Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 491: Sirius. Phantom Serpent

Chapter 80: Sirius. Phantom Serpent

The demon is boundless, and it is not easy to cross it. Li Xing flew for nine days and nine nights, and still couldn't see the end. On this day, he also flew impatiently, and landed with Hu Bafang and Shuangsha, preparing to rest for the day.

In Yuanshen, Pig Ganglie is no longer struggling, and he has not muttered in the past few days, and seems to be subdued. Nothing left and right, Li Xing hunted a few wild animals, while playing with the barbecue, asked: "The pig is tough, now you fall into my hands, want to die or live?"

"The ants are still stealthily, my pig is fierce and naturally wants to live!" He shouted, "Li Xing, you and I have no complaints in the past, and no revenge in the past, why not let me go?"

"Let you go?" Li Xing snorted. "It depends on my mood."

The pig just blinked, knowing that life and death were in the hands of the other side, and now he softened his breath and said, "Li Shenjun, you have immense power. The little demon has been taught. The little demon is a shallow one. Useless. Instead, let the little demon do a few things to make up for the crime. What does the **** think? "

It turned out that the pig was fiercely afraid that Li Xing would extract his god-man source. In that case, it would be better to die. It might be changed back to a wild boar and eaten by a tiger and a leopard. That would be miserable.

Li Xing also deliberately scared him. There was a wild boar hunting in the wild. At this moment, he was holding the pig's back elbow, and saw that the pig was violently scared.

"The pig is fierce, how do you know that the nine monsters in Montenegro are in the hands of Phoenix King Sun?" Li Xing added lazily, "You can't answer."

Pig Ganglie dare not answer, and immediately said: "The little demon honestly, never dare to hide, but the **** must not embarrass the little demon." Although he is a pig spirit, he is not stupid.

"Um." Li Xing didn't agree.

Pig Ganglie had to continue: "The king of the mountains among the nine demons encountered the immovable heart among the seven treasures while walking through the earth's lungs. As a result, the king of the sun was fighting with other gods. In the end, Feng Wang Sun made a good move and seized the treasures. Later, the king of the mountains informed us about the other eight demon. After discussion, they decided to take a shot together to seize the immovable heart. "

Li Xing nodded: "It seems that you have greed, but even if you won the immovable heart, how do you divide the nine of you? Still have to start a fight, and in the end, say that you will lose both."

Pig Ganglie sighed: "We know this result, but the immovable heart is precious and no one will give up."

Li Xing suddenly drank: "The pig is fierce, I give you a chance to survive, if you don't?"

Pig Ganglie hurriedly said: "Little demon naturally!"

"After this day, you should be my Lord, you must be loyal. If not, I can let your soul fly away with a single thought!" After he said, there was a thin stream of light in the Yuanshen, which pierced the pig's strong brows.

As soon as the pig felt fierce, what seemed to have changed when he was cold, he asked with a tremor, "God, you ... what have you done?"

Li Xing said coldly: "I have planted a restraint on you. As long as you have a rebellious heart, you will die immediately!"

"Dare, dare not!" Pig Ganglie secretly exclaimed, but said in his mouth, "the demon must be faithful and wait around."

Li Xingfang had just performed a great divine skill, called "big cricket skill". As long as he thought about it, he could completely control the pig toughness. When he saw his fate, he waved his sleeves and released Chun.

Honglu Shuangsha and Hu Bafang were sitting opposite each other, and the three of them stared at the pig Ganglie with a smile. Hu Bafang said, "You stupid pig, you will follow the master in the future.

Hu Bafang and Honglu Shuangsha, since they followed Li Xing, naturally take their lead and call him master.

This Hu Bafang and the red and green double evils are the two of practicing the gods. At this moment, relying on Li Xing, they all laugh at the pig Ganglie, and now the pig spirit is furious, and his eyes are shot with murder.

The red and green evil spirits were not frightened. He stood up with white hair. The oldest red evil spirit turned red **** eyes and said, "What? Just recognise the master, do you want to rebel?"

Pig Ganglie suddenly weakened and looked at Li Xing.

Li Xingdao: "Old red, old green, pigs will be counted as their own, you have to respect him."

Shuangsha immediately said: "Yes."

Li Xing took out eighteen god-dans, which were nine refining dandelions, and nine refining dandelions, which were divided into three groups: Honglu Shuangsha, Hu Bafang, and Zhu Ganglie. They said, "Three of you, practice God twofold. Their strength is weaker. Taking these elixir, they should be able to break through to the triple practice of God, or even the quadruple practice of God. "

The three were overjoyed, even Pig Ganglie widened his eyes, only to feel that it was good to follow the owner, and he was able to get six goddesses casually, which was unthinkable in the past.

"Bafang, where is this place? How long can I get out of the demon forest?" Li Xing asked.

Hu Bafang has been living in the demon forest and is very familiar with the terrain. He said: "You can go out by entering 300,000 miles north. This place is the site of the" scarred ancestor "."

"Scarface ancestors, cultivated to high depths, are five-day figures of Fatian. They have seven thousand disciples and have great power." Hu Bafang said, "Her Majesty the Demon Emperor once summoned this person personally, showing that he is powerful."

What to say and what, they just talked about their scarred ancestors, and in all directions, suddenly there were sounds of wolf and howls. Hongsha and Shuangsha looked at each other, Hongsha shouted, "It's Sirius!"

"Who is Sirius?" Li Xing asked, looking unchanged.

"The Sirius Lord is the big disciple of His Scarf Patriarch. It is said that he can break through soon and enter the level of law and heaven. Master, let's go quickly. Sirius Lord seems to be hunting. Don't hit him.

Li Xing disagreed, and said lightly, "He catches his hunt, we eat our meat, what is the conflict?"

Just now, a faint green shadow suddenly hit Li Xing and turned into a green snake. This little snake seemed to be a shadow, looming. When he saw it, Pig Ganglie called out, "Phantom God!"

The snake seemed extremely panicked, but wanted to escape, but it couldn't, because there was a strong murderous infiltration from all sides, and it was clearly surrounded.

Seeing this little snake, Li Xing asked, "Snake, why are they chasing you?"

The little snake seemed to feel that Li Xing was not hostile. After swimming around him for a few times, he actually made a sweet voice that only the little girl said: "The Sirius wants to catch the demon and asks the **** to rescue him." At a glance, you can see that Li Xing's status is higher than that of the ten strong pigs who practiced God, so he directly asked for help and called the monarch.

Li Xing sighed: "You and I met for the first time, let me offend Sirius, save your life, don't you think it is too much?"

The voice said: "If the Lord saves me, the little demon people will definitely report."

Hu Bafang nodded: "I can believe that the Phantom Snake is quite powerful, and there are several mages in the clan, but they are away from the sphere of influence of the Scarface ancestor. I wonder how she came here."

Xiao Snake said: "I'm Abi. I'm here to find the‘ millionaire **** flower ’. I do n’t want to run into Sirius. He wants to catch me, extract the source, and refine the phantom god.”

Li Xing also saw that this little snake seemed inconspicuous. In fact, it had reached five levels of deification, and it should not be underestimated.

At this moment, a bloodthirsty, cruel, cold voice sounded: "Give up the phantom snake! Otherwise, kill!"

Li Xing can't see others being arrogant at all. If the other party is a mage, arrogance will not matter. But the other person is not, just a prince, who means he can't do it at all.

Therefore, Li Xing, who did not intend to intervene, immediately sneered: "Sir Sirius, although this place is the site of your ancestor, you don't have to be so arrogant! Kill me? I'm afraid you don't have that ability!"

A wolf howl came, and the voice laughed: "The nine monsters in Montenegro? The pig is fierce? Didn't you tell him the majesty of the god? You dare to answer me!"

I thought that Pig Ganglie would be scared, and he didn't want him to just be cold: "Sir Sir, I advise you to put away that arrogant face, and you don't see who my master is, it's not something you can provoke. Tuck your tail away and roll away, otherwise you will be dead as soon as the master shows his power. "

Pig Ganglie is not bragging for Li Xing. Sirius ’s cultivation is very clear for him. Li Xing ’s cultivation is more affectionate for him, knowing who is stronger or weaker. According to his inference, if the two fight, Li Xing will be able to suppress Sirius within ten moves.

"Presumptuous!" Sirius is the king of this place, and the overbearing master, when was this contempt? Suddenly, in the sky, a cloud of blood billowed, and a giant wolf appeared.

Sirius, like Tiens, is a tiered spirit beast. However, the strength of Sirius is much deeper than wealth. Fortune and wealth today are at most three deified, while the Sirius is already ten deified.

The huge Sirius stands high up in the sky, and the world has infinite power to land. He sternly said, "Today, you are all going to die!" A big mouth swelled with blood, condensed into a large array of blood, and thundered.

Now that he is going to die ~ www.readwn.com ~ Li Xing no longer has to keep his hand, his eyes flashed brightly, and he lifted his hand to release the heavy mountain. This heavy mountain, he was barely able to urge before condensing a thousand great divine magic.

But now, his strength has greatly increased, and the source of the god-man is extremely ambitious. Hundreds of millions of golden lights rose into the sky, swiped upwards, brushed down Sirius, and dropped to the ground.

Every golden light is extremely heavy. How can he survive it? It was suppressed at once, and the blood-ray lore of the cloth was dissipated in an instant.

Li Xing didn't take any action. Once he took a shot, it was a lore, otherwise his scarred ancestor would be in trouble.

"What sacred thing is this?" Sirius screamed, resisted with all his strength, but only insisted on one breath, and then "clicked", his body shattered, and was directly strangled by the extremely heavy golden light.

A large number of divine origins were captured by Li Xing. He paused, released the Tower of Tolerance, and yelled, "Go!"

As soon as the tower light swept away, everyone was loaded in, and then the "hum" shook, and instantly broke through the void and quickly flew north.

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