Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 444: Nether Light

Chapter 33: Nothingness Lamp

Beichen Yiren couldn't think of it, Li Xing really dare to take action. He was too late to escape, and a golden light burst out above the Yuan Shen, and the heavy brick was hit hard.

However, Li Xing was well prepared and sneered. The great divinity "Wanliuguizong" was exhibited, and a strange force pulled it all out. At the same time, the word "li" flashed in his Yuan Shen.

Suddenly, the BRICs jumped and suddenly flew into Li Xingyuan's God, wrapped tightly. When the BRIC entered Yuanshen, Li Xing felt that he was sinking all over the body, and he cried secretly.

Beichen Yiren was seized by Li Xing with the use of great divine magic and the word "li" to seize the BRIC. He was shocked and said, "Li Xing! How dare you hurt me!"

"It's not hurting you, it's killing you!" Li Xingsen said rudely, Yuanshen twisted. Suddenly, the source of the god-man in Beichen Yiren flowed out uncontrollably, and he screamed like a pig.

"Li Xing, you and you have seized my origin, I and you are not dead!" Beichen Yiren roared again and again, when the origin was consumed by half, the roar became begging.

"Forgive me, forgive me! Li Xing, I am willing to be a cow and a horse, don't kill me, I'm hard to cultivate!"

Li Xing was unmoved and said coldly: "When you let Zi Jinhou kill me, you have a kind heart? Huh, when you go to the Nether, you can't blame others."

"I'll tell you a secret! Li Xing, you know this secret, and you can become a peerless master right away!" Beichen Yiren saw that Li Xing really wanted to kill, and he was so frightened that he couldn't help but shouted.

Li Xing temporarily stopped extracting the source and asked, "What secret?"

"You know, where did this heavy gold brick and the full moon scimitar come from?" Beichen Yiren asked, "They all come from Tianwu Secret Mansion!"

"Tianwu Secret Mansion?" Li Xing's expression remained unchanged. "Why haven't I heard of it?"

"This day the Secret Palace was left by the Emperor Tianwu! That day, the Emperor Wu is one of the Five Emperors of the Heavenly Yuan. He is as famous as the Emperor Tianxie, and there are countless treasures in the Secret Palace. The heavy bricks and the full moon scimitar were obtained outside the Secret Palace. "

Li Xing narrowed his eyes, "How can I believe you?"

"You are telling the truth." Beichen Yiren Yuanshen shocked, and twenty-eight ancient divine seeds were released.

"These twenty-eight magical seeds that I got from the secret palace, don't you believe it? If it wasn't for my strength, I would have refined them." Beichen Yiren cried, "As long as you don't kill me, How about I share the secret house with you? "

Li Xing did not answer, and released a ray of inspiration. Beichen Yiren was confused for a while. After a while, he gradually lost his consciousness. At the same time, the origin of the god-man was continued to be extracted.

Among the elemental gods of Beichen Yiren, there are actually hidden treasures. In addition to the twenty-eight ancient divine seeds, there are twelve ancient elixir, emitting strong spiritual fluctuations.

Li Xing breathed a cold air: "Master, who was Emperor Wu that day? The 28 ancient divine seeds alone are not trivial! The value of each ancient divine magic is almost inestimable, but Beichen Yiren has Twenty-eight! Fortunately, this person is too weak to practice ancient magic. "

Emperor Tianxie said: "Tian Yuanzhou, counted as a division, there have been five emperors who ruled the whole world, and Tianwu Emperor is one of them. The strength of this person is not under the division, and the secret palace he left, naturally also It's so precious, I didn't expect to be found by this kind of garbage. "

Li Xing occupied Beichen Yiren's consciousness with his inspirational demon head. After searching for memories, he laughed and said, "So it is! There is a sacred thing in Beichenhao's hand, called 'Nether Magic Lamp'. That magic lamp shows its power and can be worn. The wall fell into the ground, ignoring the forbidden law. With this light, Bei Chenhao was able to enter the secret palace. "

"Is the lamp of nothingness? These treasures are still circulating around the world." Tianxie Dadao said, "This lamp is the supreme treasure of nothingness. How did he display it in the hands of such a small person? According to the truth , The man of God cannot cast this lamp at all. "

"In fact, the nimbus lamp has produced a self-conscious spirit. It is not Beichenhao who uses it, but it uses Beichenhao." Li Xing's eyes flashed with strange light. "I did not expect to catch a big fish. Nothingness lamp gets in hand! "

After a while, the source of the god-man of Beichen Yiren was all cleaned up by Li Xing, and the body was directly thrown out.

This series of things happened very quickly. When Bai Feifei arrived, Xuejiu Lang was thrown away and Beichen Yiren was killed. She was frightened. Neither of these two people is easy to mess with, this one is really bold!

After waiting for Bai Feifei to express something, Li Xingdan said lightly: "If Beichen Hao comes, it is said that I Zhenwu Hou Li Xing killed Beichen Yiren." After speaking, he drove the Shenguang and left.

Bai Feifei murmured in shock: "It turns out that he is Zhenwuhou ..."

According to the plan, the first step is done, and the next step is to wait. Li Xing returned to the Star Gate, as if nothing had happened. I went to Xiaoyao Valley today to find a reason to kill Beichen Yiren.

Li Xing's approach was arrogant and overbearing. Even the inside line called Hongye didn't come in handy, it was completely free for him to play alone. Beichen Lanlan was very satisfied with this result. After seeing Li Xing, he couldn't help laughing and said, "Your approach is more perfect than planned. Beichenhao should be crazy now."

Beichenhao did go crazy, Xiaoyaogu just sent Beichen Yiren's body. Bai Feifei, the governor of Xiaoyao Valley, explained that the murderer was Zhen Wuhou Li Xing.

"Li Xing! I want you to smash 10,000 corpses!" Bei Chenhao roared with a look on his face.

Bei Chenhao can see that the source of the **** and man of Beichen Yiren has been drawn away, and no residue has been left. In addition, some of the treasures he hid in Yuan Shen must have been taken away by Li Xing.

Beichen Yide stared at the corpse in a daze, and murmured, "He dare to kill a beast, where is Li's courage?"

In the anger of Bei Chenhao, he suddenly recovered his calmness, and his face was somber and cold, he cried, "No need to say anything now, find Li Xing, kill him at all costs!"

"You should calm down." Suddenly, a faint halo wafted in the hall, and a dim light appeared. This lamp has no wick, black body, and simple shape.

That sound came from the lamp.

"Predecessor Void!" Bei Chenhao knelt down. "Please predecessor help me kill this cricket!"

"I won't take a shot. At that time, your agreement did not include this item. I will only tell you the location of Tianwu Secret Mansion and help you enter it. And you are responsible for finding a peerless wizard for me. "

Beichen Hao said, "The vanity predecessor! Then Li Xing is a wizard, an absolute wizard! He is the body of Bai Yang, and he has martial arts, which must meet the requirements of the predecessors!"

"Oh? It's Baiyang's body, and it has martial arts will? It's true that if his physique is strong enough, he can carry my spirit. With the human body, I can go a step further! "The nihilistic lamp is very excited," Take me immediately and catch this person! "

Bei Chenhao's eyes flashed fiercely: "OK! The younger generation will lead the way immediately!"

However, he said that Li Xing left immediately after seeing the three daughters of Beichen Lan, and did not say where he was going. He wanted to leave because he knew there was a nihilistic lamp behind Beichenhao.

This nimble lamp is very powerful, even better than the three mages of the Star Gate. Therefore, after he learned of Beichen Yiren's memory, he knew that things were not good.

"Master, it seems that if you want to deal with the nimble lamp, you can only use this trick." Li Xing was in the midst of Baiyang Jingtian at the moment, with a solemn tone. The method he said is to use the power of Baiyang Jingtian to capture the nimble lamp.

In the Baiyang Jingtian, the magic circle left by the ancestor of Pure Yang is hidden. It is extremely powerful and can suppress the coffin and the heavenly fetus. Naturally, it can suppress the imaginary lamp.

However, the nihilistic lamp is no better than the first two. If you want to lure it into it, you will take great risks.

Emperor Tianxie smiled coldly: "The core of this nihilistic magic lamp is exactly the word" virtual "of ancient writings. The magic lamp body is made of nihilistic gold and nihilistic fire, which is very wonderful."

"At that time, you will use the devil's fierce meditation method to subdue it. If you can subdue the spirit of the nimble lamp, it will be easier to subdue the heads of all beings in the future.

"Okay! Then take a risk!" Li Xing's eyes flashed and he made a decision.

Bei Chenhao dispatched all his forces and even went to Beichen Changqing to be a dignitary, but Li Xing could not be found anywhere. As he was about to go to the fiefdom of Zhenwuhou to search, Li Xing swayed in Tianxingmen.

However, when Bei Chenhao heard the news, Li Xing had already left. His heart was extremely angry, and the voice of a nihilistic lamp sounded in his ears: "Anyway, I'll go after it and take a look at his physique by the way."

Bei Chenhao's heart was loose, and he said, "Seniors must seize this encounter!"

"He can't run away." The nihilistic utterance disappeared and disappeared.

Li Xing flew all the way, he was not sure, the nihilistic lamp would follow. The strength of Bei Chenhao could not kill him at all, but he had to ask the nimble lamp to go out. However, the two sides have agreed that the nimbus will generally not be shot.

Unless, Xing Li deserves his shot ~ www.readwn.com ~ So he immediately thought of a possibility. Since the nimble lamp wants to find the body, Beichenhao is probably going to make a fuss about it.

Li Xing in Feiyu stopped suddenly, he stared forward, his eyes blinking.

A lamp appeared, like a bean, emitting a ray of nothingness, where it shined, nothingness.

"It seems to be the King Kong refining form? It also seems to be the Ninth and Nine Great Nirvana method? And the body of fighting! The body of Baiyang!" An extremely excited voice sounded from the lamp, "OK! Very good! Go After that, I must reward Bei Chenhao! "

Li Xing intentionally showed a surprised expression and asked, "Who are you?"

The nimble lamp smiled: "You follow me obediently, I will protect you, the gods, how?"

Li Xing's eyes widened: "Follow you?" Suddenly his body flickered and he entered Baiyangjingtian.

What kind of character is the nimble lamp? Immediately feeling that Li Xing entered a space, he laughed and said, "You can't escape from heaven!" A force of nothingness permeated through it, and actually followed Li Xing and entered the inbound sky directly!

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