Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 447: Invincible!

Chapter 36: Invincible

"Li Xing, you are dead today!" When he walked to Bei Chenhao, he said coldly, his eyes flashing with a stern look.

Li Xingdan said indifferently: "After playing, I don't know who can laugh to the end."

Beichen Changqing: "Today, according to family rules, Li Xing and Bei Chenhao entered the contradiction of resolving grievances. Both parties can bring up to three people into it." His expression was very serious. You can apologize to the other party, and you can avoid this battle. "

"I will not admit defeat," Beichenhao said fiercely. "I will be satisfied only by killing this little beast!"

"Since someone wants to die, I'll make it difficult for him to help him back." Li Xing also won't quit.

"That's the case, please have three mages come forward and notarize!" Beichen Changqing finished, three mages Beichen Chong and others entered the hall. The three mages had little interest in this contest.

However, Li Xing and Bei Chenhao are important figures in the family, they decided to take a look and be a notary public. In fact, compared to Bei Chenhao, the three masters are more interested in Li Xing.

Last time in the battle with the destiny-level killer coward, Li Xing impressed the three mages so much. They became interested in Li Xing, so they wanted to see if he could still be surprised this time.

Therefore, without Li Xing's participation, the three mages would probably not have come out.

Beichen rushed out a Guanghua, and that Guanghua condensed into a large table, three meters high and two or thirty meters long.

"You are desperate in the circle formed by this mage, endlessly." Beichen said indifferently.

Three followers behind Li Xinghe jumped into the stage first. Behind Beichenhao and Beichen Yide, the two followers suddenly stood up. Originally, they all bent down and didn't speak. But as soon as I stood up at this moment, there was a blast of murderous shock.

Anyone can see that these two are extremely masters and have super strength. They entered the stage with Bei Chenhao and his son.

After all eight people boarded the stone platform, a layer of light film suddenly covered the table. No one can leave until there is a tie.

"Li Xing! How do you want to die?" Beichen Yide said darkly.

Li Xing smiled slightly, his eyes fell on two strangers, and said, "Two magnificent and murderous, are they the ones who are in the destiny of heaven? The destiny-level killer, the widower and the singing girl, I have all seen "The two momentums are above them. They must be the first and second figures."

"How do you know!" Bei Chenhao was startled, but then sneered, "Li Xing, you know it's too late now! Broken and ghosts are the ultimate killers, you will die today!"

"Really?" Li Xing's scornful smile was on the corner of his mouth. "Beijing Hao, you knew you had hired a master, but I'm still here. Don't you, stupid pig, know why?"

"Why talk good words and let it go." An ordinary-looking middle-aged man, dressed in gray cloth, took a step forward, struggling to the sky, and locked Li Xing with divine thoughts. In his eyes, the three deities behind Li Xing were not enough for him to see, only Li Xing was worth shooting.

Li Xing said to the three behind him: "You are responsible for watching Bei Chenhao's father and son, and I will deal with the other two."

All three were taken aback and just about to speak, Li Xing had moved.


The human form flashed, he punched out, and at the same time was covered with a layer of Vajrayana, which is the newly practiced great magic, Vajrayana's body!

The first person to deal with is the strongest and strongest in the rank-and-file killer.

Sui Su faced a shock from Li Xing, his face remained unchanged, and he fluttered with a palm. He is also tenfold in training the gods, but even this mage has to admire the mage. This palm contains a will to shatter everything.

With one palm and one punch, they slammed together and made a loud noise. This fist contains the martial arts of Tianbian. Coupled with the terror power of twenty great divine spells and forty little gods, the destruction cannot be resisted.

Shattered only three steps back, and settled in the air, showing strong strength, Li Xing's punch, can not hurt him at all. Is it so easy to defeat God?

"You are strong, but unfortunately still not my opponent!" The shattered body suddenly turned into a mass of deified air, and then condensed into a large hand, broke the air, and rushed to Li Xing in a rumble.

This hand contains the destroying power that crushes everything. It seems to be able to crush everything, even the sky can catch a hole.

Shattered shot, the ghost also moved, blue eyes flashed, and then a force to devour the soul came down, covering Li Xing. Smash is good at frontal battles, but the ghost is good at sneak attacks and attack the opponent's spirit.

Li Xing felt that an overwhelming divine thought began to invade, and at the same time, the crushing hand came down. The combination of the two is absolutely perfect.

The greater the pressure, the stronger the outbreak. This is the characteristic of Li Xing. He propped up his right palm and ordered the five demon heads to jointly fight against the spirit attack of the ghost.

With this support, the supreme power burst out, and the spirit in the body moved at a terror speed of tens of thousands of times per breath. His Yuanshen rushed out and gathered a giant palm. On this giant palm, sixty kinds of light flashed, representing sixty kinds of divine magic.

In the palm of your hand, there are ten rounds of bright day, representing ten kinds of martial arts. On the 10th, they were dazzling, and in the center of them, there was a mysterious and breathtaking atmosphere, which was chaotic martial arts.

"Break me!"

Yuanshen's big hand, faced with the real big hand. The two are not at the same level at all, one is practicing the quadruple, and the other is practicing the tenfold. However, the power of the Yuanshen is still in its true form.


The huge explosive force blows Bei Chenhao and Bei Chen Yide directly to the ground, spitting blood and being injured. The ghost also retreated in shock, and Li Xing's followers guarded themselves with all their strength.

The light film outside the platform was shaking continuously, and it seemed to explode. Beichen was shocked. He secretly exerted his mana and forcibly suppressed the light film.

"It's amazing! The strength of Li Xing and Destruction is so strong that I can't suppress half of my mana!" Beichen rushed.

Another mage, Beichen Guan sighed, "A new generation replaces the old. We have lived for hundreds of years and are already old."

However, in the field, this attack, Li Xing actually took the upper hand, shattered the crushed hands, and shattered them into human figures.

"The coward is right, you are strong." Broken expression still calm, "So I will kill you with all my strength."

Two people, two phantoms, flickered back and forth, all kinds of divine magic, martial arts, and constantly performed. With the fists coming and going, the power of each move can destroy the mountains, flatten the rivers, and the power is amazing.

The explosion sounded one after another, and Li Xing interpreted many martial arts one by one. The ten new gods and various small gods practiced by him were constantly exhibited by him, and his understanding became deeper.

The two sides fought over hundreds of moves, regardless of victory, and they were calm and relaxed. Li Xing was also calm and calm. There seemed to be no effort left.

The ghosts, from time to time, launched mental attacks, but they were all carried down by the five demon heads. Together, the two do not have an advantage.

Bei Chenhao and Bei Chen Yide were dumbfounded. After the initial shock, they glanced at each other, and they saw the fear in each other's eyes.

"This Li Xing is simply not human! It's terrible, shattering and ghosts, but the absolute strongman in the prefecture-level killer can't even kill him!" They have to think that in case shattering and ghosts are defeated, Do they have to die here?

"Father, what should I do?" Beichen Yide felt his death was approaching him for the first time in his life.

"Don't panic, Li Xing won't win!" Bei Chenhao gritted his teeth. "Too strict will never lose!"

After fighting a hundred strokes, Li Xingyue beat more and more spirits, but broken and felt that his origins have dried up. There are also times when the power of God and man is exhausted. In contrast, Li Xing's Qizu Shenning has obvious potential.

"This son is the first strong enemy I have encountered in my life! You must use a big move before you can kill." Sui Su flashed the thought in her heart, suddenly a certain body, fluttering with a finger, and came to Li Xing.

This finger can cause the mountains to collapse, the rivers hanging upside down, and the stars and the moon to dim. A smashing force shocked him, and Li Xing saw that an ancient word, "Broken", appeared on the broken eyebrow.

As soon as the broken word came out, it represented that he had mastered the meaning of shattering. The broken word is wrapped in a divine power. This divine power is very noble and powerful. It is higher than ordinary divine power. It is an ancient divine power!


A word was uttered in Sui Mouth. Suddenly, Li Xing felt a smashing power and blessed himself. The magical power of Vajra's body was first broken, and immediately followed by the "stretching" of the bad clothes. Landed on him.

Meridians, bone marrow, and muscles have cracks. If it weren't for King Kong's body and not bad Tianyi blocking most of the power in front, this time, Li Xing must die!

"Great! The ancient writings are so powerful, I must practice well in the future!" Li Xing sighed, Chiyang Reiki swept across, quickly repairing the damage. He had already seen that after the blowout, the power was almost exhausted, and it was impossible to attack again.

At this moment ~ www.readwn.com ~ Shattered Heart was so shocked that he practiced ancient divinity, Shattered Deities, and got the word "broken" in ancient writing. Therefore, when this trick is displayed, even a heavy mage must avoid it, and it will not be hard-wired.

Where can I think of it, the other party actually took it and suffered only a few injuries.

"Ghost, get your hands dirty! Cast a lore!" Suddenly, he felt the situation was serious, and immediately drank.

"It's late!" Li Xing suddenly shot, and after one step came to shatter the body, the big hands suppressed it, and the chaotic martial arts array was unmatched.

Sui Su felt a huge threat, and his thoughts flashed, and he said, "There will be a period later!" His body suddenly flashed, and he directly penetrated the light film, leaving the scene.

The ghost disappeared at the first sight, knowing that relying on him was even less an enemy of Li Xing. Although he still has no killing tricks, but the situation is so irreversible.

"Bei Chenhao, you know how to know yourself." The ghost drank, his body flickered and disappeared.

Beichen Hao and Beichen Yide are as dead as faces, cold as ice.

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