Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 494: 1 sword light cold 19 continents

Chapter 83: A Sword of Light Cold Nineteen Continents

Frightened, Li Xing immediately offered another nimble lamp, and only dared to approach under the light. When he got closer to the ice crystal and changed the angle, he saw the real situation in the ice crystal.

Behind Frost Mage, a skeleton exudes a wicked light, inserting a dry bone hand into Frost Mage's heart. The skull's face was expressionless, and in the hollow eyes, there was faint cold light.

This skeleton has a weird momentum, very similar to the phalanx that was obtained at the beginning. Seeing again that the skeleton had lost its left phalanx, Li Xing inferred immediately that the celestial phalanx was from here.

"It's actually a whole skeletal skeleton. What's going on? How can this celestial man kill the ice mage?" Li Xingman's doubts, meanwhile, he also determined that the feeling of terror originated from this Respect skull.

Of course, he also saw that it wasn't the skeleton itself that made him afraid, but what the skeleton contained, and there seemed to be an extremely evil thing to entangle.

"Regardless of what it is, let's take Bai Yang Jingtian first!" Li Xing couldn't see the door. When he was fierce, his thoughts enveloped him. Suddenly, Baiyang Jingtian opened, covering the entire ice crystal.

In the ice cave, everything that can be taken has been cleaned up by the cold spring that year, and only this ice crystal is left. At the beginning, Han Quan was also afraid of the evil force, so he did not dare to approach, otherwise, he would not be able to collect it.

That ice crystal entered Baiyang Jingtian, and immediately touched the magic circle. Numerous magic symbols were suppressed. In a moment, the ice crystals melted, and the ice mage and the skeletal skeleton all appeared.

Among the bones, there really was an evil existence. The skull frame rose into the air and seemed to want to rush out. Mage Frost was extremely quiet, but his eyes opened slowly.

"For a moment, he was actually conspired by the evil spirit, and he regretted it late!" He seemed to give a sigh, sighed, and presented an image in front of Li Xing.

Li Xing is not surprised. He knows that this is a ray of magic thoughts left by Mage Ice and recounts the past to future generations.

In the image, Mage Frost enters an ancient ruin and stumbles upon the celestial body. He was so happy that he took the remains of Heaven and Man and returned to the Ice Cave. After some preparation, the human remains of this day will be refined, and then promoted to repair.

But just as he had just taken a phalange, the inanimate bone suddenly moved, and in the empty eye socket, a strange and evil light was emitted. It turned into a ray of white light and stabbed into Frost Mage.

A decaying and decaying power quickly erodes the life of Frost Mage, and he consumes most of his power in an instant. The icy mage's face showed horror, and he tried his best to send out the strongest spell "Moment of Frozen", sealing himself with the corpse.

The previous ice crystal was the product of the "Frozen Frozen". The evil existence was sealed with the ice mage.

"That's it!" Li Xing understood at this time, and sighed. "This ice mage is really unlucky. It was a good thing to pick up the skeleton of heaven and earth, but it ended up in this end."

Mage Frost, when he was dying, left this enlightenment to develop, in order to wait for someone to come, collect his bones, and seal the evil spirit.

As soon as the image disappeared, Master Bingbing said, "Get my bones and be safe in the soil; pass on the mantle and seal the evil spirits!" Then the law concept disappeared, but there was a bit of aura, flying out of it.

Li Xing quickly reached out and grabbed him, and the aura fell into his hand, turning it into a bead, and the cold was pressing.

"This bead calls 'Icy Beads'. There is space inside. Take a look at this Ice Mage. What is left." Tianxie urged.

Li Xing entered the beads and input a trace of divine power. Suddenly, a vast space appeared in front of him. Among the beads, there is actually a space of more than three hundred miles, and four squares.

In this space, there are buildings carved from ice crystals, which are much more luxurious than Tianchen and the Royal Palace of the Daxia Kingdom. Among these palaces are various treasures.

Some palaces are dedicated to elixir; some palaces are dedicated to holy relics; some palaces store a large amount of elixir. In addition, magic symbols, magic instruments, magical seeds, etc., are divided into categories and have their own storage places.

Li Xing paused, shocked and said, "There are so many things! Why is this ice mage, such a rich collection?"

"The thing may not be his," he said, "like you, you have had adventures and opened treasures."

Before it could be counted, the whole ice cave suddenly made a loud noise. Li Xing immediately sensed and shouted, "No! Someone broke in." He immediately burst out of Baiyang Jingtian, sacrificed the lamp of nothingness, and went straight out.

As soon as the front foot walked, a rude Falun Gong idea rushed into the ice cave, and a strange voice said, "Why is there nothing? Things have been taken away?"

Immediately afterwards, more Fa Nian bombed into the ice cave, but no hair was found.

Out of the ice cave, Li Xing immediately walked away from the scene. He picked up a bargain and naturally ran as far as possible to avoid being hit by people.

On the periphery of the iceberg, on top of a mighty light, Beiyuan and Huanyun were both. In front of them, an old man sitting cross-hair, with white hair, was the Snow Mountain Patriarch.

"Old ancestor, why hasn't Li Xing appeared yet?" Hunyun said eagerly, with a look of resentment on his face. A few jokes about Li Xing actually led her to have a killing heart, which shows that she is a vicious and hearty woman.

The ancestor said lightly: "Perhaps, he didn't know that there was a treasure open here. Anyway, I will meet in the future. The ancestor grabbed him like me and forced him to ask his secret." Then he said, "The ice cave is empty. go."

As soon as he waved his sleeve, the snow was flying, and the flash of light flashed, and the three disappeared.

However, it was said that Li Xing flew northward all the way, the weather was getting colder and colder, the air seemed to be frozen, and the flight speed had to be slowed down. When he reached a huge iceberg hundreds of thousands of meters high, he actually felt the cold slightly.

"Great! No wonder people say that in the northernmost part of the ice and snow wasteland, only the mage can pass. It turned out to be so cold!" Li Xing said in surprise.

Emperor Tianxie smiled: "In my year as a teacher, there were often hundreds of times in the past. I haven't been anywhere. There are many dangerous places in it. You shouldn't go for the time being. Beichenhao and his son didn't dare to go deep. It ’s the nimble lamp that helped them pick up their treasures. I do n’t think you should go deeper, just here, practice the 110 ancient gods and see how effective they are. ”

Li Xing nodded: "Yes, just happen to count, how much good is that Ice Master."

At the moment, he sacrificed a nimble lamp and went directly into the huge iceberg. Entering the interior of the iceberg, even if the mage passed by, it was impossible to find him. After walking for a while, I found a huge fissure inside the iceberg, which was several miles long.

Li Xing appeared in the rift, and then entered Baiyangjingtian. With such double insurance, no one can find him anymore.

Han Bingzhu was spurred by the divine power, the brilliance flashed, white lights burst out, turned into palaces and houses, and landed in the sky. Suddenly, the mist lingered and the cold air flowed into the misty atmosphere of Baiyang Reiki, giving birth to a fascinating beauty.

Yuanbao clapped and cried, "Pretty and pretty! What a Crystal Palace!"

Xiao Jin "flyed" and flew over, making a circle in the palace, and immediately screamed, and seemed to find the treasure inside.

Li Xingmei smiled. Master Meng Bing must have had many adventures in her life, so she has accumulated such a rich treasure, which is nothing worse than that of many treasured masters!

Outside the palaces, large characters are written, including the palace of elixir medicine, the palace of Fulu, the palace of magical instruments, the hall of relics, the palace of elixir, the hall of materials and so on. It seems that the ice mage was preparing to establish a sect before he was ready to put all these things.

Li Xing's divine thoughts, quickly search, and found the treasure in the hall, all kinds of quality. For example, elixir, from the lower-ranking elixir of gold to elixir, every grade has it. There are attack symbols, defense symbols, invisibility symbols, walking symbols, and so on. From the common legal symbols with one heavy prohibition to the kingpin symbols with 64 heavy prohibitions, they all have.

"These treasures can be used to open schools!" Li Xing called. "This ice mage is really amazing!"

Tian Xie said indifferently: "This man originally wanted to establish a martial art, but unfortunately he died young and wished."

Li Xing turned around and worshipped the mage's widow ~ www.readwn.com ~ chanted loudly: "Mr. Ice, today I have your treasure, Li Xing, and will definitely establish Supreme Master!" The remains were buried in Baiyang Jingtian, and the monument was commemorated.

After doing this, Li Xing looked at the remains of the man that day, still struggling in the circle. He didn't know exactly what was in it, but there was repression by the French Front. Don't worry about it, so I won't bother.

The treasures left by Mage Ice are numerous. However, not much can make Li Xing look. You should know that Mage Frost originally wanted to establish a sect, and did not need much magical things. Instead, it needed ordinary elixir and magic symbols, Lingquan, and so on.

What made Li Xing eye-catching was the 18 holy relics collected by the ice mage, and a cold light sword. The sword is not a treasure, just like the vanity lamp, it is a fetish. The coldness of this sword is compelling, the word "Hanguang" is written on the hilt of the sword, and the sword body is engraved with two lines of looming verses: one sword is light and cold and nineteen continents.

As soon as he held the sword in his hand, Li Xing screamed and threw it away. He felt that the sword was so cold that he couldn't bear it.

After being thrown away, Han Guangjian did not fall to the ground, but suspended in the air by himself, exuding an air of cold and sharpness, sending out bursts of sword groan, as if laughing at Li Xing.

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