Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 499: Lore trap

Chapter 88: The Lore Trap

Li Xing's eyes narrowed and he said fiercely, "Okay! Then look for ancient writings!" He was preparing to continue his cultivation, and he realized the integration of yin and yang.

The person who visited was an unexpected person from Li Xing, Yousha! Bei Chenji's most trusted person, the leader of Xueyiwei.

You haven't seen it for a few years. You Sha is worthless in Li Xing's eyes. With one finger, he can pinch this person to death. However, Li Xing received him politely.

Houfu Hall, Yousha clenched fist: "Li Shenjun, I haven't seen you for a long time." In the tone, there was a slight concealment of contempt. It turned out that Li Xing condensed three thousand gods, and after practicing the Fivefold God, the momentum was very restrained, and he could not see anything special. It seemed that he was just a normal fivefold God.

At the same time, the news that Li Xing won the first place on the list of gods and people, no one knows, no one knows, Yousha is naturally clearer, and he is called "the god". However, in his heart, he disagreed with this, wondering, how did such a fivefold god-man win the first place on the list of god-man?

In places such as the Wanfa Conference, Yousha is not qualified to see, so it is inevitable to sit down and watch the heavens and look down on the world's gods and men. I thought to myself that the gods and princes in the world are just like this. Even Li Xing can take the first place. There is no fear at all.

"Yu Sha, are you asking me for something?" Li Xing asked, giving the impression that he neither valued nor despised You Sha, but treated them equally.

You Sha said: "The young master has one thing and wants to ask Li Shenjun for help." He opened the door and said directly, "I hope you don't quit, this matter is extremely important to the young master."

Li Xing looked still, and said, "Oh? I don't know what? If I can help, I won't quit."

"The master of Shaomen has a sister-in-law, deeply loved by the master of Shaomen. Some time ago, the brother-in-law of Ji's brother was killed in the South China Sea. Those who started were disciples of Gu Jianmen. A ten-strong **** sitting in the town has great strength. Therefore, although the young master has the intention to avenge the brother-in-law of Ji Ji, how can they win? "

"So young master, would you like to ask me for help?" Li Xing himself said.

"Exactly, I don't know Li Shenjun, would you like to help?" Yousha stared at him.

Li Xing said indifferently: "The young master is alive. How dare Li Xing refuse?"

Yousha felt relieved. As long as Li Xing was willing to go, everything was easy! Immediately said: "Okay! You are ready for a few days, let's set off immediately, you and I will join forces to kill Gu Jianmen without leaving a dog!"

"No need to prepare, I can go now." Li Xingdan said indifferently.

Yousha said that you want to die early, that's better, and said now: "Okay!"

As soon as Li Xinglue ordered, he and Yousha drove to the South China Sea. During the flight, Yousha deliberately asked Li Xing's strength and said, "Li Shenjun went to the Wanfa Conference. How do you think the strength of the gods in the world is better than me?"

Li Xing sneered secretly, saying that you are a fart! Not to mention me, it's the Sun God and the Dragon God. One finger can destroy you! However, he said in his mouth: "The so-called **** monarch is in fact a false name, and he has no advantage over Youyou."

Yousha snickered and asked, "It's no wonder Brother Li can win first place."

Li Xing smiled: "I'm the first one to be hydrated. At the time, there were many powerful princes who had defeated each other and made me cheap."

"That's it." Yousha nodded. "So, if I participate in the Wanfa Conference, how many opportunities do I have?"

"Not only have the opportunity, you can definitely enter the top five." Li Xing looked very serious, "It is even possible to enter the top three."

You Sha suddenly fluttered. He had never been to the Wanfa Conference, nor had he seen the powerful means of God, thinking that what Li Xing said was true.

Li Xing glanced at him and suddenly asked: "Brother You seems to be breaking through?"

You Sha "haha" smiled: "Brother Li has good eyesight, yes! After a year and a half, I can break through and become a mage!"

"Congratulations," Li Xingdan said lightly.

Yousha was a little proud, and after this conversation, he already felt that Li Xing was nothing great. Originally, the number one on the list of god-man made him extremely vigilant. But now he doesn't think so.

"Huh! Any god, but that's it! You will be able to kill the Mad Sword Master as soon as he shoots!" Yousha turned her thoughts, and the speed of the flight suddenly accelerated.

At the same time, Tianxingmen, Beichenji's residence.

Bei Chenji held his hand in the temple and frowned. After Yusha led his way away, he has been standing here, standing still for a long time. Since Li Xing won the top spot on the list of gods three years ago, he has been restless.

What does the monarch stand for? Delegates are very likely to become mages! Tianxingmen was actually created, and only three ancestors had the practice of a master. If Li Xing became a master, and if he was his father's son, wouldn't it be the most suitable heir?

What about his biological son?

He is very self-aware, and in this life, I am afraid that it is impossible to cultivate to the level of the mage. Therefore, the rise of Li Xing made him extremely comfortable. Envy, jealousy, hatred, jealousy, all kinds of ideas, circling in his mind every night and night, made him restless.

So, he immediately made a decision to get rid of Li Xing. However, at that time Li Xingyuan was walking in the snow and ice wasteland, and he could not start. But a few days ago, the news of Li Xing's return came, and Bei Chenji immediately ordered Yousha to start.

Three years ago, Yousha was ready to contact the Sword Master in secret to design and kill Li Xing!

The mad sword mage, repeatedly hitting Li Xing's idea of ​​land was destroyed by Li Xing. In addition, many disciples of Mad Swordmen were killed in the meantime. Just because of his face, the mad sword mage has never shot. Mage, will not easily start with God, just like adults will not hit children easily, otherwise it will make people laugh.

However, after the Wanfa Conference and Li Xing's strong rise, the Mad Sword Master immediately turned to murder. Speaking of which, Li Xing and Kuang Jianmen have many enmities. If you let him grow up, is it okay? Will definitely go to revenge and become the enemy of the mad sword gate!

Acting as a mage, he has all foresight and will clear all obstacles in the future in advance. The Mad Sword Master is no exception. When he expected that Li Xing would become a threat, he would immediately kill.

Coincidentally, as soon as he murdered, Yousha appeared at this moment, and actually said that he was willing to lead Li Xing out actively, and then joined forces with the mad sword gate to siege.

The mad sword mage naturally promised to come down, and he had no reason to refuse such a cheap thing to deliver. And after killing Li Xing, Bei Chenji and others will also help cover up the matter. Tianxingmen will never calculate the account on the head of the mad sword gate, Li Xing is dead in vain!

As soon as he heard the news of Li Xing's return, Yousha secretly co-operated with the Mad Sword Master, laid down the Tian Luo Di Net, and waited for Li Xing to go and immediately siege.

From the perspective of Yousha, the Mad Sword Master is a practice cultivated by Fa Tian triple training, and his strength is still above the three Masters of Tian Xing Men.

They said that the two flew south and entered the vast South China Sea. Flying over the sea, Li Xing asked, "I don't know where the ancient sword gate is? Why have I never heard of it?"

Yousha looked freely and said, "Ancient Jianmen is not a martial art in the South China Sea, naturally Brother Li has never heard of it. However, there are several powerful characters in this martial art. Only you and I can join forces. I can handle it. "

Li Xing thought to himself: "This is a weird thing! This Yousha, who is in charge of the Celestial Guard, is also a relative of Beichenji. The ten gods who can use it are grabbed, why should you call me? In addition, Beichenji I do n’t have much contact with me, how can I suddenly think of me? ”

He was cautious all his life in doubt, and cast an ancient divine secret in secret, which did not attract the evil spirit's attention.

After flying for a while, an island appeared in front of it, with a radius of hundreds of miles, and some buildings on it. You Sha immediately said: "Brother Li, Gu Jianmen is here!"

Li Xing nodded: "Okay, let's do it together." He and Yousha flew over the island.

Suddenly, Yousha "haha" laughed and flew away afar, staring coldly at Li Xing, like looking at a dead man.

With a look of confusion, Li Xing asked, "Why did You Brother laugh?"

"I laugh at you, and die until I know it!" You Sha said secretly, "You, the number one on the list of gods and men, will soon fall, it is really exciting!"

Li Xing said, "Oh," he said, "Isn't Youyou going to kill me?"

"I'm not the only one who wants to kill you." Yousha hurled her fists to the sky, "Senior Madam, please show up!"

In the air, a mage figure appeared, and the horrifying mana was suppressed, and Li Xing was firmly locked.

Li Xing's look changed dramatically, and he said, "Mad sword Master! What are you going to do?"

"What?" Mad Sword Master sneered. "Of course you kill you. You kill my Mad Sword Master disciple. As a leader, can I not report it?"

Li Xing said scornfully: "Mad sword ~ ​​www.readwn.com ~ You are a mage, and you are shameless to this point! If you want to conquer the land of heaven, and help Ping Jianghou invade his land, I will not embarrass your gatekeeper. ? "

The mad sword mage did not change his face, and said coldly, "I said black and black, and I said white and white. Li Xing, no need to say more. If you obey and die, the mage will give you a good deal. Tortured to death!

"Haha" laughed wildly, and he ignored his words, turning his eyes to Yousha: "Why did you kill me? Is it Beichenji?"

"You are very smart." Yousha shrugged. "It doesn't matter to tell you, anyway, you are already a dead person. Your appearance makes the young master feel uneasy. You are too dazzling and too important for the old master."

"So he's worried, I'll fight for the position of doorkeeper with him?" Li Xing laughed again. "Bechen Chenji looked at it, he would think so! It's ridiculous!"

"Isn't it?" Yousha frowned. "You worship the old lord as your righteous father, of course to steal the lord's throne!"

Li Xing arrogantly said, "Hugh said that a star gate is the teaching of Wanfamen and Taixumen. I don't take it into account!"

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