Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 477: Golden Terrace

Chapter 66: Golden Terrace

The island is immensely large, 30,000 miles wide, exuding great power.

"This is Wanfa Island. There are seven defensive formations on the island, as well as the ambush prohibition set by the heads of all generations. Even the strongest Fatian can not attack it. Wanfa Island originally, also It has been refined into a magic weapon, large or small, and can be moved at any time. "

Bei Chenyou explained to Li Xing, "In the original forest of demons, under the leadership of the demon emperor, eight hundred law-level monsters stormed for seven days and nights. They did not break the defense of Wanfa Island. After that, Wanfa Gate Become famous in World War I and become leaders of all factions. "

Listening to Bei Chenyou's words, Li Xing's eyes narrowed. In fact, he has made many contacts with Wan Famen.

For the first time, a core disciple of Wan Famen fancyed Chen Xue and Chen Shuang, who were still in the misty palace, but the two sides did not meet, so there was no conflict.

The second time, he killed two drug boys from Wan Famen. The two drug boys were under the rule of Tianlong Shenjun. They acted arrogantly and wanted to kill Li Xing, but they were killed by Li Xing. This was the first positive conflict, but no one knew it. He killed Yaozhang.

The third time, Wan Famen sent aid to the gods and soldiers to help the family, and Li Xing beheaded and killed several people. In addition, Li Xing also participated in Wan Famen's hunting of the big ship and Da Luo's amazing achievements.

He has heard of the power of Wan Famen more than once. When he saw it today, he was well-deserved and was deeply shocked. Such a martial art has profound depth and reached a terrible degree.

Between the words, two Faguang came over the Wanfa Island and stopped in front of the Tianchen mages. These two mages have a long and steady momentum, like the sea. If the stars are skyless, they are boundless and cannot be estimated.

They both wore three-color robes, their faces were strange, and one laughed: "Hehe, Tianchen Masters come, Wan Famen is honored, please!"

That too easy Master Master nodded slightly: "The two are polite." First brought everyone to fly to Wanfa Island.

You never know the full extent of things until you see them. Li Xing used to think that a mage was a supreme existence, and the mage in the world would never exceed five hundred.

But today I saw that I was wrong. Although the masters are not easy to achieve, they have a long life span and have been accumulated from generation to generation. The number of masters is still a large number. Looking at the Wanfa Conference alone, there are seven or eight thousand mages coming from all directions.

Moreover, not all wizards will participate in the Wanfa Conference. It is inferred that there may be tens of thousands of mages on Tianyuanzhou!

Tianchen mages, as well as the gods and men they brought, landed on a huge square. On the square, there are eucalyptus trees. The eucalyptus, each of which has a tree age of more than 800 years, is connected by branches, flying sideways, and the branches are covered with silver flowers.

Yushu is a kind of spirit, and it can produce "Yu fruit". It ’s good to have one in ordinary martial arts, but Wan Famen uses thousands of jade trees for viewing. .

The square is huge, with all sides of Yutai. Above Yutai, there are seats, ranging from hundreds to as few as several. Obviously, each Fang Yutai represents a force.

The Yutai landed by Master Tianchen is one of the largest. It has hundreds of seats high, and the Masters who come all have seats. Those who are high are sitting in the front, those who are low are sitting in the back.

The three ancestors of the Star Gate naturally sat in the back position. But there was no dissatisfaction on their faces, taking it for granted. Without strength, others will not respect it. This is the old common sense.

When he reached Yutai, Li Xing looked around and saw the Yutais, with hundreds of them. Every jade platform was filled with people, and each was talking in a low voice.

The crowd sat down, and Wan Famen sent a young and beautiful girl to the wine and spirits, one by one, even Li Xing.

Li Xing turned back to see such a big scene, can't help but feel a little lost, and trembled: If Wan Famen knew that I had been bad for them, I'm afraid to stretch out a finger to destroy me! It seems that I need to speed up the cultivation and achieve the mage as soon as possible! "

No matter who it is, facing huge things like Wan Famen, there will be great pressure, and Li Xing is no exception.

Li Xing took the sip of the wine and put down his glass and took out his own white wine. When it comes to fine wine, nothing compares to white wine. The three ancestors of Beichen's family also followed, and each one drank with a gourd.

The scent of wine dazzled everyone in the surrounding mage, eyes were dazzling, but he was embarrassed to ask for drinks.

While everyone was eating and drinking, the central part of Yutai landed slowly, and the party was huge. This table was actually made of pure gold and suspended in the air. On the golden stage, a middle-aged mage in a high crown and ancient clothes announced loudly: "The Wan Fa Conference, as scheduled. Wan Fa Men is grateful for your support! Below, please prepare to compete for the ranking of the gods God and man appear, determine eligibility for competition! "

Before coming, Bei Chenchong explained to Li Xing that not everyone can participate in the competition of the list of gods and men. Before competition, eligibility to compete must be determined. That is, by measuring divine power, the qualification is also determined.

According to the convention, the divine power is less than three thousand Beijing, and will not be eligible to participate in the competition. One Beijing is 10,000 buckets, one bucket is 360 pounds, and three thousand Beijing is 10 billion kilograms of power!

This standard, the vast majority of gods and humans, is simply impossible to achieve. According to legend, the most powerful divine man in history has only 90,000 Beijing powers! Three thousand Beijing is already a very high threshold.

In all directions, all gods of light rose into the sky and landed on the golden platform. Suddenly, on the golden stage, a layer of golden brilliance rushed up, which produced a tremendous repulsion to all the gods and men who were about to land.

Most of these **** lights were directly ejected by Jin Guang, and only a few of them successfully landed in them.

Li Xing also drove a divine light. On the way, the power produced by the golden light was directly ignored by him, and he easily landed. He estimated that the repulsive power generated by Jin Guang was at least 1,000.

Wan Famen must do this for the first round of screening and to simplify the competition process. So as not to let some of the weak gods mix in, delaying time.

Of the tens of thousands of gods and men who finally landed on the Golden Terrace, there were only 107. Li Xing was one of them.

When he was in it, Li Xing looked around and sighed. All people except him were practicing God. Among them, there is no shortage of capable men at the level of God.

The host of the high-crowned ancient clothes contest said at the moment: "Please ask the gods and men to estimate their strength by themselves, and the divine power is less than 4,000 Beijing, and immediately retreat. Otherwise, bear the consequences."

There was a commotion among the god-man, how could the power of 3000 thousand be adjusted to 4000 again? Immediately, more than twenty people retreated with regret, and eighty-two remained. Li Xing found that among the 82 people, some also showed hesitation, but eventually they stayed.

The Wanfa Conference was a time to make a name for themselves and seize the opportunity. They reluctantly gave up.

When the host saw that everyone wanted to leave, he nodded, and waved his sleeves. Without knowing what spell was cast, there were eighty-two Guanghua, which fell into the hands of eighty-two gods such as Li Xing.

Guanghua, condensed into a single rune, empty above.

Gods and men, all know how to do it, have used pens to refer to pens, write names on the spells, and come from. Suddenly, the spells flickered and they passed their message to the host.

After presiding over the record, he laughed and said, "Eighty-two gods have been recorded, so please take the qualification test." He waved his sleeves, and the whole golden platform suddenly "hummed" and shocked the eighty-two gods Suddenly a gold pillar was raised to hold them up.

Over his head, a golden pillar descended, suppressing it. The gold pillar, more than five meters in diameter, extends infinitely above, I don't know how long it is. On the golden column, there is a large line of white letters in the book, which is formed by mana: Shiqianjing!

On the surrounding Yutai, the masters whispered and talked.

"This time, it was actually adjusted to 4,000 Beijing. It seems that the gods and men participating in the competition are all extraordinary in strength. In the last session, the most powerful **** and man was the dragon and tiger king of Wanfamen. Wanjing! This time, I don't know if it will break the record. "

"Well, you see, there is actually a quadruple god-man among the god-man! How is this possible? And the strength of Shiqian Jing cannot overwhelm him!" Suddenly, all the mage's eyes focused on Li Xing Body.

Li Xing only saw the golden pillar and then pressed it towards him, as if to squeeze it into a meat pie. However, with all the strength of the four thousand Beijing forces, he was not worried. Yuanshen united his big hands and propped up, easily supporting the golden pillar.

Regarding his own body, how much divine power he has, even he doesn't know, this time, I would like to take the opportunity to measure it once to see how much divine power he has.

Some people are not as easy as Li Xing. The strength of these people is more than 3,000 Beijing and less than 4,000, and they are all extremely strenuous. You know, the strength of Shiqianjing is the basic strength ~ www.readwn.com ~ will not decrease.

The host's "conceit of consequence" is to warn everyone that if the divine power is less than 4,000 Beijing, they may be crushed to death by the golden pillar.

One of the gods, with a painful expression, was full of divine power, sweat dripped from his forehead, and said loudly, "Master, save me!"

Outside the court, a mana burst out suddenly, and he wanted to enter the golden platform to rescue the god-man. The host looked cold and sternly said, "During the test, do not disturb the idler!" With a wave of his hand, there was a force to strike.

That power, invisible, directly dispelled the mana. On a jade platform, a mage casts blood and looks miserable. The god-man calling for help was one of his most beloved disciples, and it seemed that he could not live.


The golden pillar trembled, and it was directly suppressed. The man who called for help was crushed into flesh and killed Huangquan. The golden pillar is actually a magic circle. If it is launched with full force, even mana can be killed, let alone a little god.

At this moment, someone in the mage suddenly shouted: "Look! The quadruple **** man, the strength that has been accepted has already accepted 10,000 capital!"

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