Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 454: Hit the little boy as a target

Chapter 43: Hitting Wu Xiaozi as a Target

Li Xing had good luck. When he was out of customs, Wu Xiaogong was in the Nashi Pavilion in Tianwumen, recruiting Quartet wise men. Of course, the so-called sages are all patriots, gods and human beings. Tianwumen spares no expense and incorporates powerful people into the door to expand its strength.

Although Tianwumen is established, its foundation is weak, and if it is not expanded, it will not be able to gain a foothold at all. Wu Xiaogong, known as the first wizard of the Wu family, stepped into the god-man at the age of fourteen, and now he has reached the level of nine training.

For those who are so fast, Li Xing believes that there must be something extraordinary in him, either with the help of strange treasures or the guidance of a superior, both of which must be one of them. Therefore, he acted very carefully, and even if he was strong, he went straight to assassination without recklessly.

In the Nass Pavilion, Wu Xiaogong sat in the middle, and the gods and scholars outside entered one after another and met him. Wu Xiaoyang really looks young, up to twenty years old. His face was very handsome, except that between the eyebrows was full of suffocation, and looking at anyone, it gave people a gloomy feeling, which was extremely uncomfortable.

Li Xing came to the Nashi Pavilion, and the outside door asked him to enter politely, waiting for the little boy Wu to be received.

Sitting among the people, Li Xing looked and found that there were more than 20 gods and men waiting to be called, and hundreds of scholars were scattered in the yard. He moved in his heart: "In the future, the Qi Yun faction will form such a The Nass Pavilion is a great place to recruit talent from all over the world. "

"Where is Xiongtai?" Suddenly, a quadruple divine person next to him asked, his tone was very kind.

Li Xing smiled slightly: "The place where I live is not far away. Why, your Excellency also came to Tianwumen to find a job?"

The god-nodded man nodded: "It's not easy for us to cultivate by ourselves. There is no spiritual spring or elixir. In the event of disaster, there is no one to guard, so I decided to join Tianwumen. Soon after the new Wutian was founded, it was needed. Fresh blood is injected into it. If you work hard, it is at least a core disciple of Tian Umen, and even an elder. "

Li Xing nodded: "I think so too." Then dragged the topic to Wu Xiaogong, "I heard that Wu Xiaogong is a natural wizard and is 14 years old. Hey, my generation can't compare with it. Presumably, Behind the little boy, there must be an expert to carry it. Unlike us, we all practice hard and make slow progress. "

The man actually knew the inside story, and said, "Isn't Xiongtai, is Master Wu's Master a Master?"

"What? Mage?" Li Xing looked surprised. "That's weird! I just don't know, what is the identity of that mage? Is it also Wu family?"

"The mage is not from Tianwumen, and my identity is mysterious. Where do we outsiders know?" The human said, "However, I heard that every time the mage went to Wu's house, he was enchanted. Obviously it was not a good way, 80% is People in the magic gate. "

"The magic gate?" Li Xing was shocked. Was it the elder who was too strong and had Cheng Cheng's strength?

Li Xing also talked with him a few words, and learned that Wu Xiaohua's son was named Wu Tianhua and was the son of Wu's family. His father, Ucha, is also a divine **** and has a high status. The distant ancestor of Ucha was a mage, and now sits in Tianwumen and has the same strength as Fatian.

However, it said that Wu Tianhua in the room had become increasingly impatient. There were so many gods, scholars, and qualifications in general. Tian Wumen and he need talent, not these ordinary goods.

Although God-Man is rare, it depends on God-Man. Although he is a nine-level god, he can kill ordinary nine-level gods. He is a strong man of the same level.

Wu Tianhua was about to leave, and when his subordinates received these gods and patriots, Li Xing came in.

At the first sight of Li Xing, Wu Tianhua's eyes lit up. Li Xing has an extraordinary temperament. At the same time, his physique is obviously excellent, and I don't know how to practice it.

"What's your name?" Wu Tianhua asked with a smile, and couldn't hide the excitement in his eyes.

"Li, Li Tianxing," Li Xing replied.

"Oh, it's Brother Li. I wonder why you joined Tianwumen?" Wu Tianhua asked.

"Sanxing is not easy. I want to find a place to rely on. Tianwumen is the best choice." Li Xing answered.

Wu Tianhua nodded and said, "I see that you have good qualifications. Taking you to meet someone will arrange a major position for you in Tianwumen.

Li Xing undoubtedly had it, and nodded: "Thank you little boy."

At present, Wu Tianhua arranged for his subordinates to continue to meet with the guests, but he took Li Xing and left in the air. Wu Tianhua's flight direction was not Tianwumen, but a barren mountain outside the city.

Li Xing didn't feel right, but he didn't speak and his face was natural.

The two flew farther and farther, and finally reached a place inaccessible, surrounded by dense mountain forests and beasts. Wu Xiaodang suddenly swooped down, Li Xing had to follow.

In the end, the two entered the cave one after the other.

There are dozens of dead bones in the caves, each of which is a corpse of a god-man, but the source of the god-man has been drained and killed here. How clever Li Xing was, he immediately understood what this little boy was going to do. He secretly sneered, but the little thief did not know he had encountered the thief's ancestor!

Inside the cave, Wu Tianhua turned around and smiled: "You know, where is this place?"

Li Xing's look remained unchanged, saying: "I don't know."

"This is the place where I cultivate." Wu Tianhua said, "I have practiced a unique skill called Dashe Shengong. Cultivating this skill can draw all external power and turn it into my own."

Li Xingdan said indifferently: "General gods and humans, it takes a long time to refining external forces for themselves, but you can do it in a short time?"

"Yes, so in just six years, I have grown from a scholar to a nine-fold god." Wu Xiaogongzi laughed. "Your qualifications are good, there must be many good things in my body, just for my rations. You should be honored. "

Li Xing ignored him. He looked around carefully and smiled, "This cave seems strange?"

"Yes, this is Wu Gangyan, it is very strong." Wu Xiaogong blocked the opening and said with a smile, "Do you want to escape?"

Li Xing sneered: "Escape? Why should I escape? I am very interested in your great photography skills and want to stay and study." After thinking about it, I asked, "Wu Tianhua, your teacher, but Elder Mormon? "

Wu Tianhua said for a moment: "How do you know?"

Li Xing smiled, "Hey, of course, I also know that he is Fatian Triple." His body flashed, and he suddenly came behind Wu Tianhua to perform the venomous technique.

Suddenly, a colorful poison wall turned into a crystal, blocking the entrance.

This time, Wu Tianhua's turn was taken aback. What was he going to do? Why are you trapped here? Don't want to live anymore?

Li Xing glanced at the poison wall with satisfaction, and said, "This poison wall will break out when you touch the divine power. You can't pass it. Let's fight one after another, and no one should escape."

"It's up to you?" Wu Tianhua laughed, looking at Li Xing's expression, just like looking at a dead man, "You are the most idiot I've ever met."

Li Xing wasn't angry, and said, "I don't care about the dead." Then he stepped out, turned into a light and shadow, and hit him hard. This collision caused the air to rumble, echoing inside the cave.

The violent air flow condenses into wind knives, wind swords, and rotary cutting. Li Xing is like a collision with a machine. It is heavy and fierce, carrying supreme power, and suddenly comes over. It is the "King Kong collision" in great magic.

That layer of Vajra treasure condensed into a prism, with the tip facing forward, stabbing Wu Tianhua.

This collision was so powerful that Wu Tianhua screamed in surprise and flickered. Unfortunately, Li Xing's collision suddenly changed his direction, and then formed three people, striking from three directions. At this moment, he casts a real kill again.

Wu Tianhua yelled violently, turned into thousands of air currents, escaped around, and evaded in the narrow space inside the cave.

Li Xing's three illusions were instantly reunited, and a "big handprint" was issued. With this move, the force of the violent and horrible waves radiated in all directions and 360 degrees, so that Wu Tianhua could never escape.

"Three great magical tricks are shot. Who are you?" Wu Tianhua's spirit was ruined. He felt that Li Xing's magical power was incredible and he was afraid to resist. You know, his divine power has already esteemed the same level of god-man, but compared with Li Xing, it is simply the gap between the baby and the Hercules.

Wu Tianhua was forced to re-consolidate by the turbulent fingerprints, screaming again and again, he now knows that he encountered a master who is a thousand times more fierce than him!

Li Xing was too lazy to talk nonsense with his fingers, pointing his fingers in the air, "No Crossing Fingers", "Traversing Fingers", "Breaking Soul Fingers", "Heart Breaking Fingers", "Finger Fingers" and other great divine arts were issued one after another, with strength and intensity Every strength, contains unmatched strength.

Each of the great divine arts contains the supreme mystery and mighty power, referring to the east and west, or weird, or upright.


Wu Tianhua's true form ~ www.readwn.com ~ was hit by fingers, and his body was punched with finger holes, causing him to roar constantly.

After Li Xing's body turned, the broken palms of the soul, hand inserting the sky, covering the big handprints, the Qixiu big handprints, flipping and suppressing hands, etc. were exhibited. When I saw a divine light of different colors, I shot it fiercely, or suppressed it, strangled it, or blocked it, and each one was very powerful.

Wu Tianhua's true form was beaten and scattered, gathered and scattered, and pitiful. As Li Xing was preparing to continue to perform great divine magic, he finally could not help but shouted, "I confess my defeat! Any request your Excellency can make, please!"

Li Xing said, "It's just a poor product like you, and it's worth me to ask for a condition? Today, I just borrow you to practice one hundred kinds of great magic."

Wu Tianhua was so scared that he almost passed out. One hundred kinds of great magic? God! Are you a human? Is there such a perverted person in the world? Not to mention a hundred kinds, even five great divine spells, he couldn't bear it.

Having a hundred types of great magic spells means that he has the supreme great magic power. The same great magic spells are issued in his hands, and the power will be more than one hundred times stronger than the same level of gods!

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