Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 479: war! war! war!

Chapter 68: Fight! war! war!

How powerful is Li Xing's divine power? 200,000 Beijing? 300,000 Beijing? He didn't even know that, in short, he is now facing the sword of Aojian, and he can directly repel it without resorting to the Tower of Tolerance!

After successful cultivation, Li Xingyi figured it out, and it has taken three months. However, this is just too easy time in the mirror. Too easy Master changed the speed of time lapse, only two hours passed outside.

"Seniors and juniors have successfully cultivated and can go out," Li Xing cried at this time. Suddenly, as soon as he was in shape, he returned to his seat and faced many mages.

The masters saw that Li Xing, who came out again, had a majesty that they dare not despise. Beichen Chong was even more happy, saying: "Li Xing, you came out just right, and soon you will have a formal match!"

Li Xinggang just came out, not knowing the situation, and asked, "Old ancestors, how can we compare the law?"

"That ’s it. Eighty gods and men are divided into forty groups. They are grouped according to the ranking of the divine strength. They are eliminated all the way until the last ten gods and men. The last ten gods and men will compete in rounds and win the most. People will win the first place. "

Li Xing nodded, his expression indifferent, and said nothing. But Beichenyou couldn't help but ask: "Li Xing, the god-man present, you also saw it. The most powerful one is the Tianlong God King of Wanfamen. In addition, there is a sword tortured by a mad sword gate, a too virtual gate. The sun god. These three are all your enemies. However, the rest are not to be underestimated, they are all capable. "

Speaking of Jian Xingtian, Li Xing remembered that he had fought with him at the beginning, and when he was about to be killed, he was rescued, and he said, "He went to him again, in case that person would help again, wouldn't it be bad ? "I thought," So many mages are present, I'm afraid that person can't save him. "

With a flash of thought, he replied, "These three are not afraid, and I can defeat them." His tone was flat, but it should not be doubted.

Master Taiyi smiled and bowed his head with a smile, and said, "You, as a divine power, can sweep through all the gods." Li Xing cultivated in Taiyi Mirror, and how strong he is, no one is more clear than Taiyi.

However, he is a sincere elder. Naturally, he will not endanger Li Xing, but instead he will maintain it.

To say a few words, on the golden stage, the host announced loudly: "The first game, Li Xing, Star Gate, and Zhou Yu, Kuang Jianmen."

Last week's jade was because of the divine power ranking, Li Xing was first, and Zhou Yu was eighty. According to the rules, Divine Power is first against Divine Power 80, Divine Power is second against Divine Power 79, and so on, until the Divine Power ranks forty, and Divine Power ranks 41st.

Zhou Yu faced Li Xing without fear. Although Li Xing was shocking and overwhelming everyone, his realm was too bad. In the face of the gods who practice the gods, they are almost like three-year-olds.

How can an adult think of a three-year-old child? Even this three-year-old child is very powerful, even more powerful than an adult. This is a psychological effect, a sense of superiority as an adult.

Li Xing was not surprised to see Zhou Yu. He saw Zhou Yu and Jian Xingtian as early as when he was fighting for divine power. At that time, Zhou Yu was just able to withstand the force of 4,000 Beijing. As for Jian Xingtian, he has received 23,000 Beijing forces, far surpassing Zhou Yu, and at the same time, he is already a top ten figure in training.

"Li Xing, you shouldn't participate in it." Zhou Yu stared at Li Xing, rudely, "This is a game played by high-level gods, not for you."

Li Xing knows Zhou Yu quite well. At first, he slipped into the mad sword gate and swept the treasure of the mad sword gate, but still borrowed the power of this person. Hearing loudly, Li Xing smiled: "Brother Zhou, I haven't seen you for a long time, you still look good!"

When Zhou Yu stayed, he said to himself why this person is so intimate. I know him?

Regardless of the inexplicable Zhou Yu, Li Xing continued: "Reading the old love, I won't kill you today."

Although Zhou Yu was not puzzled, he also heard the meaning of this sentence, and said angrily, "Can you kill me? It's a joke!" His true shape changed suddenly into a blue giant sword. This sword, thousands of meters long, murderous, beheaded towards Li Xing.

Zhou Yu was a proud disciple of the Mad Sword Master. When he first practiced God, he practiced it with a sword. Therefore, the initial state of his true form is a long sword. At this moment, the sword was cut and killed, which contained a great divine power and mysterious power.

The mighty sword surging through the sky, Jianguang "Si Lingling" quake, and fell down.

Li Xing shouted, his expression was cold, and suddenly he flicked his fingers, displaying his "lateral finger". The mechanical movement of fingers means that any force can be moved laterally, mysteriously. This great divine skill was exhibited at Li Xingshi, and its power was incredible.


A boundless force, extremely rigid, struck across, and the true shape of the great sword was directly aside and broke from it. The strength was too strong, Zhou Yu was directly injured, screamed, and vomited blood to the ground.

In the distance, a mage shouted, "You are not an adversary, stand down." The speaker, in a black robe, looked sorrowful, and his mana was as if it were a sword.

Zhou Yu gave Li Xing a dreadful glance, and quit without saying a word. When the host saw that Li Xing was not blocked, he let him go.

This is the end of the first game. The chairperson announced that Li Xingsheng.

Next, there was a long wait, and there were 39 innings to play, and Li Xing became a spectator.

The second appearance is Tianlong Shenjun and another god-man. Tianlong Shenjun looks only ten years old, he looks extremely cold and arrogant, it seems that everyone in the world is not worth him to look at.

The word "Tianlong" of Tianlong Shenjun comes from his childhood adventure. When Tianlong Shenjun was young, he accidentally ate an egg of Tianlong. Tianlong, like Heaven and Man, is a legendary existence.

The dragon's egg, how amazing it is, is more wonderful than the best **** of the world. Therefore, Tianlong Shenjun has been known as a wizard since he was a child, and was trained by Wan Famen.

As soon as the Dragon King came out, he said coldly: "Kneel down and ask for forgiveness, so you won't die!"

The prince on the opposite side, although he was a small martial arts figure, was also tenacious in practicing God.

This sentence was scolded, which made Li Xing quite appreciate his bravery, and also sighed secretly, because he knew that this man was by no means an opponent of the Dragon King.

Sure enough, Tianlong Shenjun sneered, and his real hand grabbed down. It seemed that he had performed some powerful magical techniques and directly crushed the other person's body. Even the source of the god-man was drawn by him, and he could not die anymore.

Although the god-man died, the watching mages admired his courage and would rather die than be unyielding. Not everyone can do it. Such a person deserves respect.

The third person, also a young man, was masculine and was named the Sun God. This person is the emperor in the lobby, and he is kind. Although he easily defeated his opponent, he did not give a bad hand, but even said "takeover."

The opponent was also grateful for his immortality and thanked him for leaving.

Such a game will end without knowing it. During the course of watching, Li Xing found that four of these gods and men had made him afraid of him. These three people are the Heavenly Dragon King, Jian Xingtian, and the Sun King.

Another person, also an old acquaintance of Li Xing, was Lu Tianjiao that he encountered when he contended for the eight pole tower that day. Lu Tianjiao, ranked fifth when competing for divine power, second only to Jian Xingtian, with divine power up to 20,000 Beijing.

However, Lu Tianjiao did not know Li Xing. When he first entered the tower competition, Li Xing changed his appearance and changed his breath. However, Li Xing originally reported his name, so after hearing the name "Li Xing", Lu Tianjiao shot brilliantly, always paying attention to Li Xing, and seemed to think of something.

The second round began. Li Xing had good luck and faced the Sun God directly. The sun **** is also a peerless figure. When he was refining the god, he relied on the sun and had the same treasure on his body, calling the sun **** bead.

The sun **** beads are the same as the Taiyin **** beads. The difference is that the sun **** bead is a fire ball condensed in the sun. After falling from the earth, it is refined by the master who is dominated by mana.

On the golden stage, Li Xing confronted the Sun God.

In the last game, the Sun God was quite imposing, but after confronting Li Xing, he could hardly conceal the murder in his eyes. His cold eyes locked Li Xing, and he said lightly, "Be my slave, or die."

Simple and straightforward with no bargain.

Li Xing laughed. He looked at the Sun God like an idiot, and said, "I have a relationship with Tai Xu Men, and I didn't want to kill you. However, since you are so arrogant, then I will complete you. I feel that you I have the power of the sun, such a treasure, and a virtuous person, let me keep it! "

After speaking, Li Xing shot first, stretched out his finger on the ground, and yelled, "Pay the ground!"

This great divine art was exhibited, and at the feet of the Sun God, suddenly a strange rune lighted up, generating a powerful force ~ www.readwn.com ~ firmly holding his body.

The prince of the sun snorted, palms and fingers were like knives, he slashed down and screamed, "Big knife, broken!"

"Click!" Li Xing's great magic was directly broken.

However, his second style has already been shot, and it is still the most well-covered fingerprint, and it is suppressed severely. On that big hand, he carried two thousand divine light, each divine light represents a kind of divine magic, and each divine magic is equivalent to the power of a high-order divine person.


The tremendous pressure caused the Sun God's look to change slightly. He shouted from the sky, his hands changed continuously, and the true shape suddenly changed into a sharp awl, emitting infinite light and heat, and stabbing up.

With a broken palm, Li Xing also felt uncomfortable, so he had to change midway and change his palm as a finger. A "King Kong extinction finger" was displayed. This Vajra extinction refers to Vajra's collision and extinction of the two great gods. The great gods generated after fusion are extremely powerful.

This time, it looks like the needle tip is against Mai Mang, which is the strength of the resistance. Whoever is strong and who is weak, wins and loses!

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