Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 448: Great victory. Many treasures

Chapter 37: Great Victory. Many Treasures

Li Xing was not surprised when the two killers left. High-level killers like them all have life-saving means provided by Destiny. If they want to escape, the mage cannot stop them.

His eyes turned to Beichenhao and Beichen Yide. The father and son have never acted, because there are three top ten masters, who dare not act lightly.

Originally in their plan, it was Li Xing who was kneeling for mercy at the moment, but unfortunately, there was often a big gap between ideas and reality, and the positions of the two sides were reversed.

"Li Xing! Killing me is not good for you!" Beichen Hao sternly said, "You probably don't know how many secrets I have! With these secrets, I promise you to make great progress and take your supreme cultivation, Definitely can crack these secrets! "

"I know your secret," Li Xing said coldly. "Beijing Yiren said everything, so let's die!"

The chaotic martial arts battles were severely suppressed, and the big move that even shattered and destroyed was jealous. Beichenhao's father and son were not opponents. The moment they were under tremendous pressure, each of them flew a strange light.

A strange light turned into a big umbrella, holding up the big hand that Li Xing landed; another strange light turned into a spear, stabbed at Li Xing.

On top of the big umbrella, seven colors of strange light were emitted, covering a ten-meter circle, so that Li Xing's Yuanshen could not enter. And that spear turned into a thousand spears, killing Li Xing.

Li Xing had expected that both the father and the son had a sacred thing, a sacred thing was a seven-color parasol, and a sacred thing was a phantom spear. Although the two cannot sacrifice holy relics, they can be released at critical moments to save their lives.

One of the two relics came out, and the eyes of the three mages watching were straight. You know, general magic instruments have little effect on mages, and they don't even bother to use them. Unless it is a magic weapon, it has great power.

However, it is too difficult to sacrifice a magic weapon, and a mage exhausts his life's energy, and may not be able to sacrifice an unsuccessful treasure. Therefore, most mages often have to find a relic to defend themselves.

In ancient times, a large number of relics were left in the world. These relics were in the hands of mages. Therefore, when they saw the Seven-Color Sky Umbrella and the Phantom Spear, the three mages were a little emotional.

However, the mage has the dignity of the mage and cannot compete with the juniors, and can only watch it.

"These holy relics fell into your hands, they are violent heavenly things, and they are collected for me!" Li Xing sneered, his thoughts moved, and the "broken" word in the chaos suddenly jumped and jumped into the broken form of magic. .

Suddenly, the shape-changing magical power suddenly changed dramatically, and its power increased several times. With a big wave of his hand, it seemed as if an invisible force had been cut off. The connection between the two and the holy object was cut off in no time.

After losing contact, the Phantom Spear and the Seven-Colored Sky Umbrella immediately converged and were captured by Li Xing's big hand. These two things were taken away without any sacrifice at all.

Bei Chenhao roared: "Li Xing, I fight with you!" He turned into a ray of light and hit Li Xing.

"I can't help it!" Li Xing stood up in the air, like an ancient demon. With just one palm, he would take Beichenhao, who is the sixth person of the god, into a mashed mud. thing.

The divine light turned, these things were instantly wrapped by Li Xingyuan's God, and outsiders could not see it at all.

Beichen Yide "knocked down" and knelt down on the ground, begging: "Li Xing! I was wrong! I have no eyes and should not offend you, you have a bright future, infinite power, spare me a life, I want to be a slave, Serve around! "

Li Xing sighed: "I knew it today, why was it there?"

Seeing that Li Xing didn't spare him, Beichen immediately jumped off the wall and screamed, "Then all go to the same!" On him, suddenly the black flames ignited, and the whole body exuded supreme power, smashing towards Li Xing.

The three gods have never had a chance to shoot, and now they are about to move.


Li Xing's cold eyes prevented the three followers from shooting. This Beichen Yide, he had to remove it by himself, because the treasure must be hidden in the other god.

Beichen Yide's whole body is full of flames. This flame is the fire generated by the burning Yuanshen. At the beginning, Beichen fell and burned the Yuanshen, and he did not even dare to approach the six-fold sacrifice of Wushen, which shows how terrible these desperate means are.

Li Xing turned into ten phantoms and walked through the air. Whenever Beichen rushed over, the phantom disappeared. His magical real killing technique was extremely powerful and was exhibited by his powerful divine power. Beichen Yide couldn't even touch his clothes.

"I don't want to die!" Beichen Yide suddenly yelled and extinguished the flames on his own, "Li Xing, let me go! I am far away from the Star Gate!"

Li Xing sighed in his heart. By this time, it was an endless situation. This Beichen one virtue was really childish. Weeding and rooting, the spring breeze is blowing again, and naturally he will not leave future troubles.

Moreover, he did not want the second person to know about the Tianwu Secret Mansion. This Beichen Yide must die.

"You can't die, from now on, you can be my slave." Suddenly, Li Xing showed his true body, coldly.

"Okay, I'm willing, I'm willing!" Beichen Yide eased his mind and immediately agreed. But I don't know. The so-called slaves of Li Xing are puppets. At the moment when his mind was relaxed, a ray of inspiration permeated.

Beichen Yide moved in his heart and wanted to resist, but he was afraid of Li Xing's killer. With so much hesitation, he was immediately controlled by the inspiration. The strength of the five demon heads is also constantly increasing with the improvement of Li Xing's strength. Now it is not difficult to control the ninefold gods.

At the next moment, Beichen Yide's eyes were demented and he was grasped by Li Xing. Everything in Yuanshen was collected. Then Li Xing rolled up his sleeves and turned into an idiot, Beichen Yide. He followed and became a follower.

People outside the field will see all this clearly. The two masters were taken away, Bei Chenhao was killed, Beichen Yide became a slave, this Li Xing is really amazing!

Since then, Li Xing's prestige has spread in the Tianxing Gate and has become a situational figure. His status far surpasses that of ordinary elders.

"How did he do that? I really don't understand how a four-born God-Man can have such strength! It seems that the God-Man can no longer do anything about him unless the Master takes it."

"Well, people are more popular than death. I am also a quadruple god, but I feel that Li Xing can kill me with one finger. His strength is too scary!"

"Li Xing is too arrogant. He actually killed Bei Chenhao. Bechen has a lot of power behind him, and they will not let him go."

"Don't you see? Bei Chenhao's strength, I'm afraid to return to Li Xing!"

During the discussion, the light film was removed, Li Xing stepped down and marched to the three mages and Beichen Changqing: "Beichen Hao is dead."

The three mages looked at each other, and Beichen rushed: "Because of this, Beichenhao's position is temporarily in your charge, and his possessions and fiefdoms are also at your disposal."

Li Xing said, "Practice He De and He Neng, dare not possess." He told Beichen Changqing Road, "Yifu, please allocate it."

Beichen Changqing nodded: "Since my son doesn't want to covet these things, then Lan Lan will take care of it for you, how?"

"Yes." Li Xing naturally did not object. He wanted the secrets and treasures of Beichen Hao's father and son. As for the others, it was worthless to him. It was better to exchange them for Beichen Changqing's trust.

Originally, the host of Beichen Changqing expected that Li Xing would take over everything, and then he sent the three gods to follow. But at the moment, Li Xing has no greed for such a huge power, which makes him very happy.

The people in the resentment hall quickly dispersed. After Li Xing came out, he was going to visit Bei Chenji. This Bei Chenji was rather indifferent to him recently, and Li Xing vaguely guessed the reason.

Sure enough, when he entered the East Palace, he was stopped by the guards and said coldly: "The young master is in trouble and cannot see you in person."

Li Xing said nothing and immediately left.

In the east palace hall, when Beichenji heard that Li Xing had gone, he said to the sorrow around him, "Perhaps, I'm too careful, I should see him."


You Sha immediately persuaded: "Li Xing has just killed Bei Chenhao, all of which must be secretly hosted by the host. This shows that he has officially become the host. If the young host is close to him, the host will What do you think? Did the young master forget Bei Chenluo's end? "

Bei Chenji was so cold that old things surfaced, and he sighed, "No more!"

Three days later, Li Xing returned to Li Xing again for the fifteen ancient masters selected by Bei Xingji. At this point, Li Xing and Bei Chenji completely broke the relationship. But it was nothing to him.

When he approached Bei Chenji at the beginning, he only used his strength to obtain a stable position. Now that he has Beichen Evergreen behind him, his strength has also become strong. Beichenji is completely dispensable to him, and he has no loss or loss.

The next day, Li Xing left the three followers with Beichen Lan, and then bid farewell to Beichen Evergreen.

Beichen Changqing also seems to understand that Li Xing is a growing dragon, and he will one day take off nine days ~ www.readwn.com ~ so he will not be restricted, he only said: "Li Xing, you just need to remember The door is always your backing. "

Li Xing took a deep look at Beichen Changqing and said, "Father, you are also my righteous father of Li Xing." This sentence seemed to be nonsense, but Beichen Changqing understood the meaning.

At first, Li Xing worshipped him as his righteous father, perhaps in part because of helplessness. But at this moment, he officially acknowledged this relationship and will treat him with respect and kindness as a junior in the future.

After leaving the Star Gate, Li Xing first returned to Qi Yun and sent a few things to explain. During this time in the martial arts, he first had to sort out the booty. The three sons of Beichenhao are simply a fool guarding the treasure.

On Beichen Yide, there is a relic and fifteen ancient gods. Bei Chenhao's body is rich in treasures, two holy relics, thirty ancient gods, and a heavenly charm.

The heavenly charm exudes supreme will, and Li Xing was shocked at first sight of it. He faintly felt that this amulet was something like a patch, but the specific situation was not very clear.

"It's Dabu Tianfu." The knowledgeable Tianxie Emperor spoke. "This time, you can open the Tianwu map completely."

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