Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 492: Snow and ice

Chapter 81: Frozen Snow

The Tower of Tolerance is a magic weapon, and it walks very fast. After a short time, it exits the demon forest and enters the territory of Taiwei in the north. But he said that Li Xing and other talents left, and there was Fa Chung in place. An angry voice growled: "Who! Who killed my Sirius!"

If Li Xing heard this voice, he would know that this person was the same mage who had gone to Pingguo to **** the terrestrial fetus. The voices of the two were exactly the same.

As soon as he entered Taiwei, Li Xing accepted the Tower of Tolerance. The little snake mouth uttered: "Thank you God for your help. If you have time, please visit the Phantom Villa."

Li Xingdao: "Sure, let's say goodbye to this."

Abi thanked him again, and then she bowed into a green phantom and disappeared in a flash.

At this moment, Pig Ganglie hasn't recovered from the shock just now, and said, "What magic weapon did the master just cast? What a mighty power!"

"Heavy mountain, it's a fetish and an illegal treasure." Li Xingdao said, he looked forward. "It's too little country, so the virtual gate is here. The Wanfa Conference has ended, and we still hide our tracks. Quietly, don't alarm anyone. "

Li Xing won the first place on the list of gods and men, Hu Bafang and others still don't know, so after listening to this sentence, they felt inexplicable, but didn't ask much. Following Li Xing, they continued to move forward in a low-key manner.

But no matter how low-key, I can't hide some ears and eyes. Soon after the three flew to Taiwei Kingdom, three gods of light greeted them. Li Xing immediately concealed his body and said, "If the other party questioned you, you only said that you would come and play, don't conflict."

The three gods of light landed, and three five-man gods appeared. They looked at Pig Ganglie and others, and saw that they were very strong. Especially pigs are fierce, they are ten-strength, and they can be destroyed by raising their hands.

Yi Shenren clenched his fist: "We are the ambassadors of the Taiweimen inspection, three demon friends, I do n’t know why you came from the Taiwei state?"

"Let's play here and visit some old friends." Pig Ganglie said, "It's not to cause trouble, the three don't have to worry."

The three looked at each other, and the humanity said: "That's the case, please follow us to Taixumen first, make a record, and take a sign to walk in Taiwei."

Several people had been told by Li Xing that they could not afford the conflict, so they had no opinion, and immediately agreed to follow them to Taixumen. Li Xing secretly said: "Just stay in Taixumen for a few days, and after I have done, come to you."

After speaking, Li Xing continued to fly north, and spent a day and night crossing the Taiwei country and entering the ice and snow wasteland.

The vast expanse of snow and ice is immense. Unless the mage repairs it, it cannot cross the entire wasteland. In the wasteland, there are also many schools and casual repairs, and because there are few people here, many ancient ruins are retained, leaving opportunities for later generations.

Whether it's the Frost Mage's Frost Cave, or the Emperor Tianwu's Secret Treasure, it's all on the ice and snow wasteland.

Of course, the wasteland is also full of fierce danger, and ordinary gods are afraid to break into it alone. Even a mage may fall into it. Therefore, this snow and ice wasteland is a more dangerous place than the great wilderness.

Looking forward, a snow-capped mountain is connected to a snow-capped mountain, one after another, the mountain dances with silver snakes, and the snow drifts across the sky. He drove Shenguang and flew northwest, looking for the ice cave.

Although there are the memories of the cold spring, it is not easy to find the ice cave in the endless wasteland. It requires patience and time. Li Xing flew for three days, and the sky ahead suddenly appeared colorful lights, flying in the air.

He knew that this light was an aurora in the snowfield, which often occurred in the snowfield. In that aurora, there were countless small light dots flickering. Li Xing looked at them and found that those light dots were small insects named Aurora.

When Li Xing saw it, the child's heart rose, the Yuanshen rose into the air, and it turned into a streamer. It penetrated through the aurora, knocked the aurora bugs and scattered, and laughed.

"Sister, look at a fool in the sky, is he going to catch the aurora?" A female voice sounded.

"Sister Shi don't talk nonsense, this person is still childlike, but it's a bit cute." Another soft voice said.

Although Li Xing was in the air, he also heard the conversation between the two, and immediately received Yuan Shen and looked at the sound. Seeing a white treasure tent floating in the air, thousands of white streamers hang down like a network.

Among the treasures, two women were sitting, one was fourteen years old and the other was seventeen or eighteen years old. They all had peerless looks and sweet smiles.

Known as "stupid", Li Xing didn't mind it, nodded to them with a smile, then let go and moved on.

Seeing that Li Xing was not angry, the younger girl laughed and exclaimed: "Hey, silly, what are you going to do?"

Li Xing was angry and funny, and deliberately said, "I'm not a fool, you are a fool."

The young girl froze and laughed: "Sister, look, he's a fool."

The older girl glanced at her sister and said, "This friend doesn't mind, my sister is joking with you."

Li Xingyi solemnly said: "It's okay, I don't know anything about fools." His face was serious and made people feel that the young girl seemed to be a fool. This time, the girl is not going to do anything, and shouted, "Sister, look, this person is really bad, saying I'm a fool."

"Isn't you saying that people are stupid first?" Sister Shi laughed, "Is it eating now?"

The girl hummed, and suddenly she waved, there was a white cricket, and the cricket flew out and hit Li Xing. This white magpie is a magic weapon that can fly out and bind the enemy.

Sister Shi was taken aback, and quickly said, "Sister Shi can't make trouble!" Unfortunately, it was late, and Bai Xing was behind Li Xing.

Li Xing didn't look back, reached out his hand and grabbed it. He grabbed the sixth-order instrument in his hand and turned back and smiled, "Who's this thing?"

The young girl was stunned, but she knew that this flying puppet was very powerful. It was not easy for the fourfold gods to avoid it. How could this person be so powerful?

Sister Shi also saw Li Xing's extraordinary strength, and quickly said, "Sorry, my sister is stubborn. You must not be angry."

"Not angry." Li Xing actually came over with a smile, returned Bai Ao to the other party, and then said, "He wants to bind me, just bundle it. But the fool is always stupid, I'm afraid he can't succeed."

The girl was so crazy that she pointed at Li Xing and said "you, you, you," but couldn't say anything, so her face turned red.

Li Xing smiled "Hey," "If you don't bind, I'm leaving."

The girl was so itchy that she hated her teeth and said, "You wait, I'll let the master teach you!" She suddenly released a spell, turned into a streamer, and rose into the sky.

The older sister seemed angry now, and said, "Sister, why do you want to shock the elder brother? The elder brother has a bad temper. Once he comes, things will be terrible!"

"Huh! I don't care who makes him so hateful!"

Just said a few words, there was a divine light, across the sky, and landed. Among the divine lights, three men appeared, one man practicing the tenfold god, and the other two practicing the triple god.

The three of them met with Li Xing. A triple-headed man was startled and shouted, "It's you!"

Li Xing stayed awake. Why, this man actually knew himself? How can you not remember?

But then, with the words of the triple gods, he understood the reason.

"Brother, this man is one of the five masters in the great wasteland. He established the cult of heaven." That **** is humane, "I remember him!"

It turned out that this man had also entered the great wilderness secret, so he recognized Li Xing. However, he was a small man at the time and was unobtrusive. The top ten scholars at the time were now triple gods and men, showing that their qualifications are also extraordinary.

The big brother gave a cold hum and glanced at Li Xing and asked the girl who sent the message: "Little sister, why did you call me over, what happened?"

The girl looked at Li Xing proudly, and seemed to be saying: If you ask me for forgiveness now, I will not sue to the master, forgive you once.

I don't know, Li Xing didn't even look at her, he just stood with his arms folded. At this moment, the girl was furious and pointed at him: "Brother, this man just started to do it to me, you can teach him quickly."

The sister said quickly: "Brother, it's all caused by the little sister and sister. It has nothing to do with this friend, so don't take your shot."

The elder brother stared coldly at Li Xing: "Whether it is his fault or not, as long as the little sister is unhappy, he will be punished. Huh, the five masters in the great wasteland? It is just the fourfold gods! Medium, it's just a small person. "

It turned out to be Snow Mountain Pie! Li Xingxin said that it was not that the enemies did not gather together. He killed nine people in the Snow Mountain and seized a magic weapon in the middle of nowhere. He did not want to meet the people in the Snow Mountain today.

It seems that all the people in this group are unreasonable. He immediately laughed and said, "Yes? Do you want to punish me? You do n’t urinate and take pictures, you just want to punish you based on such waste. I?"

As soon as this sentence was spoken, the two young girls were dumbfounded, and the two triple gods were dumb. The elder brother even got his nose crooked and roared, "You are looking for death!"

He punched out ~ www.readwn.com ~ The ice and momentum of the endless icebergs and snow mountains seemed to fit into this punch.

Li Xing stepped out and pulled in his right hand. His traction skill had reached the realm, and he immediately led the opponent's fist to one side. At the same time, the left hand pointed out, this finger, called "fingered finger".

As soon as he pointed out that the extinction of all vitality, the elder brother suddenly gave birth to a strange sign, yelled, and then punched ten punches in succession, saying that they were all ice-cold, and cut towards Li Xing.

Unfortunately, as soon as these Bingguang met Li Xing's divine power, they collapsed and collapsed. And Li Xing's fist broke through Bingguang, hitting his chest heavily.

"Skyfall! Broken!"


When Tian Beng Shen Quan was put on display, the true form of the big brother exploded directly, screaming screaming. Fortunately, Li Xing knew that Qianglong didn't suppress the ground snake, so he did not kill him, but just wounded him.

The two girls were stunned, especially the young girl, with wide eyes and incredible faces. The big brother is one of the most powerful disciples in the Snow Mountain School. How did he lose in one stroke?

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