Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 441: God. 3-year term

Chapter 30: God. Three years

Real gold, but the gem in the metal, is extremely precious, Li Xing didn't want to, and immediately maddened his magical power. Above the big hand, the word "li" in an ancient word flashed, and the strange power was released.

This detached word is the meaning of "separation". It has been in the heart of Li Xingyuan for a long time. It has a touch with Li Xing and can be used for it. As soon as this power was released, the relationship between Zijinhou and Zijin Wangdan was instantly cut off.

Immediately, with a strong suction, Zijin Wangdan jumped up and fell into the hands of Li Xing.

The soul of Zijin Houfei is scattered, and he is extremely angry. This Zijin Wangdan is a life-saving thing, and the cornerstone of his future cultivation must never be thrown away!

"Come back!" He yelled, capturing with all his strength. Unfortunately, Li Xing is stronger than him. He chased him with a big hand, and wrapped him directly to suppress it. Then he started to run and hang him.

Suddenly, a mist of music sounded. As soon as this song came out, Li Xing's mind was a little unstable, and there was a slight slack in the chaotic martial arts array.

Zi Jinhou immediately took the opportunity to scramble out, and fled thousands of meters away, staring resentfully at Li Xing, his whole body turned purple, but he dared not approach. If it were not for the sudden sound of music, he had been refined by Li Xing, and he would have to practice it all at once.

"Who!" Li Xing's thoughts swept wildly, and he immediately discovered that a woman was sitting on the mountain peak hundreds of miles away. The woman had a terrific appearance, and she was dressed in white, wins the snow, the blue silk was falling, she was stroking the strings, her fingers were gracefully waving, and a desolate music popped up.

This music seems to have a magical power, making people's minds confused, unable to contain, and there are signs of madness.

"Huh!" Li Xinghun all over his body, suddenly exuding an immovable will, this will, like a mountain, the music is like a gust of wind. How does a breeze shake the mountains? Therefore, he was physically and mentally unaffected.

"Zhenwuhou! Give me back Zijin Wangdan, what about our affairs?" Zijinhou chanted.

Li Xing turned his face and looked at Zi Jinhou like an idiot: "You grew up eating shit? You just wanted to kill me, now dare to let me return your Zi Jin Wang bile? Come to me if you want, Slaves forever! "

This Zijin Hou, without resentment and vengeance, actually intercepted him, which completely angered Li Xing, and he could not tolerate it. Even if he cannot be killed today, he will have to do it in the future to get rid of him!

Upon hearing Zi Jinhou's face, his face was irritated, but no one could see the purple light around him.

Li Xing stopped paying attention to Zi Jinhou, locked the divine mind on the woman on the peak, and asked, "Who are you?"

"I am a singing girl, a piece of broken heart, a piece of distress." The woman murmured, as if a grieving woman whispered in her ear. Suddenly she sang a song, and the song was sobbing like a complaint.

Zi Jinhou's face changed, he yelled, and turned away. The song sang into his ears, and immediately turned upside down, he knew it was bad, and hurried away.

Li Xing was still still, and said coldly, "Diao Diao Xiaoshu, dare to use it to show ugliness!"

When he stepped out, he came across to the woman and stared at her: "If you can only sing a broken song and play a broken song, then you are dead today!"

The singing girl sighed, "I didn't expect that someone could resist the magic sound. Your spiritual will is really powerful."

Li Xing stepped forward and stepped on it. This stepping force, even an iron ball, must be stepped into a discus. The piano on the ground suddenly "wiped" and broke.

The enemy now, the singing lady looked immobile, stood up slowly, and looked at Li Xing. Her eyes were extremely beautiful, like a magnet, immediately attracted Li Xing's attention.

Li Xing laughed suddenly, and said, "Inspiration, you are better than her, which one is better."

Suddenly, a spirit of inspiration attacked the woman, but it was the power of inspiration.

The showgirl's face had an incredible expression on her face, and she felt a strange magical thought that penetrated her mind and was not easy to dispel. Frightened, she squeezed her hands with her hands, motionless, and seemed to fall into a struggle. Now, as soon as Li Xing raises her hand, she can kill this woman.

"That's great, even the third-level showgirl can't fight you." Suddenly, a voice sounded behind him.

Li Xing turned around and saw a white human figure appearing. This ghost image released a breath of emperor. Such a phantom can only be created by a mage in the air.

"Who are you?" Li Xing was alert and prepared to escape at any time.

"I am God, the head of fate." Xu Ying said, "A man who has always been arrogant told me that he has found a Wizard who is hard to come by for a thousand years. I was curious, so I wanted to take a look, but I did n’t expect you to let me feeling suprised."

"The head of destiny?" Li Xingyi pointed to the singing girl. "She is also a destiny?"

"Yes, she is the third-ranked killer on the map. She is a showgirl. Last time I played a widow with you, she ranked fourth."

Li Xing was startled, and the widower was only fourth. What about the first? Why did this God come here?

"I'm here to absorb you into destiny." God laughed. Although his image was ambiguous, Li Xing could see he was laughing.

"What if I don't want to?" Li Xing said.

"Before you refuse, you should listen to the benefits of joining Destiny." God said with a smile. "With your strength, if you join Destiny, at least the top three killers at the prefecture level. You only need to choose to accept a few tasks each year. But, you're still you normally. "

"Every task you take, you can get huge rewards. You can charge Xuan Jing, you can also receive elixir, treasures, and you are protected by destiny. No one dares to offend you. These are nothing, and more importantly, join Destiny can change destiny. "

"Change destiny?" Li Xing's expression was very disapproving. He thought that it was up to him to change his life against the sky.

"You don't believe it?" God said, "If you don't believe it, you can try to join Destiny for three years. After three years, if you still don't believe it, you can quit at any time."

"Master, how?" Li Xing asked Tian Xie secretly.

"This man is pretending to be a mystery, but his true body is probably a strong man above the level of Fatian. For the time being, promise him that you will have to sway the world in the future, and it will be necessary to sharpen it in a mysterious organization such as Heaven. evil ways.

"Okay, I promise." Li Xing thought about it and gave an answer.

"Very well, I have a hunch, you will be one of the greatest killers since the establishment of my destiny!" Xing Ying flicked, the singer suddenly awakened, and at the same time Li Xing felt that the magic of inspiration was bounced out of force. The film shows great strength.

The showgirl was surprised when she saw the ghost image, and quickly bowed down: "Master!"

"Song girl, the mission is cancelled, you go back." God said.

The singing girl bowed to her feet, then glanced at Li Xing with a complicated look, and quietly retreated.

"Li Xing, everything you want to know is above the 'Destiny Rune'." Xingying threw a rune to Li Xing, and said, "If there is any task, the rune will be displayed automatically. Hope you Get strong soon. "

Then the words disappeared and the ghost disappeared.

Li Xing took the amulet, closed it without seeing it, cast a quick step, and hurried toward Dongping Mountain. A lot of time has just been delayed. If the bride is kept waiting, she will be laughed at.

Divine power rushed to the extreme, and ten minutes later, Li Xing arrived at Dongping Mountain. On Dongping Mountain, there is a large area of ​​plum forest, and plum trees are covered with plums like yellow orange orange ice crystals.

He glanced at him, picked the largest plum tree, waved his sleeves, and many large ice plums full of tree flesh were picked off by him, and then immediately left.

Look, it's already a quarter of an hour, Li Xing hasn't returned yet, and the girl suddenly feels guilty. Is it too much to eat Bingmei yourself?

In the welcoming team, Tianwei's people also looked at each other and communicated secretly.

"The strength of the elders is above us, but I want to go back and forth to Dongpingshan in a short time, I am afraid it is difficult."

"That is, if it were us, it would take us at least half a day."

In the account, Bei Shibing was anxious, and constantly complained to Bei Shiqing: "Aunt, why does Minmin have to eat ice plum? She wants to eat, and I will buy her a basket the other day."

Bei Shiqing Qing pouted and chuckled, "Why, are you worried that he can't do it?"

Bei Shibing bowed his head and sighed, "I'm not worried about him, I'm just upset."

"Of course it will be upset, you will be ready at all." Bei Qing Qing Qing shook his head and seemed to see through Bei Shibing's thoughts. "When I came home that day, you asked to marry and no one forced you. The big brother also said If you regret it in the future, you can't blame others. "

Bei Shibing said quietly, "I don't know yet, what does he think?"

Suddenly, an exclamation came from outside, and Li Xing was back!

A divine light descended. Li Xing's magical light, wrapped in hundreds of ice plums, each large in size, drooled at a glance. The plums are still fresh ~ www.readwn.com ~ It is only ten minutes since the plums were picked.

The girl named Minmin brightened her eyes, thanked him, and accepted the plums politely, her eyes turning into a crescent moon.

Li Xing also smiled slightly and continued to move forward.

The third level in front is the person level. The so-called person level is the level of the bride. No matter how parents agree, if the bride does not wait to see, the end of the groom is equally miserable.

Bei Shibing stood to the front. She was dressed up fresh and fashionable today. She wore a red suit, a wreath on her head, and slender, waiting for Li Xing to approach.

Tiens approached, Bei Shibing stared at Li Xing and asked, "Li Xing, do you like me?"

Li Xingyi, what do you say? Is this true or a play? Not even he could tell at this moment. However, when he saw Bei Shibing's gentle and soft look, he couldn't help but blurt out: "Of course I like it."

Bei Shibing smiled brightly, Li Xing couldn't believe that a woman's smile could be so beautiful, that was a joy from the heart. He couldn't help being infected and smiled, then jumped out of Tiens and hugged Bei Shibing together Sit up.

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