Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 463: Wind gate

Chapter 52: The Door of the Wind

Lu Tianjiao and others, each captured at least two sacred objects, were preparing to continue to search hard, and suddenly saw a giant boat coming from a distance, surging in power. Every windy eye with holy relics encounters this big boat and attaches to it. The baby in the eye jumps out on its own and falls on the big boat.

"No! It's that Li Xing!" Lu Tian sighed angrily, his eyes were red. They worked hard and went east and west, and it took a lot of effort to get a sacred object, but this person can easily capture a lot of treasures, which is simply unreasonable!

"Everyone join hands and stop him!" He yelled, and Xifenglie and Jing Wuming responded immediately, and each of them struck a spell at the boat of heavenly wind. The power of the three runes is not under the Heavenly King's Amulet.

I saw three brilliance coming out. However, as soon as they met the Heavenly Wind Shenzhou, they broke up. Li Xing laughed: "This boat is a sacred artifact composed of twelve sacred objects. Wrecked? Get out of here! "

Li Xing'ao raised his head, urged Shenzhou, and smashed into the three. The huge force came in waves, and the three of them retreated involuntarily. As soon as Shenzhou flashed, it disappeared into the sea of ​​wind.

At this moment, the three wanted to find the relic, but unfortunately none of them could be sensed. Obviously, all the relics had been sucked away by the big boat.

Li Xing realized the rules of the wind, and had a mysterious induction with the wind Shenzhou, which can control its operation. Of course, this kind of control is not complete. If he can completely control it, he will directly urge the boat and kill three Lu Tianjiao.

On Shenzhou, there are many mysteries, such as attracting the wind and collecting treasure. Wherever Shenzhou went, Li Xing had a thought, and Shenzhou would send a huge suction force, and all the wind-eyes that contained the holy relics would run away.

Moments after Shenzhou flew, it absorbed 24 relics, and all were collected by Li Xing.

The boat continued to move forward, breaking through the sea of ​​wind, as if sailing in the sea, at an incredible speed. All winds, golden winds, kamikazes, hurricanes, and all kinds of winds can't stop the sky wind Shenzhou from flying.

After a hundred breaths, a little sacred light appeared in front of it, getting bigger and bigger. Later, Li Xing couldn't open his eyes, but his heart leaped wildly because he felt that there was something he needed in the light.

Shenzhou finally approached, and saw countless winds, emitting all kinds of strange light, surrounded by a strange light. In that glory, there was a huge text flying up and down, it was actually a "wind" character.

There is also a distinction between ancient writings. The word "wind" is undoubtedly one of the higher status in the writing and contains many mysteries.

The word "wind" resides in the center, suppresses and controls the whole sea of ​​wind, and has the power of a king.

Li Xing's eyes brightened and he shouted, "Good word!" The thought of God shrouded in the past and slowly approached. He had learned the rules of the wind, and the thought of God had evolved all kinds of wind characteristics.

Suddenly, the word "wind" released a kind of goodwill and was happy to approach Li Xing. In this way, Li Xing took three days and gradually approached, eventually allowing the divine thought to communicate with the word "wind".

This style of word is so powerful that Li Xing can't collect it at all, but the ant scratches his bones, gets his approval first, and then Xu Tuzhi. In the process, his feelings for the wind became deeper and deeper.

His understanding of the law gradually rose to the realization of the avenue. Every avenue in the world will extend many laws. This avenue is the way of the wind and evolves the law of the wind.

It was another three days, and Li Xing shouted. The huge "wind" word suddenly shook, and the whole sea of ​​wind shook, and all the wind poured into the word "wind". Li Xing saw that many winds, with the word "wind" as the core, gradually became a portal.

This portal, towering and magnificent, the runes representing the truth of the wind above it continue to flow, and the breath of the wind is coming.

"This is the gate of the wind! Li Xing, collect it immediately!" Tianxie shouted.

Li Xing said well, Yuan Shen shrouded directly. The wind gate kept shrinking, and finally turned into a breeze, winding around Li Xing's fingertips. However, he can't exert the power of this wind gate at all now.

The door of this wind was created by the ten-strong old man of Ba Tian, ​​who has the supreme power, and wants to exert it thoroughly, unless Li Xing steps into Fa Tian and understands the avenue.

As soon as he thought about it, the breeze entered the body and shuttled between the meridians. Every week he runs, the body gains huge benefits.

"Tianfeng refining! Very good! Very good!" Emperor Tianxie exclaimed excitedly, "Your King Kong is not bad. The magic is the fourth most important thing, and you can complete it ahead of time!"

"Click! Click!"

Throughout his body, Li Xing rang out lightly, and the flesh and meridians continued to evolve in a more perfect direction under the influence of the power of the wind.

However, it is said that Li Xing closed the door of the wind, and Lu Tianjiao and others suddenly fell from the air, and looked intently, where is the sea of ​​wind? This place is an ordinary hall, it seems that it was just a dream.

However, when they saw the few relics at hand, they were real things.

"Where is Li Xing?" This was the first question that Lu Tianjiao thought of. He was swept away by his thoughts and immediately found Li Xing.

In the center of the hall, Li Xing was standing quietly, and Zhou's treasures were flowing, and it seemed that he was making some kind of breakthrough.

Lu Tianjiao's teeth were itchy, and he could see that Li Xing must have got great benefits. He was now digesting and immediately drank, "Give me whatever you get!"

He punched Li Xing fiercely, and the monarch might be extremely scary.

However, when the boxing force arrived, Li Xing's figure suddenly flickered and disappeared. His voice came from the hall: "Lu Tianjiao, I can't fight you now, but you shouldn't be proud. Up to seven days, seven days later, I make you look good! "

Li Xing performed the technique of shadowless crickets, went straight out of the hall, and then quietly entered Baiyang Jingtian. Compared with others, he also has a huge advantage, which is Baiyang Jingtian. If you encounter danger or get hurt, you can enter the realm to escape, until the danger passes and the injury recovers.

The main hall, now is just an ordinary main hall, nothing. Lu Tianjiao, Xifeng Lie, Jing Wuming, although they all got a few relics, unfortunately they were not satisfied. They always felt that something very important must have been snatched by Li Xing.

Nangong Xiaoyi, unlike theirs, has a heart palpitation: "He really has a doorway. I don't know what benefits he got. When he goes out, he must ask him."

In the white world, Li Xingduan sat on the cloud bed, and the power of the wind made his Vajrayana not bad, and quickly reached the edge of breakthrough.

"King Kong is quadruple, broken and stood up!" Li Xing roared, the flesh and the Yuanshen turned into a chaotic phosgene, and continued to arrange and combine in the perfect direction.

Not bad, under the impact of transmutation power, it broke through three nodes in one fell swoop. At this point, the twelve nodes on Tianyi have been breached by Li Xing, and he can use this treasure more freely in the future.

In the mist of light, a breeze of wind surrounds, together with the unbreakable sky clothing, protects Li Xing's physical body god.

This process continued for one day and night, and Li Xing's stature reunited. Sure enough, it was a marvelous work that was not bad for nine lives and nine deaths. After King Kong was quadruple, his physical body was transformed again, as if reborn.

Li Xing opened his eyes, stared at Qimang, and said to himself, "Now you can continue to practice great magic!"

Zhenwu Tianzhen is running wildly, and a large number of gods and ancient gods are put into them, deducing the magical seeds. This time, Li Xing no longer reversed the exercises, but practiced great divine skills directly.

He doesn't have time to spend energy now to deduct the exercises, so I will have time to talk about it later. Right now, we need to practice more great magic as soon as possible, improve our strength, and then go to battle with Lu Tianjiao.

At the time of Li Xing's practice, Lu Tianjiao and others found a staircase in the hall, which continued to extend upward. The four climbed the stairs, and the situation changed in front of them, entering the second largest cave sky, thunder cave sky!

In this cave day, there are no plain trees, lightning and thunder everywhere, all kinds of lightning and thunder, one after another, the power is much stronger than the sea of ​​wind.

Looking ahead, thunderclouds extinguished, lightning bolts exploded, everywhere. If people enter it, they must experience thunder and lightning. The crowd didn't even dare to release the divine thoughts, otherwise they would be injured if they were struck by lightning.

Nangong Xiaoyi walked around the edge of Leihai, suddenly frowning and sighing: "This eight-pole tower is really not fun. This thunderbolt is too powerful. How can I get in?"

He looked up, and saw that above the infinite height, there seemed to be some terror power brewing, hiding, and might erupt at any time. Even the emperor Lu Tianjiao had a dignified expression and was afraid to break into the thunder easily.

By deducing only the great divine magic, Li Xing practiced many times faster. Five days later, he practiced another hundred great divine magics, and his strength was multiplied.

At this point, he has two hundred great divine magics in his body.

As soon as the practice was finished ~ www.readwn.com ~ he immediately departed from the sky, and the last one entered the thunder hole sky. In the thunder hole sky, Nangong Xiaoyi and others are still hovering outside, unable to enter deep.

However, after these days of observation, several people found something. The Thunder in this cave day is divided into nine weights, and they are currently only at the bottom. The further up, the greater the power of the Thunder.

As soon as Li Xing appeared, Lu Tianjiao felt like he had found a baby, and shouted, "You dare to come!" He shot at Li Xing again.

This time Lu Tianjiao learned how to ride, he was afraid that Li Xingyu would leave, so he shot a magic sign. This symbol, called "Shadow Talisman", can capture even the shadows, and specifically restrains the puppet technique.

However, Li Xing did not walk away this time. He stepped out and covered the mudra directly to suppress it, directly biasing the power of that spell. Rolling divine power and repression, Lu Tianjiao was shocked.

"How so strong?" He didn't dare to fix it, he fled aside and fled to the side.

As soon as Lu Tianjiao's realm was higher, Li Tianxing's power was too strong and powerful. The power of two hundred great divine superpositions could almost destroy everything.

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