Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 460: 8-pole gate

Chapter 49: Eight-pole Daomen

Li Xing has a great admiration for this Nanshan Weng. These characters are called extraordinary wisdom. They know that the Eight-pole Tower is the most precious thing, but only use what is useful to him. In fact, as a spiritual person, all foreign objects are not as important as their own cultivation.

No matter how many magic weapons and sacred things, you can't improve cultivation and extend life. In the end, it will be empty. Only cultivation is your own. Nanshan Weng obviously grasped this point, as long as he repaired, don't use magic weapon.

"If this Nanshan Weng is not qualified a little bit, his realm will be improved." The Emperor Tianxie couldn't help but applaud. "However, he forged a good destiny with you. He hopes to break through in the future. It may be late. "

"Is it related to me?" Li Xing asked.

"Naturally, in the future, you will become a peerless superpower in the world. It will only be a hand to help him improve his cultivation." Tianxiedao said, "In the past, if you want to create someone, you can make breakthroughs in a short period of time. "

Li Xing nodded, and sincerely told Nanshan Weng: "Nanshan seniors value the younger so much, the younger cannot be rewarded right now, and when I have great power in the future, I will certainly not forget today's friendship."

Nanshan Weng was very happy and laughed: "Since you said, I'll ask you something. As a Dan master, your future achievements will be remarkable. I have an old man who is also a mage. You need to recuperate with elixir. Although the deceased and I are masters, they do not have the wisdom of the elder and do not know how to recuperate. "

As soon as he said, Li Xing understood what happened, and nodded: "Please rest assured about this matter, and I will go to help your old man as soon as this matter has happened."

When they talked, someone suddenly came to report that there were two deities who came to visit. Nanshan Weng smiled: "It is the two disciples I collected. They are not convinced to let you go to take the octopus tower. I'm afraid I'm asking you for trouble."

Li Xing also laughed when he heard: "The disciples of Nanshan's predecessors must be extraordinary in strength. Well, I will meet them!" Then he said to the humane, "Please!"

Qi Yun sent the main hall. As soon as Li Xing and Nanshan Weng came out, they saw two young people rushing into the hall. The two of them, one looks dumb, the other looks smart. The people of Mune are plain in appearance; the smart people are handsome in appearance.

When they saw Nanshan Weng, they immediately stepped forward to meet.

Don't look at Nanshan Weng's politeness to Li Xing, but when faced with the two apprentices, he immediately opened his face and shouted, "Can you come here as a teacher?"

The apprentice with a handsome look bowed his head and said nothing. The clever one raised his head and said, "Master, you didn't let us come, but you didn't let us not come, so even if you come, it's not against the teacher's command."

"Slick tongue, it's time to hit!"

As soon as the apprentice Muna's eyes lighted, he split the hand and held the clever apprentice, smiling, "Master, how many times do you want to hit?"

The clever apprentice shouted, "Master, you aren't very interesting, even Master fights?"

"Brother, Master, the younger brother would never dare to disobey." The apprentice Muna didn't give face, the official look.

As soon as Li Xing was happy, he was two living treasures.

Nanshan Weng shook his head and said, "Okay, don't make trouble. Come and see Li Xing, he is the one who is going to fight for the eight pole tower."

Suddenly, the two looked at Li Xing with four eyes, and they were extremely unconvinced.

"Brother Shi, look at this man, and then practice the quadruple of God, but I heard Master said that he seems to be very powerful." Smart apprentice said.

"Master is naturally not wrong," apprentice Mune said, "but that doesn't mean he is better than us, right?"

"That is!"

"Hmm!" Nanshan Weng snorted heavily when he heard them boasting: "You look down on Li Xing, aren't you? Okay, come with me, as long as you can beat him, I will allow you to compete for the eight pole tower."

When their eyes lighted up, they suddenly shouted, "Master, isn't there any remorse?"

"Fart! When did the teacher repent?" Nanshan Weng stared.

The two of them shook their heads in a fright, and hurried to Li Xing, showing fists.

A word from Muna: "Little brother Longmu!"

A clever one said, "Little brother He Huan!"

Then the two said together, "Please enlighten Brother Li!"

Li Xing smiled and said, "Dare not, please."

"Don't go out to fight? Wouldn't it be a pity to break your hall?" He Huan said.

"It's okay, you can just shoot." Li Xingdan said indifferently, with his own style of masters and masters' style.

"Okay!" The cry was good, and both of them moved.

Neither of them are much older than Li Xing, but they are already top ten in the practice of God, and obviously they are also highly qualified. The two did not perform great magic, but attacked Li Xing with their fists.

With one fist and one foot, the air was shaken and a "rumbling" muffled sound was issued, all of them were arrogant and could break the mountain.

Li Xing didn't speak either. He drew a left and right hand, and displayed "Wanliuguizong" in unison. The strength of the two of them changed their direction uncontrollably, and they hit each other fiercely.

"Oh, Brother Shi, how did you hit me?"

"Fart! Obviously you started to do it to me!"

Nan Shanweng shook his head, then sighed, and seemed to be saying, how did I accept such two stupid disciples.

The two complained and attacked again. This time, they attacked Li Xing one after the other. Li Xing turned in place, but it was a great maneuver. The divine power issued by the two seemed to be drawn into a vortex, and then countered.


He Huan and Long Mu were both shocked by their own strength, "Wowa" screamed.

"I don't believe it!" Longmu blinked anxiously, jumping up and launching a fierce attack.

He Huan was also a little angry, shouting strangely: "Really evil gate! The four majors of God training are so strong, and then practice, so that people will not live? I fight!"

Li Xing's divine power was shocked. Suddenly, in the whole hall, a fascinating force was born, which was the "three thousand soft silks" in the great divine art. This divine magic, in conjunction with the condensed martial arts, made the two walk difficult and difficult to move, as if countless invisible silk stopped them.

Moreover, there is a will in the frozen world, which interferes with the mind at all times, and the action cannot be slowed down.

"Master ... brother ... ah, don't ... hit ..., hit ... no ... ever ..." Long Mu faced bitterly, slowly opening his mouth like slow motion, spit out syllables word by word.

He Huan rolled his eyes slowly: "You ... thought ... I ... wanted ... hit ... ah ..."

With a smile, Li Xing received a divine power, divine magic disappeared, and the two returned to freedom.

Long Mu and He Huan panted, and both gave thumbs up to Li Xing, saying in unison: "Let's take it!"

Li Xing connected his magical skills, and even Nanshan Weng was surprised. He trembled: "I'm not mistaken, he is a natural talent!"

"Miscellaneous, now know someone outside?" Nanshan Weng cursed.

Long Mu and He Huan frowned, without any temper.

Li Xing said: "The two brothers are rare talents. Nanshan's predecessors are some good guys. They should be happy." But he knew that they would not beat him, but they are likely to become masters in the future.

Nanshan smiled "Hehe": "Two unsuccessful things, what talents, I think are stupid."

Long Mu pouted like a child, while He Huan spit out his tongue and grinned.

Qi Yun sent two living treasures, Li Xing treated them quite well, offered Baiyang wine to treat them, and ordered others to take them around to play. He asked Nanshan Weng about the situation in detail and was fully prepared.

In three days, in addition to telling Li Xing the eight-pole tower, Nanshan Weng also handed over twelve spells to Li Xing, saying, "This is the" King of the Heavens ", which is the old man we just said. It ’s a gift. This spell is displayed, and mages below the triple level dare not stop it. However, it is also very energy-intensive to urge this amulet. Ordinary tenfold gods can urge at most once a day. "

Speaking of magic symbols, Nanshan Weng also said: "The four magical characters can't be treasured on their bodies, so you have to guard against them. I guess that the other four people must have powerful magic symbols on them. Unfortunately, The amulets I made myself have limited power to protect you too much. "

Li Xing laughed: "Anyway, I have a bad robe on my body, a common law sign, which hurts me." He said taking out the robe and showed it to Nanshan Weng.

"This is a sacred thing, yes! It's a pity that the power in it has not been fully turned on." Nanshan Weng repeatedly nodded, "but it is also very valuable."

The time was right away. On this day, Nanshan Weng drove a light and took Li Xing to the date. After flying for hundreds of thousands of miles, Nanshan Weng arrived in a heavy mountain.

The mountains are soaring and the weather is ancient. Obviously few people have been there since ancient times.

A tall mountain peak seemed to have been flattened from near the top by some force, forming a huge platform. At this moment, a group of people are gathering on the platform, including mages and gods.

These people seem to be waiting for something.

After a while, a light fell, but Nanshan Weng and Li Xing came.

Li Xing has changed his appearance ~ www.readwn.com ~ He doesn't want to let the master of left tiger, Master Shiraishi recognize it, otherwise the other party must kill. He newly practiced many great divine magics. After changing his appearance, he converged on the will of martial arts, and then wrapped the whole body with divine magics. The breath was very different from that before, and Shiraishi could not recognize it.

"Nanshan, you are finally here." On the flat ground, four mages stood. Behind them, there were a young man, all of them were gods, and they were extraordinary.

Nanshan Weng smiled: "A few old friends, you came early." Then he pointed at Li Xing. "This is my disciple, what do you think?"

"Hahaha ..." A middle-aged mage with a flaming brows laughed scornfully, "Old man in Nanshan, can't you receive the apprentice? Actually, find a quadruple god, but not come to die? "

"Red eyebrow, I'm afraid you're out of sight." Another mage, wearing a colorful brocade, couldn't stop looking at Li Xing, with a condensed expression. "Although he is a quadruple god, his physical body is very arrogant. Nanshan has found treasure!"

Among them, there is naturally a mage Shiraishi. He took a look at Li Xing, did not recognize it, squinted and said, "Yes, Nanshan Wengshou's apprentice, very strong!" Behind him, standing in a white boy, personable , The momentum on the body is extremely tyrannical, there is already a princely spirit!

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