Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 467: Heavy mountain

Chapter 56: Heavy Mountain

"Fight with me?" Aojian smiled. "Very well, it seems you don't know how powerful the mage is. Yeah, I'll send you to the Nether!"

Li Xing limped continuously, and soon afterwards came to the thunder mountain, holding the Tower of Tolerance in his hands. Although he can't fully display this magic weapon, he already has Qiqi induction with it, which can stimulate part of the power of this tower.

The so-called magic weapons are the treasures that have generated the spirit of the spirit. Moreover, Li Xing still has a treasure in his hands, a golden mountain, which can give a fatal blow!

The Tower of Tolerance, suspended in the hands, emits a glorious glory.

Ao Jian naturally followed suit. His trip was to kill Li Xing. Would he let him go? He glanced at the Tower of Tolerance, his eyes lightened: "Magic weapon! Very good, I am missing a magic weapon in your hand, you come to the door!"

Li Xing smiled, but ignored the proud sword, but said to the tower of forbearance: "The tower of tower forbearance, I am the order of your master to protect the ancient forbearance family. Today I am in distress, I hope you can give your full assistance I repelled the enemy. "

There is also a magic element in the tower of Tolerance, but this element has always been hidden, never appeared, and is in a state of half sleep.

As Li Xing said, he struck the towering divine power into the tower, and immediately let the tower shine. In the tower, there seemed to be something awake, and the pressure it released was getting stronger and stronger, and finally the momentum of the proud sword was also suppressed.

Ao Jian's complexion gradually dwindled. He knew that he wanted to kill Li Xing today.

An old idea got in touch with Li Xing.

"You are the successor of the master's forbearance, and I will protect you." The idea of ​​the tower of forbearance expressed such a message.

Li Xing nodded: "Okay! Thank you!"

"Hmm! Li Xing, do you think you can compete with me if you have a magic weapon?" Aojian disdainfully said, "I have cultivated the magical power of Aotian. After reaching the level of the law and heaven, I have reached an incredible level. It ’s not my enemy, let alone a little god-man? "

A piece of "broken law" angered the Tower of Tolerance. It shuddered. It actually broke away from Li Xing's control and directly suppressed the past. An old idea swept away: "Broken magic? At first, I followed the master and sided with him. You are not born yet, so arrogant, suppress me! "

This tower is too bearable. I do n’t know how many years of sleep. When I woke up, I heard words that despise it. How can I endure it?

Ao Jian's face had no fear, and he propped up with one hand, the layers of mana rushed up, holding the Tower of Tolerance stiffly. This tower is too bearable. If you want to exert all its power, you must have mana and mana to cooperate with it. Otherwise, at most one-tenth of your power will be exerted.

This is the limitation of the magic weapon. However, once it cooperates fully with the host, the power is also extremely powerful.

Seeing the strength of the Tower of Tolerance and the strength of Aojian, regardless of whether it is up or down, one is constantly suppressing, the other is fully resisting, no one can go further, so stalemate. At this moment, Ao Jian has no time to deal with Li Xing.

"Good opportunity! Use Jinshan to kill him!" Tian evil said fiercely.

"Good!" Li Xing looked through the fierce light, finally took out the heavy Jinshan, lost his divine power, and entered all of it.

It stands to reason that he can't urge Jinshan at the moment. To know that this sacred object is the supreme sacred character that the eight-pole old man made at the beginning. The power is overwhelming. He is not a mage and cannot perform at all.

However, this Jinshan blended with the BRIC, and that BRIC was all sacrificed by Li Xing. Therefore, at this moment, Li Xing also equated part of the golden mountain.


Li Xing's blood spewed out, and at the same time, the word "mountain" in the sky array shook, and the entire Jinshan shouted into the sky, turning into a high mountain, tall and bright, with imposing momentum. The above book has the four characters "Heavy Mountain", which is so powerful that even the Tower of Tolerance is overshadowed.

Li Xing was bleeding from the seven holes and felt tremendous pressure. He couldn't support for too long, so he had to yell: "Pride sword, you take me one move, Jinshan landed, supreme suppression, kill!"

After that, he rose into the air and stood at the top of Jinshan, suppressing them together.

The Tower of Tolerance is also wise, and immediately dragged Ao Jian with all its strength to suppress Li Xing's Jinshan.

"No! How could there be such a rebellious relic!" Ao Jian's face turned wild. Although he was a mage, he didn't dare to take it. I want to dodge, but I am entangled in the tower of too much tolerance, and can't retreat.


The golden light is extremely heavy, and its place of exposure is as if all mountains are descending, completely blocking the area of ​​100 miles. Wherever this horrible force went, fissures appeared in the air, seemingly torn.

"Mana burns!"

The proud sword roared, the mana of the whole body was burning in flames, the strength soared ten times in an instant, and a fierce punch hit it.


It seemed that heaven and earth had collapsed. Ao Jian was hit by a fly and hit the ground fiercely. Jinshan also settled in the air, and then instantly returned to the size of his fist and returned to Li Xing.

This shocking blow, Ao Jian was seriously injured, and his blood spurted. Immediately after he landed, he turned into a wonderful light, and returned to Tian Ao Guo.

In the thunder mountain, there were a pair of cold eyes observing Fang Cai's astounding battle. The master of the eyes was Cheng Ye, Master Mage.

When Ao Jian lost and Li Xing took Jinshan, his face showed greed and a faint smile: "It is a godsend. This Zhenwu Hou dare to strike Thunder Mountain, and was seriously injured, just kill him!"

Li Xing's internal affairs were almost exhausted, and he was extremely weak. He said: "You must restore your physical strength immediately!" His body disappeared instantly, and after walking for thousands of miles, he went directly into Baiyangjingtian.

As he disappeared, a law idea swept across: "Hey? What about people? He can never escape my search!" He was going to kill Li Xing, seize the heavy mountains, and refused to let go, so he continued to search madly, But how to find Baiyang Jingtian? Eventually hesitated to stop.

In the Baiyang Jingtian, Li Xing retreated for three days in a row, drawing a lot of aura, and then recovered his strength.

"Master, I don't know when I will be able to fight against the mage in an upright manner! This proud sword will definitely come again as soon as it recovers from the injury! And I feel that when the battle was over, someone was watching me."

"Practice God five times, after you understand the yin and yang, you should be able to fight Aojian." Tianxiedao, "But this matter is not urgent, so you have to show less recently. As for the Qiyun faction, you can temporarily drag the star gate The name."

Li Xing nodded: "The disciples have the same intention. They must cultivate with all their hearts and not be distracted by foreign affairs." He thought about it, "I will announce to the outside tomorrow that Qi Yunpai will be a branch of the Star Gate."

"That's right, when you are strong enough, what is a Qiyun faction?" Tianxiedao.

On this day, Li Xing returned to the Qiyun faction, and after a briefing, he headed to the Star Gate.

After leaving Tianxingmen for a while, when others arrived, they met Beichen Changqing directly, indicating that Qiyun School would be used as one of the branches of Tianxingmen. Of course, the host is still Yu Yuxu and appointed by him.

This attachment is only nominal, and the real power is still in the hands of Li Xing.

As soon as this remark was made, Beichen Changqing understood Li Xing's intentions and smiled: "This is easy, one sentence tomorrow. But Li Xing, there is something you need to do."

"What's the matter?" Li Xing asked.

"Do you know the Wan Famen? One year later, Wan Famen will hold a Wan Fa conference, and then you will be invited to the mages of the various schools. According to the old example, the visiting mages will bring some juniors to compete with other mages. "

"At that time, there will be two list sheets, the Fa Tianbang and the Kings List. Over the years, the masters and princes of Wanfamen have always occupied half of the top ten seats in the two lists. Any master who has entered the top ten. All of the gods are super-characters, and the rest of the small-minded factions cannot intervene. "

Li Xing narrowed his eyes. He was not interested in such things. He doesn't want to make a name for himself unless there are special benefits.

Beichen Changqing smiled "Hehe" and seemed to guess Li Xing's thoughts: "It is said that the people who can enter the top ten of the Fatian list this time have great rewards. Unfortunately, the three ancestors of Tianxingmen have no intention of He said so nicely, but Li Xing guessed that the three mages were too weak to be seen by others. They were afraid that they would be eliminated in the first round, so they gave up the competition and went to see only one. lively.

"As for the list of gods, the top ten rewards are equally appealing. You know, this reward is not from the Wan Famen family, but from a lot of super factions. Can you imagine what kind of reward? Qing smiled like an old fox, leading Li Xing to hook.

Li Xing really felt itchy and couldn't help asking: "Father, what is the reward of the top ten gods?"

"Three requirements ~ www.readwn.com ~ Beichen Changqing laughed," The top ten people on the list of gods can choose three super big schools and make a reasonable request. Of course, different rankings have different requirements. For example, you can even ask for magic weapon in the first place in the list of gods. "

Li Xing's heart was pounding. His fighting treasures needed to be repaired. Wouldn't it be great if he could get a place by then and ask the super pie? Even his subsequent cultivation will have many obstacles. Can he also take the opportunity to solve them together?

"Heart moved?" Beichen Changqing asked.

Li Xinggan laughed: "It doesn't hurt to go down."

Beichen is overjoyed: "Okay! If you can enter the top ten of the list of gods at the World Fa Conference, my star gate will have a great reputation!" This is the purpose of him to let Li Xing attend the World Fa Conference.

Li Xing nodded and said: "Yifu, not a year long, I need to go out and practice to increase my strength."

"Well, you don't need to worry about Qi Yunpai's affairs, everything is handled by your righteous father, you can rest assured to do your own thing." Beichen's evergreen package swarmed Li Xing's worries.

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