Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 475: Suppression of Mage Wuyun

Chapter 64: Suppression of Mage Wuyun

In the dark clouds, he snorted: "Little god, dare to be mad and take a punch of this mage!" A large hand with mana condensing, as huge as a mountain, clenched into a fist. The fist is formed by the aggregation of elemental symbols, and the arrangement is changed to release terror.

This fist struck, and it seemed to carry the power of the whole world, making people feel invincible. Li Xing blatantly fearlessly, his spirits burst out, and he also condensed into a huge fist.

Above this fist, one hundred and three hundred magical lights flashed. This one thousand and three hundred magical lights represents one thousand small magical arts and three hundred great magical arts. The magic power is incredible.

The quality of divine power is far worse than mana. But this principle was lost on Li Xing, and it lost effect. His divine power is too strong to be able to ignore the gap in the realm and leapfrog against mana. At the same time, the quality of his divine power is also very high. In one punch, not only contains chaotic martial arts, but also it is the mysterious power of Xuanjie!

Xuanjie Divine Power is the evolution of Xuanjie Yuantai and Xuanjie Divine Source, with infinite power. Li Xingneng's achievements today are related to the mysterious power of Xuanjie.

When the magical giant fist meets the magical giant fist, the moment when the fist collides, the time seems to freeze. The fist that Mana Rune condensed collapsed instantly and rearranged and combined to form a fist again without damage.

The fist condensed by the divine power suddenly shrank, directly reducing the opponent's strength by 30%, transforming it into 30%, counterattacking 30%, and holding the remaining 10% by him. Seemingly a simple punch, Li Xing simultaneously exerted the power of more than a dozen great divine spells and the true meaning of chaotic martial arts.

Li Xing was not inferior to the first boxing. On the contrary, he seemed to have the upper hand. And the mage was astonished with a stun: "The world can actually have a freak like you! However, your fate has come to an end today. When you meet my mage Yunyun, your peerless wizard is doomed to fall! "

Suddenly, there was a murderous air in the air, which covered Li Xing, making it difficult for him to turn around. The air seemed to be frozen.

"Black Cloud Sealing Technique!" Master Wu Yun shouted loudly, in all directions, under his head and feet, infinite black clouds rolled in. In the dark clouds, swords, swords, and halberds condensed, and continuous stabbings, each hit can kill the gods, with great power.

Li Xing's hand held the tower of too much tolerance before it was used, but he just wanted to try his true strength. After trying, he already had a few in his heart, and he was not afraid of the mage heiyun. At this moment, there was a long shout, and he threw the tower of Tolerance up and yelled, "The tower of Tolerance, suppress this person, use its mage source, Strengthen your strength! "

An excitement came from the Tower of Tolerance: "Okay! Li Xing, you help me contain this person. His strength is average. I have a way to suppress this person!"

"Okay!" Li Xing waved his hand, his spirits were violent, and the "Chaotic Martial Arts Array" was suppressed.

The sword and halberd in the dark cloud suddenly lost its vitality and became slower. As soon as he dropped to ten sessions, Li Xing's supreme divine power showed great power to directly suppress mana.

At the same time, the Tower of Tolerance also emits hundreds of millions of milliseconds of light, like thousands of mountains suppressing down, picking up infinite gravity. The two attacked and immediately broke the mage of Mage Wuyun.

"What?" Master Wu Yun was taken aback, and Li Xing surprised him again. At the same time, the magic weapon that seemed to have little power, and the power was extremely overbearing, even above him!

You know, this magic weapon can not be combined with human treasure, and can only exert about one-tenth of its power. One tenth of the power is stronger than him, showing how terrible its lethality is.

Master Wu Yun was shocked, and immediately resigned, and yelled, "To spare your life today, and see you tomorrow, you have to be careful!" After saying a few words, he actually accepted the dark clouds and wanted to go away.

The mage has a long life and strong strength, but will become more careful, because the mage is more rational and intelligent. This mage Wuyun, at the first sight of Li Xing's difficulty, had the strength of a prince, and immediately walked away. Without a certain degree of certainty, he would not do it.

Unfortunately, it's too late.

Li Xing snorted coldly: "Come if you want to come, go if you want to go? You think you can't fool yourself? Zhenhaiyin, suppress me!"


The Zhenwu Tianzhen in Li Xing's body suddenly operated wildly. The "Zhenhaiyin" taught to him by Emperor Tianxie suddenly appeared at this moment. Create Wang Ding, provide huge source of power, urge Zhenhaiyin.

I saw in the sky that Li Xing's shocking power condensed into a square seal, full of mysterious characters, and each character contained supreme power.

Originally, this Zhenhaiyin was an infinitely powerful spell that could not be cast by illegal divisions. However, Li Xing had realized the law of the mountain earlier and knew the heavy power. In addition, it is assisted by the Zhenwu Heavenly Array, which can be directly displayed with divine power.

The Great Seal Power is boundless and emits hundreds of millions of suppressions of brilliance. Each brilliance is extremely heavy. But it was Li Xing who used that "mountain power" to add Zhenhaiyin's power.

As soon as this seal came out, Master Wu Yun shouted, "What is it?" He felt that there was a force in the seal that could kill it. Although this spell is performed by divine power, it is much more powerful than his black cloud blocking.


Da Yin slammed it down, and in cooperation with the Tower of Tolerance, Master Wuyun was suppressed directly.

"Too stingy, refining mage!" The tower of tolerance made a voice, cold and ruthless. I saw the bottom of the tower, shooting thousands of golden lights, and repeatedly strangling the dark cloud. Soon, a monster wearing a black bird feather appeared among the clouds.

The monster, with its beak and human face, seemed to be the reincarnation of the crow, its face was like the bottom of a pot, and it was extremely black.

"Ah! Is it the Tower of Tolerance? It is the Tower of Tolerance!" Master Wu Yun, at this moment, finally recognized the origin of the Tower of Tolerance. Hundreds of years ago, the founder of Taito Martial Arts, Master Tairen, was also a character who stood on Tianyuan, and was known to many generations.

The Tower of Tolerance once suppressed Wu Yun with the help of Li Xing, the latter had no chance to escape. However, the Tower of Tolerance now has to work hard to refine the dark clouds, and there is no time to take care of it.

Li Xing "haha" smiled. Today's battle was very happy, and he was glad to have received Master Wuyun again.

In the distance, Hua Fengchun and others have seen everything happening, and the shock in their hearts is almost impossible to add to the extreme.

"That is the mage who is free and easy? Is it so suppressed by Yong Guanhou? My God! How strong is Yong Guanhou? It can be against the Master. It is indeed a god!"

The title of prince has nothing to do with cultivation. As long as it is a god-man who can fight against the mage, or a god-man who escapes under the attack of the mage, it can be called a god. It has nothing to do with whether or not to practice the gods. The title of the monarch represents combat effectiveness and can challenge the mage's mighty strength.

"Now we don't have to ask for everything in the Great Xia Kingdom! If you have a brave crown, why are you afraid of Nishizawa?

"I heard that Yong Guanhou is the fiance of Princess Daxia ~ www.readwn.com ~ The princess has only recently met her Majesty. In this way, Yong Guanhou is really proud of it. However, such a peerless person is worthy of us Princess Daxia Kingdom. "

People talked a lot, and Li Xing strode back, giving Hua Fengchun a handful of gifts: "Huai Shuai, Ben Hou will leave today, and we will see you later."

Hua Fengchun said for a moment: "Leave? Where is Hou Ye going?"

"Tianchen Kingdom," Li Xingdao said, "I am a Tianchen national and I have to go back and handle some things. I will come back in the future to assist His Majesty in suppressing Daxia."

Hua Fengchun sighed: "I heard that Hou Ye is also the Tianchen Fang Hou, and the righteous son of the star gate master. He has a very high status and status. I hope Hou Ye goes early and returns early. And begging for help everywhere. "

Li Xing smiled: "Hua Shuai rest assured, wait for me to become a big success, come to the meeting! Farewell!" Then he turned into a streamer, flew to the Daxia Palace, ready to resign to Long Tianji.

Daxia's purpose of practicing a thousand magical arts has been achieved, and it is time to leave. Back in Tianchen Kingdom, he will continue to accumulate strength and practice a thousand great divine skills! By then, his strength will be several times stronger than now!

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