Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 445: Suppressive magic lamp

Chapter 34: Suppression of the Magic Lamp

The moment Li Xingyu entered Baiyang Jingtian, the nihilistic lamp followed.

In the middle of the white sun, Li Xing created the mountains and rivers, pavilions, jade trees, grasses, and beautiful mountains everywhere. The moment the nihilistic lamp entered, he froze and murmured, "Oh, the sea of ​​Baiyang! The ocean of Baiyang aura? Who is it? Who is so capable?"

"Okay! I plundered the sea of ​​Baiyang, and practiced in it, a thousand miles away!" The spirit of the nimble lamp, "Haha" laughed wildly, and the laughter was extremely excited.

Li Xing stood not far away, staring at the nimble lamp and asking, "Who are you in the end? Why should you catch me?"

"I am the first treasure of Emperor Void! In a long time, the spirit of the Yuanling was condensed and accompanied the Emperor to fight the world!" Vanity Lamp proudly said, "You ghost, you have so many secrets, Bei Chenhao's idiot He didn't tell me earlier. "

Li Xing smiled suddenly, his smile was very strange, and he said to the air, "Master, would you like to see it?"

The ghost of Emperor Tianxie flickered suddenly. He looked at the lamp of nihilism and nodded: "It is indeed a nihility treasure, the best of the gods, and he must have understood the nihilism."

The nimble lamp was startled, looking at the Emperor Tianxie, but he couldn't see the depth. He couldn't help but ask: "Who are you?"

"Nothingness lamp!" Li Xing suddenly sang.

The nihilistic lamp shook a bit, and at this moment, a large array emerged out of thin air, and it was shrouded in an instant to suppress it.

"Ah! The magic array! It is actually a magic array!" The nihilistic lamp yelled, the light kept flashing, and every time it blinked, it almost disappeared and wanted to wear out the big array.

Unfortunately, Li Xing has been able to urge this large array and crack down wildly. Under the absolute power, the nihility of the nihility lamp also lost its effect and could not be taken away.

Li Xing leisurely walked to the periphery of the large array and laughed: "Do you want to catch me?"

"Despicable!" Roared the nihilistic lamp, "You actually secretly confess to me. If I surrender, I will kill you, kill you!"

"Stupid! Of course you can't get away." Li Xing's expression turned cold. "It was you who calculated me first, and you ended up blameing yourself."

Having said that, he no longer ignored the curse of the imaginary lamp, and directly took out Baiyang Jingtian and returned to the Star Gate. There is no nihilistic lamp to make a stalk from it. He is fearless. A Beichenhao is not enough for a dish.

In the hall of Tianxingmen, Beichenhao yelled out loudly: "Master! Li Xing is your righteous son. You must question this matter! Otherwise, your subordinates can only make their own decisions!"

Beichen Changqing said indifferently: "It is a common thing for young people to fight, and this is nothing. However, the child Li Xing started a bit harder, and actually killed one beast. I must say a few words when he comes back."

Say something to him? Bei Chenhao almost vomited blood on the spot, but it was not good to say anything. In fact, Li Xing's killing of Beichen Yiren in Goulanyuan was the nature of a fight, and it was useless for anyone who died.

At this moment, Li Xing strode into the hall, and Bei Chenhao's eyes immediately stared at him, but in his heart was a stormy sea: "How did the vanity senior let him go? Why?" Then, a bad idea flashed, he Feeling cold.


When he saw Li Xing, Beichen Changqing became angry first. He pointed at Li Xing: "You are so bold, how can you even kill Bei Chenhao's son? Kneel me down!"

In theory, Beichen Changqing is the righteous father and Li Xing is the righteous son. However, Li Xing held his head up and said, "It's okay for a child to kneel with his righteous father, but it should be. However, if Beichen Yiren's dog hybrid makes the child kneel, the child would rather die than kneel!"

"I'm against you!" Beichen Changqing was furious. "Come, take me down."

Suddenly, Tianwei poured into the temple, but didn't do anything.

Beichen Changqing's face sank, and he said, "Why, you dare to disobey my orders?"

A Tianwei stepped forward and said, "Master, my subordinates think Li Ye is right."

"Why is he right?" Beichen Changqing asked.

"Brawls in Goulan courtyard. Whoever dies is deserved, and there is no right or wrong in fighting for it. Beichen Yiren died. That was because he was not good at school. Who did he blame? On the contrary, the dead In the case of Li Hou, Beichen Yiren would never lose his life or even be punished. "

Beichen Changqing nodded: "What you said is reasonable, but Beichenhao's son can't die in vain. In this way, he follows the rules of his ancestors."

Bei Chenhao's eyelids jumped: "Door, do you want the two sides to duel? But Li Xing is not from my Beichen family, how can I use the rules of the ancestors?"

"Li Xing is my righteous son, and is also a member of Beichen's family." Beichen Changqing Road, "It goes without saying, you really want revenge. See you in the" Jiejietang "three days later, you can bring up to three people.

Xieyutang is a place in Beichen's house. As the name suggests, this place is used to resolve resentment, because if one party dies, the resentment disappears.

The ancestors of Beichen's family, in order to avoid family conflicts caused by disputes between their children and grandchildren, established the understanding of the resentment hall. There must be no hatred among the clan, if there is, you must enter the resentment hall. And into understanding the resentment hall, only one party can come out alive.

Although this approach is extreme, it can keep the Beichen family united and unify. Although there are conflicts among the tribe, they are unwilling to rise to the level of hatred.

Since its establishment, Jieyutang has only been used three times.

Bei Chenhao feels that things are not good. Why did the nihility lamp miss? This was a big doubt and worry in his mind. And at this moment, Beichen Changqing actually came up with house rules, and he couldn't oppose it.

"Li Xing's strength is very strong, how can he fight him?" Bei Chenhao thought flashed in his heart and couldn't think of a reason for refusal, unless he said he gave up his hatred and killed the enemy, how could he not report it?

"Okay! Three days later, endlessly!" Bei Chenhao suddenly showed a vicious expression on his face, leaving this sentence and turned to leave the hall.

Li Xing looked at his background with a mockery on his face. This Beichenhao was afraid that he was still waiting for the return of the nimble lamp.

"Li Xing!" Beichen Changqing said at the moment, "You follow me to the study!"

The study was converted from the original Imperial Study, and it is still the place where Beichen Changqing, the master of Tianxingmen, is doing business.

Li Xing could only follow him obediently, always lowering his head. Only Beichenhao was there. He could be tough, but he couldn't. Beichen Changqing is also his godfather, so it is necessary to maintain respect.

"Li Xing, do you think that I am an old fox and are using you?" Unexpectedly, Beichen Changqing suddenly said such a sentence.

After Li Xing stayed, he shook his head: "Where did the right father say, Li Xing was already favored by his right father when he was a little patriarch. For such kindness, Li Xing will never forget."

Beichen Changqing smiled bitterly: "I reached the pole in my early years and was only twenty-one when I was on the throne. At that time, I was young, motivated, and full of vigor, thinking that there was nothing I could not do in the world.

Li Xing listened quietly, he knew that when a person is willing to tell you his old past, it means that he has really started to trust you.

"But I was wrong. At that time, I was just a puppet. The Beichen family also divided many powers. I was just a poor worm that survived in the cracks. So, I became cheated and polished again and again. China is even more sophisticated. "

"At the age of thirty-five, I finally gained some real power and had the dignity of the emperor. At the age of forty-five, I truly became an emperor and was able to speak according to the law. At that time, the chaos of Tianchen Kingdom It appeared. "

"In the face of this chaos, even a clever ruler will be helpless. I thought about it, thinking hard about the way to deal with it, and finally came up with a way to break it first."

At this point, Li Xing proved his original inference that this Beichen Evergreen really thought so and did so. This person's wisdom is really admirable!

"So, from the age of forty-five years to the present sixty years, I have been doing one thing, that is, preparing for the establishment of the Star Gate. Establishing Jin Yiwei, adopting the righteous daughter, training the prince of the minister, and accumulating Power. With the above preparations, there will be the Star Gate today. "

"But this is not enough." Beichen Changqing Road, "The strength of Beichen's family is not completely concentrated in my hands. Beichenhao, Beichenxi, and Beichen Jingde, all three have some power, and I need their hands. In this way, the star gate can be truly powerful. "

Speaking of which, there is no need to continue. Li Xing understands the meaning of Beichen Changqing, and he nods: "The righteous father rest assured that Li Xing will always stand by the righteous father."

Beichen Changqing Road: "So tomorrow's battle, you can't lose."

"I won't lose." Li Xing said.

"It must be foolproof." Beichen Changqing clapped his hands, and three people stepped behind him.

As soon as these three people appeared, Li Xing found that they were actually top ten masters of God training. However, the faces of the three were strange, he had never seen it before.

"The three of them are the strength I secretly cultivated, and belong to the dark guard." Beichen Changqing Road, "they are the three strongest guards in the dark guard."

Li Xing was shocked ~ www.readwn.com ~ This Beichen Evergreen actually hides such a powerful strength.

Three top ten scholars made a fuss to Li Xing: "See the master!"

At this moment, Li Xing was completely surprised, and asked in surprise: "Father, what is this?"

Beichen Changqing laughed: "Take the three of them and you will have 100% confidence to kill Beichenhao. In addition, you will have to take over Beichenhao's power in the future. How can you do without an assistant around you? These three people are loyal to me Incomparably, you will be yours in the future.

Li Xing was silent for a moment, knowing that since the three were assistants, they were also the ones monitoring him. However, this is also normal. Since Beichen Changqing has been assigned to the big office, he naturally has to stay behind. This is a mature conspirator.

"Li Xing obeys!" Li Xing still accepted the three.

"Okay! Li Xing, one day, I will make the Star Gate become a super big, and cross the sky!" Beichen's evergreen eyes flashed a strange brilliance, exuding immense self-confidence.

Where does this self-confidence come from? Li Xing was very confused, was it just because of the power in his hands?

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