Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 464: Throne of thunder

Chapter 53: Throne of Thunder

"Run? Where are you going?"

Li Xinglong stepped forward, step by step, and performed great magic. The same great divine magic, exhibited in his hands, is 100 times more powerful than others, only because he practices too much divine magic, others are far less than.

He connected his fingers with ten fingers, all mysterious magical powers were released, Qixiu fingers, traversing fingers, broken soul fingers, Qixiu fingers, non-phase fingers, ice soul cold light fingers, and burning **** fingers, with no duplicates.

Lu Tianjiao's face changed wildly, and he tried to dodge with all his strength, shouting, "How can you practice so many magical skills?"

Every great divine art can communicate the power in the meditation, so he can easily distinguish it, so he is extremely shocked. For a moment, Li Xing's great divine magic has exceeded ten!

"Wonderful! Very exciting!" Nangong Xiaoyi straightened his eyes and kept admiring. Ximenlie and Jing Wuming's faces were not good-looking. They only knew that Li Xing had been underestimated from the beginning. It turned out that he was the strongest!

"Lu Tianjiao, hand over the fetish you got, I will let you go." Li Xing sang as he shot.

"Don't even think about it!" Lu Tianjiao's expression was furious, and the true form was highly condensed. It turned into a long needle, just over three inches, and it heard its cold voice. "

"call out!"

Incomparably fast, the needle stabbed at Li Xingmei. This seemingly simple blow actually contained Lu Tianjiao's full potential and all the magic power.

Li Xing felt that his eyebrows were cold, and there was a feeling of life being threatened. He was taken aback, his body fluttered, his magical shape was manifested, and his incarnation was hundreds of thousands.

Li Xing secretly shouted so much that many true forms dissipated at the same time and were hidden again. He knew that it was impossible for the other party to stay in this state forever, and there was always time for relaxation. By that time, he can shoot.

Lu Tianjiao was vomiting blood, and whenever he tried his best, he would slip away. Partial his technique, extremely subtle, no trace. There was only one shadow symbol on him, and there was nothing more he could do.

Li Xing laughed, and his voice came from all directions: "Lu Tianjiao, with me Li Xing, your trip to the Eight-pole Pole Tower is destined to end in failure! It is too late to quit now."

"Huh!" Lu Tianjiao regained his human form, and said coldly, "Li Xing, not all my killing tricks have been shown, you can't fight me!"

"Really? Let's ride the donkey to watch the phonograph, and walk and see!" Li Xing finished, and even his voice disappeared, I don't know where to go.

"The most important baby in the light wind tunnel sky has been taken by him. This time I have to start to be strong!" The three people other than Nangong Xiaoyi had the same idea, and despite the risks, they directly invested in Thunder. in.

Nangong Xiaoyi hesitated for a moment, sighed, and murmured: "Master said, I do what I can, I still won't go in." Actually, I sat down and practiced in the environment of billions of thunder explosions. .

Li Xing has indeed entered the thunder, the wind has eyes, and the thunder has eyes. And in the eye of thunder, there are many holy relics hidden. But unfortunately, the thunderous power of Thunder is too strong. As soon as Li Xing's thoughts are released, he will be struck by thunder and lightning. It is impossible to search for the position of the thunder eye, let alone find the holy relic.

After trying it several times in a row, he suddenly had a clever idea and immediately sat down and began to practice the great divinity of Jiuxiao. This divine art is a means of refining gods in ancient times. The above ancient writings were carved after the stone monument, and then obtained by the magic wizard Hanquan, and finally fell into the hands of Li Xing.

The practice of Shenjiu Jiuxiao requires a special environment to exercise Yuan Shen, and Li Xing has never found a suitable environment, so this technique has not been cultivated. Today, in the thunder of the Nine Heavys, he suddenly thought, Isn't this a great time to practice Jiu Xiao?

Immediately, according to the records on the stele, he started to operate the Yuanshen and cultivated the Jiuxiao technique. A spirit, soaring into the sky, connected with the nine days of Thunder. The force of thunder and lightning broke into the Yuan Shen, leaving Li Xing covered with numbness, feeling indescribable.

Immediately following the method, he operated the Primordial Spirit and transformed this thunder and lightning power into the power of cultivation. Gradually, the pain began to diminish until it completely disappeared.

The ancient method was really wonderful. Only one day later, Li Xing's Yuanshen became more refined and tough. Under the first thunder, he could do everything without fear of lightning strikes. He immediately released the mind.

Because of the power of thunder and lightning, Li Xing's thoughts were as fast as lightning. Everywhere he went, there would be a crackle of electric current. This is the singularity of the Divine Journey of Jiuxiao, and what kind of attribute power will be attached to the Yuanshen if it is used to temper the Yuanshen.

Li Xing's Yuanshen now has the power of thunder and lightning, as if it were lightning. I saw a slender lightning bolt in the first world of thunder, shooting dense branches, spreading around.

Soon, several Thunder Eyes were discovered by him, and God's thoughts were immediately entangled and pulled them to his side.

In the first eye of the thunder, take out a part of the relic, and then the second and third, more and more of the relic, were found by him. In the end, twelve relic parts were found by Li Xing.

Similar to the Fengshen of the day, once these twelve things came together, they immediately attracted each other and continued together in an instant. Finally, a throne, grand and righteous, with thunder and thunder, dominated for nine days.

Above the throne, there are faint words flashing: Throne of Thunder!

A delight in Li Xing's heart, the divine thought entangled the throne, trying to sense its breath. However, as soon as Shennian spliced, he was bounced back fiercely, and his whole body was paralyzed.

"Great! It seems that we must continue to strengthen Yuan Shen!" Helplessly, he had to release Yuan Shen again and rush to the sky. After passing through a large thundercloud, enter the second world of Thunder.

In this world of heavy thunder, the power of thunder was strengthened. As soon as Li Xingyuan appeared, he was bombarded by numerous lightnings, causing him to shrink into a ball.

Like the first Thunder World, a long-running, continuous movement of the Jiuxiao Method has produced an effect, and Yuanshen's fear of Thunder gradually weakened. In the end, Yuan Shen drew more thunder and lightning power and was able to move freely between them.

In the same way, Li Xing practiced day and night, the Yuan Shen rushed from the second to the second, then the third life, until the ninth thunder world.

Nine days later, Li Xing's Yuanshen turned into a flash of lightning, sharp and unparalleled. At this point, he could finally get close to the throne of thunder, and the thoughts entangled, and the throne immediately sensed him.

After several attempts, Li Xing laughed and sat directly on the throne. As soon as a person sits on top of it, there is an infinite power of thunder, which breaks into his body and tempers his physical body.

At the same time, due to the blessing of power from the throne of thunder, his understanding of thunder rules has also been increased numerous times. Of course, the countless eyes of thunder were also ingested by him, taking away the holy things in it.

Except for the twelve relics that make up the throne of thunder, there are nine relics in total, which is far less than the light wind tunnel sky. However, all these nine relics are very powerful.

There are also three, six, and nine relics. The second-class relics are like chicken ribs and have little effect. High-quality relics can be more powerful than American magic.

After receiving the sacred things, just like this, in the thunder and thunder explosion, Li Xing quietly enlightened on the throne for three days and nights. Three days later, the throne of Thunder suddenly stunned and was spurred by the thought of Li Xing, turned into a thunderous roar, and howled into the sky. He broke through the thunder barriers all the way, and finally flew to the highest point, the ninth thunder world.

On this layer, there is indeed a thunderbolt of thunder, rolling, and a huge ancient text "Thunder" in it. The power of this thunder word must be above the word "wind".

Thunder is the most powerful force between heaven and earth. Thunder is often found in many heavens. The word "thunder" releases the supreme domineering, extremely strong gas, which makes people scared.

Li Xing was so shocked that the word "thunder" must be obtained!

He was above the throne of thunder, and realized the thunder rules, so at this moment he calculated the weight and used the method of collecting the word "wind" to start collecting the word "thunder".

In this way, it was another seven days, and his Yuanshen finally infiltrated it. Immediately, the "thunder" vibrated, there were thousands of thunders, the huge world of nine thunders, all of them were included in the word "thunder", and turned into a magnificent thunder portal, the gate of thunder.

The Thunder Gate kept shrinking, and then turned into a tiny thunderbolt, wandering at Li Xing's fingertips. Immediately, this thundering force was absorbed into the meridians, walking through the flesh and blood meridians, and tempering the body.

"Tianlei refining?" Li Xing laughed. He felt that the reshaping effect of Thunder's power was many times stronger than that of wind. In this case, the speed of cultivation of King Kong's magical skills will increase again.

Thunder all over the sky, disappeared instantly, Lu Tianjiao and others who are working hard to resist the Thunder, all of a sudden, silly, was Li Xing going to the core baby again? So the thunderous powers dissipated?

With this thought, Li Xing's voice had sounded: "Oh, sorry, many holy relics have been collected by me, let you run for nothing."

This time ~ www.readwn.com ~ even Xifenglie and Jing Wuming couldn't hold their breath. Two consecutive towers were cheaped by Li Xing, which they absolutely could not stand.

"Lu Tianjiao, we cooperate to kill Li Xing!" Xifeng sternly said, "If we don't remove this person, we won't even be able to drink the soup."

"Okay! I mean it too!" Jing Wuming said, "Kill Li Xing, and talk about the things between us."

Lu Tianjiao laughed "haha": "Very well, you are finally getting started, and we will join forces to kill Li Xing!" After that, he looked at Nangong Xiaoyi.

Nangong Xiaoyi rolled his eyes and said lazily, "You hit you, it has nothing to do with me."

"It has nothing to do with you? If you don't join, you will be our enemy!" Lu Tianjiao said in a dark voice.

"Threatening me?" Nangong Xiaoyi laughed, "Little Master is going to be against you, so what?" Then he looked at Li Xing in the distance and laughed, "Brother Li, you and I will join forces to bring How about the trio killing a fart and urinating? "

Li Xing laughed: "Wonderful! I have this intention!" Then the words of God turned into a flash of lightning, and a "click" bombarded Lu Tianjiao.

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