Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 42: Punch money 3

As soon as Chen Shuang and Chen Xue walked in, they saw Li Xing. Li Xing's reputation has risen recently, and he has taken the position of a foreign disciple from the Qiyun School, becoming the focal point of the entire Sanyi Garden.

At the first sight, Chen Xue froze. Chen Shuang smiled and walked to Chen Xue's ear and said, "Sister, he is really my brother-in-law, and it's not bad! He doesn't say anything about training blood, and he looks very handsome."

Chen Xue sank her face: "Don't talk nonsense!"

霜 Chen Shuang spit out his tongue, but walked to Li Xing generously, and patted him on the shoulder: "Li Xing!"

一 As soon as this woman came, Li Xing became aware. He pretended to be startled, turned and glanced, and smiled, "Is it Chen Er, is there something wrong?"

霜 Chen Shuang skimmed her lips: "I can't say hello to you if you're okay?" Chen Shuang is a self-familiar character. Although she didn't talk to Li Xing before, she was like an acquaintance at this time.

Li Xing smiled slightly: "Of course it can." Then his eyes turned to Chen Xue, and he nodded slightly in greeting.

Chen Xue nodded indifferently, then looked away.

Li Xing didn't want to say anything with Chen Shuang, let the guys tailor Xiaoxiu.

霜 When Chen Shuang spoke, his eyes were staring at Li Xing, and a very strange expression appeared.

Li Xing was embarrassed by her, thinking, "Did she recognize me?" She was dressed as "Zhao Yun" and was doing things next to Chen Shuang.

霜 Chen Shuang suddenly said, "Your temperament is very much like a person!"

Li Xing asked calmly: "Oh? Who is it like?"

"A friend of mine." Chen Shuang didn't tell the truth, she looked at Li Xing again and smiled: "Can you do me a favor?"

Li Xing didn't dare to agree, and asked, "What's busy?"

霜 Chen Shuang laughed: "Simple, help me try some clothes."

Chen Xue came over at this moment, frowning: "Xiao Xue, what are you doing?"

霜 Chen Shuang waved his hand: "Sister, you don't care." Then asked Li Xing, "Do you help?"

Li Xing was not impressed by the sisters and said with a smile, "Of course."

霜 Chen Shuang quickly called for a man, took ready-made clothes for Li Xing to try.

Xiaoxiu was measuring over there. When she saw Li Xing and Chen Shuang together, the little girl was weird: "Hey! Master is not familiar with them, how did they talk together?" Let the tailored man temporarily stop and leave. come.

During the fitting process, Li Xing suddenly thought: "Did she say that my temperament is like 'Zhao Yun'? And she also bought clothes for 'Zhao Yun'?" Thinking of this, he laughed in his stomach.

For a young lady, Baba Paipiao Shop bought clothes for a subordinate, but Li Xing was slow and felt that there was a mystery in it.

"Did she fancy 'Zhao Yun'?" Li Xing was relieved when she thought about it. The physical and appearance of 'Zhao Yun' was placed in the world he was in. It was just a fierce brother and a handsome boy. Man, which woman doesn't mind?

What's more, "Zhao Yun" saved Chen Shuang once.

The more I thought about it, the more I felt, Li Xing's face could not help but show a kind of smile.

霜 Chen Shuang laughed at Li Xing, and stared, "What are you laughing at?"

Li Xing casually said: "It's just strange that Miss Chen Er bought men's clothes."

"I'll wear it myself!" Chen Shuang rolled his eyes and continued to try on clothes.

Xi Xiaoxiu looked for a while, and also helped comment.

"This one is good, master, can you make a set, too?" Xiao Xiu asked hesitantly.

Zizhuwan is not short of money now, Li Xing nodded: "OK, do one."

Who would have expected Chen Shuang and Liu Mei frowned: "You don't need this clothes!"

Li Xing asked strangely, "I can't want it? Why?"

霜 Chen Shuang opened his mouth, but couldn't explain the reason, simply said, "You just can't wear it!"

Li Xing seemed to think of something, hehe smiled: "Okay, I don't want to change another."

It took a lot of time for Chen Shuang to pick five shirts, which made him satisfied.

Li Xing used to be a hanger for a long time. Chen Shuang liked him a lot, and said with a smile, "I will go to the Chen family to find me later."

Li Xing smiled, nodded, and Xiaoxiu still picked clothes.

雪 Chen Xue has been watching Li Xing from one side. When he saw him, Xiaoxiu was very close, Liu Mei slightly locked, thinking: "Children of Sanyi Garden, everyone is surrounded by beautiful sisters, he is no exception!"

Thinking of this, Chen Xue was quite uncomfortable. This feeling made her suddenly irritated, and said coldly to Chen Shuang: "I'm leaving now!" Turning around and leaving, leaving Chen Shuang in a bun.

霜 Chen Shuang is a hot character, set his clothes, greeted Li Xing, and left immediately.

Next, Xiaoxiu and Li Xing also chose a few, and hurried out.

It is a coincidence that as soon as the two talents went out, they saw six horses across from them, and the first one sat with Qian San. This money three, Li Xing and he are also known, of course, Qian San does not know Li Xing.

When I saw an horse, Li Xing pulled Xiaoxiu, stood on the side of the street, gave way, and waited for Ma to pass.

Unexpectedly, Qian San's horse stopped suddenly. Immediately Qian San, bent down to pick Xiaoxiu's chin.

Li Xing's blood was so “teng” that he had to stand up, his hair was standing up like steel needles, and before Qian San's hand touched Xiao Xiu, he had already punched out.

Xun Lian's blood was six heavy, and a terrorist force close to 40,000 kilograms banged straight at Qian San.

Thirty thousand dollars was saved. Li Xing, an inconspicuous young man, suddenly shot, and the power was extraordinary. The guards behind him were less protected because Li Xing was too fast and too hard.

Saving money for three is the four perfection of training, far from being the enemy of Li Xing.


Li Xing's punch hit Qian San's right rib firmly. Half of the ribs were almost broken, the internal contusion was severely damaged, and Qian San flew up like a dead body.


The guards screamed, went crazy to grab money three, and two rushed towards Li Xing in despair.

"Hurt your son, you are dead!"

These two are the five strong players who practice their blood ~ www.readwn.com ~.

Li Xing pushed Xiaoxiu back, sneered, and performed the Sky Thunder Boxing to fight the two together.


Li Xingquan fisted, Tianlei stormed out, and received the attack of two people at the same time.


The sound of two broken arm bones came, and the two attacked screamed back. In this blow, they were seriously injured!

The other three people, one protects the coma, Qian San, and the other two are also afraid to kill Li Xing. The two held a dagger in their hands, and the lights were cold.

兴 Li Xing's eyes were cold, his blood was soaring, his body instantly grew to more than two meters, and he exhibited "Blood King Kong". Blood King Kong, fast-moving blood throughout his body, not afraid of ordinary stabbing sword.

When he saw that Li Xing released Bleeding King Kong, both were startled. This shows that Li Xing is also at least a master of practicing blood six!

"Who's making trouble? Stop me!" Suddenly, a team of soldiers and horses rushed.

队 This team of soldiers and horses is the **** army under the jurisdiction of Qingyun City. Nine people are riding high horses and wearing bright armor. Become an officer, with his eyes wide open, and reprimanded everyone to stop.

Seeing the officers and men coming, Qian San's guard had to retreat, but still stared fiercely at Li Xing.

兴 Li Xing knew that it was not appropriate to make trouble with the subordinates of the city owner. He arched his hands and pointed at Qian Sandao: "I am Li Xing in Sanyi Garden. This person insults the people around me and I am defeated.

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