Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 471: Princess Da Xia

Chapter 60: Princess Daxia

With three hundred jade-level magical arts, Li Xing has only practiced forty species, which is still two hundred and sixty species. There is still a long way to go. He still needs to find the source of small magical arts and work hard to cultivate. Therefore, after practicing three hundred great divine magic.

In the sky, Bei Shibing looked at everything and learned about Li Xing's extraordinary cultivation methods, and sighed, "Brother Xing, you will definitely be able to cultivate the mysterious mysterious infant in the legend in the future. , And then congregate the Supreme Master and become the master of the world. "

Li Xing smiled bitterly. Only he knew how difficult this road was. In fact, if he is not pursuing the ultimate perfection of the room, he can now hit all the way and continuously break through the five-sixth and six-sixth of the training, until the tenth-sixth training.

However, he refused to do so, and chose to accumulate gradually to accomplish the things that no one or few people have accomplished. If this road can be reached to the end, he will become an existence far beyond that time.

The Emperor Tianxie is one of the powerful men in Tianyuanzhou, and Tianren is among the top five.

"Brother Xing, if you say that plundering the origins of gods and men, the best place is to go to the battlefield." Bei Shibing suddenly thought of something, saying, "I traveled all over the world, and I once went to the Western Great Xia Kingdom. The Great Xia Kingdom is on the verge Western Osawa, in Osawa, there are countless monsters and monsters that often invade the borders of Daxia. Among the many monsters and monsters, there is no lack of god-man level existence. Brother Xing, if you go to Daxia to join the army, you will not be out In March, we will be able to slay enough God-man and get enough God-man source. "

"Daxia Kingdom?" Li Xing blinked and thought for a while, "OK, go to Daxia Kingdom!"

Bei Shibing smiled grinningly, "I'll go with Brother Xing."

Li Xingqing knew that this chick also wanted to go out and get a taste of the Western Regions, and said, "Yes, but when I fight, you must stay in Jingtian and not go out, can you agree?"

"Okay, I promise." Bei Shibing repeatedly agreed.

Li Xing was resolutely popular, and said that he could do it right away. After having a plan, he immediately went to Daxia Kingdom. Mansion Country, located northwest of Tianchen Country. On the way forward, he just happened to pass his fief in Tianchen, and went home.

When Xue Ling heard that Li Xing was going to Da Xia Guo and his party, he immediately said, "Xing brother, I will go too."

As soon as the chick said she was going, Chen Shuang and Shuiyue were clamoring to go together. Li Xing suddenly looked up: "What are you going to do? Master and I have important things to do during this trip. What can you do to help? They all stay at home and help Jiao Jiao handle government affairs."

His parents are quite majestic, and the little girls are silent, but they are pouting. A few words of reprimand, of course, but also to reassure, he also said: "The sky ice cicada clothing, Xiaoyao cloud bed world is known in the Daxia Kingdom, I will sell more, then ten pieces per person."

Unexpectedly, Xueling was stubborn, insisting: "Xing brother, I must go."

Li Xingqi said: "Why?"

"Because Xueling wants to find a biological parent." The girl blinked, and her tears "dropped", "I once overheard the conversation with others, I was born in Daxia Kingdom."

Li Xing quickly comforted: "Well, you want to go, I will take you there."

The girls also sympathized with Xueling, so naturally they would not fight with her, and said, "Xing brother, then you can take Xueling, but Bei Shibing is not necessary, and stay with us to do things."

Bei Shibing was anxious at once: "Why do I want to stay? But I said with Xing Ge at the beginning, I want to go together ..." She said in anxiety, "And Xing Ge needs my help."

"Can you help?" Chen Shuang was the first to believe, sneer again and again, "Aren't you helping?"

Bei Shibing smiled "hee hee": "Is Brother Xing very dishonest? I heard that Da Xia Kingdom, the beauty is like a cloud, if you do n’t see him personally, then it's okay? By that time, what small seven small eight small nine Yes, come out a lot, let you cry! "

Li Xing blinked his eyes. What is this and what is it?

I didn't want the ladies to listen to it, I was deeply convinced that Chen Shuang immediately gave up her plan to stop her and decided to focus on the "big picture" and said: "Then I will watch him carefully. Let's ask you! "

Bei Shibing carefully shivered his liver, and suddenly felt that the burden on his shoulders was heavy, and his smile was a little unnatural.

Li Xing interrupted the speculations of the daughters and said, "Okay, am I so uncomfortable?" Then he said to Xue Ling, "The Bone Spirit Gate originated from the Daxia Kingdom. Naturally, you also have In Daxia. In this way, let's go to Gulingmen first and ask your life history, okay? "

The chick nodded: "Everything is heard by Xing brother."

After staying for a few days, Li Xing took Bei Shibing and Xue Ling to send his hair. The first stop was the Bingling Gate. After flying for half a day, I arrived at the valley where Bone Spirit Gate was.

At that time, Li Xing was still a practicing qi and was caught by the Bone Spirit Gate. He and Xue Ling were to do the thing of men and women to achieve the Holy Spirit.

Later, the bone of the Holy Spirit was captured directly by Emperor Tianxie and refined into Li Xing's body. At this moment, when he came back, he felt a lot of emotions, and now when he faced him again, he was already fearless.

The valley is still that valley. Before the stone cave, there are still a few piles of white bones.

As soon as Li Xing and Xue Ling appeared, the Bone Spirit Gate was shocked. At first, two men with pale faces rushed out. They were shocked when they saw Li Xing and Xue Ling. Although years have passed, I clearly remember Li Xing and know Xueling better.

"Miss, you ... are you back?"

These two men, with top hats and white sticks, looked at Li Xing in shock, like Bai impermanence. Of course, they were even more shocked that Li Xing was actually a god-man! You know, the strength of the Bone Spirit Gate is greatly diminished today, and only one person is a five-man god.

Li Xing laughed: "Two, let's meet again, please inform me."

"Xue Ling, you are finally back!"

Unable to report, a ray of light radiated from the hole, and a white-haired old woman appeared. Her eyes were sharp and powerful, and she stared at Xueling. With only one glance, her face changed greatly: "Ling girl, where's the blessing of your body? Come on!"

Li Xing sneered: "What **** bone saint, I have been refined!"

"Refining?" After a moment's stun, she was frightened and angry, "Don't you dare to refine the hope of my Bone Spirit Gate? Kill! Kill!" She raised her hand and sent out a great divine art.

"Bone bones catch!" Xueling was taken aback, "Xing brother be careful!"

With a smile, Li Xing laughed. With a wave of his sleeve, there was a mountain of divine power rushing into the air. The "porphy" in the air made a sudden noise, and then he retreated back and forth, all the magic was broken, and her face was big. change.


"What am I? If you do n’t see you as a female stream, and you are old, you just slapped you with a single palm." Li Xing's face was cold, "I am not even afraid of the mage, let alone you are a small five-man god? I am here I want to know Xueling's life experience, you better be honest. "

"You ... how could you be so powerful?" He looked disbelieved. A quadruple god-man had such an overbearing strength.

Li Xing was impatient, and suddenly there was a magic light behind him, turning into a demon head of inspiration. He raised his eyebrows and yelled, "No matter what, I will make you into a puppet directly, and I can know everything!"

"I said, my son was angry." Xu's face changed continuously, and she finally compromised. She could see that Li Xing could destroy the whole Bone Spirit Gate with one blow. If it goes to the end, it will be a dead end.

Immediately, Xun gave Xueling his life, and elaborated from beginning to end. Li Xing was naturally able to tell whether she said it was true or not, and she even groaned after hearing it. Xueling was even more tearful than tears.

It turned out that this incident also involves a major event of the Bone Spirit Gate. More than a hundred years ago, Gulingmen, Canghaimen, and Tianyimen were also called the three major schools of Daxia Kingdom. In the Bone Spirit Gate, there is a sacred object called the Holy Spirit of the Sky Bone.

The Bone Spirit that day was transformed from the bones of a very powerful character in ancient times. The "bone holy spirit" in Xueling's body was a force born in the heavenly bone holy spirit.

The original master of Bone Spirit Gate wanted to be strong, so he tried his best to find virgin boys and girls, and prepared to cultivate a unique talent. But for some reason, the matter leaked out, attracting a quarrel between Canghaimen and Tianyi. The two factions held the Bone Spirit Gate, and the mage and god-man of the Bone Spirit gate were almost completely annihilated in that battle.

As a result, Canghaimen has fallen, and only Tianyimen has preserved its strength from the beginning. Therefore, it has become the first school of Daxia and one of today's superpowers. The battle was shocking, and nearly a hundred mages participated in the battle.

Both Tianyimen and Canghaimen launched a lore, spurring the power of heaven and earth to wrap dumplings in the entire Binglingmen. Only a few peripheral members escaped, and now they are the others.

姥姥 After escaping ~ www.readwn.com ~ I went to the Da Xia Palace while trying to get something. Unexpectedly, she happened to meet Xueling who was still in the middle of her, and saw that she was an innate jade body, and immediately snatched it for the cultivation of the bone saint.

Xueling is a daughter born to Princess Daxia and Princess Qingfei.

After the Xueling was taken away, a mass of bone sacred power carried by the half body directly penetrated into her body. Only then did he catch Li Xing and train the bones of the Holy Spirit.

After comforting Xueling, Li Xing asked, "So, is there still the Holy Spirit in the world? Where is it?"

"That is the holy thing of my soul gate, which has been taken away by Tianyimen. Presumably, Tianyimen has used this treasure to cultivate a lot of peerless talents. Otherwise, Tianyimen will not be in just a hundred years. Among them, become super big. "Martyr.

After Li Xing asked, he suddenly grabbed his hands, and there was no resistance, and the origin of the gods and humans in the body rushed out uncontrollably. She screamed loudly and cursed loudly, but to no avail.

Seeing that he was downgraded from a god-man to a patriarch, and the man became even older, Li Xing said: "I said I would not kill you, but your behavior is abominable and you have to impose a slight punishment." The old lady had greatly reduced her life and could not live long.

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