, is the son of Uncle Bei Shibing, and ranks fifth. Upon hearing Bei Shihao, he wondered: "He is not the first person under the mage?" He looked at another young man beside him.

This young man, in his twenties, has a faint smile on his face, and has a strong momentum.

The eyes of the rest fell on this young man. Beiqing Qingqing Road: "Primary Four, are you the first Wizard of the North Teacher's House, are you very unconvinced?"

The fourth grader is the fourth senior, named Bei Chenzhong, and she has ten strong training skills. She is known as the first wizard in the history of the North Division family, and no one else can reach it. In the future, it is likely to impact the realm of law and heaven and become a mage.

Bei Chenzhong smiled lightly: "Some things can only be known if I have verified them myself. My aunt said he was the first person under the mage, so I will fight him."

Everyone revealed that I knew you would have such an expression. Although Bei Chenzhong looked humble, in fact, he was very competitive and young, but he experienced countless battles, and he never lost.

When Li Xing was preparing for a "big marriage", Beichenhao and his two sons, Beichen Yide and Beichen Yiren, were carefully facing a strange-looking man in Beichenhao Mansion.

This person is shrouded in purple-golden brilliance, and the purple-brown brilliance is constantly flowing, like a metal liquid, very thick and tough.

"Bei Chenhao, I owe you a favor, did you finally let me pay it back?" The Zijin person said, his voice sounded like metal rubbing, very harsh.

Bei Chenhao laughed and said, "Zi Jinhou, originally I didn't want to alarm you, but that Li Xing was so bullying that he dared to take my full moon scimitar and humiliated me in public. He must die!"

Zijinhou, one of the three princes of Tianchen. Tianchen's three princes are Zuo Zun, Aojian, and Zijinhou. Among them, Aojian and Zijinhou are all peers of the gods and men.

Originally, Bei Chenhao wanted to get rid of Li Xing by the hand of the proud sword, but now he can't wait, he wants Li Xing to die immediately. So I thought of Zijinhou. In that year, Zijin Hou owed Bei Chenhao a favor and promised to return in the future.

"Zhenwu Hou Li Xing is not easy to deal with," Zi Jinhou said, "you have given me a problem."

Beichen said arrogantly, "Zi Jinhou, your Zijin martial arts are invincible, that Li Xing is definitely not your opponent. Tomorrow is his big marriage, I hope you will shoot at that time."

Zi Jinhou was silent for a moment, and said, "Okay, I will show up at that time. However, I am not absolutely sure to kill this person."

"As long as you take the shot, I'm assured." Beichen Hao said, "After the incident is completed, you will no longer owe me anything, let's be clear."

The figure of Zi Jinhou disappeared in an instant. The three of Beichenhao and his son all laughed.

Beichen Yide said: "Father, Zi Jinhou's strength should be above Li Xing. At that time, they will fight for your life, and then they will be killed by destiny."

Bei Chenhao raised his eyebrows: "I don't know Zijinhou, I am Beichenhao a long time ago. Lord, if you have supreme power, you will rule the world! Dominate the world!"

"Father, who will be sent down this time? If it wasn't for the prefecture-level killer, I'm afraid I can't kill Li Xing and Zi Jinhou in one fell swoop, unless they both lose each other." Beichen Yiren asked.

"It's a singing girl," Beichen Hao said, "the rank-killer who ranks above the coward."

Beichen Yiren was surprised. "Song girl! Destiny's killer has four levels of heaven, god, earth, and soul. Among them, there are few heaven-level and god-level killers. The prefect-level killer is the mainstream force. That showgirl is the prefect-level killer. , The third-ranked person actually sent her out! "

In the eyes of Bei Chenhao, there was also a hint of fear, but then he was excited: "The magic sound of the showgirl has been completed, and even the mage will be disturbed. Zijinhou and Li Xing must die."

"However, the meaning above seems to want to attract Li Xing to join the fate, and the showgirl may not kill him." Beichen Yide was worried.

"No matter! The singing girl is extremely jealous. She will never let a character like Li Xing join the destiny, which will affect his ranking in the killers at the prefecture level." Tianchen Hao is arrogant and sneer.

Recently, Li Xing has been depressed. Although he is trying to help his friends, marriage matters, whether true or false, must be reported to his wife and adults. Unexpectedly, when he informed the girls about this, he received a powder punch and two fragrant tears.

At this moment, he stayed frowning in Baiyang Jingtian, leaning against the white sun tree in a daze. The rich and wealthy lay on one side, staring gleefully at the host.

Xiao Jin flew over Li Xing's head, and since he got the Talisman of Fighting, its strength has advanced by leaps and bounds, and bullying Yuanbao is all right.

In the distance ~ www.readwn.com ~ In a palace where Baiyang's aura condenses, Chen Shuang is playing with a knife, a sharp knife, she hates and says: "It doesn't make sense! Let's talk to Xing brother first, the North Division Bingbing What marries first? "

"Well, if we want to marry, we will marry first. That Bei Shibing ranks the fifth oldest at the most." Xue Ling also piqued his mouth and said.

Still, Chen Xue was more considerate and said, "Don't you know that Xingge did this to help her, and didn't really marry Bei Shibing."

"Who knows?" Shuiyue said with a grieved expression. "Xing brother is so fancy, seeing one loves the other. Before, there was only one of me. Now, they are all four."

Li Xing seemed to be in a daze. In fact, she was eavesdropping on the women's words. When she heard this, she said, "Hey, Chen Xuebei, I must hurt her tonight."

As soon as this idea came out, she felt the second master underneath felt as hard as iron. There is also a disadvantage to practicing Bai Yanggong, that is, it is not easy to control the emotions and desires of Chen Xue and others.

Yin and Yang are attracted to both sides, and the feeling is not strong. Therefore, almost every time, Li Xing would ride on the girl, so he was unhappy.

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