Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 41: Training blood 6 times. Take the place!

The grandson wolf fell down!

Under the platform, even Li Ying, Bai Pingdu, and Chen Jinsong slowly stood up. The three of them had different complex eyes.

Sun Xingyi's throat was shattered by Li Xingyi's boxing. He twitched and was hurriedly lifted for treatment.

兴 Li Xing's injuries are equally serious. At this moment, he was covered in blood, and internal and external injuries made him almost fainted, but he had to stand!

The host of the game also seemed frightened. He did not announce the place for the next game for a long time. It was not until Li Ying's stern eyes projected that he was shocked and quickly said, "Next ...

For a long time, Li Xing did not play again. He stepped down from the complicated eyes of everyone, and still sat where he was resting yesterday.

Time passed by every minute and then it was Li Xing's turn to play one after another.

"Next, Li Xing is against Li Yuan!"

"I give up," Li Yuan said.

"Next, Chen Gui is against Li Xing."

"I give up," said Chen Gui.

I ca n’t tell because it is in awe of Li Xing ’s strong strength and perseverance, or because he does n’t have the heart to fight with such a person. The rest of them chose to admit defeat without exception. It is very strange to confess to someone who was seriously injured.

Li Ying's face is even more ugly. Sun Wolf and Zhou Qing are his people. They all lost!

But this is already the case, and he cannot control it. What's more, he really didn't want to provoke the second half of his half-brother, and the master of three disciplines could only exercise restraint.

The game is finally over. Li Xing won all fourteen games and pulled off the top spot!

Li Xing's men were defeated, including Sun Ling, Zhou Qing who trained six blood, Bai Ling, Bai Leng, Li Jie, Li Jue, and Chen Xia who trained five blood. None of them was seriously injured.

Of course, Li Xing's injury seems to be heavier than everyone, but he stood upright until the end.

"Announcement of a place to be announced below, first, Li Xing!" The host said loudly.

The audience rushed to discuss.

"Li Xing, Li Xing! What an incredible person, is he still that Li Xing?"

"If you don't sing, it's amazing! This is the posterity of Li Ziran!"

"After Li Xing entered the Qi Yun faction, will he achieve anything?"

"God know! Maybe he won't be very strong, but this lunatic must be famous!"

Xiao Xiaoxiu shed tears of joy: "Great! Master succeeded!" This girl, looking at her master madly, seemed more excited and happy than Li Xing.

虎 Li Hu is also happy and broken, laughing and turning over and fighting, like a big monkey.

兴 Li Xing smiled slightly: "Let's go back."

In the sight of everyone, Li Xing returned to Zizhuwan. As soon as people returned, Li Xing locked himself in the stone room. After the door was closed, he sat down quietly.

The injury was too severe. After ten full hours, Li Xing's injury improved, and the intense pain gradually disappeared.

"You can enter the Qi Yun faction in the future. Next, you have to concentrate on improving your strength!" Li Xing secretly thought.

英 Li Ying was standing coldly in the hall at the moment. Behind him, Li Yuan was bitter and did not dare to speak.

"Li Yuan, did you see that he tuned his son. He taught very well! From Li Xing's eyes, even I can see a kind of admirable perseverance! He is still the cowardly Li Xing? "Li Ying said.

元 Li Yuan reluctantly said: "There is only one possibility, Li Xing has been hiding strength."

英 Li Ying nodded: "It is very likely that Li naturally used to be a drunkard. This son deliberately showed weakness to protect himself. If this is the case, he is not easy!"

Li Yuan looked cold: "Master, should you treat him ..."

英 Li Ying snorted: "Are you crazy? In the event that this matter is revealed, Li naturally ruins Sanyi Garden!"

Li Yuan stunned and didn't say a word.

英 Li Ying groaned for a moment: "It's the same way. Observing it, I want to know what Li naturally wants to do. As for that Li Xing, he will be treated to the Master Li family!"

"Yes!" Li Yuan agreed.

At this time, Li Xing was still recovering.

Li naturally left, Li Xing had no reliance. Of course, there is a force left by Li Ziran, the three ambassadors. However, Li Xing does not intend to use this power, which must be used at the most critical time.

I have no backing, so Li Xing must make himself strong. So strong that even if one day, the people in Sanyiyuan found that Li naturally left, and did not dare to insult him lightly!

As a result of a series of serious injuries, and continued to be repaired by Jiuyangzhu, Li Xing's qualifications were greatly enhanced. The next opening of the Sutras was easy and smooth. Unconsciously, twelve days passed.

Li Xing during the practice, suddenly felt that his body was "shocked", and all the Sutras were unblocked at this instant!

Li Xing's blood power has also reached the peak state of five training! There is immense power in raising hands.

"Finally training the blood five times! Nothing, no endless, continue to open the sixth meridian, Yijing!" Li Xing immediately began to run blood, hit the meridian.

The Jing Jing is much larger and more complex than the Meditation Jing, including the Heart Jing, Liver Jing, Stomach Jing, Spleen Jing, Kidney Jing, etc., which communicate with each other and become one piece. It often takes five or seven years for qualified people to get through the sutras.


There was a ringing sound between the chest and abdomen, and Li Xing immediately sent his blood into the Jingjing, and began to pass smoothly.

It turned out that Li Xing had participated in the competition some time ago, vying for the quota, and the injuries were too heavy, which greatly improved his qualifications, which successfully opened up the Jingjing all the way.

"Just practice all the way like this, at most one month, you can open up all the meridians!" Li Xing rejoiced.

At this time, Xiao Xiu's pleasant voice came: "Master, have dinner!"

It was noon, and Li Xing was hungry early and walked out with a smile. Upstairs, the lunch is ready. The soft, fragrant crystal rice and delicious fish snacks filled the table.

Xiao Xiaoxiu even took out a bottle of wine and said with a smile: "I haven't congratulated the young master on winning the quota. I want to celebrate today with a drink!"

虎 Li Hu was drooling, and nodded again and again: "Yes, you must celebrate!" Looking at the table full of dishes, he was more excited than anyone else. If it was not convenient in the attic, he would definitely go over some fights.

Li Xing's heart was warm. Xiaoxiu and Li Hu were his closest people. He took the wine glass from Xiaoxiu and laughed, "OK!"

Xiao Xiaoxiu clapped her hands, poured another cup for Li Xing, and said with a smile, "I wish Master a lot and practice successfully in Qi Yunpai!"

Li Xing did it again, and Li Hu was with him.

Three people, you have a drink, I have a drink. Li Xing and Li Hu are okay. They are both people who practice blood. Qi and blood run fast, and one thousand cups are not drunk. Xiaoxiu was miserable, her body was soft and she smirked on the table.

Li Xing shook her head and helped her to the bedroom to make her sleep.

After coming out, Li Hu's eyes were very bright. He asked, "Master, I heard that Qi Yun faction is very big, and it is the largest faction in Pingguo. Among them, there are many talents, and there are many talented people who can practice. "

Li Xing patted him on the shoulder: "I know, but you have to have confidence in the young master."

Li Hu laughed again: "Except for the second master, Xiao Hu has the most confidence in the young master!"

"Okay, Li Hu, during this time, you don't want to be lazy and cultivate well. You can't make waste by staying with me." Li Xing said.

虎 Li Hu nodded vigorously: "Master, rest assured, I will be able to practice my blood successfully for up to three days!"

兴 Li Xing is very strange about the speed of Li Hu's training. He also received the help of Jiu Yangzhu, and he could train his blood for a few days, but Li Hu needed more than a month, a gap of ten times.

"Is it a physical relationship?" Li Xing once thought.

Xi Xiaoxiu fell asleep until noon the next day, thirsty and headache, and blame Li Xing and Li Hu for drinking. Li Xing and Li Hu secretly sighed. Yesterday it was her own drink. Who had persuaded her to drink?

He gradually recovered, Xiaoxiu suddenly laughed, "Master, how about some clothes on the street?"

Li Xing gave Xiaoxiu a glance. Although the little girl was twelve or three years old, her body was not well developed, but the characteristics of the beauty embryo had been revealed. Little girl finally knows to dress up?

Li Xing thought to himself and promised to Li Hu, "Looking at home, I went to Xiaoxiu to buy clothes."

虎 Li Hu is extremely reconciled, but knows that he can't compete with Xiaoxiu and can only stay at home.

Outside Sanyi Garden, there are countless shops and clothing stores. Li Xing came out and wanted to buy some beautiful clothes for Xiaoxiu.

Where did Li Xing live, which girl didn't have a bunch of good-looking clothes? Even in different time and space, the nature of a woman's beauty will never change.

I have always been taken care of by Xiaoxiu, Li Xing is also very grateful to this girl, and pity her for having a father when she is young, so everything depends on her.

When I walked into the street, Xiaoxiu looked around and looked around. Soon she found a clothes store and looked inside with her feet.

Li Xing smiled, pulled her to the store, and said, "Everything you find is in the bag."

衣 This clothing store is very high-end, and the people who come here are all wealthy people. On the hangers, all the satin was put on it. The style was noble and elegant, not for ordinary people.

眼 What kind of eyes the shop owner looks like ~ www.readwn.com ~ Seeing Li Xing's good temperament at a glance, let the shop guys say hello. The guy smiled and recommended fabrics to Li Xing and Xiao Xiu.

The original shop doesn't sell ready-made clothes. They choose the fabrics and make them. As for clothes styles, there are ready-made pieces hanging on the wall for customers to choose the style.

Xiao Xiaoxiu liked this one and liked it too. However, the little girl is able to live. Seeing that the price is very expensive, she does not speak.

Li Xing saw her mind, and following Xiaoxiu's eyes, she saw which one she liked, and pointed directly: "Do one thing like this ..."

"Do one like this ..."

Qilian pointed out seven or eight pieces, and Xiaoxiu, who was in pain, was anxious: "Master, I can't wear so much."

Li Xing smiled "hehe": "What is a few dollars? Likes are the most important."

At this moment, two women walked into the clothes store. The two women, one in white and one in red, were both beautiful and bright.

Li Xing recognized at a glance that the two women were Chen Shuang and Chen Xue. As if he hadn't seen it, he thought of choosing clothes for Xiaoxiu.

雪 Chen Xue sighed as soon as she entered the shop: "Is your head broken? With so many clothes in the house and countless smart tailors, why go to the clothes shop?"

霜 Chen Shuang blushed: "I just want to come! Even if my sister doesn't want to be with me!" She seemed to rush into the shop angrily.

雪 Chen Xue smiled bitterly. There was no way to take this sister, so she had to follow up.

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