Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 450: 5 weirdoes

Chapter 39: Five Freaks

Li Xing's move is to add some strength to Qi Yunpai. Of course, if any of these people have unhealthy minds, when Qi Yun sends someone to look after them, they won't be able to stir anything up.

The crowd worshipped to the ground, and then they trembled to cast Qi Yun faction.

After that, Li Xing was not in a hurry to leave, and he drained the fourteen god-man sources first. These god-man have no origin, they have fallen from god-man into a patriarch, and then into a warrior, and finally become ordinary people, and their bodies are aging and can not live long.

After Li Xing put all these people into prison, he handed them over to those who were captured, and said loudly, "These people are the ones who have killed your enemies, and you should handle them yourself."

Everyone thought that God opened his eyes and was assisted by gods, so he rushed forward, punched and kicked, and even bit his mouth, and soon, the fourteen gods who were hated were killed alive.

Li Xing then used the god-man method to wrap these ordinary people with divine power, and then sent them to nearby towns before leaving.

At this moment, not only did he get back the good things, but he also got the origin of God and man. Fourteen gods and men extracted a total of fifteen types of jade-level magical arts. Of course, there are also some messy golden-level magical arts, Li Xing disdains to occupy, and directly acts as the driving force for the Zhenwu sky array operation.

In this way, while flying, he used the ancient gods to practice fifteen kinds of small magic skills. By the time he reached the area controlled by Wujia, he already had fifty-five types of jade-level small magic skills.

Within the sphere of influence of the Wu family, thirty-six vassals were controlled and the area was vast. Since the birth of Tianxingmen, Wujia has also learned everything and established "Tianwumen".

Tianwumen is naturally not as good as Tianxingmen, but it also has hundreds of gods and tens of thousands of people, and its strength is quite strong.

Under Tianwumen, the princes also changed. They all called themselves "Guo". What Baiyang State, Juyi State, Yelang State, etc. were all vassals of Tianwumen.

Li Xing entered the Tianwu Kingdom under the Tianwumen. Tianwu country is also where Tianwumen is located. It has the most developed economy and the largest population. Tianwu City, the largest city is called Tianwu City, Tianwumen's foundation is in Tianwu City.

Therefore, entering Tianwu City, he had to hide his breath. Otherwise, once the god-man enters here, it will surely attract the attention of Tian Umen.

Tianwu City is very prosperous, and the people walking on the street are at least the triple warriors, and the scholars are easy to see. Unlike Qingyun City in Pingguo, it was amazing to see a ten-strong warrior on the street. As for Guoshi, there are not many nationwide nations, and it is even harder to meet on the street.

And in Tianwu City, it is not unusual to meet God-man.

To get to know a place, it's best to go to a local restaurant. Because above the restaurant, there are three schools and nine streams, and from their behavior, words and deeds, many things can be found.

Li Xing enters a restaurant that is not luxurious. As soon as one enters, the whole person stays. Because not far away, on a table, there is Lan Ruobing at the Jade Girl's Gate and Xiaoying Xiaohui.

Do these three women have to eat the first place wherever they go? Just come out to eat, why do you hit yourself every time?

Li Xing was surprised and funny. He wanted to turn his head away, but thought it was really interesting, so he walked across to the third girl, sat down with a grin, and cried, "Little two, serve."

There were many people in the restaurant, and the three women didn't notice at first. When Li Xing sat down, the three women couldn't help looking at them, thinking they had met the disciples. But at this point, the three women were all stupid, it was him!

"Where does life not meet!" Li Xing sighed on the table, "I have a destiny with the three beauties!"

After the initial surprise, Lan Ruobing snorted heavily. "What are you doing?"

"This is exactly what I want to ask the three of you. Are you okay to mess around in the Tianchen Kingdom? Did you come here to invite a prince to join? Unfortunately, the Wu family has firmly controlled this place, and you have no chance." Li Xing Hehe smiled and said.

"No need to worry about your Excellency!" Lan Ruobing left his meal and left immediately.

Li Xing gave a cough, and said to himself, "Well, remember that someone needs fire spirit, I don't know if I got it."

As soon as he talked about the flames, Lan Ruobing's anger came up, and he couldn't control it. He said angrily, "Don't you dare to say that there are only five flames in the God Fire Gate and you have taken them all away. How can we ask?"

Li Xing said "Oh" and said apologetically, "That's really embarrassing. I knew I would leave half for you, no, at least one."

Seeing him deliberately talking about the wind, Lan Ruobing was so angry that he wanted to do it, but he knew that he couldn't beat the person, so he had to stamp out and leave. Xiaoying and Xiaohui looked at Li Xing and chased with a grin. Go out.

The other side was angry, but Li Xing was quite happy. Who told this Lan Ruobing to offend him without opening his eyes? Be careful, it's not a woman's patent, and men sometimes do the same.

Since Li Xing came, he ordered a few dishes and ate them. While eating, a camel came suddenly on the table. The camel had a yellowish complexion, was long and thin, and his eyelids were squinting. A pair of big ears on both sides, and a red nose in the center is surprisingly large.

If you say that the human is ugly, the red and green double shakes are already very ugly, but compared to the camel in front of you, they are simply amazing men.

The camel looked like he was forty or fifty years old. He wore a blue shirt and was clean. As soon as he sat down, he called, "Dude, serve!"

The camel sat down, ignored Li Xing, took out a wine gourd by himself, and drank himself. As soon as the wine was poured out, Li Xing's eyes widened. The camel drank Baiyang wine!

Baiyang wine is only available to Li Xing, but some of them are given away, and they must be in circulation. Those who can afford this wine are definitely not simple.

Li Xing couldn't help looking at each other carefully, but no matter how he looked at it, he couldn't see the depth of the other. There is only one possibility. The opponent's strength is high and unfathomable.

Realizing this, he immediately became careful and looked down to eat vegetables. But my heart was secretly sulking, and I could meet such an expert at dinner.

After eating a bit, Li Xing paid the bill and left immediately. He didn't want to sit in front of the camel for a long time.

Out of the restaurant, that is, the street, Li Xingshun Street, secretly observe the surrounding environment. He came here to kill the little boy Wu, and he had to find the other party before he started.

In Wu's family, there must be a mage sitting in the town, sneaking into some risks, so he decided to start from the outside.

Who knows just a few steps, there is a fat man on the opposite side. Li Xing has seen many fat people in his life, including big fat people, small fat people, high fat people and thin fat people, but he has never seen such fat people.

The fat man is at least two meters tall and has a leg that is twice as thick as Li Xing's body. Walking on the road, the ground was "banging". The fat man wore a very large bright yellow shirt with a large skull on his neck.

The fat on the neck of this man is heavier than Li Xing's whole body.

It was such a disgusting fat man that Li Xing could not see through his depth. Obviously, this man was also a mage.

"Hell! Why did you meet two mages after a while?" Li Xing was so surprised that he turned around and gave way to the fat man. The whole street was quite wide, but his fat body made a stop to the center, and there was no place for others to walk.

The fat man strode over, and Li Xing thought about it in place: "What must have happened, otherwise how would one encounter two mages in succession? The entire Wu family may not have two mages sitting in town."

After thinking about it, he decided to follow behind the fat man and explore the truth.

When the fat man passed the restaurant that Li Xing had just visited, the camel in the building also came out, and immediately followed the fat man.

Li Xing did not dare to follow clearly, but after observing the direction of the two, they detoured and waited ahead.

This street is very long. At the end of the street, there is a tall tower that goes straight into the sky. In the tower, there were looming horrors.

As soon as Li Xing's eyes turned, he used his stealth means to sneak into the tower. For this kind of stealth effort, the mage must not only search for it deliberately, but also cannot find it. Li Xing practiced Void Martial Arts. If he was void, he would not be noticed even if he passed in front of the mage.

The tower is five stories high, and there are no people in the first four stories. On the fifth story, three weird people sit. One of them was a thin man. The fat man who was just so fat was surprisingly fat, and the man was surprisingly thin.

It's better to call it a bone rack than to call it a person. "Skinny" is exactly what describes such a person.

The second person is a black-faced man, who is also as strange as black. Even if the person who wipes the pot ash, he is never as dark as him, just like ink.

The third person looks normal, but if you look closely, you will find that his face is always distorted. Li Xing's eyesight is very good. After a closer look, he discovered that every inch of his body is actually made up of very small insects.

This was more disgusting. Li Xing was nauseated for a while, and he could not wait to burn the person with fire immediately. However, the other party was a mage, and he did not dare to shoot.

The three of them closed their eyes and seemed to be waiting for someone.

"Boom boom!"

The tower vibrated, Li Xing speculated that it was the fat man who came. Sure enough, it didn't take long for the fat man to come in and sit down. Then camel came in.

Five strange people, Xiu Wei were all unfathomable, and when they sat together, they didn't seem to find Li Xing's existence.

"You know, why are you gathering here this year?" The weird man made up of worms asked ~ www.readwn.com ~ His voice was strange, like when the wind blew the paper, which made people extremely scared Comfortable.

"Soul Eater, don't make any corners." The fat man buzzed quietly. "If you have fart, let it go!"

"God eat, you let him talk, don't interrupt." The camel said dissatisfied.

"Get off your mother's ghosts and rest, I don't care about your business!" Tian Chi angered.

The dark-faced man rolled his eyelids, and because his face was too dark, his white eyes looked extremely white and scary, and he said tragically: "Do n’t you make a noise, you ’ll be noisy every year, aren't you annoying?"

"Black-faced, you make them noisy, and they will be quiet after they are noisy." The thin man said coldly.

"Go to your mother's skeleton, I'll bother you about shit!" The fat man scolded casually, and scolded three of them at once.

Soul Eater twitched his nose and said, "There are outsiders."

Suddenly, five domineering Dharma concepts kept searching in the tower to find the hidden Li Xing.

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