Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 501: Gu Ruo Jin Tang

Chapter 90: Gu Ruo Jin Tang

"How to express it, I still want seniors to give pointers." The Mad Sword Master is still unwilling, hoping that the heavenly operator will simply ask for a magic weapon, and will not hit his baby's ideas.

However, things did not go as expected, the day operator said, "There is nothing good about measuring you, just give my apprentice a few days to play that guts."

The mad sword mage's face changed greatly, and he was busy: "Senior, that punishment is very important ..."

"Huh?" Waiting for him to finish, the anger broke out in the eyes of the operator, "So, aren't you happy?"

The mad sword mage swallowed, and smiled bitterly: "Yes, how dare you ... not dare to."

"Take it out if you want to, and don't want mother-in-law." The day operator is already impatient.

In desperation, the mad sword mage had to take out a blue light group. Among this light group, a great fearless force fighting against heaven and against the earth was released. It is the power of punishment!

Li Xing smiled "Hey" and stepped forward to take the guts of Xing Tian, ​​and put them away politely. The two looked at each other closely, the mad sword mage looked strange, Li Xing seemed to smile.

"Come on!" With a wave of the sky operator, the Mad Sword Master, like a pardon, turned into a ray of light, and went away instantly.

Li Xing looked at the direction where the other party disappeared, his eyes flashed coldly: "Master, why don't you get rid of him?"

"Leave it to you," the heavenly man said lightly. "Besides, the teacher has always been less aggressive."

Li Xing nodded: "Within ten years, I will be able to slay the mad sword, and that's fine."

With that said, he jumped on Fa Yun released by the sky operator, and the two flew to Qi Yun. On the way, Li Xing asked: "Master, what is the magical use of the guts of punishment? The sword punishment practice the magic of punishment, is it also related to this?"

"Xing Tian is an ancient **** with unparalleled ambition and infinite power. He fought against the Emperor of Heaven, and after being defeated, he was beheaded and suppressed in Changyang Mountain. It is said that when Xing Tian was beheaded, one thousand and eight drops of blood flowed out, each drop The blood, all turned into an unyielding will, has flown to the world. "

"The guts of Xingtian in your hands are changed from a drop of Xingtian's blood. The mad sword has obtained a set of Xingtian magical powers, although it is not created by Xingtian, but it is also somewhat related. That magic power is extremely difficult to cultivate. The heavenly man seems to know everything, and marries.

In the sky of Bai Yangjing, Tian Xie suddenly said: "Li Xing, the blood of punishing the heavens is the supreme treasure of God training, and it can help you cultivate the fierce Zen of Heaven."

Li Xing was happy in his heart, and said that he would collect more blood of Xing Tian in the future, and cultivate the demon Zen that day to the highest level!

Qi Yun sent over the sky, suddenly a large piece of Faguang, brilliant, the people were shocked to step out. Li Xing showed himself from the law, and exclaimed: "All Qi Yun disciples, come and meet the ancestors!"

Patriarch? Where did the ancestors come from? The disciples were all stunned. However, when they saw the unpredictable cultivation of the heavenly man, they didn't want anything, and obediently stepped forward to see him.

You Yuxu and others were shocked. At a glance, the sky operator was a ruthless and ruthless man, and all came forward. See also.

Li Xingdao: "I have worshiped the predecessor of heaven as a teacher, and asked his elderly people to sit in the Qiyun pie." He released the eight-pole tower, and the tower rose when the wind rose. , The base covers a giant tower of hundreds of miles.

The eight-pole tower emits eight strange lights, suppresses everything, and has unparalleled power.

The heavenly man laughed and said, "The old man with eight poles is indeed a famous figure. This eight pole tower is really awesome!"

"Master is also asked to take the shot and move Qi Yunpai into it." Li Xingdao, "The Eight-pole Tower will be run by Master in the future."

The sky operator nodded slightly, waving his sleeves, the entire Qiyun pie, with a range of three hundred miles, flew up. This is exactly how the mage moved the mountain, and Li Xing is far from doing it.

Eight pole tower, Guanghua flashed, Qi Yunpai was wrapped in it, and landed on the first floor of the wind cave sky. In this cave day, the aura is much more abundant than outside, which is more suitable for Qi Yun to send his disciples to practice.

The wind cave day has been controlled by Li Xing. With the help of wind power, he can evolve various scenes in the wind cave day with a little operation. He can even use the power of wind to help his disciples to shape and harden.

You Yuxu was overjoyed, he walked around the cave and laughed: "Okay! With this eight pole tower, my Qi Yunpai will be as solid as gold soup! Forever!"

The martial arts migration is not a day or two thing. For seven or eight days, Li Xing was busy moving the same thing into the tower, and at the same time let the people get used to the rules and teach the method of entering and leaving the eight pole tower.

Li Xing divided the people of the Qi Yun faction into three parts. Ordinary disciples who live in the blood training period live in the cave of the wind, and improve their qualifications through sky wind refining; disciples who live in the training period live in the cave of thunder, and further improve through the training of the thunder; Residing in the cave of the mountain, guarding the eight pole tower.

The sky operator, who also lives in the mountain cave sky, has opened up a secret place by himself and cultivates in it.

The eight-pole tower was born, and thousands of miles away, people can see a towering tower, emitting thousands of light, floating in the air, boundless. With the eight-pole tower and the sky operator guarding in the tower, even the peerless can not easily capture Qi Yunpai.

After handling the matter at hand, Li Xing said goodbye to the sky operator and headed to the Star Gate. In fact, with his strength and prestige now, he can already go out independently, without having to breathe in the sky.

However, the evergreen Beichen has always treated him not weak. Li Xing is a man, with clear grudges and grudges, and does not want to make Beichen evergreen, so he has to take a trip in person. This time, he must not only explain the Qi Yun faction, but also remove Bei Chenji.

At the Tianxing Gate, Beichenji kneeled in front of Beichen Changqing, crying and crying: "Father, the child was confused for a while, and actually started to Li Xing! Now, when Li Xing comes back, he must find trouble with the child, and my father can save me!"

This Beichenji, well-informed, Li Xing worshiped the heavenly operator as a teacher, and it came into his ears. Who is the sky operator? With the Yuanyuan and Fatian's nine peerless powerhouses, Li Xing could easily kill himself with this big backer.

Beichen Ji panicked, thinking about it, decided to plead with Beichen Changqing, hoping he could persuade Li Xing.

Beichen Changqing's face was gloomy, and she said hatefully, "How did I give birth to you as a stupid person! You want to kill Li Xing, what reason do you have to kill him? Do you think he will compete with you for the position of the star gate master?"

Bei Chenji shut his mouth, he did think so before. But now it seems that a star gate seems to Li nothing at all.

"Well! Although Li Xing is my righteous son, I have to respect him by three points, do you know why?" Beichen Changqing said to himself, "His achievements are limitless! God No. 1 on the list of people, do you know what it means? Tian Yuanzhou, thousands of kingdoms, countless gods and men, only he is the strongest! And he is the quadruple of God! "

Beichen Changqing is teaching his son, and the palace person came to report: "Master, the elder Li Xing is asking for a meeting."

Beichen Changqing sighed, and said, "How he will deal with you in the future, it is not easy for the father to stop him. I hope he sees in my face and takes it lightly." Then he said, "Pass."

As soon as Li Xing hit the white robe, his gait was flamboyant, his expression was chic, and he floated down, deeply saluting: "Baby, see the righteous father!" He did not even look at Bei Chenji.

Beichen Changqing smiled: "You are back!"

Li Xing nodded and said, "Father, half a month ago, I have worshiped the heavenly operator as a teacher and rebuilt the Qiyun School with the eight pole tower as the foundation."

Before he finishes, Beichen Changqing said: "The predecessor of the heavenly man has boundless power, and it is your creation to get his favor. As for the Qiyun faction, it has been managed by you, and of course, you can act independently. How much relationship. "

This sentence meant that he would not question Qi Yunpai's affairs, which was exactly what Li Xing wanted.

"Yes." Li Xing nodded, then looked at Bei Chenji, and suddenly said something that would make Bei Chen Changqing and Bei Chen Ji's faces change dramatically.

"Does the right father remember Beichen Luo?"

This remark was like a thunderbolt that exploded in Beichenji's head. How could he mention Beichen Luo?

Beichen Changqing was silent for a long time: "How can you talk about falling children?"

With a sigh, Li Xing said that he had encountered Beichen Luo in Pingguo, and all kinds of things, and then said, "Beijing Luo, I will never stare. I promised him that he would vindicate Zhaoxue for him. However, it still depends The opinion of the righteous father. "

Beichen Changqing had a sore face. He slowly turned his head and looked at Beichenji: "Jill, is this really serious?"

"Nonsense! This is his intentional frame!" Roared Beichenji, "How can my father believe him?"

"Li Xing will not lie." Beichen Changqing sighed. "I knew what was wrong at the beginning. He always disciplined himself, so how could he start working with my Jiyi? But at that time, there were many discussions in the Manchu dynasty, and he again I had to flee and I had to temporarily issue a hunting order. "

"Stupefied! Why doesn't he know my painstaking efforts? I ordered someone to hunt him down ~ www.readwn.com ~ Just to ask, how could he really kill him? What is a Jiyi? Can it be the relationship between father and son? "At this point, Beichen's elder tears crisscrossed and became older.

Li Xing sighed, and said, "The righteous father, Bei Chenji has the intention to calculate and has no intention. Bei Chenji has a plan, thinking that you will not forgive him any longer, so you will shoot and go into exile."

Beichen Changqing suddenly looked cold, and exclaimed, "Come!"

Four ten-strong gods in garb appeared in the hall waiting for orders.

Bei Chenji shouted, "Father, what are you going to do? Do you want to catch me?"

"If you do something wrong, you have to pay the price." Beichen Changqing sighed, then waved his hand, and the four gods stepped forward and dragged Beichenji down. Beichenji yelled and cursed all the way, and Beichen Changqing remained indifferent.

For a long time, Beichen never said. Li Xing held up a jade box with both hands and said, "The righteous father should not be sad. Then Beichenji, shut him down for a while, and sharpen his heart. There are twelve gods. , The righteous father served in turn, and cultivation should break through. "

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