Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 470: 300 great magic!

Chapter 59: Three Hundred Gods!

At this moment, the Tiantai Mingjing no longer asked, and directly ordered: "Stop, one does not stay!" At the same time, a flywheel was thrown into the air. At once, the flywheel turned into a rotating white light, spinning and beating.

Hengling Qiguai made a long howl and also shot at the same time. These seven monsters are all ten-strength in training, capable of superb change, infinite power, infinite power. They are united, and the flywheels on the rooftop Mingjing can't take advantage, and they are in a disadvantage.

Tiantai Mingjing is not unaware of the power of the Seven Strange Monsters, but he has secretly heard the news. It won't be long before the ancestors of the Tianbo family will appear and kill the Seven Monsters in Hengling directly.

When the two sides fought, Li Xing knew that the opportunity was coming, and immediately returned to his place to urge Danmai. The Inspiration Demon took full control, and immediately the mountain shook, and the whole fairy machine shivered.

The mountain peak cracked from the center, and a long colorful aura, dazzling like a crystal, burst out. This vein is thousands of miles long, and at the first sight of the sky, it “hums”, shrinking to three feet long, thin like a stream of water.

As the demon controlled Danmai, it obediently entered Li Xing's hands, was instantly collected, and was thrown into Baiyang Jingtian.

From the pulse of Dan out of the mountain to the collection of Li Xing, only one breath was used before and after, which was extremely short. As soon as he received the pulse, Li Xing immediately disappeared and disappeared.

Dozens of gods including Tiantai Mingjing are besieging the seven strange monsters in Hengling. Although they heard the movement, they couldn't rush over immediately. When a god-man finally pulled away, he found that the mountainside was cracking, and the heavenly veins were missing!

At this moment, he was so shocked that he went back and reported the Mingjing on the rooftop.

"What? Lingmai is gone?" Tiantai Mingjing was furious and roared. "Idiot, how could Lingmai disappear? Who is it?"

The god-man trembled: "I don't know his subordinates. When that time comes, no one is found."

After turning around, Tiantai Mingjing stared at Hengqiguai and said, "You still have a helping hand!"

The big monster immediately thought that this time he was afraid to play with others. He stood in front of him and let others take the pulse. He immediately cried, "This matter has nothing to do with us, and I don't know that person."

"You don't know?" Tiantai Ming Jingqi laughed back. "Since you don't know, why do you have the pulse here? How can you deliberately hold me? Needless to say, you all have to die today!"

The seven monsters were furious, too lazy to explain, and simply attacked with all their strength. Everyone else is going to kill, and saying nothing is useless. Only strength can save lives.

That Li Fu, sandwiched between the two, dodging from left to right, murmured: "I'm not **** blessed, but bad luck!"

Li Xing got the pulse and didn't stop for a moment, and immediately flew away. Just as he flew away, a Dharma idea landed on Xianji Mountain, firing at length and height. Hengling Qiguai and Li Fu were so shocked that they did not dare to fight and immediately retreated.

The Tiantai Mingjing also ignored these people, and said loudly: "Old ancestor! Dan veins have been stolen, please ancestors to perform supreme mana search."

"Ming Jing, why are you so useless? Your eyes are open to steal the pulse." An angry voice blasted in the air like a thunder, and it was passed down.

Immediately, this law concept centered on Xianji Mountain and spread out in all directions to track down those who stole the veins. However, at this time, Li Xing was out of the tens of thousands of miles.

"Hey, this time with Danmai, it should be enough for my cultivation!" Li Xing laughed during the flight.

"This vein is extremely huge. If it is normal, it can train at least ten mages." Tianxiedao said, "However, if you practice with it, it may not be enough for you to practice to the tenth level."

Li Xingyi stayed: "Isn't the heavenly veins enough?"

"Nature is not enough." Tianxiedao said, "Moreover, it ’s a pity that this heavenly order vein was used up at all. It is better to stock it in Baiyang Jingtian and let it grow freely. You do n’t want to be in Jingtian. Proliferating elixir? This heavenly spiritual vein is the mother of elixir. With it, elixir can grow on its own. "

Li Xing nodded: "Master said so."

However, it was said that immediately after the order's pulse entered Baiyang Jingtian, it immediately became louder, and the head of inspiration immediately emerged. At this moment, Lingmai has been brainwashed by it and is loyal to Li Xing.

The spirit veins rolled in the Baiyang Reiki, turning into a dragon, constantly devouring Reiki, and quickly grew. At the same time, wherever it went, the seeds of aura full of mystery descended.

It turns out that this heavenly order has a sense of self. It likes to go to the place with the most elixir, and collects the elixir's seeds and releases them in the body, using it to purify the breath in the vein.

Therefore, in this vein, there are thousands and thousands of elixir seeds, and some have even taken root. Tianjie Lingmai is called Danmai because it contains the breath of countless kinds of elixir. After collecting, it can be directly refined into elixir. It is very precious and it is very helpful to the cultivation of gods and people.

These elixir seeds have taken root in the ground of Baiyang, and they have grown rapidly, and more and more elixir appears in the entire Baiyang Realm. Originally, there were only about 100,000 elixir in Jingtian and more than 20,000.

But in the vein, there are hundreds of thousands of elixir, each seed is different, there is no duplication. At this moment, Li Xing possessed elixir, reaching more than 100,000. This is a great asset for a Dan teacher. Only those tyrannical masters of the celestial realm can have so many elixir.

The spirit veins are sowing seeds, and they are also devouring Baiyang Reiki and growing rapidly. Gradually, this spiritual vein grew bigger and bigger, from a thousand miles long to three thousand miles long.

"It's time." Li Xing said, he found a remote mountain halfway, and then entered Baiyangjingtian, preparing to cultivate all the divine seeds into great divine magic!

The narrowed veins, like a snake at the moment, hovered gently at his fingertips. Immediately, Li Xing threw the heavenly veins into the Zhenwu sky array, in that chaotic cloud.

Suddenly, the turbulent cloud gas exploded and began to absorb a large amount of Dan Mai's power, transforming it into Li Xing's god-man origin and storing it.

Li Xing looked inwardly and let the spiritual veins of that stage be washed by the chaotic cloud air over and over again. Every time he washed, a large group of danqi fell down, and then he was dissociated into the aura required for cultivation .

These auras, after a series of complex transformations, became his original power and were stored.

Thanks to Li Xing being a Dan master, he is familiar with the nature of elixir, so it is not difficult to do it. If you change another person, even if you have the Heavenly Order Spirit Vein, you can only swallow the date, and you cannot use it to the fullest.

At the same time as the chaotic cloud draws its original power, the Zhenwu Celestial Array has begun to calculate many divine seeds and transform them into great divine spells. Then, he pushed the Great Divine Technique back and practiced the Heavenly Order.

The heavenly veins have become the source of motivation for Li Xing's cultivation, so he can practice endlessly. Unconsciously, more than three months have passed, and all the divine seeds, as well as the source of the plundered god-man, have been deduced. Became a great divine.

At this point, Li Xing has 280 great divine magic!

Two hundred and eighty kinds of great divine magic turned into two hundred and eighty streamers, freely operating in the heavenly array. As long as Li Xing is willing, these terrorist forces can be mobilized at any time to give the enemy a fatal blow.

"Li Xing, there are still 20 kinds of great divine skills, you can reach 300." Tianxie Emperor laughed, "Although the plundering of the source of God-man is faster, but in that case, you have to show your face and travel around the world. The teacher knows a lot of Heavenly Order exercises, and today I will teach you a few and practice them together. "

If Li Xing plunders the source of the god-man or obtains the divine seed, he only needs to provide part of the source power, and then he can merge it into a great divine spell and become his own thing.

If you practice the same great divine skill, if you practice step by step and then deduct it, it will consume one hundred gods. But if the source of the god-man or the magical seed comes from the plunder, only ten gods are needed to complete it. Moreover, the latter not only consumes less, but also cultivates more quickly.

However, now that Li Xing has a vein, he doesn't have to worry about it anymore. He can directly practice the Heavenly Order exercises and calculate the great divine magic on his own. This is what the Tianxie Emperor said.

"Okay, if you have enough three hundred great divine arts, your disciples can completely fuse them and evolve one thousand great divine arts." Li Xing nodded and accepted the suggestion.

The next ~ www.readwn.com ~ is boring practice day after day, and in a blink of an eye more than two months, Li Xing practiced ten kinds of Heavenly Order exercises and promoted twenty great gods. The techniques taught by Tian Xie are naturally extraordinary, and each of them is extremely powerful and can perform two or three great divine skills.

When he had three hundred great divine magic in his body, Li Xing thought he could practice Da Luo's amazing skills. However, as soon as he said this idea, he was immediately opposed by the evil.

"In the beginning, the teacher asked you to practice three thousand gods. This requirement is really high, and it is very difficult to implement. Therefore, it was finally decided that you would use Da Luo to shock the sky and finally evolve the three hundred gods into a thousand gods. In this way, you only need to practice nine hundred types of divine magic. However, when the three hundred types of divine magic are deduced together, the process will inevitably be long, and your Zhenwu sky array may not be able to bear it. "

"So, before you deduct the 300 Great Divine Magic, it is best to deduct the 300 Divine Jade Small Divine Magic, so that you can accumulate experience, and it will be easier to deduct the Great Divine Magic in the future. Although your Zhenwu Tianzhen, the calculation of the Great Divine Magic is fast, But that's the same way to calculate. If you calculate three hundred kinds together, how complicated will you think about it? If you don't prepare well, it will cause the sky array to explode and die! "

Li Xing heard the scalp numb, and he only knew today that it was so dangerous to turn three hundred small divine magic into one thousand small divine magic. It seems that this road may not be easier to take than that of the Three Thousand Gods!

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