Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 498: breakthrough! Training God 5!

Chapter 87: Breakthrough! Five Gods!

Surrounded by three thousand gods, Li Xing flew to the sky, flicked his fingers, the mountains shook, and the high wind rose. At this moment, there are three thousand gods in his body, and the power is boundless!

Immediately after coming out of the iceberg, the momentum was released a little, and the surrounding mage, three magic lights, came across. Guanghua disappeared, leaving three mage. The three mages, two men and one woman, have different appearances.

A male mage, with a small forehead and a gray robe, looked at Li Xing, his eyes were dazzling, and he said, "There is such a character in the world! Miao! Da Miao!"

Another male mage, with a square face and wide mouth, wearing a purple red robe, greedy in his eyes, slowly said: "To be able to have such a horrible practice, there must be successive adventures, expert guidance, otherwise It's impossible to get there. "

The woman was forty years old, wearing a floral long dress, with a fleshy face and fierce eyes, smiling like a man, "haha" and laughed, "Qing Yang, Mi Xiu! Do you have any idea for this kid?"

The sharp-eyed mage, named Qing Yang, smiled faintly, and said, "Evil Mother, don't you have this idea? If you use this body and practice a clone, you might be able to break it. Moreover, This man is so powerful, he must know many secrets, and if he is forced to ask them, it will be a great gain. "

The square-faced mage, named Mi Xiu, was more direct and said to Li Xing: "Boy, obediently obey, otherwise you will not be able to die!"

As soon as Li Xing went out of the gate, he saw three mages, and the fierce **** surrounded him, fighting his idea, crooked his nose, and screamed, "I just want to deal with me with three things?"

With a big wave of his hand, an ancient divine magic "Crushing Technique" was exhibited. Suddenly, supreme divine power, constantly crushing, immediately made the three mage look greatly, subconsciously backed out.

I saw that three thousand Taos of God swept across the sky, wherever they went, the landslides broke, and the icebergs collapsed instantly, turning into powder; the earth cracked, and the storm suddenly changed, as if the end was coming.

"No! Quick retreat!"

The power of Li Xing is really terrifying! This absolutely powerful force can even directly obliterate Fa Tianyi, the master of the fetal realm.

"Click! Click!"

Under the boundless power, the mana of the three mage guardians was directly crushed and disintegrated. Supreme divine power, destroyed withering, repression. This divine power contains hundreds of heavenly powers.

The power of natural killing, the power of phaselessness, the power of the full moon, the power of day cutting, the power of day cutting, etc. This makes Li Xing's divine power directly break through the defense line of mana, causing devastating blow to the mage.

"Great move!"

"Qing Yang God hood!"

"Big evil spirit!"

The three mages each issued a mastery spell, and at the same time countered Li Xing's horrific blow. As soon as the forces of the two sides came into contact, a series of explosions occurred, and the three mages were continuously shaken back.

When they came back from the suppression, Li Xing did not know where they had gone, but disappeared.

"Huh! Qing Yang! Mi Xiu! Evil San Niang! I won't care about you today, I'll see you in the future, I will never cut it!" Li Xing's cold voice sounded, then disappeared.

All three mages were stunned, suspecting that they had a dream just now. A quadruple **** man, repelled three mage in one move? Is this possible?

In fact, Li Xing was also shaken by the shock and was uncomfortable. He immediately knew that it would be impossible to kill the three mages without paying a price. However, he was growing rapidly at this time, and naturally he would not stay with him desperately.

So after giving a blow, he immediately offered the nimble lamp and left the scene. However, he has already recorded these three people, and he will be killed when he is strong enough in the future! Anyone who dares to make his idea will not be let go!

Now that Li Xing's strength has increased greatly, his confidence has naturally increased, and he immediately returned to the fiefdom without a break. His journey was three years. In three years, there must have been many changes in Qi Yunpai and Tianxingmen.

Three days later, Li Xing returned to Qi Yunpai, and nothing seemed to change. However, when You Yuxu and others came out to greet him, he discovered that Qi Yunpai had more than a hundred gods!

Of the hundreds of gods, half of them joined halfway, and the other half broke through from the scholars. The disciples of the Qiyun School did not lack elixir and practiced quickly. Almost every month, the scholars broke through and became gods.

Li Xing roughly asked about the fiefdom and the martial arts, everything was expected, and no accident occurred.

His fiefdom has now become a "state of true martial arts" and belongs to one of the federal states. In addition, the Qi Yun faction has nearly three hundred gods and mankind and countless scholars.

There are Jiuli Xiong in foreign affairs, Yu Yuxu and Murong Jiaojiao in internal affairs. Everything is going well, and there is nothing to worry about. Therefore, after Li Xing slightly asked, they went together with the women.

For three years, the cultivation of daughters has also made rapid progress. Chen Xue, Chen Shuang, and Shuiyue, three women, have reached the level of four gods, and have a realm with Li Xing. Xue Ling has also returned, she is even more extraordinary, and she has reached the fifth level of practicing God. Even Murong Jiaojiao and Bei Shibing have already become the triple masters of God, and their progress is not slow.

Within Baiyang, the six women are very curious about the Jiuyang Tower and want to enter the Chiyang Realm to play. However, as soon as they entered Baiyangjingtian, they felt hot and soft.

It turned out that this Chiyang Reiki has the biggest anger. Several women are practicing Jiuyin Gong, and when they are infected, they are tempted to have a passion. Li Xing was taken aback. Did he have to fight against the enemy?

Fortunately, it was King Kong who was not bad in the sixfold, the twenty-four heavy fighting, and there was no fear, so he smiled and rushed over ...

The women were panting and attacking one by one, but Li Xing was refreshed. After a few days of Hu Tianhu, they told the women about the experience of these years.

Speaking of thrills, the chicks changed their colors and looked worried. When it comes to his repeated capture of treasures, the women are happy for him.

Speaking of treasures, Chen Xue said: "Xing brother, Tianwu's hidden treasures are worth returning, I don't know when they can be opened. The treasure of the ice mage is just used in Qi Yunpai."

Li Xing nodded: "I also think so, these things are just used to cultivate disciples." Immediately, he gave Murong Jiaojiao the right to allocate these things.

In fact, in the past three years, women like Chen Xue have been helping Murong Jiaojiao to do things, and they have all developed their skills in dealing with people.

Bei Shibing asked: "Xing brother, you will not go out again when you come back this time?"

Li Xing said with a smile: "Next, I want to break through the five-fold training of God. After the five-fold training of God, I am afraid to go out."

"Why?" The women didn't understand.

Li Xingdao: "After stepping into the fifth step of God training, I will prepare to condense the divine fetus. I have practiced 3,000 kinds of divine magic. If I condense the divine fetus, it will consume a lot of original power. But there is nothing in my body. There is not even a single **** of heaven, and there is no vein of Dan. How can you cultivate if you don't go out to find hundreds of holy relics and dozens of Dan veins? "

The women looked at each other. They condensed the fetus, and it was enough to need a few gods. He was better, and he actually devoured the holy things and consumed the entire vein.

Feeling the weird expressions of women, Li Xinggan laughed and sighed, "It's not easy to practice! After practicing the Fivefold of God, each step of the promotion will be more difficult than before!"

"Xing brother, how strong is your current strength?" Chen Shuang asked curiously, "Can you fight the mage with Qingyang in their battle?"

"I ca n’t talk about it." Li Xingdao said, "After all, the levels are too different, but I am not afraid of them. If I use the Tower of Tolerance and the Mountain of Heavyness, I can suppress them and then refine the Tower of Tolerance . "

The women were extremely happy, so that they would not worry too much about his safety. After all, who can kill such a perverted god?

After spending a few days with the women, Li Xing is ready to cultivate again. This time, he has to break through in one fell swoop, open up the yin and yang meridians, and step into the five-fold training of the gods!

In fact, long ago, Li Xing could open up the yin and yang meridians. It's just that he has been suppressing cultivation, because he has to accumulate three thousand magic skills! Now that the Three Thousand Divine Techniques have been completed, he can finally break through.

Shuiququcheng, thick accumulation of thin hair, almost instantly, yin and yang meridian appeared. This layer of deified meridians can give people a kind of enlightenment, a kind of enlightenment of the change of yin and yang.

This meridian has one pass, nine days of thunder and thunder, Li Xingli became a five-man god! Instantly, in the chaotic nebula, the words "yin" and "yang" in the ancient Xuanjing released the mysterious power and blessed the yin and yang meridians, making them extremely sensitive to yin and yang.

"Very good! Training God is fivefold, and now you can prepare for condensing the fetus!" The Great Emperor of Tianxie was extremely satisfied, nodding his head again and again.

Li Xingdao: "Master ~ www.readwn.com ~ practice all the way, so difficult, it is more difficult to condense the fetus."

"That's nature." Tianxiedao said, "The first step is to cultivate to the integration of yin and yang. This is not easy. How many qualified characters may not be able to reach it. The second step is to cultivate the Yuanshen and make the demon fierce. Zen goes one step further and contemplates the demon 'beings.' In the third step, you need to find a large number of sources and collect the red veins and sacred things. In the fourth step, the most difficult thing is to pass on your teacher's "fetal concealment method" to the shock Step Divine! However, to be on the safe side, you must look for some antiquity before you die. "

"Ancient writings?" Li Xing Yiyi said, "Is it necessary to use them?"

"In the original plan for the teacher, you did not need to collect ancient characters. However, since you have obtained the ancient scriptures, it is so wonderful. Is it a pity not to use them? You need to collect a large amount of ancient characters, and then you can cooperate Conceal the fetus and secretly consolidate the supreme mysterious fetus! "

"To find all the ancient writings?" Li Xing smiled bitterly. "It seems impossible."

"Of course not, you only need to look for ancient characters such as 'Yin and Yang', 'Heaven and Earth', 'Five Elements', '' and 'Eight Poles'. They are powerful and can greatly enhance the power of the divine fetus."

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