Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 481: Open Ancient Xuanjing

Chapter 70: Opening the Ancient Xuanjing

With a loud noise, Lu Tianjiao's true shape was broken up and he was severely wounded. Blackwater chased after the victory, punch after punch, and prevailed.

Li Xing watching while shaking his head, he knew that Lu Tianjiao was exhausted and could not win. However, Heishui wants to win, but also has to pay the price, I am afraid that he can no longer participate in the top ten contests.

Sure enough, in the next battle, Lu Tianjiao could no longer prevail, and was suppressed by the black water. This was a long-lasting battle. The two played for three days and three nights. In the end, Lu Tianjiao first gave up and chose to give in.

Hei Shui also received when he saw good. He knew that it was extremely difficult to kill Lu Tianjiao, and he had to pay a heavy price.

Immediately after, the second, third, and fourth innings were quickly divided. In the fifth game, it was Li Xing's turn to play against the man named Yue Chuan.

In the first two rounds of Yuechuan battle, Li Xingdu watched. This man has been mediocre, but he always wins at the last minute, so he has not been noticeable. However, to such people, Li Xing still dare not take it lightly.

Yue Chuan, from Xuanmingmen, is also a super-sect. It is located in the ice and snow wasteland in the far north, and it is more mysterious than the Troll Gate. During this trip, Xuanmingmen sent only six mages, which were very low-key. Only the disciples who carried him entered the third round, and the rest were eliminated.

When Yue Chuan stood opposite, Li Xing felt that his opponent was not so simple on the surface, and he seemed to have hidden a terrible power. This is a god-man intuition, and this intuition is often very accurate.

Yue Chuan has a round hat on his head and looks like a small steward. He politely gave Li Xing a fist: "Xuan Ming Men, Yue Chuan, ask Li Brother here."

"You're welcome, Li Xing of the Star Gate." Li Xing also returned a gift, staring at the other party, "Brother Yue kept in hiding and let many people look away."

Yuechuan's look remained unchanged: "Oh? Li Shihe made this statement? His strength is so weak that he can hardly make it into the third round."

"No need to pretend." Li Xing's eyes flickered. "Take out all your strength, because I will treat you as your strongest enemy!"

Yue Chuan laughed, and suddenly the hat on top of her head threw away. Suddenly, a horrific momentum came like a stormy sea, and the momentum rose steadily, directly approaching Li Xing.

Li Xing narrowed his eyes. He felt that this person's strength seemed not to be under sword punishment, but he had been hidden until now.

"I have been suppressing Xiuwei. I am going to fight hard until the first ten o'clock in the competition. I don't want to be seen by you, so I have to fight with you."

Li Xing said coldly: "Your strength is very strong, but if you encounter it, you will end up in a miserable end." After he said that, his body suddenly disappeared, but he was a great **** performing a new performance. Technique, Wuxiang King Kong lore!

Invisible and phaseless, King Kong is invincible, kill everything! This great divine art contains the power and mystery of three great divine arts.

Li Xing's body disappeared, and Yue Chuan immediately squeezed his hands and yelled, "Frozen in all directions!"


Suddenly, the air above the golden platform condensed into ice crystals, freezing everything. However, he still could not see the shadow of Li Xing. However, I don't know. Li Xing also practiced a great divine technique called "Big Ice Art", which can walk on its own in the snow and ice world.

As soon as Yue Chuan issued the frozen all directions, he immediately performed the Big Bingyu technique and escaped without any pressure.

Yuechuan was not discouraged with a single blow, and laughed: "Brother Li is a peerless wizard and admirable. My brother's next move, called" Frozen Qiankun ", is the ultimate magic, you must be careful!"


In the air, there were suddenly white clouds and cold air. Underground, a large number of ice crystals suddenly appeared, spreading over the golden platform. There is infinite cold in the sky and the ground. It seems to spread the sky and freeze the heavens and the earth.

Li Xing suddenly felt that the Dabingying technique was also struggling. He secretly sneered, and Zhenwu Tianzhen was running crazy. At this time, he practiced the magic of phaselessness.

His phaseless power has already reached a state of perfection, and he has used it to deduce the magic. However, all Heavenly Order exercises have three levels of completeness, completeness, and completeness. In the great consummation, it is often not until after the tenth stage of the training of the gods.

But Li Xing is different. He has Zhenwu Tianzhen, and his deduction is extremely powerful, and he can practice forcibly. The strength of the Danmai was extracted and turned into the driving force of the heavenly array. The mysteries of the phaseless and magical powers were immediately presented one by one.

Without phase power, the twenty-fourth is perfect, and the thirty-sixth is great. For Li Xing's non-phase work, one breath broke through to the 25th weight, and the second breath broke to the 25th weight.

When Frozen Qiankun completely unfolded, his powerlessness and power were finally completed. However, such forcible cultivation has consumed a lot of nerves. Once Wu Xianggong was completed, the force of Wu Xiangnong immediately resonated strongly with Li Xing.

Powerlessness, blessing oneself, has never been stronger like today. And this force of phaselessness directly enters the chaotic nebula, and there is a faint trend of metamorphosis. If the transformation is successful, Li Xing will master a new martial art, without phase martial arts!

This is the mystery of the Heavenly Order of Gongfa. After the great consummation, you can fully motivate the power of Heaven to bless yourself. In this way, all the great magical powers related to the non-phase magical power are greatly increased.

With no power to bless him, the pressure on Li Xing suddenly weakened, and he was able to walk again.

Seeing that Frozen Qiankun couldn't force Li Xing, Yue Chuan's brows frowned, and he trembled: "I'm here, and I want to take the first person in the list of gods. Why should I waste my energy here? No, I can only show it in advance. Killed. But in this case, the power will be exposed. But if you don't, how can you kill this person? "

Between flashes of thought, the smile on Yue Chuan's face dissipated and became cold and ruthless, Shen said: "Brother Li! If you don't know how to advance and retreat, then you must blame the younger brother for being ruthless!" In his eyebrows, suddenly a "North" word.

The word "North" has infinite power. Compared with the three characters "wind", "thunder" and "mountain" that Li Xing got from the eight-pole tower, it was even more arbitrary. As soon as this word appeared, Li Xing felt that there was only one direction left in the sky and underground, that is, the north.

The north represents desolation, coldness, dryness, coldness, and so on. Wherever it is divided into east and west, north and south, the word "north" represents a direction, an extreme, a rule, and an incomparable strength.

The entire Golden Terrace seems to have become the world of Yuechuan, and he represents the order of heaven and earth.

As soon as the word "North" came out, the mages were also turbulent.

"It's actually an ancient script! In the legend, each ancient script represents the avenue and the rules of heaven and earth. Different characters have different powers and different Taos. In ancient times, there were great saints who were founded. Enlighten the world. "

"This north character represents one of the Quartet. It is a very powerful ancient script. Li Xing, a prodigious wizard, may fall!"

"It's not necessary. Obviously, Yue Chuan can't fully exert the power of this ancient script. Li Xing's son has unlimited potential. I don't think he has done his best. Hey, if I have such a disciple, I would be willing to repair even half of it. ! "

Infinite pressure, the suppression, Li Xing secretly surprised, trembling: "It seems that he can only fight with him hard, but this 'North' word, the power is huge, I may not fight him!"

At this moment, the power emitted by the word "North" finally entered Li Xing and began to release coercion. On him, the ancient Xuanjing suddenly lighted up.

The ancient Xuanjing is the treasure of the township of the North Division. No one has been able to open it. After Li Xing got it, he tried to open it many times, but failed, and gave up.

At this moment, the power of the north word actually touched the ancient Xuanjing, making it alive. In the Zhenwu Heavenly Array, the Xuanjing was suspended, and Li Xing was surprised to find that the first page of Xuanjing slowly opened.

As soon as this page was opened, an infinite light was radiated and the power of enlightenment was released. In heaven and earth, in all directions, and in the midst of the sky, countless praises came down.

Above the Xuan Jing, many gods, heavenly people, beasts, and other visions that Li Xing did not know existed, and worshipped the ancient Xuan Jing.

Originally, as soon as the word "North" came out, Yuechuan thought the winning ticket was in his grasp. He used the word "North" to suppress a mage directly, not to mention a quadruple man. So he was very confident to kill Li Xing.

Just when he was about to launch his final attack, he suddenly felt that a greater and more expansive breath appeared than the word "North". Among the primitive gods, the character "North" that had been almost refined by him suddenly jumped out, turned into a streamer, and was thrown into Li Xing's body.

"Ah! Give me the 'North' character!"

Under the guise of Yuechuan ~ www.readwn.com ~ The word "North", but the treasure of Xuanmingmen's town gate, is also the foundation of his practice. Once lost, it is equivalent to losing the advantage.

That north word is put on the first page of the ancient Xuanjing. On that first page, nine lines of text were written, with a total of 108 ancient texts. However, these ancient writings are vague handwritings and are not real.

It seems that the text on the ancient Xuanjing has been lost. The word "North" was directly plunged into a vague handwriting. Suddenly, the handwriting was brightened, and it appeared completely. It was exactly a "North" character.

Northward entry into the Xuan Jing, the scriptures, suddenly released unmatched power. Then it spins into the chaotic nebula, suppressing the array. At the same time, Li Xing's ancient characters such as breaking, leaving, killing, wind, thunder, mountain, forbearance, and poison all flew out, surrounding the ancient Xuanjing, and rotating around it.

The opening of the ancient scriptures has made these ancient characters emit a stronger power. Each text emits a strange power. It penetrates and quenches Li Xing's Yuanshen and the physical body. The effect is stronger than before. Thousands of times!

After accidentally seizing the word "North", Li Xinghao died suddenly and screamed, "Yuechuan, now you don't have 'North', what do you want to fight with me? Surrender immediately and spare your life!"

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