Chapter 44: Refining Wu Xiaodang

Because of this, Wu Xiaoxiong, who also has great divine magic, dare not confront him with Li Xing. Every time Li Xing casts a great divine spell, he will be beaten with holes and no fight.

Wu Tianhua had no problem, and had to shout, "Dare you touch me, my master will not let you go!"

Li Xing smiled, "Hey, what is your Master? You do n’t even match me with the shoes, so you do n’t have to talk nonsense. Eat me a void punch!"

"Boom boom!"

The core martial arts performed by martial arts, such as Void Fist, Instant Fist, Inanimate Fist, and Torn Fist, are constantly being exhibited. The power of Li Xing's martial arts is still above the great divine art, and Wu Tianhua screamed "Wow," and cursed Li Xing with all his vicious words.

"You must not die! There is a way to say your name, I will destroy your door in the future, I will cut you skin and bones!" Wu Tianhua roared again and again, his shape was beaten flat and rounded by Li Xing's horror, pain Unbearable.

Li Xing snorted: "I wanted to make you live a little longer and practice boxing with me a few times, but now my mouth is not clean, let's die early and give birth!" The chaos of martial arts shrouded.

Wu Tianhua burst into tears at this moment. When he had risen, he used a similar technique to directly suppress the **** and extract the source. Today, some people have used the same method to him.

When the Zhenwu Tianzhen fiercely operated, powerful drawing power was generated, and the divine power cooperated with the strangulation. Suddenly, Wu Tianhua's internal source was continuously extracted and put into the Zhenwu Tianzhen, becoming Li Xing's original power.

"You actually practiced Dashanggong too? How is this possible? This is Master's original deity!" Wu Tianhua screamed in horror with a look of horror.

Li Xing sighed: "Idiot! Didn't you see that my method is a hundred times more brilliant than your shit? Great photo-taking, draws most power, and then strengthens the original power. And my Zhenwu sky array can not only draw External force, and can return to its origins and evolve great magic. "

"Why? Why did I fall in your hands! God, you are not fair to me, I am not willing, I am the pride of heaven, I should not die here!" Wu Tianhua went crazy and struggled hard, but the more he struggled The faster the source is lost.

Li Xing said with a cold voice: "Not long ago, you still wanted to refine me, and now I refine you, you have no right to complain, let's die!" As soon as the sky burst, Wu Tianhua's consciousness was lost Already.

"Well, this Wu Tianhua has so many sources!" Li Xing secretly surprised.

Wu Tianhua has cultivated great photography skills. For six years, he has killed 66 powerful god-men and learned their source of god-man, so as to strengthen his power. Although he could not transform these origins into divine magic, he stored them all in his body.

This time, Li Xing was cheap. The origins of these gods and people flowed into the Zhenwu Heavenly Array, and were immediately deduced separately. The origins of the transformation of the Golden Order Divine Magic are all directly used as the driving force of the sky array.

The origin of the jade-step little divine magic was deduced into a mystic rune, and then condensed into a divine seed. All the secrets of small magic are recorded in the magical seeds. As long as you provide sufficient source power to it, you can practice this small magic.

When Wu Tianhua turned into a dry skin pack, he released the original divine power, condensed into the seeds of eighty-two kinds of jade-level little magic. In addition, there are seven great gifts that are the seeds of surgery.

However, at this moment, his divine power is saturated, and he can no longer practice until King Kong ’s magical powers break through to the quadruple consummation.

"It's a pity! There is no patching spell in the treasure treasure of Doobao. Otherwise, you can continue to repair the fighting spell." Li Xing regrets that if he can continue to improve the fighting character, it will have the same effect.

After killing Wu Tianhua, he gathered up the poison wall and emptied it. Counting the time, it is almost time to meet with Nanshan Weng to **** the octopus tower. Thinking of the eight-pole tower, he had hope in his heart, hoping that the eight-pole tower could have the treasures he needed, such as things such as fighting treasures.

Soon after flying, Li Xing escaped with three Shenguangs, followed by a more powerful Shenguang pursuit. As soon as San Shenguang was close to Li Xing, someone shouted, "Li Xing, save us!"

"Well?" Aren't these three chicks from Lan Ruobing?

Li Xing was curious, and then stood one step forward. The three magical lights were hidden behind him.

The powerful Divine Light stopped in front of him, and a Yae with short limbs appeared. He shouted, "Who are you?" He saw that Li Xing was so imposing that he didn't dare to start immediately.

Li Xingyu asked: "Who are you again? The broad daylight, the bright sky, how do you chase the girl?"

The other side said angrily: "These three little bitches. They robbed me of" 芊芊 "at the market."

"Your uncle?" Li Xing turned back and asked, "what is he?"

"Well, it's her, you look so pitiful." Lan Ruobing took out a jade box, opened it, and curled up a young girl, three inches tall, with a pair of transparent wings behind her, although she was very petite, But her eyes were beautiful, like a little angel.

It turned out to be an elf with a change of vegetation, and Li Xing immediately understood that the three little girls saw the pity poorly, and then they showed kindness and snatched other people's things.

He turned back and smiled, "What am I to be, but an elf, you make an offer."

Yae Shenren took this thing and sold it. Since the other party would buy it, he would lose his temper. After thinking about it, he said, "Thirty million mysterious crystals, one price!"

"You don't know the market when I am?" Li Xing stared. "I have seen the fairies of Tianyizhai. They can sell up to 10 million Xuan Jing, but also 30 million."

Yae Shenren laughed aloud: "But when she grows up, she can replenish her vegetation and aura, which will greatly help Xiu Wei."

"15 million ~ ~ Li Xing didn't say much, and directly quoted the reserve price.

"Good! The deal!" The other party said immediately, which made Li Xing feel that his price was still high and suffered a small loss. But it doesn't matter, 15 million Xuan Jing, he is not attentive.

The two sides handed over Xuan Jing, and the man laughed, "If you have any needs, please go to the Four Seas Pavilion."

Li Xing turned around and found Xiaoying and Xiaohui looking at it with gratitude. However, Lan Ruobing still looked cold like Li Xing owed her money.

"Thank you," Xiaoying hurriedly said, "or else it will be miserable today, we can't beat the **** of the Four Seas Pavilion."

"You come to Tianwu country, won't you just grab something?" Li Xing asked with a smile.

"We're here to find a few missing doormen." Lan Ruobing said, "Do you know disappeared?"

Li Xing's heart moved: "Follow me." Then, taking them back to the cave just now.

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