Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 472: Emperor Longxia

Chapter 61: Emperor Longxia

"You ... you abandon my cultivation. Once I am a patriarch, my life will be short. You are so vicious!" He stared at Li Xing resentfully.

Xueling said coldly: "You have done everything to me, you can't be too killed, what else do you hate?" She sighed and said to Li Xing, "Xing brother, let the rest go. . "

Li Xing glanced coldly at everyone, and said, "In the future, Xueling has nothing to do with your bones and spirits!" Yila Xueling flew away in the light of God.

I watched Li Xingyuan go with a vicious look in her eyes. Suddenly, she carried infinite strength in one hand and patted her on the forehead. The former god-man uttered a scream and died of anger.

The person who started was a man with a top hat. He folded his palms indifferently, and said to the rest: "We are finally free, let the bone gates go to hell!"

"We people have been oppressed by this old thing for a long time. When she died, we were all free. Bone Spirit Gate, which has already become history, has nothing to do with us."

Everyone looked at each other and flew away in different directions. At this point, Bone Spirit Gate has completely disappeared into the long river of history.

The Daxia Kingdom is located west of Tianyuanzhou and borders the western Daze. After Daze, it is the legendary ghost land, where infinite ghosts live. Emperor Daxia, unlike Emperor Tianchen, had great power.

The true ruler of Daxia was actually Tianyimen, and the Daxia emperor was under his control. However, as an emperor, he still enjoys some privileges and enjoys a prominent position in the country.

The folk customs of the Daxia Kingdom are even more sturdy than the Tianchen Kingdom, because this place is very close to Daze and is often violated by monsters. Especially in the western part of the Daxia Kingdom, most of the people who live are blood and gas, and they can resist monsters.

Li Xing brought Xueling, and after flying for a few days, he finally arrived in Daxia and looked around. There are vast forests, plains and mountains everywhere, and rivers run from north to south.

Eventually, the two landed in the capital of Daxia Kingdom, Daxia City. Daxia City occupies a vast area, with tens of millions of people living there, its business is prosperous, and its economy is developed. Li Xing and Xue Ling first entered an inn and stopped for a while.

This place is no better than the wild, you can find a place to sleep casually, you must stay in the store. In this way, you can not only avoid others from doubting, but also take the opportunity to inquire about the news of Daxia Kingdom.

In the room, Li Xing ordered some delicious dishes and dine with Xue Ling and Bei Shibing. In the dining room, Li Xing said, "Linger, I'll go to the Daxia Palace first to see if I can find your biological mother. What do you think?"

When he said he wanted to see his biological parents, Xue Ling was very nervous. After thinking about it, he said, "Xing brother, take me with you."

Li Xing shook his head: "No, although you are a princess of the Great Xia Kingdom, the emperor may not believe that if you don't think you will treat us as a liar. It is up to me to understand everything before I recognize you."

Xue Ling is also a smart woman. After listening to Li Xing's reasoning, she no longer insisted. The three hurriedly used the meal. Li Xing let the second daughter enter Baiyangjingtian and sneaked into the Daxia Palace that night.

The scale of the Daxia Palace is even larger than that of the Tianchen Kingdom Palace, with its magnificent architecture and high-rise buildings everywhere.

Li Xing walked silently through the palace and looked around. The palace was too big, and it took him half a day to walk around, but he also found out.

In the palace, in a luxuriously decorated study, a middle-aged man, with the emperor's ritual, dressed in the Ming dynasty dragon robe, was sitting in front of the study to handle government affairs. Upon seeing this person, Li Xing concluded that he was the emperor of the Daxia Kingdom.

Not long after, a woman in a palace costume had a beautiful and elegant appearance, a gentle temperament, and her eyebrows had similarities with Xueling. Li Xing's heart moved and she was more attentive.

"Emperor, don't be too tired, it's time to rest," said the woman. "These duties are left to the ministers."

The man, Emperor Daxia, smiled a little and said, "How can you get tired of me for a few small things? Sixth God, if you are tired by official duties, it will not be laughed to death."

The palace girl smiled and said, "I'm not a god-man, I just know that no matter who I am, I must be diligent and not toil."

The man nodded, dropping the memorial in his hand, and said, "Recently, there have been a lot of monsters in Osawa that violate the border. The army is not enough anymore. I have sent a letter to Tianyimen, hoping that Tianyimen will take it and send him Help each other. "

When the two were talking, Li Xing gave a flick of his finger, threw a string of crystal clear beads on the table in the room, and made a "snap".

"Who!" The man's look changed and he was about to be called, but he found that the woman in the palace costume was shocked and stared at the string of beads. "This ... this is Guoer's handball, how can ... how Appear here? "

This bead was taken off by Li Xinglin Xueling. This string of beads has been on Xueling since he was a child. Li Xing guessed that it might have been left by Xueling's biological parents, so throw it out to test it.

Emperor Daxia also had some excitement. Although he was the king of a country, he now has only one son and one daughter. And more than a decade ago, her daughter was taken away and her whereabouts are unknown. At this moment, how could he not be excited when he saw the beads that his daughter was wearing?

"Who is my friend? How can I have this string of beads?" The Emperor Da Xia asked Shen Sheng.

"Do you recognize this bead?" Li Xing's voice came from all directions without any trace.

The woman quickly said: "I know, I know, it was originally worn on my daughter, do you know where my daughter is? If you know, please put her back, no matter what you ask, I promise."

When Li Xing saw that everything was right, he immediately appeared.

They saw each other. A young man, with a magnificent look, was wearing a white shirt and appeared with a smile.

"Under Li Xing, from Tianchen Kingdom." Li Xing said.

"You are from Tianchen Kingdom?" The Emperor Daxia, with extraordinary wisdom, immediately thought of many possibilities, and asked, "This bead, but yours?"

"No." Li Xing summoned Xueling from Jingtian.

As soon as she came out, the Emperor Daxia and the woman were shocked. Although the mother and the daughter have never met each other, although they have never met each other, they still have a telepathy.

"You ..." The woman looked excited and looked at Xue Ling intently. "Are you my daughter?"

Xue Ling shed tears, and trembled, "I was caught by the skeletal skeleton, and before leaving, I only brought this string of beads. I said, I am the princess of Daxia Kingdom ...

To this day, there is nothing to doubt. Xue Ling not only looks similar to her, but also has a hand ball as proof, not to mention, this feeling between mother and daughter can never be wrong.

"My desperate baby!" This woman, unable to control her emotions anymore, hugged Xueling tightly, her mother and daughter cried.

The Emperor Daxia was also a bit difficult to hold himself, his eyes were moist. However, he calmed down his emotions and looked at Li Xing. "What happened, please tell me the truth."

Li Xing nodded, and said that he had trespassed to the Bone Spirit Gate, rescued Xue Ling, and later lived together. Of course, he will never mention some important information, such as ancient tombs, Baiyang Jingtian, etc.

After listening to this remark, the emperor Da Xia sighed, "I'm suffering my baby!"

Xueling darted into his father's arms again, crying, and seemed to vent all the grievances he had suffered for more than a decade.

"Baby, don't cry, the emperor will take good care of you in the future." This emperor is also an old tear, and he will no longer care about the majesty of the emperor.

The family met at the beginning and were emotional. Li Xing could only wait while smiling, waiting for them to stabilize their mood.

For a long time, the three talents resumed as usual and introduced each other. Emperor Daxia, named Long Tianji, and Xueling's mother called Yuhui.

Xueling recognized her father and mother, and was very happy. At this moment, your little girl is tired of her mother's arms and refuses to leave. Li Xing and Long Tianji went elsewhere to speak.

"Li Xing, you and Xue Ling personally set a life, I have no opinion. You are the true martial arts of Tianchen Kingdom, and you are considered to be the right person." It will definitely be very high in the future. "

Li Xing's modest face, even said that the award, in front of this, but future father-in-law, be careful to speak.

"You're here for experience?" Long Tianji asked, "what are your specific plans?"

Li Xing said: "Only then heard His Majesty say that there is a lack of troops, Li Xing would stay in March to kill the monster."

Long Tianji thought for a while and said, "There are also very powerful characters in the demon. You must be in danger here. I don't want Xueling to be sad and sad in the future." Then he said, "I will send ten gods to follow you. Left and right, how about giving you the title of Devil's Champion? "

Li Xing was so desperate, he quickly said, "Thank you, Your Majesty!"

"You don't have to go outside ~ www.readwn.com ~ Xue Ling's life is you saved, you are a benefactor." Long Tianji said, "If you have any requirements, you can put forward."

Next, the two talked about things in Osawa in the West. In the western Osawa, there are a large number of monsters and lurkers lurking. The weakest ones also have the level of national scholars, and the strong ones may not even fight them.

Moreover, there are some old demon trolls who have not been born and possess the practice of a mage. As soon as such awesome things appeared, they must be dealt with by Tianyimen.

Tianyimen is now the first school in Daxia. Of course, there are many small schools, all of which depend on Tianyi's face. Emperor Daxia also had some power in his hands, controlling eight hundred gods and 200,000 nations, and was extremely powerful.

Daxia Kingdom's political and economic affairs, Tian Yimen never ask, all to Long Tianji to handle. Of course, if things between the martial arts are involved, Long Tianji will not have the right to ask questions. Between the two, it is both a subordinate relationship and a cooperative relationship.

After a deep discussion overnight, the next day, Long Tianji summoned ten god-men. All ten gods and men are practicing the Sixfold God, and they have extraordinary strength. When they heard that a quadruple Godwomen must be their leader, they would not immediately accept it, and they looked quite disapproved.

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