Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 468: The Little Prince of Milo

Chapter 57: The Little Prince Milo

Li Xing needs to practice three hundred great divine magic, three hundred ancient divine magic, and three hundred jade-level small divine magic. It requires not only a huge amount of gods, but also a large amount of divine source power to calculate. Therefore, he must go out and not stay for a moment.

After saying goodbye to Beichen Changqing, he did not leave immediately, but entered a secret place, summoned the three leaders of Youlong, and ordered something. This Youlong organization, with its influence all over the place, is efficient and secretive, and can provide great help to Li Xing.

Three people, namely Yi Feihe, the general manager, Huang Zhixing, the internal manager, and Ming Xiaofeng, the external manager. All three of them are practicing Jiuzhong, and this is the second time they have met Li Xing.

However, when they saw Li Xingzhi again, they were very surprised.

"Congratulations on the master's increase in power!" All three said joyfully.

Li Xing smiled and said, "It's very hard for you to run Youlong. I'm here to get you connected with Qi Yunpai, to communicate with each other. Second, to give you some benefits."

Speaking, Li Xing took out nine Baiyang Shendans, three of them, and said, "This is Baiyang Shendan, and it has a special effect on Jiuzhong Shenren. You accept it."

The three received elixir and thanked him again and again.

Li Xing also said, "It is difficult to break through the nine-point training to the ten-step training. After a while, I will make divine demon for you."

At the hearing of the Divine Pill, all three were startled: "Can the master refining the Pill? This Phantom Pill, but the Supreme Pride, is extremely precious. Only the Master can make it."

"You don't need to worry about this, I will refinish the gods by then." Li Xingdan said indifferently.

The three did not dare to ask again, and the chief executive Yi Fei hated: "Master, recently there was news from Beichenji. The star guard commanded Yousha, and seemed to be dissatisfied with the host. He often made advances in Beichenji."

Youlong's news network is spread all over Tiancheng City, and there are many eyeliners in the East Palace, knowing many secret things.

Li Xing sneered: "That wickedness is not a concern. I will get rid of him when the time is right." Then he asked, "What does Bei Chenji think of me?"

"At present, Bei Chenji has regarded his master as a person who threatens his status." Yi Fei hated. "So, the master should be careful in the future."

"Well, it's okay, this Beichenji has no courage, he is not my opponent anymore." Li Xing is telling the truth. Beichenji was able to become the great prince at first, relying on There is no real talent for conspiracy and deceit, and qualifications are average.

At this moment, the foreign director said again, "Master, You Long got a message, which may be useful to the owner."

"Oh? What news?" Li Xing's eyes flickered. If it wasn't a major event, You Long wouldn't alarm him.

"In the sphere of influence of the Tiantai family, there is a fairy machine mountain. Recently, the Tiantai family found a red vein in the mountain belly."

Li Xingmu looked strangely: "You mean Danmai?"

"That's right, and it's a great vein. Although the Tiantai family blocked it with all their strength, it was still known to us."

Li Xing's heart was extremely excited, and Dan Mai was the best in Ling Mai. Heaven and earth aura, together, can form a spiritual spring. The Lingquan is divided into nine levels. The spirit veins are divided into four levels: gold, jade, heaven, and mystery.

The so-called Danmai, as its name suggests, has an aura effect that can be better than Meitianjie medicine. Of course, there are even more sacred steps, the effect is even more incredible.

What Li Xing needs most now is elixir. If he can get a vein, then he won't have to worry about practicing a lot of divinity in the future. This is absolutely great news for him.

"This matter, are you sure?" He was still calm on the surface, but very excited inside.

"Slave is determined." Nei Zong pipeline, "It is not yet possible to determine the location of the Danmai. At present, the Tiantai family has blocked Xianji Mountain from outsiders, and must take action.

"Your news is good!" Li Xing said with approval.

After handling the Youlong thing, Li Xing immediately set off for the North Division's house to welcome the North Division ice. Bei Shibing has been back to her parents for some time, and it is time to pick her up.

When he came to the North Normal School again, Li Xing immediately found that the atmosphere of the North Normal School was a bit wrong. When he landed, there was not even one person greeted. As soon as his heart moved, he immediately spread the divine thoughts and probed wildly.

It didn't matter at first, Li Xing's anger rose in anger. It turned out that he found that Bei Shibai, Bei Shibing, and a large number of personnel were suppressed in a single object. The holy relic, like a giant bowl, was covered and powerful.

At this moment, the king of the North Normal School and the teacher of the North Normal School were pleased to please a young man. The young man, Dan Fengyan, lying silk brows, majestic face, bright eyes, and a bright yellow robe, was proud of himself.

"The little prince deserves to be the first wizard in the snowfield. He is a young man with ten years of age and imprisoned Bei Shibai as soon as he shot." Wang Wang, a teacher from Bei Shi, said flatly.

The little prince smiled slightly: "Those people are weak and are not my enemies at all. What kind of Li Xing do you say, why haven't they appeared?"

Master Shiren Wang: "The man has already left, and he will surely return. At that time, I hope the little prince will show his might and kill him."

At this moment, a forceful divine thought came over, and the little prince looked cold and said, "Bold!" The figure flickered and disappeared instantly, and the next moment appeared opposite Li Xing, the two were less than ten meters apart.

"Who are you?" The little prince asked coldly, his voice condescending.

"Who are you again?" Li Xing narrowed his eyes.

"I am on the northern snowy field, and the little prince of the Miro Kingdom, Songzanmeng." He looked at Li Xing. "You offend the prince today, you have to pay the price!"

At this time, Wang and Bei Shikuo of Bei Shiren also came. They saw Li Xing and immediately cried, "Little Prince, this man is Bei Shibai's son-in-law!"

The little prince smiled coldly: "I'm looking for you and you'll be brought to your door, so you don't have to go!"

Li Xing thought for a while, and probably knew what happened. After Bei Shikuo and his son left, they were unwilling to fail, and somehow met Song Zanmeng, so he pulled him to fight Bei Shibai. Of course, in the meantime, the father and son must have betrayed a lot of the interests of the North Masters, otherwise Song Zanmeng's room would not have been shot.

In his eyes, there was a hint of killing, and he stared at the king of the North Teacher: "Last time, I thought you were also a member of the North Teacher's family, so before killing you, you dare to find an outsider to deal with your father-in-law.

"Excessive!" Wang Li, a teacher from the north, said, "In the presence of the little prince, you have no choice but to surrender quickly, so you may give your life away!"

Li Xing smiled "hehe", without saying a word, he blasted to the North Master King with one punch. He had already done a murder, and he did his best. When the punch came out, the rays of the 220 Great Divine Arts flashed together, and they severely bombarded the past.

With a punch of punch, the king of the North Division was frightened, his body was stiff and motionless.

The little prince Songzanmeng roared and suddenly punched him. His fist was also very powerful, and circles of white light surrounded the fist, creating a strange energy.

The two fists, banging together, strong to strong, strength to strength, are nothing fancy.

Song Zanmeng only felt that as if there were 10,000 mountains hitting him, he was blown off without a surprise, smashed the rows of buildings behind him, and then bounced to the high altitude and flew away.

Li Xing was unreasonable. He stepped forward and covered the mudra directly to suppress it. The king of the North Division shattered his body and died on the spot. Bei Shikuo also collapsed physically, and the source of the god-man was directly extracted by Li Xing.

"Ah! Li Xing, you can't kill me!" Before dying, Bei Shikuo shouted unfortunately. Unfortunately, Li had already angered Li Xing. The Bei Shibing family was imprisoned, which offended Li Xing.

With one move to kill the two, Li Xing displayed a momentary step and suddenly caught up with Song Zongmeng who was flying backwards.

Songzanmen was horrified, yelled, and held his body forcibly. He cried, "How strong! How could you be so strong? Even my Heavenly Ice Holy Body is not an opponent!"

"Tianbing Eucharist?" Li Xing snorted. "You have practiced a lot of divine magic, and just brought it all!"

He pressed down with his big hand, and the mountains shouted in unison. The word "mountain" in his body released an extremely heavy breath, and his big hand seemed to be turned into a thousand mountains and suppressed.

With a look of fear, Song Zhanmeng fought with all his strength, emitting infinite white light all over his body, cascading and yelling, "I have the Celestial Body, you cannot defeat me!"


The earthquake shook, and Li Xing's fist directly suppressed it, leaving no vitality to the other party. Song Zanmeng's incomparable body, smashed inch by inch, the source of the gods and human beings were exposed and extracted by Li Xing.

"Ah! I am the son of King Miro. You killed me, and the people of the Miro kingdom went to heaven and killed you!" Song Zanmeng screamed again and again.

Li Xing just sneered, and the prince's consciousness disappeared as soon as Yuanshen twisted. In his body, there was a prismatic ice crystal, still very hard, about seven inches long, about **** wide, and cold.

"Billion years of Apparition!" Tian Xie Emperor laughed, "No wonder he is the body of Tian Bing. He had such a treasure."

The billion-year-old ice soul is an extremely cold place in the Daxue Mountains ~ www.readwn.com ~ The treasure condensed by the cold air in the depths of the iceberg is extremely precious, many times more precious than that of Zijin Wangdan.

"This billion-year-old Phantom can be used to cultivate the Heavenly Ice Holy Body. However, you can use it to practice King Kong's magic."

Li Xing nodded, collected the apparition, and returned to the North Division. A large bowl covered the ground in the rear garden of the North Teacher's College, shining brightly, about ten meters high. He transfigured Yuanshen's big hand and pressed it directly.

The big bowl "shocked" and was opened by him, and the people inside rushed out immediately.

This bowl is also a sacred object, which was immediately collected by Li Xing and suppressed in Yuanshen.

When Bei Shibing saw Li Xing, he rushed over and smiled: "I knew you would come to save me."

Li Xing bounced on her pink cheek and asked, "Did you hurt you?"

"Bei Shikuo had to force his father to surrender the position of patriarch. He didn't dare go too far, so no one was injured." Bei Shibing said, "What about them?"

"Dead," Li Xingdan said indifferently. "There is also a little Prince of Miro who was also killed by me."

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