Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 483: Day 1 Gate. 9 Becoming God

Chapter 72: Tian Yi Men. Nine Transformers

"Li Xiaoyou, can you open the Internet?" At the same time, the host of the Golden Channel spoke. He is a man of all kinds of methods, and naturally he does not want the Bliss Lord to die. However, he could not intervene in Li Xing, only to make a request.

Li Xing accepted it as soon as he saw it, and immediately received the great divine magic. The King of Bliss had a light body, and the poison had disappeared. It seemed that nothing had happened. However, his cultivation has been corroded for less than a half, with heavy losses, and stared viciously at Li Xing.

Li Xing ignored his expression, and said lightly, "Since I confessed, I will not let myself go, let you go."

At the same time as the two men were fighting, the other four groups also saw their differences. Even three people were seriously injured and could not continue to participate in the fight. They announced their withdrawal. The three were two gods, Troll Gate Blackwater, Taixu Gate and Dayi religion. In addition, King Bliss was also beaten badly by Li Xing, and he also chose to quit.

In this way, there are only six people left in the field, namely Jian Xingtian, Tianlong Shenjun, Tianyimen one prince, and Wanfamen two princes. Of these five monarchs, four of them had to fight against Li Xing one by one and compete against each other.

In the third game, Li Xing played against Tian Yimen. This person, calling the Nine Transformers, is also very powerful, and is still above the Bliss Lord.

Jiubian Shenjun looked at Li Xing and laughed: "Some time ago, a priest named Da Xing in the Daxia state was Li Xing, but who is that person?"

Li Xing said lightly, "Yes, it's me." Tianyi is well-informed and knows that it is normal.

"So, you and I have a relationship," said Jiu Bian, the god. "I'm here, in order to take charge, and must break into the top three, so I hope you can take the initiative to quit."

Li Xing smiled: "I'm sorry, I am also ordered to take the first place, I must take the first place. I think so, now you admit defeat, the rest of the people, I will help you to kill them one by one, how to keep you in the top three?

Jiuchang Shenjun's face changed: "Li Xing, although you can defeat the sun god, you may not be able to defeat me. Your advantage is nothing more than powerful. However, I am Jiuchang god, and I am good at dragon elephant nine change, every change , Are extremely powerful. "

"Oh? So, there is nothing to say, you and I are more powerful. Even if you lose, I will not kill you and give Tian a face." Li Xing laughed, not letting the other person threaten him. In my heart.

Jiubian Shenjun knows that it is useless to say more, and said, "Okay, please!" He suddenly deified into a giant. This giant, more than 300 meters high, is infinitely powerful.

This is the first change of the Dragon Elephant Nine Changes, and the power soared immediately, approaching 90,000 Beijing!

Li Xing smiled and said, "You are not strong enough for my finger." He shouted, his energy condensed into a giant punch, and blasted directly into the sky. The giant fist passed, deflated, and made a constant popping sound, and the magical energy was attached to it.

At the same time, the words such as break, leave, poison, kill, and north are blinking constantly, adding layers of strength to the fist. This punch is incredibly powerful, and seems to be able to penetrate the sky and penetrate ancient and modern times.

Jiu Bian Shen Jun was taken aback. He felt that the power of Li Xing's fist might exceed 500,000 Beijing! This kind of terror power was beyond reach, so he was transformed into a dragon elephant.

The dragon elephant is a species with the highest power in ancient times. It looks like a dragon. In legend, the power of the dragon elephant can destroy a civilization and destroy a world.

The dragon appeared and greeted Li Xing's giant fist.

The collision of power and power is not fancy. The strong will win, and the loser will be miserable.


The dragon-like figure was directly broken up. Li Xing's fists turned into huge palms. With a fierce grasp, he grabbed Nine Deities into his palms and kept struggling.

"Li Xing! You can't kill me!" Jiubian Shenjun screamed in fear.

"Who said I'm going to kill you?" Li Xing snorted, flipped his hands, and threw him to the ground.

Jiubian Shenjun's face changed continuously, and finally stomped: "Okay, I confess!"

Li Xing said indifferently: "If you give up early, why take my punch?"

Jiubian Shenjun was silent.

At the same time, Jian Xingtian and Tianlong Shenjun have defeated their opponents. The sword punishment was always black, and the opponent was beaten with a disability, unable to fight again, and quit fighting.

The man who fought against the King of Heavenly Dragons, although a man of ten thousand ways, has always been in conflict with him. Tianlong Shenjun got the chance, how to let him go? Suppressed it directly, and pumped out more than half of the divine origin before letting him go. This man, naturally, cannot continue fighting.

So next, there are only four people left on the golden stage, namely Li Xing, Tianlong Shenjun, Jian Xingtian, and Jiubian Shenjun. Of the three opponents, only one Tianlong **** has not played against Li Xing. As long as he defeats this person, he can decide the first place on the list of gods and men.

Tianlong Shenjun, like Li Xing, was undefeated in one game, and the two won the same number of times. The host announced the start of the next game, Tianxingmen Li Xing, against Wanfamen Tianlong Shenjun!

"In this game, it is finally decided who is the first place! I wonder if it is Li Xing or Tianlong Shenjun?"

"It's hard to say that the King of Dragons is the strongest of the young generation of Wan Famen, and may break through at any time to become a mage. And this Li Xing is a sudden rising star, with superb strength, killing the Quartet and never losing. These two are chess opponents, and the outcome is unpredictable! "

In the debate, Li Xing and Tianlong Shenjun met for the first time. The two stared at each other, as if there was a current that could not see the electricity. They exploded in the middle of the two, and the momentum of the two had been forced to each other.

"I can't think of it, you are a little person with four deifications who can stand opposite me." Tianlong Shenjun said lightly, "You are very lucky."

"Things you can't think of are still behind." Li Xing laughed. "Moreover, I can stand here, not by luck, but by strength ~ www.readwn.com ~ You are arrogant, and arrogant will pay the price." The momentum of the Tianlong God King began to rise, "No one can bear the anger of Tianlong!"

Behind the Dragon King, there suddenly appeared a ghost of a dragon. This dragon is exactly the Dragon! True dragon shatters the void and enters the heavens, and the party is called Tianlong! This King of Dragons, who had devoured the eggs of Dragons as a child, inherited the power of Dragons, the wisdom and majesty of Dragons.

"Li Xing, when this man was practicing God six times, he used the dragon to refine the god, so his true form is the dragon, and he should not underestimate the enemy." Tianxie reminded him.

"Yes." Li Xing naturally knew that the other party was very powerful and did not dare to take it lightly.

Tianlong God, staring at Li Xing, holding a bright pearl on top of his right hand, burning blue and gold flames on top of the beads, soaring and dancing.

"Dragon Ball!" Li Xing narrowed his eyes. According to legend, only Tianlong can condense Dragon Ball. How did this person do it?

The Emperor Tianxie said, "This dragon ball is transformed by the eggs of the dragon. The eggs of the dragon are extremely precious. How can he be fully digested by a prince? Kill him and take the dragon balls!"

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