Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 462: Understanding the Law of the Wind

Chapter 51: Understanding the Law of the Wind


Behind Li Xing, Lu Tianjiao entered for the second time. As soon as this person entered, his face escalated with murderous coldness: "It seems that I have underestimated you, and now I have entered the eight pole tower, giving you two choices."

Li Xing turned around and seemed surprised: "Two options?"

"Yes, either be my servant, be my master, or be killed by me." Lu Tian proudly said, "You are not my opponent, so I advise you to choose the first way."


Nangong Xiaoyi, Xifeng Lie and Jing Wuming also entered. Nangong Xiaoyi stood directly next to Li Xing and laughed: "Why, is this product going to work for you?"

Li Xing sighed: "This product is not only about to deal with me, he also wants me to be his servant, it is really a toad swallowing the sky."

"Why?" Nangong Xiaoyi asked in cooperation.

"Good breath," Li Xing said.

Lu Tianjiao's face flashed with murder, and he said, "You don't want to live ..."

"Stop!" Li Xing interrupted his words, and said to Xifenglie and Jing Wuming, "Brother Jing and Xi brother, you have also seen. Of the five of us, I am the weakest and Lu Tianjiao is the strongest. At this moment If you do not unite, you will be defeated by him if you deal with this person. "

Lu Tianjiao's expression changed, this boy's mouth was good! Although he was conceited, he was unwilling to be hostile to everyone, and immediately said, "Two, I only kill these two, it has nothing to do with you."

"Ha!" Li Xing laughed, "You lied to a three-year-old child? What are we here for? We each have the ability to **** the holy relics in the eight-pole tower, and ultimately the eight-pole tower, how does it have nothing to do with them? Unless you immediately quit eight The pole tower, otherwise, is the common enemy of the four of us. "

Nangong Xiaoyi also sighed deliberately: "He is a prince, and he must have a terrific baby on his body. We may not fight him together."

Although Jing Wuming and Xifenglie didn't look down on Li Xing, they knew that Li Xing was very reasonable. They said nothing and stood beside Li Xing.

Westerly coldly: "Lu Tianjiao, you can shoot."

Jing Wuming: "Or, you can surrender now."

After Lu Tianjiao's face changed, suddenly "haha" laughed wildly: "Okay! Good, you dare to unite against me, let's all die!" With a big wave of his hand, he turned into an amazing light, condensed into one Zhang Gong.

The bow is blood-red throughout the body, and on the handle of the bow, twelve blood-red eyes are sculpted, opening them together, staring at Li Xing and others. Being stared at by this blood eye, Si Zhenzhen shook together and could hardly hold himself.

"not good!"

Li Xing yelled, and directly performed invisible puppetry, disappeared without a trace. The other three people also applied their own methods, Jing Wuming's body twisted and changed, and actually got into the ground. Xifeng Lie's big scissors also put the previous one, and it seemed to cut a safe passage and jumped directly into it.

Nangong Xiaoyi was even more desperate, the whole person suddenly shrank, turning into dust, erratic.

The bow and arrow in the air immediately lost the breath of the target and could no longer be launched.

"Huh! I'm smart, otherwise my blood **** bow will make your blood splash five steps!" Lu Tianjiao hummed coldly.

"That may not be so!" Li Xing, somehow appeared behind him, raised his hand to make a brilliance. In this brilliance, there is a arrogant mana, which is exactly what Nanshan Weng sent him.

This symbol, the master below the triple must also be unable to endure, suddenly he was cast out.


Feeling the threat of life, Lu Tianjiao couldn't help himself, and leaned forward with all his strength. He is a god-monarch level, exquisite skill, and actually avoided runes. However, in such a hurry to escape, the **** bow in the air remained in place.

"Give me!" Li Xing had a plan long ago, and when he struck the king to cut the amulet, his big hand had already grasped it in the air.

This grab, but there is a doorway, the "broken" word in the body released a force, released in this grab. Instantly, Lu Tianjiao felt that the induction between him and Xuetian Gong was cut off.

The Blood Heaven Bow is also a sacred object. Its power is huge. As soon as Li Xing catches up, it keeps struggling and seems to be letting go. But Li Xing's divine power was overwhelming. He grabbed this bow and pulled it into Yuan Shen, suppressing it with Zhenwu Tianzhen.

Lu Tianjiao vomited blood and yelled, "You are looking for death!" But he didn't dare to approach, because the light of the Heavenly King's rune was still in place, and he was strangling.

Li Xing smiled: "Thank you for giving the bow, and see you again." His body flickered, his shadowless technique was performed, and he disappeared.

Lu Tianjiao was about to catch up. Suddenly there was a wind in his head, and Xiao Gong of Nangong laughed and said, "Eat a whip!"

The whip shadow of the sky was blown down, and the strange power sent out was like a net, which blocked all his retreats, and the whip was extremely fast, which instantly caught his back.


After three consecutive sounds, Lu Tianjiao was beaten with smoke and his body was in pain. But when he turned to fight, Nangong Xiaoyi did not know where he went again. At this moment he understood that although there was a monk ’s practice, the other four were not easy to bully.

Li Xing didn't stay to continue to deal with Lu Tianjiao, he rushed to the main hall of Fengqing Cave in the first time.

In the center of Fengqing Cave Sky, there is a towering hall surrounded by smoke clouds, looming. When Li Xing arrived in front of the temple, he found that two figures had entered the temple in a flash.

He cursed, knowing that Xifenglie and Jing Wuming had already taken the lead. While he was confronting Lu Tianjiao with Nangong Xiaoyi, the two went directly to find the main hall. In this way, Lu Tianjiao, the strongest, will be the last one to enter the temple.

Numerous runes were carved on the door of Gao Wei's palace. At this moment, wide open, Li Xing flashed into the palace. The clouds of smoke rolled in front of him, and he felt empty under his feet, and entered a magnificent world.

Wind is everywhere, light wind, strong wind, howling wind, **** wind, whirlwind and so on. The wind is invisible and invisible, but the wind here can see its changes. There are gold wind, red wind, blue wind, black wind and so on.

These winds each have a certain range of activity, and they constantly blow and roll. A strong wind, supporting Li Xing, was traveling in the world of wind. His mind was shocked, and he was watching these winds intently.

"What is the wind?" Li Xing asked himself, and he caught something faintly.

Xifeng Lie and Jing Wuming also stepped on a gust of wind, divinely sweeping away. Soon, they found that there were wind-eyes after another. In these eyes, there are treasures one after another.

Xifeng fiercely roared: "So many things! Collect!" He turned around, rushed into the eye of the wind, grabbed a big hand, and held a bead in his hand. The beads, bright and brilliant, are obviously a treasure.

Jing Wuming also punched out, opened his eyes, and grabbed a short stick, which was also a relic.

The eyes of the two could not help but sparkle with excitement. There are so many holy relics in this eight pole tower! You know, the holy relics are ancient times. I do n’t know why they are inherited. Although they are more numerous than magic weapons, they are extremely rare.

Every mage will have several relics on hand. Because it is too difficult and energy-consuming to refine the magic weapon, if there is a sacred object of considerable power, most wizards will not be willing to work hard to refine the magic weapon.

It didn't take long for Lu Tianjiao and Nangong Xiaoyi to break in. The two were equally shocked, struggling hard to squeeze the relics.

On the other hand, Li Xing, strolling leisurely in the middle of all kinds of wind, his eyes are empty, seemingly out of sight. A golden wind swirled, like a blade, cut across his cheek, leaving a trail of blood.

Li Xing was shocked, and Zhenwu Tianzhen suddenly “hummed” and turned crazy, and the spirit in his body also became like the wind, light and qualityless, soft and invisible, sharp and bladeless.

"Li Xing, these are the rules of the wind. These rules are all taken in the Tao of the wind. Martial arts is also the Tao, and the Tao of the wind is the Tao. The two have similarities and similarities. Think hard. "

Seeing that even though people were robbing the sacred things, the Emperor Tianxie was in no hurry, and at the moment let Li Xing think about it.

The wind was spinning, flying, shaking, and the trajectory and characteristics of the wind were taken into the eyes of Li Xing, and his Yuanshen also had the characteristics of the wind, and worked according to the rules of the wind.

Zhenwu Tianzhen is not only the martial arts, but chaotic martial arts will eventually be upgraded to chaos. At this moment, under the operation of the large array, all the mysteries of the law of the wind are exposed in front of him.

Li Xing's palms stretched out, a breeze blowing from his palm. This breeze, mixed into countless winds, is like a small fish. In the wind, there is a ray of primitive gods in Li Xing to feel the temper of the wind.

Suddenly the breeze changed, turning into a violent wind, sweeping the place, Wan Feng surrendered. Another change turned into a stern wind, wherever they went, invincible. Immediately, the color of the wind continued to change, with the golden color ~ www.readwn.com ~ red at the time and purple at the time.

"That's it." Li Xing opened his eyes, smiled, and stepped out, paving the way with thousands of wind courts, paved a avenue of wind, magnificent and imposing. He had learned the rules of the wind, and there was no secret for him.

Li Xing is like walking on the ground and moving freely. The wind is not only an obstacle, but also his assistant. With a big wave of his sleeve, countless winds moved closer to him and spewed out the holy relics automatically. It didn't take long for them to collect twelve.

These relics are not the same as those found by Xifeng Lie, and they are not complete parts. The twelve relics have sails, masts, boat bodies, and rudders. When they come together, they create a strong suction between each other.


Twelve holy relics, in Li Xing's Yuanshen, assembled themselves into a large ship. This ship is more powerful than the original Wanfamen's ship. On the hull, there are four "Skywind Shenzhou" books Big print.

Li Xing laughed, released the Shenzhou, and then rode on it. He knew that the relic found by others was far less than his Heavenly Wind Shenzhou. Because the sea of ​​wind is endless, how can one reach the depths without a means of travel such as Tianfeng Shenzhou?

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