Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 440: Purple King Gall

Chapter 29: Purple Gold

Finally, after complaining, the women still compromised and came to Li Xing to express their opinions.

"Xing brother, don't you really marry her, right?" Xue Ling asked.

Li Xing nodded quickly and said solemnly, "Of course not, there are four of you, I'm very content." Then Baba walked behind Chen Shuang and rubbed her shoulders. But he knew that, of the four women, only Chen Shuang had a hot temper and was difficult to speak.

Sure enough, Chen Shuang grabbed Li Xing's ears and said, "My good brother, haven't you lied?"

Li Xing faced bitterly: "How dare, how dare ..."

Chen Shuangsong let go of his hand, rubbed it for him, and scented it on his face again, and smiled: "That's all right, arrange her to the Qi Yunpai like Zhuo Xiaowan, and let Jiao Jiao manage. Jiaojiao naturally does not want her to be the fifth child. "

Li Xing was finally allowed to open his heart, and he asked Chen Huan to hug him, but was pushed away by Chen Shuang and said, "You ... you will find someone, and I will not come."

"Hey." Li Xing laughed.

Today, the wind is beautiful, Li Xing is full of red light, and appears cheerfully on the avenue. Under him, riding a Tiens rich, overhead, Zhenlong Xiaojin swam back and forth, magnificent, full of spirits.

Bei Chenji arranged a large number of manpower, eighteen heaven guards, and thirty-six star guards all served as the welcoming team. In addition, 3,000 knights and 6,000 warriors were transferred as guards of honor.

Seeing popular people on both sides of the street, they lined up in two teams, crowded and noisy.

"Guy! What happened? Who is this to marry? It's a big show!"

"I don't know? It's Zhenwu Hou Li Xing, who is going to marry the girl of the Northern Teacher's House. Zhenwu Hou, but the person who defeated the **** Hou Zuozun, the real figure in Tianxingmen, is amazing!"

"That guard, it seems all gods, isn't it the star guard?"

"Not only Tianxingwei, but also Tianwei Mile! Well, what a beautiful scenery, Tianxingmen must be very serious about Wuhou, otherwise it would not be so important."

In envious eyes and words of discussion, the long orientation team crossed the street, headed for the North Gate, and welcomed Bei Shibing.

Nothing happened, and it didn't take long before I saw the camp of Bei Shi's family.

The spies planted by the North Teacher's House immediately came to inform the people of the North Teacher's House: "The welcome team is here!"

Bei Shiqing Qing smiled and said, "Okay, everyone is ready, you can't let Zhenwu Hou pass easily!"

Bei Shi Bingfang's heart fluttered and said, "Aunt, don't go too far." It turned out that Tianchen customs, when the bridegroom greeted, he must "pass the three barriers."

The so-called three levels are the day level, the level level, and the person level. Only after passing the three barriers are they eligible to marry the bride. Of course, most of the "three passes" are just formalities and not too serious.

When everyone saw Bei Shibing's anxious look, they all laughed and said, "Observe, we must not go too far! Just a little bit!"

Bei Shibing pursed his lips, but his heart was sweet for a while. Will the girlhood dream come true?

Li Xing's mood was very strange. Although he knew he wasn't really married, he felt like being a groom.

"If I hadn't crossed, would I have married my girlfriend now? Live an ordinary life and give birth to children." Li Xing said with emotion.

Ahead of the camp, the teacher ’s camp was looking, and a group of people walked out in a line. So the welcome team also slowed down, approached slowly, and finally stopped a few meters away.

Li Xing patted the wealthy head, and the wealthy immediately raised the lion's head and marched forward, while Xiao Jin tied it on his head, like a golden crown. The real dragon followed the ride and mounted on the beast. Li Xing's leader stunned the North Division family.

"Too arrogant! Even Tiens rides, and true dragons!" Someone sighed.

"That Tiens, afraid of the strength of the nine gods of God training, has grown up. The real dragon is even better, although still small, it can grow in the future, even more fierce than Tiens!"

Li Xing's eyes did not squint, turned a deaf ear, and entered the first hurdle.

The first level in the three levels is "Tianguan".

The so-called Tianguan refers to the test pass set by the bride's father. The father's life is as big as the sky, so it is called "Tianguan".

At the front, an old man in Xuanyi is a five-practice god. He stood in front of him and waited for Li Xing to approach. Then he asked, "Who is coming?"

"Zhenwu Hou Li Xing," Li Xing replied.

"What glory in your life? What future do you have today?" The elder asked.

Li Xing said indifferently: "The good guys don't mention the courage of the year, but in the future, my Li Xing's name will be heard throughout Tianyuanzhou."

The old man's body shook, a big breath!

"Are you here to bring gifts?"

Li Xing smiled: "Naturally." He took out three Baiyang Shendan, put them in a jade box, and gave them to the old man.

At the first glance, the old man's face changed, and he cried, "Goddam?"

"This is Baiyang Shendan. After taking it, you can have a chance to achieve the body of Baiyang." Li Xingdandan said.

The old man took the jade box one by one, and his hands were a little hesitant. He said, "Pass!" Then he flashed aside and let Li Xing pass.

The second pass is the "ground pass". At this level, the person who came forward was a member of Bei Shibing's mother-in-law. The father is heaven and the mother is earth.

The person this time was a little girl. She looked pretty, red-faced, and looked at Li Xing, she seemed embarrassed to see a stranger.

Li Xing smiled and gave a fist: "Little sister, what do you tell me?"

The girl, twirling her horns, blushed and said, "People want to eat plums on Dongping Mountain, they want ice."

Everyone at the North Teachers House laughed when they heard this request. Dongping Mountain, located to the east of Tianchen Kingdom, is extremely tall. Above the mountain, it is very cold. There is a special product called Lengxiangmei, which is sweet and refreshing.

However, after picking this cold plum, if it is not eaten in time, it will melt. Therefore, even if Li Xing picks it now, it will only take about half an hour at most.

Dongping Mountain, there are more than 30,000 miles away, one round trip, is six or seven thousand miles. Within half an hour, at the speed of the quadruple gods, it is impossible to go back and forth.

Little girl, can give big problems!

Bei Shibing heard the score in his account and couldn't help but lame, isn't that embarrassing!

The little girl's innocent eyes, looking at Li Xing, seemed to really want to eat plums.

As soon as Li Xing stayed, "Haha" laughed and said, "Okay, wait a moment, I'll come and go!" Then, when he made an instant, he went away instantly.

The vitality in the body runs at an incredible speed, and every breath takes 15,000 weeks. In a flash, one step is hundreds of miles away. At such a speed, Li Xing could reach Dongping Mountain as long as he took three hundred steps.

If someone looks down from the air, they can see a small dot, which blinks continuously below, and every blink can make a hundred miles.

As soon as Li Xing left, everyone in the Bei family looked at each other. Could he really do it? Ran to Dongping Mountain to pick plums? How is this possible?


Li Xingfei's figure suddenly stopped, because in front of him, a purple-gold weird man blocked the way and was imposing.

"Zi Jinhou?" Li Xing's face changed slightly, and he asked.

In Tianchen, there are people with such strange appearances, and they are the top 10 people who practice God. There is a Zijin Hou, and he has practiced Zijin magic.

"Li Xing?" The person who came was Zi Jinhou, and asked.

"It's me, Zijinhou, why do you stop me?" Li Xingwei was so angry that he had to hurry to pick plums, but he didn't have time to delay here.

"Trusted," Zi Jinhou said lightly, "come to kill you."

Since it is endless, there is no need to talk nonsense anymore. Li Xing screamed and shot directly. Chaos Divine Fist, hitting in the past. With a single punch, the space seems to be continuously superimposed and collapsed, giving people a sense of confusion in space and time.

"Zijin flying sickle!"

Zijinhou suddenly turned into a sickle, rotated, cut, and slashed towards Li Xing.


The fist hit Fei Si, Li Xing didn't move, but Zi Jinhou was shocked to fly.

"Come again!" Li Xing violently sighed, followed closely, and made a second punch.

Zi Jinhou quickly regained his human form, and his expression was startled. His flying sickle can cut off even the ninth-order weapon. How can he not break this person's fist? He even felt that Li Xing's fist was stronger than Fei sickle!

In the face of Li Xing's iron fist, Zi Jinhou could only shoot with all his strength, and also made a punch.


The two sides kept fighting, and Li Xing's martial arts obviously surpassed each other too much. Zi Jinhou's boxing force was continuously pulled, resolved, and even directly countered back and hit himself.

In addition, Li Xing is not afraid of the opponent's fist at all.

Zi Jinhou fought for a lifetime, never seen such a fight, only offense. Almost a blink of an eye, he was hit with hundreds of punches, and Li Xing also hit him with seven or eight punches.

Changing seven or eight punches to hundreds of punches is really a big loss!

Zi Jinhou felt that ~ www.readwn.com ~ blood and tumbling rolled over, and his body was in pain, and the true shape seemed to collapse at any time. The more he fought, the more frightened he became, the more he frightened, the roar suddenly, and he suddenly backed away.

"Want to leave? Do you dare to destroy my good deeds and stay old!" Li Xing was aggressive and grabbed his hands. The big move against Jian Xingtian suppressed the chaos of martial arts.

Zijin Hou was startled, the whole body of Zijin Guanghua flashed, and a purple gold darted out of his head. As soon as this gall came out, sharp, pure gold essence enveloped him, stiffly blocking the giant palm.

"Well? Zijin Wangdan!" Li Xing's eyes brightened.

At the beginning, he had searched for Zijin Dan in order to cultivate King Kong's first skill. However, Zijin Gallbladder is also distinguished, the best of which is called Zijin King Gallbladder.

The average purple gold gallbladder is only over a million years old. And Zijin Wangdan often buried hundreds of millions of years in Jinshan, and its preciousness is not under the magic weapon. Moreover, if anyone refines it into a magic weapon, it is a powerful killing treasure.

"Good thing! In this courage, there must be hidden innate gold, leave me!" Tianxie yelled.

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