Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 490: Skybreaker 7 Treasure

Chapter 79: Seven Sky Treasures

But he said that Li Xing left Tianxingmen and flew north. To fly north, he must pass through the demon forest, so he went to Mr. Feng to visit the old friend. When he flew to the demon forest, he felt a distant horror from afar, shrouded the purple tree, and within a hundred miles, the idle demon did not dare to approach.

The demon energy is divided into nine strands, and the power is extremely strong. It surrounds Ziwu Tree and seems to be attacking.

"Who besieged this place? I'll see clearly before I make a plan." Li Xing didn't rush to shoot, but disappeared and landed.

In the Ziwu Hall, the Phoenix King and Sun looked very poor, and blood was still hanging on the corners of his mouth. On his side, Hong Shuangsha, Hu Bafang, and Huang Xiaoyu all looked dignified.

"Wang Sun, Heishan Nine Demon dispatched together, it seems that this time is bound to be obtained." Huang Xiaoyu sighed.

Behind her, the Li Yao who was rescued from Xiaoyao Valley by Li Xing couldn't help but ask, "Madam, why are the Nine Monsters in Montenegro embarrassing us? Are there any enemies on both sides?"

"They are here to seize a treasure." Huang Xiaoyu said, "even I don't know how they got the news."

Hu Bafang angered: "Go out and fight with them!"

Feng Wang Sun sighed: "These nine people are all deified. The strength of any one of them is not under me, and it is useless to fight."

The two heads of red and green double eyes glanced at each other and asked one after another, "What should be good?"

At this moment, there was a dark voice outside: "Feng Wangsun, that immovable heart, you are useless, you might as well hand it over. How about we have three-point friendship in the future?"

Feng Wang Sun looked coldly and said coldly: "Black raccoon, if you want to be immovable, wait till I die!"

"Huh! Phoenix King Sun, we are here with the nine monsters in Montenegro. You can't fly without wings, and then resist, we will flatten your Ziwu Temple!" Another thick, loud voice called.

Feng Wang Sun said indifferently: "Xiong Dali, if you really have this ability, you will still discuss with me? As long as you start, my Feng Wang Sun is not afraid!"

"Giggle ..." A charming voice sounded, "Brother Feng, how can you be so ignorant of practice? If you are dead, what good is it to stay still? Why not give it to us and everyone can still be friends. "

The Phoenix King Sun laughed, "out of fear," "Fox Qi Niang, don't make nonsense anymore, take a shot, despite it!"

"Huh! I don't know if I live or die!" A cold voice sounded. Suddenly, the entire Ziwu Temple began to tremble, and suffered waves of violent attacks.

At this moment, light and shadow flashed in the temple, and Li Xing appeared.

Feng Wang Sun was shocked and happy: "It's you!"

Li Xing nodded slightly, before he could say hello to everyone, and asked directly, "Mr. Feng, what happened?"

Feng Wang Sun sighed: "Do you remember, I went out last time and couldn't stay with Nanshan seniors to help you?"

"Remember, sir said there is something urgent to do." Li Xing nodded.

"Yes, at that time, I got the news that the immovable heart was born." Feng Wang Sun said, "The immovable heart is one of the seven treasures."

"Broken Qibao?" Li Xing blinked, never heard of it. Ask the Emperor Tian Xie secretly, Tian Xie does not know.

Feng Wang Sun nodded: "Eight hundred years ago, Tian Yuanzhou appeared a talented man with amazing talents. This man, with his amazing wisdom, practiced to the tenth level of Fatian in just 60 years, becoming the first in Tianyuan at that time. Strong. "

"This man, Master Skybreaker, in order to successfully break the void, he decided to make seven treasures. These seven treasures are the immovable heart, the unbreakable blood, the immortal fairy, the unstained skin, Immortal flame, eternal light, brilliant glory. "

With a move in Li Xing's heart, three things, eternal light, immortal treasure flames, and glorious heavenly charms, have fallen into his hands. In addition, there are still four! He stood still and asked, "Did the skybreaker finally succeed?"

"If it succeeds, the immovable heart will not fall into my hands." Feng Wang Sun said, "If these seven things are finally refined in the physical body, it can indeed greatly increase his chance of success. Unfortunately, , The Skybreaker had fallen before he was robbed. "

"Fallen? Who can make him fall?" Li Xing was taken aback.

"I don't know the specific reason. However, it is rumored that the Heavenly Master should be in conflict with the people in Lingshan." Feng Wang Sun said, "Lingshan is extremely mysterious, and there is only the other side that can kill Skybreaker. Mage. "

"And after that, Qitian Qibao came out. This immovable heart finally reached my hands." Feng Wang Sun smiled bitterly, "but it seems that it will change hands again."

Li Xing blinked and suddenly said: "Mr. Feng, I don't know if you don't know how to move, are you willing to sacrifice love? If you like, I would exchange one holy object for ten gods." Then, he took out the blood sky bow , And ten miraculous.

The **** bow was taken by him from Lu Tianjiao; the ten goddams are all good things to practice shape and spirit, which is of great help to Xiuwei.

Feng Wangsun was taken aback, and then returned to nature, and said, "I ca n’t refine the immovable heart, exchange these things, and don't eat. But, how can you leave this place if you have immobile heart?"

Li Xing said with a smile: "People outside are naturally sent by me." Then, he took out five great divine seeds, and said, "Phoenix practiced one day later, maybe it will be used."

At this moment, Feng Wang Sun couldn't help but sigh: "It seems that you really need to be immobile, okay." He took out a black iron box on the spot, handed it to Li Xing.

Li Xing didn't look at it either, he just put it away, and gave three things to Feng Wangsun, and said, "Thank you, Mr. outsider, leave it to me!"

Feng Wang Sun said: "You and I shot together. Montenegro's nine monsters are very strong and are not under me."

Li Xing smiled: "I can do it alone, sir, I will pretend for me." As he said, he swaggered out of the Ziwu Hall, in the eyes of everyone's surprise, and shouted into the air: "What are the nine monsters in Heishan, Get out of me! "

With a few roars, nine people appeared in the air. These nine people, one by one, have only one woman. Although she is beautiful, she is also enchanted.

"Well! What are you running out of, this little baby? Do you want to kill the Phoenix King and Sun?" The speaker was a gray-faced man, but with a bristly hair and a protruding nose, called "Pig Gang".

Li Xing smiled and said, "All kneeling down and begging for mercy, I will let you back."

Heishan Jiuyao was so angry that his nose was crooked, and the mad boy who said where it came from was actually so vocal. The pig Ganglie couldn't help but drank, "Go to death!"

He pressed with a big hand and directly suppressed Li Xing. After being transformed into human figures, demons can also practice and step into the level of deification or law and heaven. This pig is fierce and powerful, and it is actually a great divine skill, "a prisoner of life and death".

When this magical art was exhibited, the wind and clouds changed color, and there was a big earthquake. Each one of them shone out of a divine light, condensing into hundreds of killing lights, trapping and killing Li Xing.

Pig Ganglie is also a clever man. He knew that Li Xing dared to come out to fight, so there must be something extraordinary, so his shot was a great divine skill, and he would hit Li Xing with his life.

Li Xing snorted coldly, and turned a blind eye to his attack, covering his hands with his big hands, covering the big fingerprints. The terrifying divine power was stirred out and destroyed, and it directly broke the great magic and countered the past.

The pig's spirit is flying, how can this person be so scary! Wanting to escape, it was too late to be enveloped in a sudden, involved in the suppression of Yuanshen. The other eight of the nine monsters in Montenegro were stunned.

Li Xing kept his hands up and grabbed the eight monsters. The eight demon monsters in Heishan suddenly felt a horrible collision, and they all changed colors in a horrible manner, and they all called out, "Retreat!"

They often fought with people and had rich experience in fighting. They immediately knew that Li Xing was invincible and quickly retreated.

After all, it was eight deities, and at the same time, Li Xing couldn't control it. I saw the Eight Divine Lights, fled in eight directions, and went away in an instant. The siege of the Ziwu Palace was instantly resolved.

Feng Wang Sun stepped out, staring at Li Xing, and said, "Li Xing, your strength has grown to such a degree? In one move, you can suppress the ten strong gods?"

Among the gods of Li Xingyuan, the pig was violently suppressed and growled again and again: "Give down your grandpa pig!"

Li Xing looked cold, and said lightly: "If you speak again, I will draw your source of deification and make you back to the wild boar."

The pig was fierce, and he closed his mouth immediately.

Li Xing then smiled at Feng Wang Sun: "Mr. Prize."

"Where is the award?" Feng Wang Sun laughed. "Your strength is far superior to me. It's only been a few years. Your achievements in Japan are infinite, no wonder the demon ..." He suddenly Quietly.

Li Xing didn't think too much, and said, "Now the eight demon retreat, I dare not come again. Mr. Feng, I should leave."

Behind Feng Wang Sun, Hu Bafang suddenly jumped out and shouted, "Li Xing, I'll follow you!"

Li Xingqi said, "Will you follow me? Why don't you stay in Ziwu Temple?"

Hu Bafang smiled "Hey": "Mr. Feng is cautious ~ www.readwn.com ~ The whole thing is boring here, so idle. It's with you, you can fight and eat meat from time to time."

The red and green double sha also said: "Let's follow too!"

Li Xing looked at Feng Wangsun, who smiled slightly: "I have a lot of rules here, they can't stand the restraint, just take them away."

Red and green Shuangsha and Hu Bafang were overjoyed, and quickly worshiped Xie Feng and Wang Sun.

That Yao Yao also came out, she was very emotional, thinking that at the beginning, Li Xing was only a person who practiced blood, but at this moment he was able to defeat the tenfold gods, and the progress was so great that people couldn't believe it. She was also an old man, and met again. Li Xing took out three Shendan and gave it to her, then said goodbye and continued to fly north.

On this journey to the north, he was looking for the Wizard of Wizards, and several secret places known to Hanquan. That Hanquan had once entered a secret place, and obtained the phalanx of heaven and man, the seeds of great divine magic, etc., and this was repaired by leaps and bounds, with the achievements of that time.

According to his memory, the secret place was left over by the ice mage. Mage Frost is a seven-strength powerhouse of Fatian. He used to be famous, but he disappeared for no reason. In fact, he practiced a marvelous skill, and eventually fell into the ice cave.

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