Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 500: Heavenly operator.

Chapter 89: Heavenly Man. The Cow Supports

"You can't save you by talking wildly!" You sneered, "because you will die today!"

"Really?" Li Xing's eyes became empty, saying one word at a time, "Yousha! Mad sword! The mountains don't change, I write down this account!"

After speaking, Yousha was surprised to find that Li Xing's body gradually blurred and eventually dissipated. The mad sword mage was startled, angrily: "Hateful! He actually performed the avatar technique! Yousha, how did you idiot reveal the magic? Bring a avatar?"

Yousha froze and ate: "The junior ... the junior didn't know ..." Then, his face became ugly. After today, Li Xing will definitely not let him go!

At this moment, Li Xing's true body flew to the north, his face was full of murder.

"Bei Chenji! You dare to strike me, very good! I just took the opportunity to remove you!" He said fiercely.

Previously, he secretly performed the "split" in ancient divine magic, and only took one split with Yousha to the ancient sword gate. And his true body, wait and see, see if there is any conspiracy in Yousha.

The ancient divine magic is indeed wonderful. Although it is an avatar, the momentum, cultivation, and appearance are exactly the same, and Yousha cannot be found at all. And that avatar was just a ray of divine thought condensed, and after dissipated, there was no loss.

Bei Chenji and the Mad Sword Master moved to kill, which immediately made Li Xing feel bad. He is a man with a job and a career. Since the Mad Sword Master has the intention to kill him, he will use whatever means to affect others.

"If you want to find a way to protect yourself!" He trembled. "My current strength is still beyond Fatian's triple sword. I need to think of a proper strategy."

During the flight, a magic light appeared suddenly in front of him, and a mage stood with a smile. This mage, with a thin face and an ancient appearance, wore a blue robe, and pinched a mysterious method with both hands, and seemed to be in control of the magic.

Li Xing was taken aback. Is this also arranged by the mad sword?

"Little friend, why are you so panicked?" The mage asked with a smile.

Li Xing looked at each other and hugged his fist: "Seniors block the road, what advice?"

"Oh, old rotten is called the heavenly operator, only occasionally here." Master said, "Have you never heard of old rotten name?"

Li Xing was even more surprised this time, heavenly man, Fa Tian Jiuzhong horror! It is rumored that this person is good at arithmetic, has the best ability in calculation, and even the most powerful person in the world is far behind him.

Why should such a big man stop himself?

When the operator saw Li Xing's face slightly changed, he smiled and said, "Don't worry, I'm not a crazy sword and I won't kill you."

Li Xing smiled bitterly. If the heavenly man really wanted to kill him, he would not even have the chance to resist. Naturally, there is no need to talk nonsense here.

"You must be wondering why I am looking for you." Heavenly Operator said in a hurry. "For the first time, I counted the birth of Heavenly Man, and let the scarred ancestor go to open it, but you were yellowed. Second. Secondly, I counted where the ice mage was sitting and let the ancestors of the Snow Mountain go, and you are still disturbed. This second time is not much, but you can actually open Zhou Tianyi, which makes me strange. "

Li Xing blinked: "Why are seniors strange?"

"That week, Tianyi was collected and built by me. But after it was built, I could n’t use it. Is it possible that humans can intervene in Tiandi mystery? So, this week, Tianyi can only run by itself and cannot be controlled by people. Said the heavenly man. "But you can control it."

Li Xinggan laughed, and now he doesn't know what the heavenly man is thinking, so he doesn't answer.

"The above things caught my attention, so I repeatedly projected your destiny. But to my surprise, your destiny was so vague that I couldn't even predict it." The heavenly man was surprised, "If this kind of thing It happened to a person of Fatian's seriousness, but it's nothing. But you, it's just that we only practice the fivefold of God, which makes me wonder. "

With a move in Li Xing's heart, he couldn't figure out his own destiny. Is it because of the relationship? However, he wouldn't say anything about it, just a confused expression, pretending to be a fool.

With this in mind, the operator said with a smile: "So, I'm very curious about you and intend to accept you as an apprentice, so as to find out, would you be willing?"

Li Xing was relieved, and he coughed, saying: "The seniors loved the younger, and the younger were terrified. However, many great factions such as Wan Famen, and many top masters of Fatian want to accept the younger as a disciple." He did not continue. Go on, but the meaning is very clear, he can find a stronger worshiper, not necessarily worship him.

The heavenly man is not angry, saying: "You have a lot of secrets. No matter if you worship the Wan Fa Men or if it is too empty, it will arouse the curiosity of others and be very detrimental to you. On the contrary, if you worship under my door, I will I won't ask you anything. "

Li Xing is still pondering the pros and cons. The Emperor Tianxie has already said: "Promise him, this person is good, worship him as a teacher, but temporarily shelter him. With this person, the mad sword master dares not act lightly."

Li Xing also understands that his practice is now advancing by leaps and bounds, and it takes time. Once he grows up, the mad sword mage is a **** to him, dismissive.

Now that Tian Xie agrees, he has no worries, saying: "The junior can worship the senior as a teacher, but there are a few things to ask the senior to help."

The sky operator said: "But it doesn't matter."

"The Qi Yun faction established by the disciples has a shallow foundation, and I hope the Master can sit in it." Li Xingdao, "I wonder if the seniors agreed?"

What he is most worried about is that some people are not good at Yunpai and cannot go out with peace of mind. This problem must be solved first.

The heavenly man sighed, "The place where you practice for the teacher is the mountains and the sea, the ancient forest and the sea, and you can't get used to small places."

Li Xing laughed: "What if we let our predecessors live in the Eight-pole Tower?"

The sky operator opened his eyes: "Octopus tower? Do you have an eight pole tower?"

"Yes, the octopus tower is in the hands of the juniors. At that time, you can send Qi Yun to all of them and move them into the town. Then the ancestors sit down. The elegant environment of the octopus tower is suitable for the seniors to practice.

The heavenly man laughed and said, "Wonderful! I am taking the opportunity to understand the Eight-pole Way. OK, I will!"

Li Xing was overjoyed. Although he had an eight pole tower before, he dared not take it out. Because this eight-pole tower is good, he does not have the strength to possess it. Once exposed, he may be robbed by the strong.

If a ninth-level mage such as the heavenly man sits in town, he will not be afraid to commit a strong enemy.

"The second one," Li Xing continued. "Seniors must not restrict the freedom of juniors in the future."

"This is natural." The heavenly man said, "You do what you do, I only practice in the eight pole tower. However, if you need to do something, don't quit.

Li Xingyi stayed: "What do seniors want me to do?"

The operator said with a smile: "I didn't say it, I want to know how you use Zhou Tianyi."

Li Xing was silent. In this way, Zhenwu Tianzhen will be presented to the other party. But after thinking about it, this person is so powerful, if you really want to know something, you don't have to be so troublesome, just capture him directly.

Since he believed him, he believed him to the end, so after a while, he said, "Okay, the younger generation must cooperate."

The day operator smiled: "It's the best. Do you have other requirements?"

"Not yet." Li Xing said.

"None, why don't you worship the teacher." Sky Operator asked with a smile.

Li Xinggan laughed, and bowed down in the air: "Disciple Li Xing, see Master!"

"Get up." The heavenly man smiled, his wrinkles spread out, and he seemed to have picked up the treasure. "Let's think for a teacher. Now that you are practicing the Fivefold of God, you can already control the level of God and man. Can you be a teacher in the future? After the calamity, it all fell on you. "

Li Xingyi: "What does Master say?"

The heavenly man said: "I have been good at arithmetic for my whole life. I felt a few days ago that after 25 years, there will be a calamity. This calamity is inevitable and only one person can rescue it."

"Is it me?" Li Xing narrowed his eyes.

"It's you." The heavenly man stared at Li Xing and smiled happily. "My calamity is called" No Life and Calamity ", there is no death or life. If you want to break this calamity, only those who are against the sky will Supreme power, intend to save the world. "

Li Xing grinned: "Master respects his disciples too high."

"Is it high-profile?" The heavenly man patted Li Xing's head affectionately as he patted his son. "You are like a demon-like existence, and then you practice the fivefold of the gods, and your strength is so unpredictable. Waiting for you What a horror of strength to become a mage? I really look forward to being a mage! "

Between the two of them, rolling mana came from behind, but the magical idea of ​​the mad sword mage came over. The Mad Sword Master was not willing to run away from Li Xing, so the law idea was wide open, and he pursued with all his strength, not wanting to hit the sky operator.

As soon as the Dharma came over, the sky operator stretched his finger a little, and there was a stickiness, and the mad sword mage was thousands of miles away and was pulled over at once.

The mad sword is a triple of Fa Tian, ​​and it can be regarded as a heroic figure, but when he encounters the sky operator, he becomes the grandson of the turtle, and the atmosphere does not dare to speak out. Got a senior, guilty, guilty! "

The eyelids rolled over and scolded: "Put your mother's fart! Did you run into the old rot? Instead, you run into the old rotten disciple!"

The mad sword was scolded, and he couldn't help looking at Li Xing. Could it be that he is an apprentice to the heavenly operator?

The day operator said to Li Xing: "Apprentice ~ www.readwn.com ~ Is this **** trying to kill me?"

"Yes," Li Xing hurriedly said. "If it wasn't for my apprenticeship, I was already harmed by this jerk."

"Bold!" Tian arithmetic frowned, "Mad sword, your turtle son is impatient to live? The idea of ​​an old disciple?"

The Mad Sword Master is stupid. The word "Mad Sword" in his method name is because of his arrogant character. But no matter how arrogant, it's not stupid, knowing what kind of people can't mess with, such as heavenly operators.

So even if the heavenly man scolded his mother, he bowed his head and didn't dare to talk back, but instead apologized and smiled bitterly: "Senior, misunderstanding, everything is misunderstanding. This little friend has a bright future, how dare he kill him?"

"Since it's a misunderstanding, let's forget it." Tian's operator's face sullen and converged. "But you scared my apprentice, didn't you say,"

The mad sword mage secretly scolded his mother and said to you, this old ghost, wasn't this a deliberate extortion? But be reconciled, this blood has to be let go. Otherwise, if it irritates each other, it is not just bloodletting, but death!

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