Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 476: Wanfa Conference

Chapter 65: Wan Fa Conference

Daxia Palace, after learning that Li Xing decided to leave, Long Tianji sighed: "If you are only a tiger general, I really do not want to let you leave. However, you are still a Xueling man, and the man is determined to be in the Quartet. I Will not force you. "

Long Tian said with a smile, he patted Li Xing on the shoulder: "However, Guoer will keep it for a year and a half, don't you object?"

Li Xing naturally agreed, how could they be separated immediately after their family reunited? Nodded his head and said, "Of course, one year later, I will pick him up."

"Okay! You set up a pardon in Da Xia. After you go back, you can't let Tian Chenguo say I'm stingy." When Long Tianji clapped his hands, some officials held the seal.

That seal is actually Wang Yin! Non-royal children usually do not seal the king. At most, Long Tianji wants to seal Li Xing as the king!

"Li Xing, no matter if you will stay in Daxia in the future, it will be the king of the west of my Daxia country!" Long Tianji said with a serious expression, "Your fiefdom will be the entire west of Daxia country, running from north to south. Twelve thousand miles, things go 50,000 miles. "

Li Xing's eyes narrowed, this land was too big! But if you think about it, you can see that the land of Nishizawa is sparsely populated, and there are many deserts, Gobi, and wasteland, and demons often appear, which is not a good place.

What he called a fiefdom is actually a troubled danger zone. After thinking about it, he suddenly faced, and said, "Your Majesty, can this lord do not quit?"

"No! The emperor's death, how can you take it back at will?" Long Tianji seemed very serious, with a smile on his face. "Whether you like it or not, you are already the king of Zhenxi!"

In this way, Li Xing, Hou Ye, became Wang Ye, Zhenxi Wang Ye, holding the seal and left Daxia. Xueling naturally was very reluctant to him, but his parents always had to respect him for a while, and he could only cry for a while.

After leaving Daxia Kingdom, Li Xing flew all the way, and soon crossed the border, entered the territory of Tianchen Kingdom, and returned directly to the Qiyun faction.

The Qi Yun faction developed as fast as ever. During this period, eight other scholars broke through and became gods. So far, the entire Qiyun faction has nearly a hundred gods and men of great strength.

This return, Li Xing's first task is to impact King Kong's fifth-best skill. After reaching the fifth level of Vajrayana, others can impact one thousand magical arts. However, nowadays, his Vajrayana is not bad, and he cultivates step by step instead of one day.

At this moment, Li Xing is practicing in the realm of heaven, and Wang Ding, the fortune-maker, released the power of refining, constantly descending, and tempering the flesh. The accidental billion-year-old phantom was thrown into the tripod.

Suddenly, the air of refining had a bit of coldness. The strength of the ice spirit is better than that of gold and iron, so that every subtle part of Li Xing's body is condensed into a crystal state and arranged mysteriously.

After doing this, Li Xing woke up from the set. The next practice does not need to invest too much energy, he can take a lot of time and become a master of the Dan master.

In Baiyang Jingtian, a lot of elixir was planted, and it grew quickly enough for him to use alchemy. Gongye's too-empty Confucian sutra has been remembered by him, and he decided to re-process all the fangs recorded in the sutra to improve his skill.

With the thought, in the heaven of Baiyang, thirty-six flavors of elixir automatically flew into the **** of Li Xingyuan, was dissociated by the dissociated qi, and turned into countless mysterious auras. These auras, under Li Xing's ideas, constantly lined up and combined, and penetrated into the source of God and man, infused with divine power.

Refining an elixir is not only as simple as extracting elixir. The elixir also incorporates the efforts and strength of the elixir, and even the mysterious understanding of heaven and earth.

The name of this elixir that Li Xing is going to refining is "Shenfeng Refining Essence", but it is an elixir. He had long understood the rules of the wind in the Eight-pole Tower, and had a deep understanding of the power of the wind.

Therefore, the most critical part of this divine style refining Dan, he can easily do it by condensing the power of wind in the elixir.

The **** Li Xingyuan continued to tremble, and ten before and after could not breathe.

Emperor Tianxie sighed: "It is impossible for alchemists to master alchemy so quickly."

Li Xing smiled: "Thanks to Zhenwu Tianzhen, I also understand the rules of the wind, otherwise I can't refine this Dan." Zhenwu Tianzhen can deduce the mysteries of elixir, and the Master can't compare with him.

In addition, there is also a Blind Sky Lean on the Sutra, which Li Xing also easily made.

Unfortunately, although his alchemy technique is rapid, there is not enough elixir in Jingtian. Refining three or five is fine. If you refining more, the elixir will be lighted up.

Next, I can only step back and draw a large amount of Baiyang Reiki, and then condense Xiaobaiyangdan. At the same time, pick up some refining herbs that are easy to make.

Unconsciously, two months passed quickly. Due to the power of the billion-year-old Apparition, Li Xing ’s King Kong is not bad. His fifth skill is temporarily approaching the limit, but it is still the last step and takes some time.

In the past two months, Li Xing refined a large number of Xiaobaiyangdan, a medium amount of Tianjie medicine, and a small amount of Shendan, all of which were handed to You Yuxu for processing.

Counting the time, the Wanfa Conference is coming. He must go to meet Beichen Changqing to discuss the participation in the conference.

At the Star Gate, Li Xing stood in front of the three mages, and let the three talents look at it.

"Okay! The strength has increased a lot, I really don't know how to cultivate." Beichen rushed back and forth, surprised.

"Our Star Gate, this time you can show your face. No matter how powerful the Famen is, the number of princes is not likely to be too great. By that time, as long as Li Xing enters the top ten, we will be successful." Another master named Bei Chenhe .

"It has always been Wanfamen's advantage. This time, other factions may also kill dark horses. We can't take care of it. Li Xing, you have to fight hard, as long as you get a good ranking, you will have a rewarding eye-catching reward! "Three mages, the humanity called Bei Chenyou.

Li Xing blinked: "Three ancestors, Li Xing will do his best and dare not say that he will be able to defeat everyone, but it is no problem to enter the top ten."

The three mages laughed so hard that they couldn't close their mouths, and kept saying good.

Beichen rushed: "When the gods and men are fighting, there is a rule, the first is not allowed to use spells, and the second is not allowed to use magic treasures, so you can only use sacred objects and magic instruments, and your own magic. "

"And in the process of fighting, if you kill a **** or defeat it, you can plunder the holy things and all the treasures on him." Bei Chenyou added, "When you start, don't care about the other martial art. , Must not be sympathetic, otherwise the other party may be bitten back. "

"This time, Wanpai got together, and our Star Gate finally managed to get a qualification to participate. That still entrusts you." Beichenhe sighed. "We announced to the public that you are a monarch-level person. This Was allowed to join. "

Li Xing can feel that the three old guys all wanted him to make a splash, and at the Wanfa Conference, he made a name for himself so that the world knows the Star Gate. He thought about it, and suddenly said: "Three old ancestors, Li Xing, this time, they will definitely hit the first blow with all their strength, and make the name of the Star Gate known to the world!"

The three mages were overjoyed, but they were still not assured. They were teachings, and they thought of everything, and that was all. After that, Beichen Changqing, the righteous father, was teaching again, which made Li Xing very stressed.

Finally, on the second day, the three mages drove a magic light, carrying Li Xing, and flew to the East of Tianchen Kingdom first. It seemed that they were waiting for someone.

"Old ancestor, are we waiting for someone?" Li Xing couldn't help asking.

"There are also many mages in the Tianchen Kingdom. They will also come to join us at the Wanfa Conference this time." Beichen rushed, "Tianchen Kingdom has existed for so long because of these mages."

Sure enough, not long after that, one after another all the light came. These mages are from the Liu family, the Tianbo family, the Gu family, and many solitary mages.

Many of these mages are overwhelming in strength and even the three ancestors of Tianchen are far behind, and they do not know how heavy they are.

Most of these mages live in seclusion in Tianchen Kingdom. Participating in the Wanfa Conference this time, naturally, we must go together to strengthen our momentum. Otherwise, if you go alone, if you are attacked by a strong force, you may be eaten.

Although Tianchen Kingdom has now split, psychologically, there is still a sense of identity among these mages. Once outside, you can unify the outside world and maintain the state of smart alliance. This is the wisdom of the mage, paying attention to the big picture and making the most sensible choices at critical moments.

Li Xing counted, and there were more than 200 masters coming! He was so shocked that cold sweat came out of his forehead, obediently! In the past, one was rare. How come out so many now?

One out of all the mages. The man was in a thunderous state between walking, and had an unparalleled power.

"Li Xing, this is the" Mr Tai Yi ", a peerless strong man with strong law, has the style of elders, and does not ask for a long time. This time, if you can get a place, Tai Yi seniors will definitely be rewarded To you. "Beichen murmured in the dark.

Master Tai Yi's appearance was unclear, and he looked blurry. He said, "Everyone is here." His voice was like a spring breeze, which made people extremely comfortable.

"You don't need to say extra words ~ www.readwn.com ~ I am not the first time to attend the Wanfa Conference. Let's go." Immediately, he waved his sleeves, a large amount of Fayun gathered, and all the mages jumped to it.

This cloud is full of light, emits countless light, and stretches for 30,000 miles. It connects the sky, the ground, and the power is incomparable. Everywhere people go, they worship and think that the Buddha is born.

Fayun rolled to the place where the Wanfa Conference was held, and Wanfamen flew away.

Wanfamen is located in the superpower of the East, the Kingdom of Heaven. The political system of Tianxing Kingdom is absolutely different from that of Tianchen Kingdom and Daxia Kingdom. In Tianxing, Wan Famen not only represents the first major faction, but also represents military power.

The emperor was appointed by Wan Famen, a country where politics and religion are united.

The area of ​​the kingdom of heaven is still above the kingdom of heaven, ranking first among the four superpowers. Tianxing Kingdom is close to Lingshan in the east and there is also a connection between Lingshan and Lingshan.

Fa Yun billowed, seemingly slow, but in fact it was so fast that he couldn't breathe. After flying for a while, a huge island appeared in front of it, suspended in the air, the island's mana rolled in, and it went straight to Jiuxiao. I don't know how many mages were on it, it was shocking.

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