Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 442: Anniversary Night

Chapter 31: Anniversary Night

Bei Shibing was sitting in front, Li Xing was sitting in the back, holding her slender waist, and smiling: "Let's go!"

Fortune and wealth are personally mad, and immediately rise into the air, the light at your feet rolls, and the wind around you suddenly rises. Zhenlong Xiaojin directly took nine days of cloud and radiated hundreds of millions of ray of light, condensed into a huge canopy, and drooped.

In that cloud of qi, there was also the fuming civilization which was condensed by thunder and lightning. There were thousands of bright lights, thousands of powerful qi, and extraordinary weather, which caused the whole city of Tiancheng to stir up and people came to see it.

At a distance, Beichen Yide and Beichen Yiren stared at Li Xing with a stunned glory as a triumphant general. And that beauty would have become their "stepmother".

"Song girl missed?" Beichen Yide couldn't believe it.

"Li Xing is not dead!" Beichen Yiren clenched his fists, "He was not dead!"

"Notify father immediately!" The two flickered and disappeared.

Li Xing swaggered the market without any low-key meaning. He now wants to let the people in Tiancheng City and Tianxingmen know his existence.

The ceremony of worship is already prepared. In a magnificent palace, it is in the original Tiangan Hall, and now the Tianxingmen Hall of Discussion. Entering the hall, Li Xing saw that the three mages and the star master Beichen Changqing were all there.

This surprised him too, and he has to say that the Star Gate was quite face-saving.

Bei Chen chuckled "Hehe", "Groom, how about my husband as your witness today?"

"Unable to ask." Li Xing quickly thanked him.

Beichen Changqing also said: "Li Xing, your parents are not around. The owner accepts you as a righteous son today. What do you think?"

Li Xing stayed again and accepted as a righteous son?

On one side, Beichen Lan came out with a smile and said, "If you agree, you will call me three sisters in the future."

Between flashes of thought, Li Xing knew that today's face, he could not refute, otherwise, what is the dignity of the star gate master? With a bitter smile in his heart, he stepped forward sincerely and worshiped Beichen Changqing: "Baby, see the righteous father!"

In the past, outsiders rumored that Beichen Changqing was a faint king and had no choice but to ask about state affairs, but Li Xing now knows that these are rumors. The true Beichen Evergreen is extremely smart.

Prior to this, Beichen Changqing has been creating a trend, that is, to believe in Li Xing in every possible way, has always been unparalleled. At this moment, suddenly making this request makes people feel reasonable, as long as it is a normal person, it will not refuse.

Therefore, Li Xing got into the condom. He didn't agree and he agreed. There is a godfather in vain, and it is unclear whether it is annoying or happy.

"Okay, my son, please!" Beichen Changqing came up with a smile and helped Li Xing personally. "In addition to you, I also collected three righteous women, two of whom you have never seen."

After the palace, two women walked out immediately. These two women are both national and heavenly, with a gentle expression and a beautiful smile; one, like an iceberg, although beautiful, gives people a feeling of being close to others.

"Four younger brother, I'm the second sister Qinglan." The gentle woman said, "This is the older sister Bing Ning."

Beichen Qinglan introduced with a smile, but Beichen Bingning just nodded slightly and didn't speak.

Beichen went up and said, "Four younger brothers, why don't you call your elder sister?" Her expression had a playful smile.

Li Xing sighed, even if there was a godfather, why was there three more sisters? However, the ceremony could not be abolished. He hurried forward and met the three daughters respectfully, saying, "Little brother Li Xing, I have seen the big sister, the second sister, and the third sister."

The Bei Shibing behind him was so stunned that even Li Xing was surprised, let alone her.

The process of worship is very complicated, and it took a long time to finish it. In the process, Bei Chenji stood far away, with a strange expression. Today, Beichen Changqing received Yizi, he was quite surprised.

Behind him, Yousha showed her figure, and said, "Master, this Li Xing will not belong to the master anymore. He belongs to the master."

Li Xing became the righteous son of Beichen Changqing, who is naturally the Beichen Changqing, as Qinglan Bingning and others, as his confidants.

"Really?" Bei Chenji looked indifferent.

"Furthermore, the host never received the righteous son, only the righteous daughter, and he seemed to have the intention to do so." You Sha continued, "No prince can compare with his master. Li Xing ... "He said nothing.

Bei Chenji's eyes narrowed: "You mean, Li Xing will threaten my status? It seems impossible, he is the righteous son, I am the parent-child."

"Did the master forget the story of Ningfeng being Emperor?" Yousha seemed to provoke, intentionally.

Beichenji's face finally changed. Ningfeng was the righteous son of Beichen's first emperor. His qualifications were amazing and his talents were outstanding. Later, he changed his surname to Beichen, replacing the then great prince and becoming the emperor.

"Master, Li Xing, I have to guard!"

Beichen Jiji said: "Go!" He stopped attending the wedding, and seemed to want to leave the hall with urgency.

After the ceremony, Li Xing and Bei Shibing were sent to the apse round room.

It was getting dark, Li Xing was sitting on the bed, and Bei Shibing was sitting beside him, both of them looked a little awkward.

"You ... Are you sleepy?" Bei Shibing asked.

Li Xing said "ah" and said, "I'm not sleepy."

Bei Shibing gave him a white look: "But I'm sleepy."

Li Xing smiled bitterly, rubbing his palms on his legs, and said, "That ... I actually wanted to marry you ..."

Bei Shibing took the conversation and continued: "Do you want to say that you married me because you didn't want me to fall into the old hand of Bei Chenhao. And when I marry you, I can get freedom, you There is only one identity between me. If I want to, I can leave at any time and find a man I like, right? "

Li Xing looked at Bei Shibing in surprise. Why did she say everything?

Bei Shibing stared at Li Xing with a solemn expression and angrily said: "Li Xing, listen well! Today you have married me. My Bei Shi Bing is your woman from now on. Do you want me? No door! "Suddenly, she laughed." Anyway, I'm married to you. What should you do? "

Li Xing rolled her eyes, grabbed her hands, and directly took her into Baiyang Jingtian.

When Bei Shibing saw Chen Xue, Chen Shuang, Xue Ling, and Shuiyue and knew that they were all Li Xing's women, they were shocked. Just as she was about to explode, the Emperor Tianxie's eyes were quick, and she immediately inserted a Yin seed into her body.

Suddenly, Bei Shi's ice and fire were completely gone, and he gently looked at Li Xing and said, "Brother Xing, there are so many older sisters, why didn't you tell me earlier?"

Li Xing wiped his sweat and grinned, "I forgot to say it." His back was cold, and he felt the other four women look at him with murderous eyes.

A few days ago, he also said that everything was just a drama, but today the fake drama was really done. This is all due to the Emperor Tianxie, and he did not discuss it when he shot it. This is bad.

In the end, Li Xing stayed in the Baiyang Jingtian and failed to come out for three days. When he came out, his face, neck, and back were full of scratches and bite marks, and the triple body of King Kong could not be spared, showing how miserable his experience was.

The night of Li Xing Dongfang, no one came in to check it, so it was very quiet for several days. At this moment, he took out the amulet and examined it carefully. A divine power was entered into it, and the amulet instantly released a memory into his primordial spirit.

This memory told Li Xing something. ,

Destiny, the time of its establishment is unknown, and other gods, heavenly possessions, and heavenly intentions belong to a mysterious force. The hosts of the four major institutions are called Gods.

The destiny organization is an assassination organization. The killers in it are divided into four levels: heaven, god, earth, and soul. Each level has a rank of killer strength. Like a coward, he is fourth in the rank.

Soul-level killer, generally assassinates the patriarch; ground-level killer, generally assassinates the god-man; god-level killer, assassinates powerful characters and weak mages; sky-level killer can assassinate giants in the mage, The strength is extremely profound.

After receiving the message, the sign flashed and another message appeared on it.

Target: Wu Zihan

Reward: Broken Doom Sword

Time: within one year

Seeing the information, Li Xing remembered immediately that the little boy Wu was one of the Wu family who was one of the eight surnames of Tianchen. It was said that when he was fourteen, he entered the level of God training and was a Wu family genius.

This little boy, who acts cruelly and kills, kills almost every day. He kills with joy and kills with unhappiness. Everyone is scared.

After reading it, Li Xing suddenly entered another divine power and accepted the task. Suddenly, the destiny sign flashed and the message was passed on.

This amulet is a sixth-order magic weapon, and it has the wonderful function of traffic news. A moment later, a message appeared on the amulet: the reserve group killer "Thunderstorm" had accepted the reward.

Thunderstorm? This nickname is not bad, Li Xing thought.

He has already accepted the task of assassinating Wu Xiaogongzi. Anyway, he has to go out to look for the magic seed and the magic pill. It would be better to kill a few people and earn extra money. Like Wu Xiaogongzi, killing should only be done for the sky.

When Li Xing stepped out of the apse, the disciples who were outside early came forward to report: "Father, three ladies please."

Siye? Li Xing felt that the title didn't sound very accustomed, knowing that Beichen Lanlan and others were invited, so he nodded and went.

In the back garden, three women sit in the pavilion and gossiping about tea. They are Beichen Qinglan, Beichen Ningbing, and Beichen blue. All three daughters are the righteous daughters of Beichen Changqing, who once held power. Nowadays, although Tianchen Kingdom is gone, they are still doormen, and their status is still higher than ordinary elders ~ www.readwn.com ~ What are the three sisters to call? "Li Xing was very kind to see the three women.

Beichen's blue-finger bench: "Sit."

Li Xing sat down and said to the little girls, what did they mean, was it to improve their feelings?

"Four younger brothers, you have such a beautiful day," Beichen said in a blue sky. "How do you feel at night in the cave house? If you don't go out for three days, you must be crazy?"

Li Xingxin said you want to know why not try it, but his mouth said, "Oh, it's okay."

"It seems that the fourth brother is in a good mood." Beichen Lanlan said, "Since the mood is good, can you do something for my sister?"

"Sister Blue, please." Li Xing immediately said, very intimate.

"Kill Beichenhao for me." Beichen Landao said, "With Beichen Yide and Beichen Yiren, kill them together!"

Li Xing opened his eyes and said, "Why?"

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