Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 482: Last 10 people

Chapter 71: The Last Ten

Yuechuan was furious: "Without the word" North ", I will kill you as well! Xuanming change, kill me!" His true shape suddenly changed into a godlike appearance, cold, gloomy, and ruthless.

True shapes can change magically, but not everything can change. Some divine and majestic things, such as gods, cannot change at will, otherwise they may be echoed, or even become the puppets of the gods, losing their identity.

At this time, Yue Chuan was disillusioned with the **** of mystery. This mysterious **** is the **** in charge of the north in ancient times.

As soon as Xuan Ming came out, Yue Chuan's strength soared several times. Xuan Ming's big hands suppressed Li Xing.

Li Xing snorted coldly, and he was not afraid of any god-man. Immediately, a punch blasted up. This punch used the sky fall martial arts and carried more than 500,000 Jingshen!


Xuanming's true shape was smashed by a sudden blow, and Yue Chuan screamed and was seriously injured. When he reunited his body, Li Xing said fiercely: "You don't know if you live or die, I will send you back to the West!"

Covering the big handprints and repressing it relentlessly, Yuanshen repeatedly strangulated, refined, and extracted the origin of the god-man. Suddenly, the wizard of Xuanmingmen, the pride of heaven, was evacuated from the source of God and man, screaming again and again.

This time, there wasn't much Qinglian Master pleaded. The shock of God Li Xingyuan shook his flesh directly, throwing it out like trash, turning it into a pile of broken bones. As for the elixir and baby he carried, he naturally belonged to Li Xing.

There was a quiet outside, but the Masters were all in shock.

"Only then, how did Li Xing seize the word" North "? The North word came out, and the mages of Yitian couldn't resist it!"

"Li Xing seems to have the means to restrain the 'North' character." Some people have also analyzed, "This climate is already here, it is not easy to surrender!"

The happiest of all is the ancestors of Beichen Chong, Beichen You and Beichenhe. This time, Li Xing has greatly grown his face for Tianxingmen and scored in the top ten steadily. It is even possible that in the next test, continue to sing all the way to win the first place!

Refining Yuechuan, on top of the Yutai where the Xuanmingmen was located, several mages looked cold and unsightly. The word "North" is the treasure of Xuanming, but now it falls to him!

Li Xing returned to his original seat and continued to watch the test of the sixth inning.

As soon as he sat down, Tian Xie said, "Li Xing, can you think of it, what requirements will you make then?"

Li Xing smiled: "Where can I use it? I am afraid Master has already thought about it, and the disciples will do the same."

Tian Xie hummed: "Thinking about it, the first thing is to ask for a higher-level patch, preferably 36-character banned or above, open the fighting treasure, and continue to practice The body of the battle. Next, you have to impact a thousand ancient gods. It is extremely difficult. The body of the battle must be cultivated to the twenty-fourth level! "

"This second kind is a kind of sacred object that can enhance the power of Zhenwu Tianzhen. The calculation of ancient divine magic is not trivial. With your current Zhenwu Tianzhen, you cannot afford it. Therefore, you must make Tianzhen further upgrade. To a higher level. "

"As for the third one, it is naturally the seeds of ancient magic. You already have a hundred seeds of ancient magic, and you still have two hundred before you can make three hundred, so you can practice Da Luo ’s amazing skills and condense a thousand. Ancient magic. "

"However, you have to ask these three things clearly and carefully before you can know. This too easy Master, is a deep cultivation and loyal, you can ask him for advice." Tianxiedao.

Li Xing listened carefully, and immediately asked Tai Yi for advice, saying: "Too seniors, there are a few things for juniors, and I want to ask seniors."

"Oh, please." Master Tai Yi said with a smile, a style of elders.

"Which of the factions has a high-level patch?" Li Xing asked.

Master Tai Yi's palm slightly shaved his beard, and he groaned, "If you talk about repairing amulets, you should count them as too imaginary. In the imaginary, you have treasured seventy-eight forbidden Chinese royal charms. If you intend to do so, you can To make a request, the too virtual door is forced by the rules, and you have to give it. However, you can ask for at most three seven-character amulets. Too much, too virtual door is afraid to tear your face. "

Li Xing smiled: "Three are enough." Then asked, "I don't know which school has holy things like armillary spheres?"

"Hun Tianyi is a computational machine, demonstrating the treasure of the avenue. Even if the factions have it, how will they send you? Such a request, they will not agree." He paused, "However, there is a Zhou Tianyi in the Wan Famen. Then Zhou Tianyi is not a sacred object, but a 'day operator' known as the first arithmetic. He has exhausted his life's work and is built with many sacred objects and a Zhoutian mysterious map. Although it is wonderful, it lacks innate characteristics, so it does not Not a treasure, if you want it, Wan Famen is willing to send it. "

Li Xing blinked, and said that Tianyi didn't know how effective this week was, so I asked first. Now, ask the third question: "Predecessors, which school do you have the seeds of ancient magic?"

Master Tai Yi's eyes flashed: "The seeds of ancient magic are not trivial. It is rumored that there are a hundred treasures in Dayi Education. If you have a heart, you can ask for a maximum of ten. If there are too many, Dayi Education will not surrender."

Li Xing thanked Master Tai Yi.

The third round of fighting has ended. In addition to the four people, Jian Xingtian, Tianlong Shenjun, Trolls Gate Blackwater, and Li Xing, there are three princes of Wanfamen. There is a prince in Xuanmen and a prince in Tianyimen.

The last ten people left are all the strongest generations. Between them, they will take turns to compete, and finally the winner will be the one who wins the most.

On the golden stage, the host appeared again and announced the next competition procedure. Li Xing will fight against Jian Xingtian in the first round. The remaining eight people were also divided into four groups, who came to power at the same time and had a showdown.

On the golden stage, five groups of gods were divided into five parties, and Jian Xingtian stood with Li Xing again.

Jian Xing looked expressionless. Li Xing looked at him and sighed, saying: "If you hadn't done it with a master, you are dead."

Jian Xingtian pouted tightly without saying a word.

Li Xing continued: "You are not my opponent. If you admit defeat now, I don't mind letting you go." In his opinion, it is impossible for a person like Jian Xingtian to take the initiative and must fight to the end.

But to his surprise, Jian Xingtian agreed, and he said lightly: "Okay, I confess, but within three years, I will become a mage, and I will go to you then."

Although Li Xing was surprised, he smiled and nodded: "I'm waiting for you."

Jian Xingtian actually confessed, even the mad sword mage was surprised. Chuan Yin asked, "Xing Tian, ​​you are not a person who confessed casually."

Sword execution: "Master, for the time being, I am not an adversary of this person. A person who practices is able to bend and stretch, which is the long-term way."

After listening to the mad sword mage, not only was not angry, but nodded and praised: "Okay! Just easy to fold, you just become soft, just become a peerless wizard!"

The other four groups, Tianlong Shenjun's opponent, Troll Gate Blackwater, also gave up the fight and voluntarily conceded. In the last round, he performed seven injuries on the trolls and was seriously injured. There is no chance of winning. It is better to admit defeat and at least one top ten.

Wan Famen's strength was overwhelming. The other three princes sent out had two victories and one defeat, and wounded the two princes of Dayijiao and Taixumen respectively. The other was defeated under Tian Yimen, and was seriously injured.

In the second war, Li Xing's opponent was Wan Famen, who defeated the King of Da Yi religion. This man, called the Bliss King, has a handsome appearance and a feminine air on his face.

"I seem to have heard your name." Bliss King looked at Li Xing with a smile, as if he didn't take him seriously.

"Oh?" Li Xing looked still.

"In the beginning, there were two women in the misty palace, one Chen Shuang and one Chen Xue, who seemed to have been taken away by a person named Li Xing. In the misty palace, someone had been explained to me, but who are you?"

In Li Xing's eyes, there was a fierce light: "Who am I? It turns out that you are the so-called core disciple of Wan Famen. Yes, I am that Li Xing."

"Oh, sword torture is afraid of you, I am not afraid. No matter how strong you are, you are just practicing the quadruple, training the quadruple, weak in will, and destined to die in my hands." He pointed with his hand to the air, and heaven and earth suddenly It turned pink.

The sound of extravagance and the powdery air enveloped Li Xing and brought him into a fantasy.

"In the God of Joy, you can enjoy the gentleness." The voice of the Bliss Lord turned into a female voice.

After Li Xing had a nausea, his mind was slightly affected, and he immediately recovered his sense of clarity. When he was training in the blood, he began to cultivate the fiendish demon Zen, strong spiritual strength, strong mind, not under the mage, how afraid of such magical art that confuses the soul?

Immediately, he sneered, and suddenly, pointed out the twelve fingers towards the Bliss Lord. These twelve fingers represent a kind of great divine art ~ www.readwn.com ~ respectively, non-phase finger, broken soul finger, broken finger, diamond extinction finger, lateral movement finger, Qixiu finger, broken heart finger, ice Soul finger, ice soul cold light finger, burning **** finger, strangulation finger, cutting finger.

Twelve fingerings, each with its own power. I saw different colors of finger light, safflower blue purple green white and black, vertical and horizontal lasing, causing all kinds of heavenly forces, or suppression, or strangling, or locking, all of a sudden let the Bliss Lord confuse.

It was only Li Xing's temptation to attack a dozen fingers at once. Next, when the Bliss Lord has not yet responded, he has already exhibited a great divinity, a poisonous fingerprint, that has been newly learned!

Compared with the big poisonous technique, the power of this big handprint has been increased by several times. Sudden suppression, not only carried the supreme power, but also pervasive, innocuous and toxic, difficult to resist.

"Silk ~"

The Bliss Lord is all over his body, and he can't bear it anymore. He makes a scream and screams with all his strength. Unfortunately, the poison is too severe, the more it corrodes, the deeper it will be. After a while, his bones will turn into grayish gray, necrotic and broken.

In the end, the Bliss Lord turned into a burning flame, screamed again and again, and said loudly, "I confess!"

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