Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 459: Blast Force

Chapter 48: Robbing Refinery

Practicing God is tenfold, constantly training the whole body of divine power, and comprehending the rules of heaven and earth at the same time, so that one divine power conforms to the rules of heaven and earth, turning the divine power into mana. In this process, the gate of the law of cohesion is the most important step.

Ao Jian actually hit the Master's position at this time, the princes were shocked, and Li Xing was no exception.

"No wonder he is going to be an emperor. It turns out that he is about to hit the mage! If he becomes a mage, he can establish a big faction, then he is indeed qualified to be an emperor! Moreover, he has condensed the will of martial arts, after entering the mage, he enters the country quickly It ’s far beyond the reach of an ordinary mage! "

"Yes, this proud sword as emperor will definitely fight the Quartet, maybe he can build a second Tianchen Empire. Alas, he called us today, just to witness his success as a mage!"

"This man, Aojian, has always had ambitions. I am afraid that soon we will all be food in his womb. When we go back, we will make quick preparations!"

In the voice of everyone's discussion, Ao Jian's condensed method emits six sacred apertures around the gate, which means that Ao Jian comprehends the six rules of heaven and earth! Natural power, powerful.

Ordinary mages can only understand one or two laws of heaven and earth, natural forces. More powerful mages can understand three or four. Ao Jian suddenly realized the six natural forces, which is very valuable.

Li Xing narrowed his eyes. He was dazzling with Emperor Tianxie and knew the Master's cultivation very well. After the gods and men condense the law, the more the natural power of emotions, the stronger the strength. This has the same reason as the magic.

In fact, the foundation of understanding the rules of heaven and earth lies in divinity. Generally speaking, every kind of jade-step mini-magic can theoretically introduce a weaker rule. In fact, this process is full of difficulties and the success rate is not high.

And each type of great divine art, can introduce a stronger rule, the chance of success is as much as 70%. This is why Great Divine Art is precious and rare, because it is easier to understand the Law.

As for ancient divinity, it represents the avenue. To become aware of him, he must be a mage. According to legend, ancient magic can condense the powerful Avenue Door, which is many times more powerful than the Law Door.

Therefore, in theory, the more divine skills you practice, the more rules you will realize, and the stronger the gate of the cohesive laws.

After the gates of law have condensed, they must also experience the ninefold law of robberies and refine the gates to make them stronger and purer.


Countless strange lights, shining from the sky, like thunder and lightning, continue to impact the method. Outside of the Famen, Liuguang Guanghua continued to oscillate, rebounding its destructive power, showing its arrogance.

With a sigh, Li Xing knew that it was too late to stop the other side's impact.

"Go!" He decided to leave the place while Ao Jian was robbery. Ao Jian became a mage, and that's fine. In the future, his strength will be above this person.

"Want to go?" Ao Jian's cold voice sounded. "Since you don't want to surrender, taste the taste of Fajie!"

Although the mission in the sky is robbing, you can look at the fire below and see Li Xing want to slip away, and immediately sneer and pinch. Immediately, there was a thick cold light, carrying the supreme power to break the law, hit Li Xing.

Li Xing suddenly felt that the "click" sound of Tianyi seemed to be broken. King Kong is not bad and can't resist. He spit out blood and was seriously injured.

A terrible force of breaking the law rushed into Li Xing's body and destroyed everywhere. This kind of power is the source of the law, and even the proud sword can only be opened and dare not accept it. At this moment, it was beaten into Li Xing's body.

Wherever power reaches, a mess, bones, meridians and muscles shatter as much as possible. At this critical juncture, Li Xingviole realized his full potential.

"Zhenwu Tianzhen, take it all in!" Li Xing roared, and Tian Zhen shook violently.


Zhenwu Tianzhen made a dull sound and took the picture with all his strength. At that time, this force was led and thrown into the sky array. The sky array is running crazy, and there is a tendency to collapse.

"Good luck Wang Ding, absorb!" Li Xing's divine thoughts rushed, and the good luck Wang Ding was shocked and swallowed up this horrible force.

Among the formidable Wang Ding, there are the power of the Zijin King bile, the golden skull, and the aura that many elixir decompose. At this moment, they collide with the robbery force and produce a serial explosion. Then, under the harmonization of the fetish of Wang Ding, he gradually merged together.

No one knows what kind of power this is. In short, it is countless times more powerful than before. A golden red brilliance overflowed from Wang Ding, and entered Li Xing's body.

This power was too arrogant. As soon as he entered the body, Li Xing felt tingling and screamed.

"No shadows, let's go!" After swallowing the robbery, Li Xing didn't dare to delay, and immediately walked away.

Ao Jian saw Li Xing leave and did not catch up. Because he knew that he did not even dare to introduce the robbery into the body, but he used special means to force the robbery into Li Xing's body. In his opinion, this Zhenwu Hou is dead.

There is no need to chase the dead.

Li Xing was unable to continue to watch the French robbery. He was seriously injured. He slammed 30,000 miles away and immediately entered the Baiyang Jingtian to heal his injuries.

Chiyang Reiki penetrated out of the void and entered Li Xing's body, constantly repairing his damaged body and Yuanshen.

This repair took seven days, and Li Xing was restored as before. He opened his eyes, his eyes regained his spirits, and at the same time, he felt that among the formidable Wang Ding, the arrogant refining phosgene continued to overflow.

This phosgene is many times stronger than before. It constantly penetrates into the flesh, making King Kong's fourfold practice much faster.

"This time, I was blessed by misfortune! Introducing the power of Falun Gong to Wang Ding is of great help to spiritual practice!" Li Xingxiao said.

The Emperor Tianxie snorted: "You were too embarrassed that day, and the proud sword has become a success. You must avoid him in the future. However, the power of this law is so great that it was absorbed and refined by Wang Ding. , Your Vajrayana is not bad, it is more powerful. "

Li Xing nodded, and then proudly said, "It doesn't matter. When the apprentice I practice the Seventh Level of God and gather the babies, the mage can't help me!"

After such a delay, I saw that it was time to agree with Nanshan Weng. Li Xing's injury was good and he immediately returned to Qi Yunpai. As for the proud sword, he is not an opponent for the time being, and I will discuss it later.

When he returned to Qi Yunpai, Nanshan Weng was already waiting. When the two met, Nanshan Weng Xi said, "It's only been one year, and your strength has improved a lot!"

With a smile, Li Xing condensed one hundred types of great divine magic and forty types of small divine magic. If one was the most powerful person in the world, he would not be the second person in the world, but Li Xing alone.

Nanshan Weng nodded with satisfaction, saying: "The Eight-pole Tower is a treasure, and each of the five mages sends one disciple to compete. It will be very dangerous at that time, although Li Xingyou is very strong, you can't carelessly."

"Yes, I don't underestimate anyone." Li Xing is not arrogant. He knows that there are countless strange people in the world, but he hasn't met them yet.

"Okay! You and I are going to prepare for three days, and then set off to compete for the eight pole tower!" Nanshan Weng said with a smile, obviously also full of confidence in Li Xing.

During these three days, Nanshan Weng told Li Xing about the details of the eight pole tower. The eight-pole tower consists of eight floors, each of which has a relic to suppress. If you want to collect this tower, you must first collect eight relics.

In addition to the sacred objects, many treasures are treasured in the tower, which are left by the elderly of the eight poles. How much can be obtained by that time depends on strength and opportunity.

In the eight-pole tower, there are eight cave days, and each layer of the cave is thousands of miles away. The eight-pole tower is a magic weapon of the cave-level series, which contains the eight-pole cave-sky. Each cave day is suppressed by a relic.

For each cave day, there is a main hall. The situation in the main hall is not clear to Nanshan Weng, but it is speculated that there may be treasures in it.

Therefore, when Li Xing went here, he had to enter the eight caves, explore the eight halls, and experience some danger. Of course, the other four gods who competed with him must be arrogant and difficult to deal with.

Nanshan Weng said of the old man of eight poles, saying: "This old man of eight poles, a generation of strangers, has realized the eight poles of Taoism and united the eight poles. The eight roads are so powerful that even the original ten masters can kill them. Fierce. "

"The gates of the eight poles are the Tianmen, the earth gate, the water gate, the fire gate, the Zemen gate, the mountain gate, the thunder gate, and the wind gate. Each gate has a powerful power, which implies a kind of truth. Later, the eight-pole old man suddenly fell. I do n’t know, I do n’t know where I went, but I left this piece of treasure. I always feel that there must be a clue about his whereabouts in the eight-pole tower. You must pay attention to it. ”Nanshan Weng said,“ If luck is good enough, say It may be possible that the eight-pole old man will leave the Tao in the tower. "

Li Xing nodded: "I will go all out, but if Nanshan senior, if the junior really wins, the other four mages, really willing to give up the eight pole tower?"

Nan Shanweng smiled "Hehe": "If you can win, you must kill or conquer the other four people. At that time, you can control the eight-pole tower. With this treasure, the master can't help it. When that time comes, you can take it again. I went in and took control of the tower together, and they only stared. "

Li Xing nodded: "Nanshan seniors got this tower ~ www.readwn.com ~ Xiu Wei can definitely break through."

Nanshan Weng shook his head: "I've thought about it, the eight pole tower belongs to you."

Li Xing was startled: "What? The predecessor didn't want an eight pole tower?" This made him extremely surprised.

Nanshan Weng smiled: "I have been a mage for hundreds of years, and I have been unable to break through the weight of Fatian. I know that this is a qualification limitation and it is difficult to enter the country again. In fact, I want to enter the Eight-pole Tower. , Looking for a peerless panacea, from the full force of shocking the heavens and the heavens. Moreover, such treasures as the octopus tower, once I get it, it is a crime to carry on the wall, and may be killed.

"In this world, it's not just me who is the mage. Those powerful mages who know this will definitely develop a sorrowful heart and come to rob in large numbers. Therefore, instead of being scared and frightened, it is better to just take one of the elixir and the eight poles The tower sends you. "

Li Xing smiled bitterly: "Nanshan seniors didn't dare to ask, and younger ones dare not?"

Nan Shanweng looked at Li Xing and said, "You are different. Your future achievements will be extraordinary. The greater the pressure, the faster you will achieve. If I read correctly, you will surpass me in ten years."

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